# this Makefile requires GNU make default: build BASE=$(shell pwd) PYTHON=python INSTDIR=$(BASE)/instdir PATHSEP=$(shell python -c 'import os ; print os.pathsep') TRIALPATH=$(shell which trial.py 2>/dev/null) ifeq ($(TRIALPATH),) TRIALPATH=$(shell which trial 2>/dev/null) endif ifeq ($(TRIALPATH),) TRIALPATH=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c "import os, sys; print repr(os.path.join(sys.prefix, \"Scripts\", \"trial.py\"))") endif ifeq ($(TRIALPATH),) TRIALPATH=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c "import os, sys; print repr(os.path.join(sys.prefix, \"Scripts\", \"trial\"))") endif EXTRA_SETUP_ARGS= REACTOR=poll PLAT = $(strip $(shell python -c "import sys ; print sys.platform")) ifeq ($(PLAT),cygwin) # The platform is Windows with cygwin build tools and the cygwin Python interpreter. INSTDIR := $(shell cygpath -u $(INSTDIR)) else ifeq ($(PLAT),win32) # The platform is Windows with cygwin build tools and the native Python interpreter. EXTRA_SETUP_ARGS=build -c mingw32 REACTOR=select INSTDIR := $(shell cygpath -w $(INSTDIR)) TRIALPATH := $(shell cygpath -w $(TRIALPATH)) ifneq ($(PYTHONPATH),) PYTHONPATH := $(shell cygpath -w $(PYTHONPATH)) endif endif endif ORIGPYTHONPATH=$(PYTHONPATH) # Append instdir/lib instead of prepending it so that people can override # things from lib with alternate packages of their choosing by setting their # PYTHONPATH. ifneq ($(PYTHONPATH),) PYTHONPATH := "$(PYTHONPATH)$(PATHSEP)$(INSTDIR)/lib" else PYTHONPATH := "$(INSTDIR)/lib" endif TRIAL=$(PYTHON) -u "$(TRIALPATH)" --rterrors --reactor=$(REACTOR) show-instdir: @echo $(INSTDIR)/lib PP=PYTHONPATH=$(PYTHONPATH) .PHONY: make-version build make-version: $(PYTHON) misc/make-version.py "allmydata-tahoe" "src/allmydata/_version.py" build: make-version build-zfec build-foolscap build-simplejson $(PP) $(PYTHON) ./setup.py $(EXTRA_SETUP_ARGS) install --prefix="$(INSTDIR)" --install-lib="$(INSTDIR)/lib" --install-scripts="$(INSTDIR)/bin" build-zfec: cd src/zfec && \ $(PP) $(PYTHON) ./setup.py $(EXTRA_SETUP_ARGS) install --single-version-externally-managed --prefix="$(INSTDIR)" --record="$(INSTDIR)/zfec_install.log" --install-lib="$(INSTDIR)/lib" --install-scripts="$(INSTDIR)/bin" build-foolscap: cd src/foolscap && \ $(PP) $(PYTHON) ./setup.py $(EXTRA_SETUP_ARGS) install --prefix="$(INSTDIR)" --record="$(INSTDIR)/foolscap_install.log" --install-lib="$(INSTDIR)/lib" --install-scripts="$(INSTDIR)/bin" build-simplejson: cd src/simplejson && \ $(PP) $(PYTHON) ./setup.py $(EXTRA_SETUP_ARGS) install --single-version-externally-managed --prefix="$(INSTDIR)" --record="$(INSTDIR)/simplejson_install.log" --install-lib="$(INSTDIR)/lib" --install-scripts="$(INSTDIR)/bin" clean-zfec: -cd src/zfec && \ $(PP) $(PYTHON) ./setup.py clean --all clean-foolscap: -cd src/foolscap && \ $(PP) $(PYTHON) ./setup.py clean --all # RUNNING # # these targets let you create a client node in the current directory and # start/stop it. .PHONY: create-client start-client stop-client run-client .PHONY: create-introducer start-introducer stop-introducer create-client: build $(PP) $(PYTHON) bin/allmydata-tahoe create-client -C CLIENTDIR start-client: build $(PP) $(PYTHON) bin/allmydata-tahoe start -C CLIENTDIR stop-client: build $(PP) $(PYTHON) bin/allmydata-tahoe stop -C CLIENTDIR create-introducer: build $(PP) $(PYTHON) bin/allmydata-tahoe create-introducer -C INTRODUCERDIR start-introducer: build $(PP) $(PYTHON) bin/allmydata-tahoe start -C INTRODUCERDIR stop-introducer: build $(PP) $(PYTHON) bin/allmydata-tahoe stop -C INTRODUCERDIR # TESTING .PHONY: test-all test test-foolscap test-figleaf figleaf-output # you can use 'make test TEST=allmydata.test.test_introducer' to run just a # specific test. TEST=allmydata.test.test_client.Basic.test_permute works # too. TEST=allmydata zfec REPORTER= test-all: test-foolscap test # use 'make test REPORTER=--reporter=bwverbose' from buildbot, to supress the # ansi color sequences test: build $(PP) $(TRIAL) $(REPORTER) $(TEST) # foolscap tests need to be run in their own source dir, so that the paths to # the .pyc files are correct (since some of the foolscap tests depend upon # stack traces having actual source code in them, and they don't when the # tests are run from the 'instdir' that the tahoe makefile uses). test-foolscap: cd src/foolscap && PYTHONPATH=$(ORIGPYTHONPATH) $(TRIAL) $(REPORTER) foolscap test-figleaf: build find $(INSTDIR) -name '*.pyc' |xargs rm rm -f .figleaf $(PP) $(TRIAL) --reporter=bwverbose-figleaf $(TEST) figleaf-output: $(PP) $(PYTHON) misc/figleaf2html -d coverage-html -r $(INSTDIR)/lib -x misc/figleaf.excludes @echo "now point your browser at coverage-html/index.html" # after