from zope.interface import Interface from foolscap.schema import StringConstraint, ListOf, TupleOf, Any from foolscap import RemoteInterface Nodeid = StringConstraint(20) # binary format 20-byte SHA1 hash PBURL = StringConstraint(150) Verifierid = StringConstraint(20) URI = StringConstraint(100) # kind of arbitrary ShareData = StringConstraint(100000) # these six are here because Foolscap does not yet support the kind of # restriction I really want to apply to these. RIClient_ = Any() Referenceable_ = Any() RIBucketWriter_ = Any() RIBucketReader_ = Any() RIMutableDirectoryNode_ = Any() RIMutableFileNode_ = Any() def SetOf(*args, **kwargs): return Any() def DictOf(*args, **kwargs): return Any() class RIIntroducerClient(RemoteInterface): def new_peers(pburls=SetOf(PBURL)): return None class RIIntroducer(RemoteInterface): def hello(node=RIIntroducerClient, pburl=PBURL): return None class RIClient(RemoteInterface): def get_service(name=str): return Referenceable_ def get_nodeid(): return Nodeid class RIStorageServer(RemoteInterface): def allocate_bucket(verifierid=Verifierid, bucket_num=int, size=int, leaser=Nodeid, canary=Referenceable_): # if the canary is lost before close(), the bucket is deleted return RIBucketWriter_ def get_buckets(verifierid=Verifierid): return ListOf(TupleOf(int, RIBucketReader_)) class RIBucketWriter(RemoteInterface): def write(data=ShareData): return None def set_metadata(metadata=str): return None def close(): return None class RIBucketReader(RemoteInterface): def read(): return ShareData def get_metadata(): return str class RIMutableDirectoryNode(RemoteInterface): def list(): return ListOf( TupleOf(str, # name, relative to directory (RIMutableDirectoryNode_, Verifierid)), maxLength=100, ) def get(name=str): return (RIMutableDirectoryNode_, Verifierid) def add_directory(name=str): return RIMutableDirectoryNode_ def add_file(name=str, uri=URI): return None def remove(name=str): return None # need more to move directories class ICodecEncoder(Interface): def set_params(data_size, required_shares, max_shares): """Set up the parameters of this encoder. This prepares the encoder to perform an operation that converts a single block of data into a number of shares, such that a future ICodecDecoder can use a subset of these shares to recover the original data. This operation is invoked by calling encode(). Once the encoding parameters are set up, the encode operation can be invoked multiple times. set_params() prepares the encoder to accept blocks of input data that are exactly 'data_size' bytes in length. The encoder will be prepared to produce 'max_shares' shares for each encode() operation (although see the 'desired_share_ids' to use less CPU). The encoding math will be chosen such that the decoder can get by with as few as 'required_shares' of these shares and still reproduce the original data. For example, set_params(1000, 5, 5) offers no redundancy at all, whereas set_params(1000, 1, 10) provides 10x redundancy. See encode() for more details about how these parameters are used. set_params() must be called before any other ICodecEncoder methods may be invoked. """ def get_encoder_type(): """Return a short string that describes the type of this encoder. There is required to be a global table of encoder classes. This method returns an index into this table; the value at this index is an encoder class, and this encoder is an instance of that class. """ def get_serialized_params(): # TODO: maybe, maybe not """Return a string that describes the parameters of this encoder. This string can be passed to the decoder to prepare it for handling the encoded shares we create. It might contain more information than was presented to set_params(), if there is some flexibility of parameter choice. This string is intended to be embedded in the URI, so there are several restrictions on its contents. At the moment I'm thinking that this means it may contain hex digits and hyphens, and nothing else. The idea is that the URI contains something like '%s:%s:%s' % (encoder.get_encoder_name(), encoder.get_serialized_params(), b2a(verifierid)), and this is enough information to construct a compatible decoder. """ def get_share_size(): """Return the length of the shares that encode() will produce. """ def encode(inshares, desired_share_ids=None): """Encode some data. This may be called multiple times. Each call is independent. inshares is a sequence of length required_shares, containing buffers (i.e. strings), where each buffer contains the next contiguous non-overlapping segment of the input data. Each buffer is required to be the same length, and the sum of the lengths of the buffers is required to be exactly the data_size promised by set_params(). (This implies that the data has to be padded before being passed to encode(), unless of course it already happens to be an even multiple of required_shares in length.) QUESTION for zooko: that implies that 'data_size' must be an integral multiple of 'required_shares', right? Which means these restrictions should be documented in set_params() rather than (or in addition to) encode(), since that's where they must really be honored. This restriction feels like an abstraction leak, but maybe it is cleaner to enforce constraints on 'data_size' rather than quietly implement internal padding. I dunno. ALSO: the requirement to break up your data into 'required_shares' chunks before calling encode() feels a bit surprising, at least from the point of view of a user who doesn't know how FEC works. It feels like an implementation detail that has leaked outside the abstraction barrier. Can you imagine a use case in which the data to be encoded might already be available in pre-segmented chunks, such that it is faster or less work to make encode() take a list rather than splitting a single string? ALSO ALSO: I think 'inshares' is a misleading term, since encode() is supposed to *produce* shares, so what it *accepts* should be something other than shares. Other places in this interface use the word 'data' for that-which-is-not-shares.. maybe we should use that term? ALSO*3: given that we need to keep share0+shareid0 attached from encode() to the eventual decode(), would it be better to return and accept a zip() of these two lists? i.e. [(share0,shareid0), (share1,shareid1),...] 