#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys # Tahoe-LAFS -- secure, distributed storage grid # # Copyright © 2006-2012 The Tahoe-LAFS Software Foundation # # This file is part of Tahoe-LAFS. # # See the docs/about.rst file for licensing information. import os, subprocess, re basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # locate our version number def read_version_py(infname): try: verstrline = open(infname, "rt").read() except EnvironmentError: return None else: VSRE = r"^verstr = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]" mo = re.search(VSRE, verstrline, re.M) if mo: return mo.group(1) # make sure we have a proper version of python if 2 != sys.version_info.major: raise RuntimeError("Python version 2 is required") VERSION_PY_FILENAME = 'src/allmydata/_version.py' version = read_version_py(VERSION_PY_FILENAME) # Tahoe's dependencies are managed by the find_links= entry in setup.cfg and # the _auto_deps.install_requires list, which is used in the call to setup() # below. adglobals = {} auto_deps_fn = "src/allmydata/_auto_deps.py" if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: exec(compile(open(auto_deps_fn, 'rb').read(), auto_deps_fn, "exec"), adglobals, adglobals) else: execfile(auto_deps_fn, adglobals) install_requires = adglobals['install_requires'] setup_requires = adglobals['setup_requires'] if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '--fakedependency': del sys.argv[1] install_requires += ["fakedependency >= 1.0.0"] from setuptools import setup from setuptools import Command from setuptools.command import install trove_classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Environment :: Console", "Environment :: Web Environment", "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", "License :: DFSG approved", "License :: Other/Proprietary License", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "Operating System :: Microsoft", "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows", "Operating System :: Unix", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Operating System :: POSIX", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Natural Language :: English", "Programming Language :: C", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Topic :: Utilities", "Topic :: System :: Systems Administration", "Topic :: System :: Filesystems", "Topic :: System :: Distributed Computing", "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries", "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Backup", "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Mirroring", "Topic :: System :: Archiving", ] GIT_VERSION_BODY = ''' # This _version.py is generated from git metadata by the tahoe setup.py. __pkgname__ = "%(pkgname)s" real_version = "%(version)s" full_version = "%(full)s" branch = "%(branch)s" verstr = "%(normalized)s" __version__ = verstr ''' def run_command(args, cwd=None): use_shell = sys.platform == "win32" try: p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd, shell=use_shell) except EnvironmentError as e: # if this gives a SyntaxError, note that Tahoe-LAFS requires Python 2.7+ print("Warning: unable to run %r." % (" ".join(args),)) print(e) return None stdout = p.communicate()[0].strip() if p.returncode != 0: print("Warning: %r returned error code %r." % (" ".join(args), p.returncode)) return None return stdout def versions_from_git(tag_prefix): # This runs 'git' from the directory that contains this file. That either # means someone ran a setup.py command (and this code is in # versioneer.py, thus the containing directory is the root of the source # tree), or someone ran a project-specific entry point (and this code is # in _version.py, thus the containing directory is somewhere deeper in # the source tree). This only gets called if the git-archive 'subst' # variables were *not* expanded, and _version.py hasn't already been # rewritten with a short version string, meaning we're inside a checked # out source tree. # versions_from_git (as copied from python-versioneer) returns strings # like "1.9.0-25-gb73aba9-dirty", which means we're in a tree with # uncommited changes (-dirty), the latest checkin is revision b73aba9, # the most recent tag was 1.9.0, and b73aba9 has 25 commits that weren't # in 1.9.0 . The narrow-minded NormalizedVersion parser that takes our # output (meant to enable sorting of version strings) refuses most of # that. Tahoe uses a function named suggest_normalized_version() that can # handle "1.9.0.post25", so dumb down our output to match. try: source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) except NameError as e: # some py2exe/bbfreeze/non-CPython implementations don't do __file__ print("Warning: unable to find version because we could not obtain the source directory.") print(e) return {} stdout = run_command(["git", "describe", "--tags", "--dirty", "--always"], cwd=source_dir) if stdout is None: # run_command already complained. return {} stdout = stdout.decode("ascii") if not stdout.startswith(tag_prefix): print("Warning: tag %r doesn't start with prefix %r." % (stdout, tag_prefix)) return {} version = stdout[len(tag_prefix):] pieces = version.split("-") if len(pieces) == 1: normalized_version = pieces[0] else: normalized_version = "%s.post%s" % (pieces[0], pieces[1]) stdout = run_command(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=source_dir) if stdout is None: # run_command already complained. return {} full = stdout.decode("ascii").strip() if version.endswith("-dirty"): full += "-dirty" normalized_version += ".dev0" # Thanks to Jistanidiot at <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6245570/get-current-branch-name>. stdout = run_command(["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"], cwd=source_dir) branch = (stdout or b"unknown").decode("ascii").strip() # this returns native strings (bytes on py2, unicode on py3) return {"version": version, "normalized": normalized_version, "full": full, "branch": branch} # setup.cfg has an [aliases] section which runs "update_version" before many # commands (like "build" and "sdist") that need to know our package version # ahead of time. If you add different commands (or if we forgot some), you # may need to add it to setup.cfg and configure it to run update_version # before your command. class UpdateVersion(Command): description = "update _version.py from revision-control metadata" user_options = install.install.user_options def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): global version verstr = version if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basedir, ".git")): verstr = self.try_from_git() if verstr: self.distribution.metadata.version = verstr else: print("""\ ******************************************************************** Warning: no version information found. This may cause tests to fail. ******************************************************************** """) def try_from_git(self): # If we change the release tag names, we must change this too versions = versions_from_git("tahoe-lafs-") # setup.py might be run by either py2 or py3 (when run by tox, which # uses py3 on modern debian/ubuntu distros). We want this generated # file to contain native strings on both (str=bytes in py2, # str=unicode in py3) if versions: body = GIT_VERSION_BODY % { "pkgname": self.distribution.get_name(), "version": versions["version"], "normalized": versions["normalized"], "full": versions["full"], "branch": versions["branch"], } f = open(VERSION_PY_FILENAME, "wb") f.write(body.encode("ascii")) f.close() print("Wrote normalized version %r into '%s'" % (versions["normalized"], VERSION_PY_FILENAME)) return versions.get("normalized", None) class PleaseUseTox(Command): user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): print("ERROR: Please use 'tox' to run the test suite.") sys.exit(1) setup_args = {} if version: setup_args["version"] = version setup(name="tahoe-lafs", # also set in __init__.py description='secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant file store', long_description=open('README.rst', 'rU').read(), author='the Tahoe-LAFS project', author_email='tahoe-dev@tahoe-lafs.org', url='https://tahoe-lafs.org/', license='GNU GPL', # see README.rst -- there is an alternative licence cmdclass={"update_version": UpdateVersion, "test": PleaseUseTox, }, package_dir = {'':'src'}, packages=['allmydata', 'allmydata.frontends', 'allmydata.immutable', 'allmydata.immutable.downloader', 'allmydata.introducer', 'allmydata.mutable', 'allmydata.scripts', 'allmydata.storage', 'allmydata.test', 'allmydata.test.cli', 'allmydata.test.mutable', 'allmydata.test.web', 'allmydata.util', 'allmydata.web', 'allmydata.windows', ], classifiers=trove_classifiers, install_requires=install_requires, extras_require={ ':sys_platform=="win32"': ["pypiwin32"], "test": [ "pyflakes", "coverage", "mock", "tox", "foolscap[tor] >= 0.12.5", "txtorcon >= 0.17.0", # in case pip's resolver doesn't work "foolscap[i2p] >= 0.12.6", "txi2p >= 0.3.2", # in case pip's resolver doesn't work "pytest", "pytest-twisted", "hypothesis >= 3.6.1", "treq", ], "tor": [ "foolscap[tor] >= 0.12.5", "txtorcon >= 0.17.0", # in case pip's resolver doesn't work ], "i2p": [ "foolscap[i2p] >= 0.12.6", "txi2p >= 0.3.2", # in case pip's resolver doesn't work ], }, package_data={"allmydata.web": ["*.xhtml", "static/*.js", "static/*.png", "static/*.css", "static/img/*.png", "static/css/*.css", ] }, setup_requires=setup_requires, entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'tahoe = allmydata.scripts.runner:run' ] }, **setup_args )