import sys import time import json from os import mkdir, environ from os.path import exists, join from six.moves import StringIO from functools import partial from twisted.python.filepath import ( FilePath, ) from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, succeed from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol from twisted.internet.error import ProcessExitedAlready, ProcessDone import requests from allmydata.util.configutil import ( get_config, set_config, write_config, ) from allmydata import client import pytest_twisted class _ProcessExitedProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper that .callback()s on self.done when the process exits (for any reason). """ def __init__(self): self.done = Deferred() def processEnded(self, reason): self.done.callback(None) class _CollectOutputProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. Collects all output (stdout + stderr) into self.output, and callback's on done with all of it after the process exits (for any reason). """ def __init__(self): self.done = Deferred() self.output = StringIO() def processEnded(self, reason): if not self.done.called: self.done.callback(self.output.getvalue()) def processExited(self, reason): if not isinstance(reason.value, ProcessDone): self.done.errback(reason) def outReceived(self, data): self.output.write(data) def errReceived(self, data): print("ERR: {}".format(data)) self.output.write(data) class _DumpOutputProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. """ def __init__(self, f): self.done = Deferred() self._out = f if f is not None else sys.stdout def processEnded(self, reason): if not self.done.called: self.done.callback(None) def processExited(self, reason): if not isinstance(reason.value, ProcessDone): self.done.errback(reason) def outReceived(self, data): self._out.write(data) def errReceived(self, data): self._out.write(data) class _MagicTextProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. Monitors all stdout looking for a magic string, and then .callback()s on self.done and .errback's if the process exits """ def __init__(self, magic_text): self.magic_seen = Deferred() self.exited = Deferred() self._magic_text = magic_text self._output = StringIO() def processEnded(self, reason): self.exited.callback(None) def outReceived(self, data): sys.stdout.write(data) self._output.write(data) if not self.magic_seen.called and self._magic_text in self._output.getvalue(): print("Saw '{}' in the logs".format(self._magic_text)) self.magic_seen.callback(self) def errReceived(self, data): sys.stdout.write(data) def _cleanup_tahoe_process(tahoe_transport, exited): """ Terminate the given process with a kill signal (SIGKILL on POSIX, TerminateProcess on Windows). :param tahoe_transport: The `IProcessTransport` representing the process. :param exited: A `Deferred` which fires when the process has exited. :return: After the process has exited. """ try: print("signaling {} with TERM".format( tahoe_transport.signalProcess('TERM') print("signaled, blocking on exit") pytest_twisted.blockon(exited) print("exited, goodbye") except ProcessExitedAlready: pass def _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage(proto, reactor, request, other_args): """ Internal helper. Calls spawnProcess with `-m allmydata.scripts.runner` and `other_args`, optionally inserting a `--coverage` option if the `request` indicates we should. """ if request.config.getoption('coverage'): args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'coverage', 'run', '-m', 'allmydata.scripts.runner', '--coverage'] else: args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'allmydata.scripts.runner'] args += other_args return reactor.spawnProcess( proto, sys.executable, args, env=environ, ) class TahoeProcess(object): """ A running Tahoe process, with associated information. """ def __init__(self, process_transport, node_dir): self._process_transport = process_transport # IProcessTransport instance self._node_dir = node_dir # path @property def transport(self): return self._process_transport @property def node_dir(self): return self._node_dir def get_config(self): return client.read_config( self._node_dir, u"portnum", ) def __str__(self): return "".format(self._node_dir) def _run_node(reactor, node_dir, request, magic_text): """ Run a tahoe process from its node_dir. :returns: a TahoeProcess for this node """ if magic_text is None: magic_text = "client running" protocol = _MagicTextProtocol(magic_text) # on windows, "tahoe start" means: run forever in the foreground, # but on linux it means daemonize. "tahoe run" is consistent # between platforms. transport = _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( protocol, reactor, request, [ '--eliot-destination', 'file:{}/logs/eliot.json'.format(node_dir), 'run', node_dir, ], ) transport.exited = protocol.exited request.addfinalizer(partial(_cleanup_tahoe_process, transport, protocol.exited)) # XXX abusing the Deferred; should use .when_magic_seen() pattern def got_proto(proto): transport._protocol = proto return TahoeProcess( transport, node_dir, ) protocol.magic_seen.addCallback(got_proto) return protocol.magic_seen def _create_node(reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, name, web_port, storage=True, magic_text=None, needed=2, happy=3, total=4): """ Helper to create a single node, run it and return the instance spawnProcess returned (ITransport) """ node_dir = join(temp_dir, name) if web_port is None: web_port = '' if exists(node_dir): created_d = succeed(None) else: print("creating", node_dir) mkdir(node_dir) done_proto = _ProcessExitedProtocol() args = [ 'create-node', '--nickname', name, '--introducer', introducer_furl, '--hostname', 'localhost', '--listen', 'tcp', '--webport', web_port, '--shares-needed', unicode(needed), '--shares-happy', unicode(happy), '--shares-total', unicode(total), '--helper', ] if not storage: args.append('--no-storage') args.append(node_dir) _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage(done_proto, reactor, request, args) created_d = done_proto.done def created(_): config_path = join(node_dir, 'tahoe.cfg') config = get_config(config_path) set_config(config, 'node', 'log_gatherer.furl', flog_gatherer) write_config(FilePath(config_path), config) created_d.addCallback(created) d = Deferred() d.callback(None) d.addCallback(lambda _: created_d) d.addCallback(lambda _: _run_node(reactor, node_dir, request, magic_text)) return d class UnwantedFilesException(Exception): """ While waiting for some files to appear, some undesired files appeared instead (or in addition). """ def __init__(self, waiting, unwanted): super(UnwantedFilesException, self).