'desired_share_ids', if provided, is required to be a sequence of ints, each of which is required to be >= 0 and < max_shares. If not provided, encode() will produce 'max_shares' shares, as if 'desired_share_ids' were set to range(max_shares). You might use this if you initially thought you were going to use 10 peers, started encoding, and then two of the peers dropped out: you could use desired_share_ids= to skip the work (both memory and CPU) of producing shares for the peers which are no longer available. For each call, encode() will return a Deferred that fires with two lists, one containing shares and the other containing the shareids. The get_share_size() method can be used to determine the length of the share strings returned by encode(). The shares and their corresponding shareids are required to be kept together during storage and retrieval. Specifically, the share data is useless by itself: the decoder needs to be told which share is which by providing it with both the shareid and the actual share data. The memory usage of this function is expected to be on the order of (max_shares - required_shares) * get_share_size(). """ class ICodecDecoder(Interface): def set_serialized_params(params): """Set up the parameters of this encoder, from a string returned by encoder.get_serialized_params().""" def get_required_shares(): """Return the number of shares needed to reconstruct the data. set_serialized_params() is required to be called before this.""" def decode(some_shares, their_shareids): """Decode a partial list of shares into data. 'some_shares' is required to be a sequence of buffers of sharedata, a subset of the shares returned by ICodecEncode.encode(). Each share is required to be of the same length. The i'th element of their_shareids is required to be the shareid of the i'th buffer in some_shares. This returns a Deferred which fires with a sequence of buffers. This sequence will contain all of the segments of the original data, in order. The sum of the lengths of all of the buffers will be the 'data_size' value passed into the original ICodecEncode.set_params() call. To get back the single original input block of data, use ''.join(output_buffers), or you may wish to simply write them in order to an output file. Note that some of the elements in the result sequence may be references to the elements of the some_shares input sequence. In particular, this means that if those share objects are mutable (e.g. arrays) and if they are changed, then both the input (the 'some_shares' parameter) and the output (the value given when the deferred is triggered) will change. The length of 'some_shares' is required to be exactly the value of 'required_shares' passed into the original ICodecEncode.set_params() call. """ class IDownloadTarget(Interface): def open(): """Called before any calls to write() or close().""" def write(data): """Output some data to the target.""" def close(): """Inform the target that there is no more data to be written.""" def fail(): """fail() is called to indicate that the download has failed. No further methods will be invoked on the IDownloadTarget after fail().""" def register_canceller(cb): """The FileDownloader uses this to register a no-argument function that the target can call to cancel the download. Once this canceller is invoked, no further calls to write() or close() will be made.""" def finish(self): """When the FileDownloader is done, this finish() function will be called. Whatever it returns will be returned to the invoker of """ class IDownloader(Interface): def download(uri, target): """Perform a CHK download, sending the data to the given target. 'target' must provide IDownloadTarget.""" class IUploadable(Interface): def get_filehandle(): """Return a filehandle from which the data to be uploaded can be read. It must implement .read, .seek, and .tell (since the latter two are used to determine the length of the data).""" def close_filehandle(f): """The upload is finished. This provides the same filehandle as was returned by get_filehandle. This is an appropriate place to close the filehandle.""" class IUploader(Interface): def upload(uploadable): """Upload the file. 'uploadable' must impement IUploadable. This returns a Deferred which fires with the URI of the file.""" def upload_ssk(write_capability, new_version, uploadable): pass # TODO def upload_data(data): """Like upload(), but accepts a string.""" def upload_filename(filename): """Like upload(), but accepts an absolute pathname.""" def upload_filehandle(filehane): """Like upload(), but accepts an open filehandle.""" class IWorkQueue(Interface): """Each filetable root is associated a work queue, which is persisted on disk and contains idempotent actions that need to be performed. After each action is completed, it is removed from the queue. The queue is broken up into several sections. First are the 'upload' steps. After this are the 'add_subpath' commands. The last section has the 'unlink' steps. Somewhere in here are the 'retain' steps.. maybe interspersed with 'upload', maybe after 'add_subpath' and before 'unlink'. The general idea is that the processing of the work queue could be interrupted at any time, in the middle of a step, and the next time the application is started, the step can be re-started without problems. The placement of the 'retain' commands depends upon how long we might expect the app to be offline. tempfiles: the workqueue has a special directory where temporary files are stored. create_tempfile() generates these files, while steps like add_upload_chk() use them. The add_delete_tempfile() will delete the tempfile. All tempfiles are deleted when the workqueue becomes empty, since at that point none of them can still be referenced. boxes: there is another special directory where named slots (called 'boxes') hold serialized INode specifications (the strings which are returned by INode.serialize_node()). Boxes are created by calling create_boxname(). Boxes are filled either at the time of creation or by steps like add_upload_chk(). Boxes are used by steps like add_addpath() and add_retain_uri_from_box. Boxes are deleted by add_delete_box(), as well as when the workqueue becomes empty. """ def create_tempfile(suffix=""): """Return (f, filename), where 'f' is an open filehandle, and 'filename' is a string that can be passed to other workqueue steps to refer to that same file later. NOTE: 'filename' is not an absolute path, rather it will be interpreted relative to some directory known only by the workqueue.""" def create_boxname(contents=None): """Return a unique box name (as a string). If 'contents' are provided, it must be an instance that provides INode, and the serialized form of the node will be written into the box. Otherwise the boxname can be used by steps like add_upload_chk to hold the generated uri.""" def add_upload_chk(source_filename, stash_uri_in_boxname): """This step uploads a file to the mesh and obtains a content-based URI which can be used to later retrieve the same contents ('CHK' mode). This URI includes unlink rights. It does not mark the file for retention. Non-absolute filenames are interpreted relative to the workqueue's special just-for-tempfiles directory. When the upload is complete, the resulting URI is stashed in a 'box' with the specified name. This is basically a local variable. A later 'add_subpath' step will reference this boxname and retrieve the URI. """ def add_upload_ssk(write_capability, previous_version, source_filename): """This step uploads a file to the mesh in a way that replaces the previous version and does not require a change to the ID referenced by the parent. """ def add_queen_update_handle(handle, source_filename): """Arrange for a central queen to be notified that the given handle has been updated with the contents of the given tempfile. This will send a set_handle() message to the queen.""" def add_retain_ssk(read_capability): """Arrange for the given SSK to be kept alive.""" def add_unlink_ssk(write_capability): """Stop keeping the given SSK alive.""" def add_retain_uri_from_box(boxname): """When executed, this step retrieves the URI from the given box and marks it for retention: this adds it to a list of all URIs that this system cares about, which will initiate filechecking/repair for the file.""" def add_addpath(boxname, path): """When executed, this step pulls a node specification from 'boxname' and figures out which subtrees must be modified to allow that node to live at the 'path' (which is an absolute path). This will probably cause one or more 'add_modify_subtree' or 'add_modify_redirection' steps to be added to the workqueue. """ def add_deletepath(path): """When executed, finds the subtree that contains the node at 'path' and modifies it (and any necessary parent subtrees) to delete that path. This will probably cause one or more 'add_modify_subtree' or 'add_modify_redirection' steps to be added to the workqueue. """ def add_modify_subtree(subtree_node, localpath, new_node_boxname, new_subtree_boxname=None): """When executed, this step retrieves the subtree specified by 'subtree_node', pulls a node specification out of 'new_node_boxname', then modifies the subtree such that a subtree-relative 'localpath' points to the new node. If 'new_node_boxname' is None, this deletes the given path. It then serializes the subtree in its new form, and optionally puts a node that describes the new subtree in 'new_subtree_boxname' for use by another add_modify_subtree step. The idea is that 'subtree_node' will refer a CHKDirectorySubTree, and 'new_node_boxname' will contain the CHKFileNode that points to a newly-uploaded file. When the CHKDirectorySubTree is modified, it acquires a new URI, which will be stuffed (in the form of a CHKDirectorySubTreeNode) into 'new_subtree_boxname'. A subsequent step would then read from 'new_subtree_boxname' and modify some other subtree with the contents. If 'subtree_node' refers to a redirection subtree like LocalFileRedirection or QueenRedirection, then 'localpath' is ignored, because redirection subtrees don't consume path components and have no internal directory structure (they just have the one redirection target). Redirection subtrees generally retain a constant identity, so it is unlikely that 'new_subtree_boxname' will be used. """ def add_unlink_uri(uri): """When executed, this step will unlink the data referenced by the given URI: the unlink rights are used to tell any shareholders to unlink the file (possibly deleting it), and the URI is removed from the list that this system cares about, cancelling filechecking/repair for the file. All 'unlink' steps are pushed to the end of the queue. """ def add_delete_tempfile(filename): """This step will delete a tempfile created by create_tempfile.""" def add_delete_box(boxname): """When executed, this step deletes the given box.""" # methods for use in unit tests def flush(): """Execute all steps in the WorkQueue right away. Return a Deferred that fires (with self) when the queue is empty. """ class NotCapableError(Exception): """You have tried to write to a read-only node.""" class RIControlClient(RemoteInterface): def upload_from_file_to_uri(filename=str): """Upload a file to the mesh. This accepts a filename (which must be absolute) that points to a file on the node's local disk. The node will read the contents of this file, upload it to the mesh, then return the URI at which it was uploaded. """ return URI def download_from_uri_to_file(uri=URI, filename=str): """Download a file from the mesh, placing it on the node's local disk at the given filename (which must be absolute[?]). Returns the absolute filename where the file was written.""" return str # debug stuff def get_memory_usage(): """Return a dict describes the amount of memory currently in use. The keys are 'VmPeak', 'VmSize', and 'VmData'. The values are integers, measuring memory consupmtion in bytes.""" return DictOf(str, int)