done = False def initialize(): global done import sys if sys.platform != "win32" or done: return True done = True original_stderr = sys.stderr # If any exception occurs in this code, we'll probably try to print it on stderr, # which makes for frustrating debugging if stderr is directed to our wrapper. # So be paranoid about catching errors and reporting them to original_stderr, # so that we can at least see them. def _complain(message): print >>original_stderr, isinstance(message, str) and message or repr(message) log.msg(message, level=log.WEIRD) import codecs, re from ctypes import WINFUNCTYPE, windll, POINTER, byref, c_int from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL, HANDLE, DWORD, LPWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPVOID from allmydata.util import log from allmydata.util.encodingutil import canonical_encoding # Work around . codecs.register(lambda name: name == 'cp65001' and codecs.lookup('utf-8') or None) # Make Unicode console output work independently of the current code page. # This also fixes . # Credit to Michael Kaplan # and TZOmegaTZIOY # . try: # # HANDLE WINAPI GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle); # returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, or a valid handle # # # DWORD WINAPI GetFileType(DWORD hFile); # # # BOOL WINAPI GetConsoleMode(HANDLE hConsole, LPDWORD lpMode); GetStdHandle = WINFUNCTYPE(HANDLE, DWORD)(("GetStdHandle", windll.kernel32)) STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = DWORD(-11) STD_ERROR_HANDLE = DWORD(-12) GetFileType = WINFUNCTYPE(DWORD, DWORD)(("GetFileType", windll.kernel32)) FILE_TYPE_CHAR = 0x0002 FILE_TYPE_REMOTE = 0x8000 GetConsoleMode = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HANDLE, POINTER(DWORD))(("GetConsoleMode", windll.kernel32)) INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = DWORD(-1).value def not_a_console(handle): if handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE or handle is None: return True return ((GetFileType(handle) & ~FILE_TYPE_REMOTE) != FILE_TYPE_CHAR or GetConsoleMode(handle, byref(DWORD())) == 0) old_stdout_fileno = None old_stderr_fileno = None if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'fileno'): old_stdout_fileno = sys.stdout.fileno() if hasattr(sys.stderr, 'fileno'): old_stderr_fileno = sys.stderr.fileno() STDOUT_FILENO = 1 STDERR_FILENO = 2 real_stdout = (old_stdout_fileno == STDOUT_FILENO) real_stderr = (old_stderr_fileno == STDERR_FILENO) if real_stdout: hStdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) if not_a_console(hStdout): real_stdout = False if real_stderr: hStderr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE) if not_a_console(hStderr): real_stderr = False if real_stdout or real_stderr: # BOOL WINAPI WriteConsoleW(HANDLE hOutput, LPWSTR lpBuffer, DWORD nChars, # LPDWORD lpCharsWritten, LPVOID lpReserved); WriteConsoleW = WINFUNCTYPE(BOOL, HANDLE, LPWSTR, DWORD, POINTER(DWORD), LPVOID) \ (("WriteConsoleW", windll.kernel32)) class UnicodeOutput: def __init__(self, hConsole, stream, fileno, name): self._hConsole = hConsole self._stream = stream self._fileno = fileno self.closed = False self.softspace = False self.mode = 'w' self.encoding = 'utf-8' = name if hasattr(stream, 'encoding') and canonical_encoding(stream.encoding) != 'utf-8': log.msg("%s: %r had encoding %r, but we're going to write UTF-8 to it" % (name, stream, stream.encoding), level=log.CURIOUS) self.flush() def isatty(self): return False def close(self): # don't really close the handle, that would only cause problems self.closed = True def fileno(self): return self._fileno def flush(self): if self._hConsole is None: try: self._stream.flush() except Exception, e: _complain("%s.flush: %r from %r" % (, e, self._stream)) raise def write(self, text): try: if self._hConsole is None: if isinstance(text, unicode): text = text.encode('utf-8') self._stream.write(text) else: if not isinstance(text, unicode): text = str(text).decode('utf-8') remaining = len(text) while remaining > 0: n = DWORD(0) retval = WriteConsoleW(self._hConsole, text, remaining, byref(n), None) if retval == 0 or n.value == 0: raise IOError("WriteConsoleW returned %r, n.value = %r" % (retval, n.value)) remaining -= n.value if remaining == 0: break text = text[n.value:] except Exception, e: _complain("%s.write: %r" % (, e)) raise def writelines(self, lines): try: for line in lines: self.write(line) except Exception, e: _complain("%s.writelines: %r" % (, e)) raise if real_stdout: sys.stdout = UnicodeOutput(hStdout, None, STDOUT_FILENO, '') else: sys.stdout = UnicodeOutput(None, sys.stdout, old_stdout_fileno, '') if real_stderr: sys.stderr = UnicodeOutput(hStderr, None, STDERR_FILENO, '') else: sys.stderr = UnicodeOutput(None, sys.stderr, old_stderr_fileno, '') except Exception, e: _complain("exception %r while fixing up sys.stdout and sys.stderr" % (e,)) # This works around . GetCommandLineW = WINFUNCTYPE(LPWSTR)(("GetCommandLineW", windll.kernel32)) CommandLineToArgvW = WINFUNCTYPE(POINTER(LPWSTR), LPCWSTR, POINTER(c_int)) \ (("CommandLineToArgvW", windll.shell32)) argc = c_int(0) argv_unicode = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), byref(argc)) # Because of (and similar limitations in # twisted), the 'bin/tahoe' script cannot invoke us with the actual Unicode arguments. # Instead it "mangles" or escapes them using \x7f as an escape character, which we # unescape here. def unmangle(s): return re.sub(ur'\x7f[0-9a-fA-F]*\;', lambda m: unichr(int([1:-1], 16)), s) try: sys.argv = [unmangle(argv_unicode[i]).encode('utf-8') for i in xrange(1, argc.value)] except Exception, e: _complain("%s: could not unmangle Unicode arguments.\n%r" % (sys.argv[0], [argv_unicode[i] for i in xrange(1, argc.value)])) raise if sys.argv[0].endswith('.pyscript'): sys.argv[0] = sys.argv[0][:-9]