""" Decentralized storage grid. community web site: U{http://tahoe-lafs.org/} """ class PackagingError(EnvironmentError): """ Raised when there is an error in packaging of Tahoe-LAFS or its dependencies which makes it impossible to proceed safely. """ pass __version__ = "unknown" try: from allmydata._version import __version__ except ImportError: # We're running in a tree that hasn't run "./setup.py darcsver", and didn't # come with a _version.py, so we don't know what our version is. This should # not happen very often. pass __appname__ = "unknown" try: from allmydata._appname import __appname__ except ImportError: # We're running in a tree that hasn't run "./setup.py". This shouldn't happen. pass # __full_version__ is the one that you ought to use when identifying yourself in the # "application" part of the Tahoe versioning scheme: # http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/wiki/Versioning __full_version__ = __appname__ + '/' + str(__version__) import os, platform, re, subprocess, sys _distributor_id_cmdline_re = re.compile("(?:Distributor ID:)\s*(.*)", re.I) _release_cmdline_re = re.compile("(?:Release:)\s*(.*)", re.I) _distributor_id_file_re = re.compile("(?:DISTRIB_ID\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I) _release_file_re = re.compile("(?:DISTRIB_RELEASE\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I) global _distname,_version _distname = None _version = None def get_linux_distro(): """ Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name. First, try to parse a file named "/etc/lsb-release". If it exists, and contains the "DISTRIB_ID=" line and the "DISTRIB_RELEASE=" line, then return the strings parsed from that file. If that doesn't work, then invoke platform.dist(). If that doesn't work, then try to execute "lsb_release", as standardized in 2001: http://refspecs.freestandards.org/LSB_1.0.0/gLSB/lsbrelease.html The current version of the standard is here: http://refspecs.freestandards.org/LSB_3.2.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/lsbrelease.html that lsb_release emitted, as strings. Returns a tuple (distname,version). Distname is what LSB calls a "distributor id", e.g. "Ubuntu". Version is what LSB calls a "release", e.g. "8.04". A version of this has been submitted to python as a patch for the standard library module "platform": http://bugs.python.org/issue3937 """ global _distname,_version if _distname and _version: return (_distname, _version) try: etclsbrel = open("/etc/lsb-release", "rU") for line in etclsbrel: m = _distributor_id_file_re.search(line) if m: _distname = m.group(1).strip() if _distname and _version: return (_distname, _version) m = _release_file_re.search(line) if m: _version = m.group(1).strip() if _distname and _version: return (_distname, _version) except EnvironmentError: pass (_distname, _version) = platform.dist()[:2] if _distname and _version: return (_distname, _version) try: p = subprocess.Popen(["lsb_release", "--all"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) rc = p.wait() if rc == 0: for line in p.stdout.readlines(): m = _distributor_id_cmdline_re.search(line) if m: _distname = m.group(1).strip() if _distname and _version: return (_distname, _version) m = _release_cmdline_re.search(p.stdout.read()) if m: _version = m.group(1).strip() if _distname and _version: return (_distname, _version) except EnvironmentError: pass if os.path.exists("/etc/arch-release"): return ("Arch_Linux", "") return (_distname,_version) def get_platform(): # Our version of platform.platform(), telling us both less and more than the # Python Standard Library's version does. # We omit details such as the Linux kernel version number, but we add a # more detailed and correct rendition of the Linux distribution and # distribution-version. if "linux" in platform.system().lower(): return platform.system()+"-"+"_".join(get_linux_distro())+"-"+platform.machine()+"-"+"_".join([x for x in platform.architecture() if x]) else: return platform.platform() from allmydata.util import verlib def normalized_version(verstr): return verlib.NormalizedVersion(verlib.suggest_normalized_version(verstr)) def get_package_versions_and_locations(): import warnings from _auto_deps import