FROM ubuntu:18.04 ENV WHEELHOUSE_PATH /tmp/wheelhouse ENV VIRTUALENV_PATH /tmp/venv # This will get updated by the CircleCI checkout step. ENV BUILD_SRC_ROOT /tmp/project # language-pack-en included to support the en_US LANG setting. # iproute2 necessary for automatic address detection/assignment. RUN apt-get --quiet update && \ apt-get --quiet --yes install git && \ apt-get --quiet --yes install \ sudo \ build-essential \ python2.7 \ python2.7-dev \ libffi-dev \ libssl-dev \ libyaml-dev \ virtualenv \ language-pack-en \ iproute2 # Get the project source. Copying in the whole project source here isn't very # cache friendly but there's no Docker layer cache on CircleCI anyway! COPY . ${BUILD_SRC_ROOT} RUN "${BUILD_SRC_ROOT}"/.circleci/ "${WHEELHOUSE_PATH}" "${VIRTUALENV_PATH}" "${BUILD_SRC_ROOT}"