import os.path from foolscap import Tub, Referenceable from twisted.application import service from twisted.python import log from allmydata.util.iputil import get_local_ip_for from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.base import BlockingResolver reactor.installResolver(BlockingResolver()) class Storage(service.MultiService, Referenceable): name = "storage" pass class Client(service.MultiService, Referenceable): CERTFILE = "client.pem" def __init__(self, queen_pburl): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.queen_pburl = queen_pburl if os.path.exists(self.CERTFILE): self.tub = Tub(certData=open(self.CERTFILE, "rb").read()) else: self.tub = Tub() f = open(self.CERTFILE, "wb") f.write(self.tub.getCertData()) f.close() self.nodeid = self.tub.tubID self.tub.setServiceParent(self) self.queen = None # self.queen is either None or a RemoteReference self.all_peers = set() self.connections = {} s = Storage() s.setServiceParent(self) AUTHKEYSFILEBASE = "authorized_keys." for f in os.listdir("."): if f.startswith(AUTHKEYSFILEBASE): portnum = int(f[len(AUTHKEYSFILEBASE):]) from allmydata import manhole m = manhole.AuthorizedKeysManhole(portnum, f) m.setServiceParent(self) log.msg("AuthorizedKeysManhole listening on %d" % portnum) def _setup_tub(self, local_ip): portnum = 0 l = self.tub.listenOn("tcp:%d" % portnum) self.tub.setLocation("%s:%d" % (local_ip, l.getPortnum())) self.my_pburl = self.tub.registerReference(self) def startService(self): # note: this class can only be started and stopped once. service.MultiService.startService(self) d = get_local_ip_for() d.addCallback(self._setup_tub) if self.queen_pburl: # TODO: maybe this should wait for tub.setLocation ? self.connector = self.tub.connectTo(self.queen_pburl, self._got_queen) else: log.msg("no queen_pburl, cannot connect") def stopService(self): if self.queen_pburl: self.connector.stopConnecting() service.MultiService.stopService(self) def _got_queen(self, queen): log.msg("connected to queen") self.queen = queen queen.notifyOnDisconnect(self._lost_queen) queen.callRemote("hello", nodeid=self.nodeid, node=self, pburl=self.my_pburl) def _lost_queen(self): log.msg("lost connection to queen") self.queen = None def remote_get_service(self, name): return self.getServiceNamed(name) def remote_add_peers(self, new_peers): for nodeid, pburl in new_peers: if nodeid == self.nodeid: continue log.msg("adding peer %s" % nodeid) if nodeid in self.all_peers: log.msg("weird, I already had an entry for them") self.all_peers.add(nodeid) if nodeid not in self.connections: d = self.tub.getReference(pburl) def _got_reference(ref): log.msg("connected to %s" % nodeid) if nodeid in self.all_peers: self.connections[nodeid] = ref d.addCallback(_got_reference) def remote_lost_peers(self, lost_peers): for nodeid in lost_peers: log.msg("lost peer %s" % nodeid) if nodeid in self.all_peers: self.all_peers.remove(nodeid) else: log.msg("weird, I didn't have an entry for them") if nodeid in self.connections: del self.connections[nodeid] def get_remote_service(self, nodeid, servicename): if nodeid not in self.connections: raise IndexError("no connection to that peer") d = self.connections[nodeid].callRemote("get_service", name=servicename) return d