import os.path, re from base64 import b32decode, b32encode import twisted from twisted.python import log from twisted.application import service from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from foolscap import Tub, eventual from allmydata.util import iputil, observer, humanreadable from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition # Just to get their versions: import allmydata import zfec import foolscap # group 1 will be addr (dotted quad string), group 3 if any will be portnum (string) ADDR_RE=re.compile("^([1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*)(:([1-9][0-9]*))?$") class Node(service.MultiService): # this implements common functionality of both Client nodes, Introducer # nodes, and Vdrive nodes NODETYPE = "unknown NODETYPE" PORTNUMFILE = None CERTFILE = "node.pem" LOCAL_IP_FILE = "advertised_ip_addresses" def __init__(self, basedir="."): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.basedir = os.path.abspath(basedir) self._tub_ready_observerlist = observer.OneShotObserverList() certfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.CERTFILE) self.tub = Tub(certFile=certfile) self.tub.setOption("logLocalFailures", True) self.tub.setOption("logRemoteFailures", True) self.nodeid = b32decode(self.tub.tubID.upper()) # binary format self.write_config("my_nodeid", b32encode(self.nodeid).lower() + "\n") self.short_nodeid = b32encode(self.nodeid).lower()[:8] # ready for printing assert self.PORTNUMFILE, "Your node.Node subclass must provide PORTNUMFILE" self._portnumfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.PORTNUMFILE) try: portnum = int(open(self._portnumfile, "rU").read()) except (EnvironmentError, ValueError): portnum = 0 self.tub.listenOn("tcp:%d" % portnum) # we must wait until our service has started before we can find out # our IP address and thus do tub.setLocation, and we can't register # any services with the Tub until after that point self.tub.setServiceParent(self) self.logSource="Node" AUTHKEYSFILEBASE = "authorized_keys." for f in os.listdir(self.basedir): if f.startswith(AUTHKEYSFILEBASE): keyfile = os.path.join(self.basedir, f) portnum = int(f[len(AUTHKEYSFILEBASE):]) from allmydata import manhole m = manhole.AuthorizedKeysManhole(portnum, keyfile) m.setServiceParent(self) self.log("AuthorizedKeysManhole listening on %d" % portnum) self.log("Node constructed. tahoe version: %s, foolscap: %s," " twisted: %s, zfec: %s" % (allmydata.__version__, foolscap.__version__, twisted.__version__, zfec.__version__,)) def get_config(self, name, mode="r", required=False): """Get the (string) contents of a config file, or None if the file did not exist. If required=True, raise an exception rather than returning None. Any leading or trailing whitespace will be stripped from the data.""" fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, name) try: return open(fn, mode).read().strip() except EnvironmentError: if not required: return None raise def get_or_create_config(self, name, default_fn, mode="w", filemode=None): """Try to get the (string) contents of a config file, and return it. Any leading or trailing whitespace will be stripped from the data. If the file does not exist, try to create it using default_fn, and then return the value that was written. If 'default_fn' is a string, use it as a default value. If not, treat it as a 0-argument callable which is expected to return a string. """ value = self.get_config(name) if value is None: if isinstance(default_fn, (str, unicode)): value = default_fn else: value = default_fn() fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, name) try: f = open(fn, mode) f.write(value) f.close() if filemode is not None: os.chmod(fn, filemode) except EnvironmentError, e: self.log("Unable to write config file '%s'" % fn) self.log(e) value = value.strip() return value def write_config(self, name, value, mode="w"): """Write a string to a config file.""" fn = os.path.join(self.basedir, name) try: open(fn, mode).write(value) except EnvironmentError, e: self.log("Unable to write config file '%s'" % fn) self.log(e) def get_versions(self): return {'allmydata': allmydata.__version__, 'foolscap': foolscap.__version__, 'twisted': twisted.__version__, 'zfec': zfec.__version__, } def startService(self): # note: this class can only be started and stopped once. self.log("Node.startService") eventual.eventually(self._startService) def _startService(self): precondition(reactor.running) self.log("Node._startService") service.MultiService.startService(self) d = defer.succeed(None) d.addCallback(lambda res: iputil.get_local_addresses_async()) d.addCallback(self._setup_tub) d.addCallback(lambda res: self.tub_ready()) def _ready(res): self.log("%s running" % self.NODETYPE) return self d.addCallback(_ready) def _die(failure): self.log('_startService() failed') log.err(failure) #reactor.stop() # for unknown reasons, reactor.stop() isn't working. [ ] TODO self.log('calling os.abort()') os.abort() d.addErrback(_die) def stopService(self): self.log("Node.stopService") d = self._tub_ready_observerlist.when_fired() def _really_stopService(ignored): self.log("Node._really_stopService") return service.MultiService.stopService(self) d.addCallback(_really_stopService) return d def shutdown(self): """Shut down the node. Returns a Deferred that fires (with None) when it finally stops kicking.""" self.log("Node.shutdown") return self.stopService() def log(self, msg, src="", args=()): if src: logsrc = src else: logsrc=self.logSource if args: try: msg = msg % tuple(map(, args)) except TypeError, e: msg = "ERROR: output string '%s' contained invalid %% expansion, error: %s, args: %s\n" % (`msg`, e, `args`) log.FileLogObserver.timeFormat="%y%m%d-%H:%M:%S" log.callWithContext({"system":logsrc},log.msg,(self.short_nodeid + ": " + def _setup_tub(self, local_addresses): # we can't get a dynamically-assigned portnum until our Tub is # running, which means after startService. l = self.tub.getListeners()[0] portnum = l.getPortnum() # record which port we're listening on, so we can grab the same one next time open(self._portnumfile, "w").write("%d\n" % portnum) local_addresses = [ "%s:%d" % (addr, portnum,) for addr in local_addresses ] addresses = [] try: for addrline in open(os.path.join(self.basedir, self.LOCAL_IP_FILE), "rU"): mo = if mo: (addr, dummy, aportnum,) = mo.groups() if aportnum is None: aportnum = portnum addresses.append("%s:%d" % (addr, int(aportnum),)) except EnvironmentError: pass addresses.extend(local_addresses) location = ",".join(addresses) self.log("Tub location set to %s" % location) self.tub.setLocation(location) return self.tub def tub_ready(self): # called when the Tub is available for registerReference pass def when_tub_ready(self): return self._tub_ready_observerlist.when_fired() def add_service(self, s): s.setServiceParent(self) return s