doing test-figleaf and figleaf-output, point your browser at # coverage-html/index.html .PHONY: upload-figleaf .figleaf.el pyflakes count-lines check-memory clean # 'upload-figleaf' is meant to be run with an UPLOAD_TARGET=host:/dir setting ifdef UPLOAD_TARGET ifndef UPLOAD_HOST $(error UPLOAD_HOST must be set when using UPLOAD_TARGET) endif ifndef COVERAGEDIR $(error COVERAGEDIR must be set when using UPLOAD_TARGET) endif upload-figleaf: rsync -a coverage-html/ $(UPLOAD_TARGET) ssh $(UPLOAD_HOST) make update-tahoe-figleaf COVERAGEDIR=$(COVERAGEDIR) else upload-figleaf: echo "this target is meant to be run with UPLOAD_TARGET=host:/path/" /bin/false endif .figleaf.el: .figleaf $(PP) $(PYTHON) misc/figleaf2el.py .figleaf $(INSTDIR)/lib pyflakes: $(PP) $(PYTHON) -OOu `which pyflakes` src/allmydata count-lines: @echo -n "files: " @find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/ |wc --lines @echo -n "lines: " @cat `find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/` |wc --lines @echo -n "TODO: " @grep TODO `find src -name '*.py' |grep -v /build/` | wc --lines check-memory: build touch memstats.out $(PP) $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload cat _test_memory/stats.out >>memstats.out $(PP) $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-self cat _test_memory/stats.out >>memstats.out $(PP) $(PYTHON) src/allmydata/test/check_memory.py upload-POST cat _test_memory/stats.out >>memstats.out test-darcs-boringfile: $(MAKE) $(PYTHON) misc/test-darcs-boringfile.py test-clean: find . |sort >allfiles.tmp.old $(MAKE) $(MAKE) clean find . |grep -v allfiles.tmp |sort >allfiles.tmp.new diff allfiles.tmp.old allfiles.tmp.new clean: clean-zfec clean-foolscap rm -rf build rm -f debian rm -rf instdir rm -f `find src/allmydata -name '*.so'` install: cd src/zfec && python ./setup.py install && cd ../.. cd src/foolscap && python ./setup.py install && cd ../.. cd src/simplejson && python ./setup.py install && cd ../.. python ./setup.py install # DEBIAN PACKAGING VER=$(shell $(PYTHON) misc/get-version.py) DEBCOMMENTS="'make deb' build" show-version: @echo $(VER) .PHONY: setup-deb deb-ARCH is-known-debian-arch .PHONY: deb-sid deb-feisty deb-edgy deb-etch deb-sid: $(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=sid deb-feisty: $(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=feisty # edgy uses the feisty control files for now deb-edgy: $(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=edgy TAHOE_ARCH=feisty # etch uses the feisty control files for now deb-etch: $(MAKE) deb-ARCH ARCH=etch FOOLSCAP_ARCH=sid TAHOE_ARCH=feisty # we know how to handle the following debian architectures KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES := sid feisty edgy etch ifeq ($(findstring x-$(ARCH)-x,$(foreach arch,$(KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES),"x-$(arch)-x")),) is-known-debian-arch: @echo "ARCH must be set when using setup-deb or deb-ARCH" @echo "I know how to handle:" $(KNOWN_DEBIAN_ARCHES) /bin/false else is-known-debian-arch: /bin/true endif ifndef FOOLSCAP_ARCH FOOLSCAP_ARCH=$(ARCH) endif ifndef TAHOE_ARCH TAHOE_ARCH=$(ARCH) endif setup-deb: is-known-debian-arch rm -f debian ln -s misc/$(TAHOE_ARCH)/debian debian chmod +x debian/rules deb-foolscap-ARCH: is-known-debian-arch $(MAKE) -C src/foolscap debian-$(FOOLSCAP_ARCH) mv src/python-foolscap*.deb .. # etch (current debian stable) has python-simplejson-1.3 # sid (debian unstable) currently has python-simplejson 1.7.1 # edgy has 1.3 # feisty has 1.4 # gutsy has 1.7.1 deb-ARCH: is-known-debian-arch setup-deb fakeroot debian/rules binary $(MAKE) deb-foolscap-ARCH echo echo "The newly built .deb packages are in the parent directory from here." .PHONY: increment-deb-version .PHONY: deb-sid-head deb-edgy-head deb-feisty-head .PHONY: deb-etch-head # The buildbot runs the following targets after each change, to produce # up-to-date tahoe .debs. These steps do not create foolscap or simplejson # .debs, only the deb-$ARCH targets (above) do that. increment-deb-version: make-version debchange --newversion $(VER) $(DEBCOMMENTS) deb-sid-head: $(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=sid $(MAKE) increment-deb-version fakeroot debian/rules binary deb-edgy-head: $(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=edgy TAHOE_ARCH=feisty $(MAKE) increment-deb-version fakeroot debian/rules binary deb-feisty-head: $(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=feisty $(MAKE) increment-deb-version fakeroot debian/rules binary deb-etch-head: $(MAKE) setup-deb ARCH=etch TAHOE_ARCH=feisty $(MAKE) increment-deb-version fakeroot debian/rules binary build_ext: $(PYTHON) setup.py build_ext -i