from __future__ import print_function """ Test an existing Tahoe grid, both to see if the grid is still running and to see if the client is still compatible with it. This script is suitable for running from a periodic monitoring script, perhaps by an hourly cronjob. This script uses a pre-established client node (configured to connect to the grid being tested) and a pre-established directory (stored as the 'testgrid:' alias in that client node's aliases file). It then performs a number of uploads and downloads to exercise compatibility in various directions (new client vs old data). All operations are performed by invoking various CLI commands through bin/tahoe . The script must be given two arguments: the client node directory, and the location of the bin/tahoe executable. Note that this script does not import anything from tahoe directly, so it doesn't matter what its PYTHONPATH is, as long as the bin/tahoe that it uses is functional. This script expects that the client node will be not running when the script starts, but it will forcibly shut down the node just to be sure. It will shut down the node after the test finishes. To set up the client node, do the following: tahoe create-client DIR populate DIR/private/introducers.yaml $DAEMONIZE tahoe run DIR tahoe -d DIR create-alias testgrid # pick a 10kB-ish test file, compute its md5sum tahoe -d DIR put FILE testgrid:old.MD5SUM tahoe -d DIR put FILE testgrid:recent.MD5SUM tahoe -d DIR put FILE testgrid:recentdir/recent.MD5SUM echo "" | tahoe -d DIR put --mutable - testgrid:log echo "" | tahoe -d DIR put --mutable - testgrid:recentlog This script will perform the following steps (the kind of compatibility that is being tested is in [brackets]): read old.* and check the md5sums [confirm that new code can read old files] read all recent.* files and check md5sums [read recent files] delete all recent.* files and verify they're gone [modify an old directory] read recentdir/recent.* files and check [read recent directory] delete recentdir/recent.* and verify [modify recent directory] delete recentdir and verify (keep the directory from growing unboundedly) mkdir recentdir upload random 10kB file to recentdir/recent.MD5SUM (prepare for next time) upload random 10kB file to recent.MD5SUM [new code can upload to old servers] append one-line timestamp to log [read/write old mutable files] append one-line timestamp to recentlog [read/write recent mutable files] delete recentlog upload small header to new mutable recentlog [create mutable files] This script will also keep track of speeds and latencies and will write them in a machine-readable logfile. """ import time, subprocess, md5, os.path, random from twisted.python import usage class GridTesterOptions(usage.Options): optFlags = [ ("no", "n", "Dry run: do not run any commands, just print them."), ] def parseArgs(self, nodedir, tahoe): # Note: does not support Unicode arguments. self.nodedir = os.path.expanduser(nodedir) self.tahoe = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(tahoe)) class CommandFailed(Exception): pass class GridTester(object): def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.tahoe = config.tahoe self.nodedir = config.nodedir def command(self, *cmd, **kwargs): expected_rc = kwargs.get("expected_rc", 0) stdin = kwargs.get("stdin", None) if self.config["no"]: return if stdin is not None: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate(stdin) else: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout,stderr) = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode if expected_rc != None and rc != expected_rc: if stderr: print("STDERR:") print(stderr) raise CommandFailed("command '%s' failed: rc=%d" % (cmd, rc)) return stdout, stderr def cli(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): print("tahoe", cmd, " ".join(args)) stdout, stderr = self.command(self.tahoe, "-d", self.nodedir, cmd, *args, **kwargs) if not kwargs.get("ignore_stderr", False) and stderr != "": raise CommandFailed("command '%s' had stderr: %s" % (" ".join(args), stderr)) return stdout def read_and_check(self, f): expected_md5_s = f[f.find(".")+1:] out = self.cli("get", "testgrid:" + f) got_md5_s = if got_md5_s != expected_md5_s: raise CommandFailed("%s had md5sum of %s" % (f, got_md5_s)) def delete_and_check(self, dirname, f): oldfiles = self.listdir(dirname) if dirname: absfilename = "testgrid:" + dirname + "/" + f else: absfilename = "testgrid:" + f if f not in oldfiles: raise CommandFailed("um, '%s' was supposed to already be in %s" % (f, dirname)) self.cli("unlink", absfilename) newfiles = self.listdir(dirname) if f in newfiles: raise CommandFailed("failed to remove '%s' from %s" % (f, dirname)) def listdir(self, dirname): out = self.cli("ls", "testgrid:"+dirname).strip().split("\n") files = [f.strip() for f in out] print(" ", files) return files def do_test(self): files = self.listdir("") for f in files: if f.startswith("old.") or f.startswith("recent."): self.read_and_check("" + f) for f in files: if f.startswith("recent."): self.delete_and_check("", f) files = self.listdir("recentdir") for f in files: if f.startswith("old.") or f.startswith("recent."): self.read_and_check("recentdir/" + f) for f in files: if f.startswith("recent."): self.delete_and_check("recentdir", f) self.delete_and_check("", "recentdir") self.cli("mkdir", "testgrid:recentdir") fn, data = self.makefile("recent") self.put("recentdir/"+fn, data) files = self.listdir("recentdir") if fn not in files: raise CommandFailed("failed to put %s in recentdir/" % fn) fn, data = self.makefile("recent") self.put(fn, data) files = self.listdir("") if fn not in files: raise CommandFailed("failed to put %s in testgrid:" % fn) self.update("log") self.update("recentlog") self.delete_and_check("", "recentlog") self.put_mutable("recentlog", "Recent Mutable Log Header\n\n") def put(self, fn, data): self.cli("put", "-", "testgrid:"+fn, stdin=data, ignore_stderr=True) def put_mutable(self, fn, data): self.cli("put", "--mutable", "-", "testgrid:"+fn, stdin=data, ignore_stderr=True) def update(self, fn): old = self.cli("get", "testgrid:"+fn) new = old + time.ctime() + "\n" self.put(fn, new) def makefile(self, prefix): size = random.randint(10001, 10100) data = os.urandom(size) md5sum = fn = prefix + "." + md5sum return fn, data def main(): config = GridTesterOptions() config.parseOptions() gt = GridTester(config) gt.do_test() if __name__ == "__main__": main()