__init__( u"While waiting for '{}', unwanted files appeared: {}".format( waiting, u', '.join(unwanted), ) ) class ExpectedFileMismatchException(Exception): """ A file or files we wanted weren't found within the timeout. """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(ExpectedFileMismatchException, self).__init__( u"Contents of '{}' mismatched after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) class ExpectedFileUnfoundException(Exception): """ A file or files we expected to find didn't appear within the timeout. """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(ExpectedFileUnfoundException, self).__init__( u"Didn't find '{}' after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) class FileShouldVanishException(Exception): """ A file or files we expected to disappear did not within the timeout """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(FileShouldVanishException, self).__init__( u"'{}' still exists after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) def await_file_contents(path, contents, timeout=15, error_if=None): """ wait up to `timeout` seconds for the file at `path` (any path-like object) to have the exact content `contents`. :param error_if: if specified, a list of additional paths; if any of these paths appear an Exception is raised. """ start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: print(" waiting for '{}'".format(path)) if error_if and any([exists(p) for p in error_if]): raise UnwantedFilesException( waiting=path, unwanted=[p for p in error_if if exists(p)], ) if exists(path): try: with open(path, 'r') as f: current = except IOError: print("IOError; trying again") else: if current == contents: return True print(" file contents still mismatched") print(" wanted: {}".format(contents.replace('\n', ' '))) print(" got: {}".format(current.replace('\n', ' '))) time.sleep(1) if exists(path): raise ExpectedFileMismatchException(path, timeout) raise ExpectedFileUnfoundException(path, timeout) def await_files_exist(paths, timeout=15, await_all=False): """ wait up to `timeout` seconds for any of the paths to exist; when any exist, a list of all found filenames is returned. Otherwise, an Exception is raised """ start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: print(" waiting for: {}".format(' '.join(paths))) found = [p for p in paths if exists(p)] print("found: {}".format(found)) if await_all: if len(found) == len(paths): return found else: if len(found) > 0: return found time.sleep(1) if await_all: nice_paths = ' and '.join(paths) else: nice_paths = ' or '.join(paths) raise ExpectedFileUnfoundException(nice_paths, timeout) def await_file_vanishes(path, timeout=10): start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: print(" waiting for '{}' to vanish".format(path)) if not exists(path): return time.sleep(1) raise FileShouldVanishException(path, timeout) def cli(request, reactor, node_dir, *argv): """ Run a tahoe CLI subcommand for a given node, optionally running under coverage if '--coverage' was supplied. """ proto = _CollectOutputProtocol() _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( proto, reactor, request, ['--node-directory', node_dir] + list(argv), ) return proto.done def node_url(node_dir, uri_fragment): """ Create a fully qualified URL by reading config from `node_dir` and adding the `uri_fragment` """ with open(join(node_dir, "node.url"), "r") as f: base = url = base + uri_fragment return url def _check_status(response): """ Check the response code is a 2xx (raise an exception otherwise) """ if response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code >= 300: raise ValueError( "Expected a 2xx code, got {}".format(response.status_code) ) def web_get(tahoe, uri_fragment, **kwargs): """ Make a GET request to the webport of `tahoe` (a `TahoeProcess`, usually from a fixture (e.g. `alice`). This will look like: `http://localhost:/`. All `kwargs` are passed on to `requests.get` """ url = node_url(tahoe.node_dir, uri_fragment) resp = requests.get(url, **kwargs) _check_status(resp) return resp.content def web_post(tahoe, uri_fragment, **kwargs): """ Make a POST request to the webport of `node` (a `TahoeProcess, usually from a fixture e.g. `alice`). This will look like: `http://localhost:/`. All `kwargs` are passed on to `` """ url = node_url(tahoe.node_dir, uri_fragment) resp =, **kwargs) _check_status(resp) return resp.content def await_client_ready(tahoe, timeout=10, liveness=60*2): """ Uses the status API to wait for a client-type node (in `tahoe`, a `TahoeProcess` instance usually from a fixture e.g. `alice`) to be 'ready'. A client is deemed ready if: - it answers `http:///statistics/?t=json/` - there is at least one storage-server connected - every storage-server has a "last_received_data" and it is within the last `liveness` seconds We will try for up to `timeout` seconds for the above conditions to be true. Otherwise, an exception is raised """ start = time.time() while (time.time() - start) < float(timeout): try: data = web_get(tahoe, u"", params={u"t": u"json"}) js = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: print("waiting because '{}'".format(e)) time.sleep(1) continue if len(js['servers']) == 0: print("waiting because no servers at all") time.sleep(1) continue server_times = [ server['last_received_data'] for server in js['servers'] ] # if any times are null/None that server has never been # contacted (so it's down still, probably) if any(t is None for t in server_times): print("waiting because at least one server not contacted") time.sleep(1) continue # check that all times are 'recent enough' if any([time.time() - t > liveness for t in server_times]): print("waiting because at least one server too old") time.sleep(1) continue # we have a status with at least one server, and all servers # have been contacted recently return True # we only fall out of the loop when we've timed out raise RuntimeError( "Waited {} seconds for {} to be 'ready' but it never was".format( timeout, tahoe, ) )