# This is the version of this tree, as created by setup.py darcsver from the Darcs patch # information: the main version number is taken from the most recent release # tag. If some patches have been added since the last release, this will have a # -NN "build number" suffix, or else a -rNN "revision number" suffix. Please see # pyutil.version_class for a description of what the different fields mean. verstr = "1.2.12" try: from pyutil.version_class import Version as pyutil_Version __version__ = pyutil_Version(verstr) except (ImportError, ValueError): # Maybe there is no pyutil installed, or this may be an older version of # pyutil.version_class which does not support SVN-alike revision numbers. from distutils.version import LooseVersion as distutils_Version __version__ = distutils_Version(verstr)