package_imports, deprecation_messages, deprecation_imports def package_dir(srcfile): return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(srcfile)))) # pkg_resources.require returns the distribution that pkg_resources attempted to put # on sys.path, which can differ from the one that we actually import due to #1258, # or any other bug that causes sys.path to be set up incorrectly. Therefore we # must import the packages in order to check their versions and paths. # This warning is generated by twisted, PyRex, and possibly other packages, # but can happen at any time, not only when they are imported. See # http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1129 . warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, message="BaseException.message has been deprecated as of Python 2.6", append=True) # This is to suppress various DeprecationWarnings that occur when modules are imported. # See http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/859 and http://divmod.org/trac/ticket/2994 . for msg in deprecation_messages: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, message=msg, append=True) try: for modulename in deprecation_imports: try: __import__(modulename) except ImportError: pass finally: for ign in deprecation_messages: warnings.filters.pop() packages = [] def get_version(module, attr): return str(getattr(module, attr, 'unknown')) for pkgname, modulename in [(__appname__, 'allmydata')] + package_imports: if modulename: try: __import__(modulename) module = sys.modules[modulename] except ImportError: packages.append((pkgname, (None, modulename))) else: if 'sqlite' in pkgname: packages.append( (pkgname, (get_version(module, 'version'), package_dir(module.__file__))) ) packages.append( ('sqlite', (get_version(module, 'sqlite_version'), package_dir(module.__file__))) ) else: packages.append( (pkgname, (get_version(module, '__version__'), package_dir(module.__file__))) ) elif pkgname == 'python': packages.append( (pkgname, (platform.python_version(), sys.executable)) ) elif pkgname == 'platform': packages.append( (pkgname, (get_platform(), None)) ) return packages def check_requirement(req, vers_and_locs): # TODO: check [] options # We support only disjunctions of >= and == reqlist = req.split(',') name = reqlist[0].split('>=')[0].split('==')[0].strip(' ').split('[')[0] if name not in vers_and_locs: raise PackagingError("no version info for %s" % (name,)) if req.strip(' ') == name: return (actual, location) = vers_and_locs[name] if actual is None: raise ImportError("could not import %r for requirement %r" % (location, req)) if actual == 'unknown': return actualver = normalized_version(actual) for r in reqlist: s = r.split('>=') if len(s) == 2: required = s[1].strip(' ') if actualver >= normalized_version(required): return # minimum requirement met else: s = r.split('==') if len(s) == 2: required = s[1].strip(' ') if actualver == normalized_version(required): return # exact requirement met else: raise PackagingError("no version info or could not understand requirement %r" % (req,)) msg = ("We require %s, but could only find version %s.\n" % (req, actual)) if location and location != 'unknown': msg += "The version we found is from %r.\n" % (location,) msg += ("To resolve this problem, uninstall that version, either using your\n" "operating system's package manager or by moving aside the directory.") raise PackagingError(msg) _vers_and_locs_list = get_package_versions_and_locations() def cross_check_pkg_resources_versus_import(): """This function returns a list of errors due to any failed cross-checks.""" import pkg_resources from _auto_deps import install_requires errors = [] not_pkg_resourceable = set(['sqlite', 'sqlite3', 'python', 'platform', __appname__.lower()]) not_import_versionable = set(['zope.interface', 'mock', 'pyasn1']) ignorable = set(['argparse', 'pyutil', 'zbase32']) pkg_resources_vers_and_locs = dict([(p.project_name.lower(), (str(p.version), p.location)) for p in pkg_resources.require(install_requires)]) for name, (imp_ver, imp_loc) in _vers_and_locs_list: name = name.lower() if name not in not_pkg_resourceable: if name not in pkg_resources_vers_and_locs: errors.append("Warning: dependency %s (version %s imported from %r) was not found by pkg_resources." % (name, imp_ver, imp_loc)) pr_ver, pr_loc = pkg_resources_vers_and_locs[name] try: pr_normver = normalized_version(pr_ver) except Exception, e: errors.append("Warning: version number %s found for dependency %s by pkg_resources could not be parsed. " "The version found by import was %s from %r. " "pkg_resources thought it should be found at %r. " "The exception was %s: %s" % (pr_ver, name, imp_ver, imp_loc, pr_loc, e.