""" Ported to Python 3. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from future.utils import PY2 if PY2: from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401 import base64 import os import stat import sys import time import mock from textwrap import dedent import configparser from hypothesis import ( given, ) from hypothesis.strategies import ( integers, sets, ) from unittest import skipIf from twisted.python.filepath import ( FilePath, ) from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import defer import foolscap.logging.log from foolscap.connections.tcp import default as make_tcp_handler from twisted.application import service from allmydata.node import ( PortAssignmentRequired, PrivacyError, set_tub_locations, create_tub_options, create_main_tub, create_node_dir, create_default_connection_handlers, create_connection_handlers, config_from_string, read_config, MissingConfigEntry, _tub_portlocation, formatTimeTahoeStyle, UnescapedHashError, ) from allmydata.introducer.server import create_introducer from allmydata import client from allmydata.util import fileutil, iputil from allmydata.util.namespace import Namespace from allmydata.util.configutil import ( ValidConfiguration, UnknownConfigError, ) from allmydata.util.i2p_provider import create as create_i2p_provider from allmydata.util.tor_provider import create as create_tor_provider import allmydata.test.common_util as testutil def port_numbers(): return integers(min_value=1, max_value=2 ** 16 - 1) class LoggingMultiService(service.MultiService): def log(self, msg, **kw): pass # see https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/2946 def testing_tub(config_data=''): """ Creates a 'main' Tub for testing purposes, from config data """ from twisted.internet import reactor basedir = 'dummy_basedir' config = config_from_string(basedir, 'DEFAULT_PORTNUMFILE_BLANK', config_data) fileutil.make_dirs(os.path.join(basedir, 'private')) i2p_provider = create_i2p_provider(reactor, config) tor_provider = create_tor_provider(reactor, config) handlers = create_connection_handlers(reactor, config, i2p_provider, tor_provider) default_connection_handlers, foolscap_connection_handlers = handlers tub_options = create_tub_options(config) main_tub = create_main_tub( config, tub_options, default_connection_handlers, foolscap_connection_handlers, i2p_provider, tor_provider, cert_filename='DEFAULT_CERTFILE_BLANK' ) return main_tub class TestCase(testutil.SignalMixin, unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): testutil.SignalMixin.setUp(self) self.parent = LoggingMultiService() # We can use a made-up port number because these tests never actually # try to bind the port. We'll use a low-numbered one that's likely to # conflict with another service to prove it. self._available_port = 22 def _test_location( self, expected_addresses, tub_port=None, tub_location=None, local_addresses=None, ): """ Verify that a Tub configured with the given *tub.port* and *tub.location* values generates fURLs with the given addresses in its location hints. :param [str] expected_addresses: The addresses which must appear in the generated fURL for the test to pass. All addresses must appear. :param tub_port: If not ``None`` then a value for the *tub.port* configuration item. :param tub_location: If not ``None`` then a value for the *tub.port* configuration item. :param local_addresses: If not ``None`` then a list of addresses to supply to the system under test as local addresses. """ basedir = self.mktemp() create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") config_data = "[node]\n" if tub_port: config_data += "tub.port = {}\n".format(tub_port) if tub_location is not None: config_data += "tub.location = {}\n".format(tub_location) if local_addresses is not None: self.patch(iputil, 'get_local_addresses_sync', lambda: local_addresses) tub = testing_tub(config_data) class Foo(object): pass furl = tub.registerReference(Foo()) for address in expected_addresses: self.assertIn(address, furl) def test_location1(self): return self._test_location(expected_addresses=[""], tub_location="") def test_location2(self): return self._test_location(expected_addresses=["", "example.org:8091"], tub_location=",example.org:8091") def test_location_not_set(self): """Checks the autogenerated furl when tub.location is not set.""" return self._test_location( expected_addresses=[ "{}".format(self._available_port), "{}".format(self._available_port), ], tub_port=self._available_port, local_addresses=["", ""], ) def test_location_auto_and_explicit(self): """Checks the autogenerated furl when tub.location contains 'AUTO'.""" return self._test_location( expected_addresses=[ "{}".format(self._available_port), "{}".format(self._available_port), "example.com:4321", ], tub_port=self._available_port, tub_location="AUTO,example.com:{}".format(self._available_port), local_addresses=["", "", "example.com:4321"], ) def test_tahoe_cfg_utf8(self): basedir = "test_node/test_tahoe_cfg_utf8" fileutil.make_dirs(basedir) f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wb') f.write(u"\uFEFF[node]\n".encode('utf-8')) f.write(u"nickname = \u2621\n".encode('utf-8')) f.close() config = read_config(basedir, "") self.failUnlessEqual(config.get_config("node", "nickname"), u"\u2621") def test_tahoe_cfg_hash_in_name(self): basedir = "test_node/test_cfg_hash_in_name" nickname = "Hash#Bang!" # a clever nickname containing a hash fileutil.make_dirs(basedir) f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') f.write("[node]\n") f.write("nickname = %s\n" % (nickname,)) f.close() config = read_config(basedir, "") self.failUnless(config.nickname == nickname) def test_hash_in_furl(self): """ Hashes in furl options are not allowed, resulting in exception. """ basedir = self.mktemp() fileutil.make_dirs(basedir) with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') as f: f.write("[node]\n") f.write("log_gatherer.furl = lalal#onohash\n") config = read_config(basedir, "") with self.assertRaises(UnescapedHashError): config.get_config("node", "log_gatherer.furl") def test_missing_config_item(self): """ If a config item is missing: 1. Given a default, return default. 2. Otherwise, raise MissingConfigEntry. """ basedir = self.mktemp() fileutil.make_dirs(basedir) with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') as f: f.write("[node]\n") config = read_config(basedir, "") self.assertEquals(config.get_config("node", "log_gatherer.furl", "def"), "def") with self.assertRaises(MissingConfigEntry): config.get_config("node", "log_gatherer.furl") def test_config_required(self): """ Asking for missing (but required) configuration is an error """ basedir = u"test_node/test_config_required" config = read_config(basedir, "portnum") with self.assertRaises(Exception): config.get_config_from_file("it_does_not_exist", required=True) def test_config_items(self): """ All items in a config section can be retrieved. """ basedir = u"test_node/test_config_items" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') as f: f.write(dedent( """ [node] nickname = foo timeout.disconnect = 12 """ )) config = read_config(basedir, "portnum") self.assertEqual( config.items("node"), [("nickname", "foo"), ("timeout.disconnect", "12"), ], ) self.assertEqual( config.items("node", [("unnecessary", "default")]), [("nickname", "foo"), ("timeout.disconnect", "12"), ], ) def test_config_items_missing_section(self): """ If a default is given for a missing section, the default is used. Lacking both default and section, an error is raised. """ basedir = self.mktemp() create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') as f: f.write("") config = read_config(basedir, "portnum") with self.assertRaises(configparser.NoSectionError): config.items("nosuch") default = [("hello", "world")] self.assertEqual(config.items("nosuch", default), default) @skipIf( "win32" in sys.platform.lower() or "cygwin" in sys.platform.lower(), "We don't know how to set permissions on Windows.", ) def test_private_config_unreadable(self): """ Asking for inaccessible private config is an error """ basedir = u"test_node/test_private_config_unreadable" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") config = read_config(basedir, "portnum") config.get_or_create_private_config("foo", "contents") fname = os.path.join(basedir, "private", "foo") os.chmod(fname, 0) with self.assertRaises(Exception): config.get_or_create_private_config("foo") @skipIf( "win32" in sys.platform.lower() or "cygwin" in sys.platform.lower(), "We don't know how to set permissions on Windows.", ) def test_private_config_unreadable_preexisting(self): """ error if reading private config data fails """ basedir = u"test_node/test_private_config_unreadable_preexisting" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") config = read_config(basedir, "portnum") fname = os.path.join(basedir, "private", "foo") with open(fname, "w") as f: f.write("stuff") os.chmod(fname, 0) with self.assertRaises(Exception): config.get_private_config("foo") def test_private_config_missing(self): """ a missing config with no default is an error """ basedir = u"test_node/test_private_config_missing" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") config = read_config(basedir, "portnum") with self.assertRaises(MissingConfigEntry): config.get_or_create_private_config("foo") def test_private_config(self): basedir = u"test_node/test_private_config" privdir = os.path.join(basedir, "private") fileutil.make_dirs(privdir) f = open(os.path.join(privdir, 'already'), 'wt') f.write("secret") f.close() basedir = fileutil.abspath_expanduser_unicode(basedir) config = config_from_string(basedir, "", "") self.assertEqual(config.get_private_config("already"), "secret") self.assertEqual(config.get_private_config("not", "default"), "default") self.assertRaises(MissingConfigEntry, config.get_private_config, "not") value = config.get_or_create_private_config("new", "start") self.assertEqual(value, "start") self.assertEqual(config.get_private_config("new"), "start") counter = [] def make_newer(): counter.append("called") return "newer" value = config.get_or_create_private_config("newer", make_newer) self.assertEqual(len(counter), 1) self.assertEqual(value, "newer") self.assertEqual(config.get_private_config("newer"), "newer") value = config.get_or_create_private_config("newer", make_newer) self.assertEqual(len(counter), 1) # don't call unless necessary self.assertEqual(value, "newer") def test_write_config_unwritable_file(self): """ Existing behavior merely logs any errors upon writing configuration files; this bad behavior should probably be fixed to do something better (like fail entirely). See #2905 """ basedir = "test_node/configdir" fileutil.make_dirs(basedir) config = config_from_string(basedir, "", "") with open(os.path.join(basedir, "bad"), "w") as f: f.write("bad") os.chmod(os.path.join(basedir, "bad"), 0o000) config.write_config_file("bad", "some value") errs = self.flushLoggedErrors(IOError) self.assertEqual(1, len(errs)) def test_timestamp(self): # this modified logger doesn't seem to get used during the tests, # probably because we don't modify the LogObserver that trial # installs (only the one that twistd installs). So manually exercise # it a little bit. t = formatTimeTahoeStyle("ignored", time.time()) self.failUnless("Z" in t) t2 = formatTimeTahoeStyle("ignored", int(time.time())) self.failUnless("Z" in t2) def test_secrets_dir(self): basedir = "test_node/test_secrets_dir" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(basedir, "private"))) def test_secrets_dir_protected(self): if "win32" in sys.platform.lower() or "cygwin" in sys.platform.lower(): # We don't know how to test that unprivileged users can't read this # thing. (Also we don't know exactly how to set the permissions so # that unprivileged users can't read this thing.) raise unittest.SkipTest("We don't know how to set permissions on Windows.") basedir = "test_node/test_secrets_dir_protected" create_node_dir(basedir, "nothing to see here") # make sure private dir was created with correct modes privdir = os.path.join(basedir, "private") st = os.stat(privdir) bits = stat.S_IMODE(st[stat.ST_MODE]) self.failUnless(bits & 0o001 == 0, bits) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_logdir_is_str(self): basedir = "test_node/test_logdir_is_str" ns = Namespace() ns.called = False def call_setLogDir(logdir): ns.called = True self.failUnless(isinstance(logdir, str), logdir) self.patch(foolscap.logging.log, 'setLogDir', call_setLogDir) create_node_dir(basedir, "nothing to see here") yield client.create_client(basedir) self.failUnless(ns.called) def test_set_config_unescaped_furl_hash(self): """ ``_Config.set_config`` raises ``UnescapedHashError`` if the item being set is a furl and the value includes ``"#"`` and does not set the value. """ basedir = self.mktemp() new_config = config_from_string(basedir, "", "") with self.assertRaises(UnescapedHashError): new_config.set_config("foo", "bar.furl", "value#1") with self.assertRaises(MissingConfigEntry): new_config.get_config("foo", "bar.furl") def test_set_config_new_section(self): """ ``_Config.set_config`` can be called with the name of a section that does not already exist to create that section and set an item in it. """ basedir = self.mktemp() new_config = config_from_string(basedir, "", "", ValidConfiguration.everything()) new_config.set_config("foo", "bar", "value1") self.assertEqual( new_config.get_config("foo", "bar"), "value1" ) def test_set_config_replace(self): """ ``_Config.set_config`` can be called with a section and item that already exists to change an existing value to a new one. """ basedir = self.mktemp() new_config = config_from_string(basedir, "", "", ValidConfiguration.everything()) new_config.set_config("foo", "bar", "value1") new_config.set_config("foo", "bar", "value2") self.assertEqual( new_config.get_config("foo", "bar"), "value2" ) def test_set_config_write(self): """ ``_Config.set_config`` persists the configuration change so it can be re-loaded later. """ # Let our nonsense config through valid_config = ValidConfiguration.everything() basedir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) basedir.makedirs() cfg = basedir.child(b"tahoe.cfg") cfg.setContent(b"") new_config = read_config(basedir.path, "", [], valid_config) new_config.set_config("foo", "bar", "value1") loaded_config = read_config(basedir.path, "", [], valid_config) self.assertEqual( loaded_config.get_config("foo", "bar"), "value1", ) def test_set_config_rejects_invalid_config(self): """ ``_Config.set_config`` raises ``UnknownConfigError`` if the section or item is not recognized by the validation object and does not set the value. """ # Make everything invalid. valid_config = ValidConfiguration.nothing() new_config = config_from_string(self.mktemp(), "", "", valid_config) with self.assertRaises(UnknownConfigError): new_config.set_config("foo", "bar", "baz") with self.assertRaises(MissingConfigEntry): new_config.get_config("foo", "bar") class TestMissingPorts(unittest.TestCase): """ Test certain ``_tub_portlocation`` error cases for ports setup. """ def setUp(self): self.basedir = self.mktemp() create_node_dir(self.basedir, "testing") def _get_addr(self): return ["LOCAL"] def _alloc_port(self): return 999 def test_listen_on_zero(self): """ ``set_tub_locations`` raises ``PortAssignmentRequired`` called with a listen address including port 0. """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" "tub.port = tcp:0\n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) # XXX The implementation has some shortcomings. For example, how # about tcp:localhost:0? with self.assertRaises(PortAssignmentRequired): _tub_portlocation(config, None, None) def test_parsing_tcp(self): """ When ``tub.port`` is given and ``tub.location`` is **AUTO** the port number from ``tub.port`` is used as the port number for the value constructed for ``tub.location``. """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" "tub.port = tcp:777\n" "tub.location = AUTO\n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) tubport, tublocation = _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertEqual(tubport, "tcp:777") self.assertEqual(tublocation, b"tcp:LOCAL:777") def test_parsing_defaults(self): """ parse empty config, check defaults """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) tubport, tublocation = _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertEqual(tubport, "tcp:999") self.assertEqual(tublocation, b"tcp:LOCAL:999") def test_parsing_location_complex(self): """ location with two options (including defaults) """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" "tub.location = tcp:HOST:888,AUTO\n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) tubport, tublocation = _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertEqual(tubport, "tcp:999") self.assertEqual(tublocation, b"tcp:HOST:888,tcp:LOCAL:999") def test_parsing_all_disabled(self): """ parse config with both port + location disabled """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" "tub.port = disabled\n" "tub.location = disabled\n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) res = _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertTrue(res is None) def test_empty_tub_port(self): """ port povided, but empty is an error """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" "tub.port = \n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx: _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertIn( "tub.port must not be empty", str(ctx.exception) ) def test_empty_tub_location(self): """ location povided, but empty is an error """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" "tub.location = \n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx: _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertIn( "tub.location must not be empty", str(ctx.exception) ) def test_disabled_port_not_tub(self): """ error to disable port but not location """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" "tub.port = disabled\n" "tub.location = not_disabled\n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx: _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertIn( "tub.port is disabled, but not tub.location", str(ctx.exception) ) def test_disabled_tub_not_port(self): """ error to disable location but not port """ config_data = ( "[node]\n" "tub.port = not_disabled\n" "tub.location = disabled\n" ) config = config_from_string(self.basedir, "portnum", config_data) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx: _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertIn( "tub.location is disabled, but not tub.port", str(ctx.exception) ) def test_tub_location_tcp(self): config = config_from_string( "fake.port", "no-basedir", "[node]\nreveal-IP-address = false\ntub.location=tcp:hostname:1234\n", ) with self.assertRaises(PrivacyError) as ctx: _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertEqual( str(ctx.exception), "tub.location includes tcp: hint", ) def test_tub_location_legacy_tcp(self): config = config_from_string( "fake.port", "no-basedir", "[node]\nreveal-IP-address = false\ntub.location=hostname:1234\n", ) with self.assertRaises(PrivacyError) as ctx: _tub_portlocation( config, self._get_addr, self._alloc_port, ) self.assertEqual( str(ctx.exception), "tub.location includes tcp: hint", ) BASE_CONFIG = """ [tor] enabled = false [i2p] enabled = false """ NOLISTEN = """ [node] tub.port = disabled tub.location = disabled """ DISABLE_STORAGE = """ [storage] enabled = false """ ENABLE_STORAGE = """ [storage] enabled = true """ ENABLE_HELPER = """ [helper] enabled = true """ class FakeTub(object): def __init__(self): self.tubID = base64.b32encode(b"foo") self.listening_ports = [] def setOption(self, name, value): pass def removeAllConnectionHintHandlers(self): pass def addConnectionHintHandler(self, hint_type, handler): pass def listenOn(self, what): self.listening_ports.append(what) def setLocation(self, location): pass def setServiceParent(self, parent): pass class Listeners(unittest.TestCase): # Randomly allocate a couple distinct port numbers to try out. The test # never actually binds these port numbers so we don't care if they're "in # use" on the system or not. We just want a couple distinct values we can # check expected results against. @given(ports=sets(elements=port_numbers(), min_size=2, max_size=2)) def test_multiple_ports(self, ports): """ When there are multiple listen addresses suggested by the ``tub.port`` and ``tub.location`` configuration, the node's *main* port listens on all of them. """ basedir = self.mktemp() config_fname = os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg") os.mkdir(basedir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, "private")) port1, port2 = iter(ports) port = ("tcp:%d:interface=,tcp:%d:interface=" % (port1, port2)) location = "tcp:localhost:%d,tcp:localhost:%d" % (port1, port2) with open(config_fname, "w") as f: f.write(BASE_CONFIG) f.write("[node]\n") f.write("tub.port = %s\n" % port) f.write("tub.location = %s\n" % location) config = client.read_config(basedir, "client.port") fch = {"tcp": make_tcp_handler()} dfh = create_default_connection_handlers( None, config, fch, ) tub_options = create_tub_options(config) t = FakeTub() with mock.patch("allmydata.node.Tub", return_value=t): create_main_tub(config, tub_options, dfh, fch, None, None) self.assertEqual(t.listening_ports, ["tcp:%d:interface=" % port1, "tcp:%d:interface=" % port2]) def test_tor_i2p_listeners(self): basedir = self.mktemp() config_fname = os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg") os.mkdir(basedir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(basedir, "private")) with open(config_fname, "w") as f: f.write(BASE_CONFIG) f.write("[node]\n") f.write("tub.port = listen:i2p,listen:tor\n") f.write("tub.location = tcp:example.org:1234\n") config = client.read_config(basedir, "client.port") tub_options = create_tub_options(config) t = FakeTub() fch = {"tcp": make_tcp_handler()} dfh = create_default_connection_handlers( None, config, fch, ) with mock.patch("allmydata.node.Tub", return_value=t): i2p_provider = mock.Mock() tor_provider = mock.Mock() create_main_tub(config, tub_options, dfh, fch, i2p_provider, tor_provider) self.assertEqual(i2p_provider.get_listener.mock_calls, [mock.call()]) self.assertEqual(tor_provider.get_listener.mock_calls, [mock.call()]) self.assertEqual( t.listening_ports, [ i2p_provider.get_listener(), tor_provider.get_listener(), ] ) class ClientNotListening(unittest.TestCase): @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_disabled(self): basedir = "test_node/test_disabled" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') f.write(BASE_CONFIG) f.write(NOLISTEN) f.write(DISABLE_STORAGE) f.close() n = yield client.create_client(basedir) self.assertEqual(n.tub.getListeners(), []) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_disabled_but_storage(self): basedir = "test_node/test_disabled_but_storage" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') f.write(BASE_CONFIG) f.write(NOLISTEN) f.write(ENABLE_STORAGE) f.close() with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx: yield client.create_client(basedir) self.assertIn( "storage is enabled, but tub is not listening", str(ctx.exception), ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_disabled_but_helper(self): basedir = "test_node/test_disabled_but_helper" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") f = open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') f.write(BASE_CONFIG) f.write(NOLISTEN) f.write(DISABLE_STORAGE) f.write(ENABLE_HELPER) f.close() with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx: yield client.create_client(basedir) self.assertIn( "helper is enabled, but tub is not listening", str(ctx.exception), ) class IntroducerNotListening(unittest.TestCase): @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_port_none_introducer(self): basedir = "test_node/test_port_none_introducer" create_node_dir(basedir, "testing") with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'wt') as f: f.write("[node]\n") f.write("tub.port = disabled\n") f.write("tub.location = disabled\n") with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx: yield create_introducer(basedir) self.assertIn( "we are Introducer, but tub is not listening", str(ctx.exception), ) class Configuration(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.basedir = self.mktemp() fileutil.make_dirs(self.basedir) def test_read_invalid_config(self): with open(os.path.join(self.basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'w') as f: f.write( '[invalid section]\n' 'foo = bar\n' ) with self.assertRaises(UnknownConfigError) as ctx: read_config( self.basedir, "client.port", ) self.assertIn( "invalid section", str(ctx.exception), ) @defer.inlineCallbacks def test_create_client_invalid_config(self): with open(os.path.join(self.basedir, 'tahoe.cfg'), 'w') as f: f.write( '[invalid section]\n' 'foo = bar\n' ) with self.assertRaises(UnknownConfigError) as ctx: yield client.create_client(self.basedir) self.assertIn( "invalid section", str(ctx.exception), ) class FakeProvider(object): """Emulate Tor and I2P providers.""" def get_tor_handler(self): return "TORHANDLER!" def get_i2p_handler(self): return "I2PHANDLER!" class CreateConnectionHandlers(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for create_connection_handlers(). """ def test_tcp_disabled(self): """ If tcp is set to disabled, no TCP handler is set. """ config = config_from_string("", "", dedent(""" [connections] tcp = disabled """)) reactor = object() # it's not actually used?! default_handlers = create_default_connection_handlers( reactor, config, {}, ) self.assertIs(default_handlers["tcp"], None)