""" Connect the HTTP storage client to the HTTP storage server and make sure they can talk to each other. """ from future.utils import PY2 from os import urandom from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks from fixtures import Fixture, TempDir from treq.testing import StubTreq from hyperlink import DecodedURL from klein import Klein from allmydata.storage.server import StorageServer from allmydata.storage.http_server import ( HTTPServer, _authorized_route, ) from allmydata.storage.http_client import ( StorageClient, ClientException, StorageClientImmutables, ImmutableCreateResult, ) from allmydata.storage.http_common import Secrets from allmydata.test.common import AsyncTestCase # TODO should be actual swissnum SWISSNUM_FOR_TEST = b"abcd" class TestApp(object): """HTTP API for testing purposes.""" _app = Klein() _swissnum = SWISSNUM_FOR_TEST # Match what the test client is using @_authorized_route(_app, {Secrets.UPLOAD}, "/upload_secret", methods=["GET"]) def validate_upload_secret(self, request, authorization): if authorization == {Secrets.UPLOAD: b"MAGIC"}: return "GOOD SECRET" else: return "BAD: {}".format(authorization) class RoutingTests(AsyncTestCase): """ Tests for the HTTP routing infrastructure. """ def setUp(self): if PY2: self.skipTest("Not going to bother supporting Python 2") super(RoutingTests, self).setUp() # Could be a fixture, but will only be used in this test class so not # going to bother: self._http_server = TestApp() self.client = StorageClient( DecodedURL.from_text(""), SWISSNUM_FOR_TEST, treq=StubTreq(self._http_server._app.resource()), ) @inlineCallbacks def test_authorization_enforcement(self): """ The requirement for secrets is enforced; if they are not given, a 400 response code is returned. """ # Without secret, get a 400 error. response = yield self.client._request( "GET", "", ) self.assertEqual(response.code, 400) # With secret, we're good. response = yield self.client._request( "GET", "", upload_secret=b"MAGIC" ) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual((yield response.content()), b"GOOD SECRET") class HttpTestFixture(Fixture): """ Setup HTTP tests' infrastructure, the storage server and corresponding client. """ def _setUp(self): self.tempdir = self.useFixture(TempDir()) self.storage_server = StorageServer(self.tempdir.path, b"\x00" * 20) self.http_server = HTTPServer(self.storage_server, SWISSNUM_FOR_TEST) self.client = StorageClient( DecodedURL.from_text(""), SWISSNUM_FOR_TEST, treq=StubTreq(self.http_server.get_resource()), ) class GenericHTTPAPITests(AsyncTestCase): """ Tests of HTTP client talking to the HTTP server, for generic HTTP API endpoints and concerns. """ def setUp(self): if PY2: self.skipTest("Not going to bother supporting Python 2") super(GenericHTTPAPITests, self).setUp() self.http = self.useFixture(HttpTestFixture()) @inlineCallbacks def test_bad_authentication(self): """ If the wrong swissnum is used, an ``Unauthorized`` response code is returned. """ client = StorageClient( DecodedURL.from_text(""), b"something wrong", treq=StubTreq(self.http.http_server.get_resource()), ) with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as e: yield client.get_version() self.assertEqual(e.exception.args[0], 401) @inlineCallbacks def test_version(self): """ The client can return the version. We ignore available disk space and max immutable share size, since that might change across calls. """ version = yield self.http.client.get_version() version[b"http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/storage/v1"].pop( b"available-space" ) version[b"http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/storage/v1"].pop( b"maximum-immutable-share-size" ) expected_version = self.http.storage_server.get_version() expected_version[b"http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/storage/v1"].pop( b"available-space" ) expected_version[b"http://allmydata.org/tahoe/protocols/storage/v1"].pop( b"maximum-immutable-share-size" ) self.assertEqual(version, expected_version) class ImmutableHTTPAPITests(AsyncTestCase): """ Tests for immutable upload/download APIs. """ def setUp(self): if PY2: self.skipTest("Not going to bother supporting Python 2") super(ImmutableHTTPAPITests, self).setUp() self.http = self.useFixture(HttpTestFixture()) @inlineCallbacks def test_upload_can_be_downloaded(self): """ A single share can be uploaded in (possibly overlapping) chunks, and then a random chunk can be downloaded, and it will match the original file. We don't exercise the full variation of overlapping chunks because that's already done in test_storage.py. """ length = 100 expected_data = b"".join(bytes([i]) for i in range(100)) im_client = StorageClientImmutables(self.http.client) # Create a upload: upload_secret = urandom(32) lease_secret = urandom(32) storage_index = b"".join(bytes([i]) for i in range(16)) created = yield im_client.create( storage_index, [1], 100, upload_secret, lease_secret, lease_secret ) self.assertEqual( created, ImmutableCreateResult(already_have=set(), allocated={1}) ) # Three writes: 10-19, 30-39, 50-59. This allows for a bunch of holes. def write(offset, length): return im_client.write_share_chunk( storage_index, 1, upload_secret, offset, expected_data[offset : offset + length], ) finished = yield write(10, 10) self.assertFalse(finished) finished = yield write(30, 10) self.assertFalse(finished) finished = yield write(50, 10) self.assertFalse(finished) # Then, an overlapping write with matching data (15-35): finished = yield write(15, 20) self.assertFalse(finished) # Now fill in the holes: finished = yield write(0, 10) self.assertFalse(finished) finished = yield write(40, 10) self.assertFalse(finished) finished = yield write(60, 40) self.assertTrue(finished) # We can now read: for offset, length in [(0, 100), (10, 19), (99, 0), (49, 200)]: downloaded = yield im_client.read_share_chunk( storage_index, 1, upload_secret, offset, length ) self.assertEqual(downloaded, expected_data[offset : offset + length]) def test_multiple_shares_uploaded_to_different_place(self): """ If a storage index has multiple shares, uploads to different shares are stored separately and can be downloaded separately. """ def test_bucket_allocated_with_new_shares(self): """ If some shares already exist, allocating shares indicates only the new ones were created. """ def test_bucket_allocation_new_upload_key(self): """ If a bucket was allocated with one upload key, and a different upload key is used to allocate the bucket again, the previous download is cancelled. """ def test_upload_with_wrong_upload_key_fails(self): """ Uploading with a key that doesn't match the one used to allocate the bucket will fail. """ def test_upload_offset_cannot_be_negative(self): """ A negative upload offset will be rejected. """ def test_mismatching_upload_fails(self): """ If an uploaded chunk conflicts with an already uploaded chunk, a CONFLICT error is returned. """ def test_read_of_wrong_storage_index_fails(self): """ Reading from unknown storage index results in 404. """ def test_read_of_wrong_share_number_fails(self): """ Reading from unknown storage index results in 404. """ def test_read_with_negative_offset_fails(self): """ The offset for reads cannot be negative. """ def test_read_with_negative_length_fails(self): """ The length for reads cannot be negative. """