__class__.name, e)) else: if imp_ver == 'unknown': if name not in not_import_versionable: errors.append("Warning: unexpectedly could not find a version number for dependency %s imported from %r. " "pkg_resources thought it should be version %s at %r." % (name, imp_loc, pr_ver, pr_loc)) else: try: imp_normver = normalized_version(imp_ver) except Exception, e: errors.append("Warning: version number %s found for dependency %s (imported from %r) could not be parsed. " "pkg_resources thought it should be version %s at %r. " "The exception was %s: %s" % (imp_ver, name, imp_loc, pr_ver, pr_loc, e.__class__.name, e)) else: if pr_ver == 'unknown' or (pr_normver != imp_normver): if not os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(pr_loc)) == os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(imp_loc)): errors.append("Warning: dependency %s found to have version number %s (normalized to %s, from %r) " "by pkg_resources, but version %s (normalized to %s, from %r) by import." % (name, pr_ver, str(pr_normver), pr_loc, imp_ver, str(imp_normver), imp_loc)) imported_packages = set([p.lower() for (p, _) in _vers_and_locs_list]) for pr_name, (pr_ver, pr_loc) in pkg_resources_vers_and_locs.iteritems(): if pr_name not in imported_packages and pr_name not in ignorable: errors.append("Warning: dependency %s (version %s) found by pkg_resources not found by import." % (pr_name, pr_ver)) return errors def get_error_string(errors): from allmydata._auto_deps import install_requires return ("\n%s\n\n" "For debugging purposes, the PYTHONPATH was\n" " %r\n" "install_requires was\n" " %r\n" "sys.path after importing pkg_resources was\n" " %s\n" % ("\n".join(errors), os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'), install_requires, (os.pathsep+"\n ").join(sys.path)) ) def check_all_requirements(): """This function returns a list of errors due to any failed checks.""" from allmydata._auto_deps import install_requires errors = [] # we require 2.4.4 on non-UCS-2, non-Redhat builds to avoid # we require 2.4.3 on non-UCS-2 Redhat, because 2.4.3 is common on Redhat-based distros and will have patched the above bug # we require at least 2.4.2 in any case to avoid a bug in the base64 module: if sys.maxunicode == 65535: if sys.version_info < (2, 4, 2) or sys.version_info[0] > 2: errors.append("Tahoe-LAFS current requires Python v2.4.2 or greater " "for a UCS-2 build (but less than v3), not %r" % (sys.version_info,)) elif platform.platform().lower().find('redhat') >= 0: if sys.version_info < (2, 4, 3) or sys.version_info[0] > 2: errors.append("Tahoe-LAFS current requires Python v2.4.3 or greater " "on Redhat-based distributions (but less than v3), not %r" % (sys.version_info,)) else: if sys.version_info < (2, 4, 4) or sys.version_info[0] > 2: errors.append("Tahoe-LAFS current requires Python v2.4.4 or greater " "for a non-UCS-2 build (but less than v3), not %r" % (sys.version_info,)) vers_and_locs = dict(_vers_and_locs_list) for requirement in install_requires: try: check_requirement(requirement, vers_and_locs) except Exception, e: errors.append("%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) if errors: raise PackagingError(get_error_string(errors)) check_all_requirements() def get_package_versions(): return dict([(k, v) for k, (v, l) in _vers_and_locs_list]) def get_package_locations(): return dict([(k, l) for k, (v, l) in _vers_and_locs_list]) def get_package_versions_string(show_paths=False): res = [] for p, (v, loc) in _vers_and_locs_list: info = str(p) + ": " + str(v) if show_paths: info = info + " (%s)" % str(loc) res.append(info) output = ",\n".join(res) + "\n" if not hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): errors = cross_check_pkg_resources_versus_import() if errors: output += get_error_string(errors) return output