from twisted.application import service, internet from twisted.web import static, resource, server from twisted.python import util, log from nevow import inevow, rend, loaders, appserver, url, tags as T from allmydata.util import idlib from import IDownloadTarget#, IDownloader from allmydata import upload from zope.interface import implements import urllib from formless import annotate, webform def getxmlfile(name): return loaders.xmlfile(util.sibpath(__file__, "web/%s" % name)) class WebishServer(service.MultiService): name = "webish" WEBPORTFILE = "webport" def __init__(self, webport): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.root = root = static.Data("root", "text/plain") w = Welcome() root.putChild("", w) root.putChild("vdrive", static.Data("sorry, still initializing", "text/plain")) = site = appserver.NevowSite(root) internet.TCPServer(webport, site).setServiceParent(self) def set_root_dirnode(self, dirnode): self.root.putChild("vdrive", Directory(dirnode, "/", self.parent)) #print "REMEMBERING",, dl, IDownloader, IDownloader) class Welcome(rend.Page): addSlash = True docFactory = getxmlfile("welcome.xhtml") class IUpload(annotate.TypedInterface): def upload(contents=annotate.FileUpload(label="Choose a file to upload: ", required=True, requiredFailMessage="Do iT!"), ctx=annotate.Context(), ): #"""Upload a file""" pass upload = annotate.autocallable(upload, action="Upload file") class Directory(rend.Page): addSlash = True docFactory = getxmlfile("directory.xhtml") def __init__(self, dirnode, dirname, client): self._dirnode = dirnode self._dirname = dirname self._client = client def childFactory(self, ctx, name): if name.startswith("freeform"): # ick return None if name == "_download": args = inevow.IRequest(ctx).args filename = args["filename"][0] verifierid = args["verifierid"][0] return Downloader(self._client.getServiceNamed("downloader"), self._dirname, filename, idlib.a2b(verifierid)) if self._dirname == "/": dirname = "/" + name else: dirname = self._dirname + "/" + name d = self._dirnode.callRemote("get", name) d.addCallback(lambda newnode: Directory(newnode, dirname, self._client)) return d def render_title(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag["Directory of '%s':" % self._dirname] def render_header(self, ctx, data): return "Directory of '%s':" % self._dirname def data_children(self, ctx, data): d = self._dirnode.callRemote("list") return d def render_row(self, ctx, data): name, target = data if isinstance(target, str): # file args = {'verifierid': idlib.b2a(target), 'filename': name, } dlurl = "_download?%s" % urllib.urlencode(args) ctx.fillSlots("filename", T.a(href=dlurl)[name]) ctx.fillSlots("type", "FILE") ctx.fillSlots("fileid", idlib.b2a(target)) else: # directory ctx.fillSlots("filename", T.a(href=name)[name]) ctx.fillSlots("type", "DIR") ctx.fillSlots("fileid", "-") return ctx.tag # this tells formless about what functions can be invoked, giving it # enough information to construct form contents implements(IUpload) child_webform_css = webform.defaultCSS def render_forms(self, ctx, data): return webform.renderForms() def upload(self, contents, ctx): # contents is a cgi.FieldStorage instance log.msg("starting webish upload") uploader = self._client.getServiceNamed("uploader") d = uploader.upload(upload.Data(contents.value)) name = contents.filename d.addCallback(lambda vid: self._dirnode.callRemote("add_file", name, vid)) def _done(res): log.msg("webish upload complete") return res d.addCallback(_done) return d return"results", "upload of '%s' complete!" % contents.filename) class WebDownloadTarget: implements(IDownloadTarget) def __init__(self, req): self._req = req def open(self): pass def write(self, data): self._req.write(data) def close(self): self._req.finish() def fail(self): self._req.finish() def register_canceller(self, cb): pass def finish(self): pass class TypedFile(static.File): # serve data from a named file, but using a Content-Type derived from a # different filename isLeaf = True def __init__(self, path, requested_filename): static.File.__init__(self, path) gte = static.getTypeAndEncoding self.type, self.encoding = gte(requested_filename, self.contentTypes, self.contentEncodings, self.defaultType) class Downloader(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, downloader, dirname, name, verifierid): self._downloader = downloader self._dirname = dirname self._name = name self._verifierid = verifierid def render(self, ctx): req = inevow.IRequest(ctx) gte = static.getTypeAndEncoding type, encoding = gte(self._name, static.File.contentTypes, static.File.contentEncodings, defaultType="text/plain") req.setHeader("content-type", type) if encoding: req.setHeader('content-encoding', encoding) t = WebDownloadTarget(req) #dl = IDownloader(ctx) dl = self._downloader, t) return server.NOT_DONE_YET