""" Tools aimed at the interaction between Tahoe-LAFS implementation and Eliot. """ from __future__ import ( unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import, division, ) __all__ = [ "inline_callbacks", "eliot_logging_service", "opt_eliot_destination", "opt_help_eliot_destinations", "validateInstanceOf", "validateSetMembership", ] from sys import ( stdout, ) from functools import wraps from logging import ( INFO, Handler, getLogger, ) from json import loads from zope.interface import ( implementer, ) import attr from attr.validators import ( optional, provides, ) from eliot import ( ILogger, Message, FileDestination, add_destinations, remove_destination, write_traceback, start_action, ) from eliot._validation import ( ValidationError, ) from eliot.twisted import ( DeferredContext, inline_callbacks, ) from twisted.python.usage import ( UsageError, ) from twisted.python.filepath import ( FilePath, ) from twisted.python.logfile import ( LogFile, ) from twisted.logger import ( ILogObserver, eventAsJSON, globalLogPublisher, ) from twisted.internet.defer import ( maybeDeferred, ) from twisted.application.service import Service def validateInstanceOf(t): """ Return an Eliot validator that requires values to be instances of ``t``. """ def validator(v): if not isinstance(v, t): raise ValidationError("{} not an instance of {}".format(v, t)) return validator def validateSetMembership(s): """ Return an Eliot validator that requires values to be elements of ``s``. """ def validator(v): if v not in s: raise ValidationError("{} not in {}".format(v, s)) return validator def eliot_logging_service(reactor, destinations): """ Parse the given Eliot destination descriptions and return an ``IService`` which will add them when started and remove them when stopped. See ``--help-eliot-destinations`` for details about supported destinations. """ return _EliotLogging(destinations=list( get_destination(reactor) for get_destination in destinations )) # An Options-based argument parser for configuring Eliot logging. Set this as # a same-named attribute on your Options subclass. def opt_eliot_destination(self, description): """ Add an Eliot logging destination. May be given more than once. """ try: destination = _parse_destination_description(description) except Exception as e: raise UsageError(str(e)) else: self.setdefault("destinations", []).append(destination) def opt_help_eliot_destinations(self): """ Emit usage information for --eliot-destination. """ print( "Available destinations:\n" # Might want to generate this from some metadata someday but we just # have one hard-coded destination type now, it's easier to hard-code # the help. "\tfile:[,rotate_length=][,max_rotated_files=]\n" "\tSensible defaults are supplied for rotate_length and max_rotated_files\n" "\tif they are not given.\n", file=self.stdout, ) raise SystemExit(0) class _EliotLogging(Service): """ A service which adds stdout as an Eliot destination while it is running. """ def __init__(self, destinations): """ :param list destinations: The Eliot destinations which will is added by this service. """ self.destinations = destinations def startService(self): self.stdlib_cleanup = _stdlib_logging_to_eliot_configuration(getLogger()) self.twisted_observer = _TwistedLoggerToEliotObserver() globalLogPublisher.addObserver(self.twisted_observer) add_destinations(*self.destinations) return Service.startService(self) def stopService(self): for dest in self.destinations: remove_destination(dest) globalLogPublisher.removeObserver(self.twisted_observer) self.stdlib_cleanup() return Service.stopService(self) @implementer(ILogObserver) @attr.s(frozen=True) class _TwistedLoggerToEliotObserver(object): """ An ``ILogObserver`` which re-publishes events as Eliot messages. """ logger = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(provides(ILogger))) def _observe(self, event): flattened = loads(eventAsJSON(event)) # We get a timestamp from Eliot. flattened.pop(u"log_time") # This is never serializable anyway. "Legacy" log events (from # twisted.python.log) don't have this so make it optional. flattened.pop(u"log_logger", None) Message.new( message_type=u"eliot:twisted", **flattened ).write(self.logger) # The actual ILogObserver interface uses this. __call__ = _observe class _StdlibLoggingToEliotHandler(Handler): def __init__(self, logger=None): Handler.__init__(self) self.logger = logger def emit(self, record): Message.new( message_type=u"eliot:stdlib", log_level=record.levelname, logger=record.name, message=record.getMessage() ).write(self.logger) if record.exc_info: write_traceback( logger=self.logger, exc_info=record.exc_info, ) def _stdlib_logging_to_eliot_configuration(stdlib_logger, eliot_logger=None): """ Add a handler to ``stdlib_logger`` which will relay events to ``eliot_logger`` (or the default Eliot logger if ``eliot_logger`` is ``None``). """ handler = _StdlibLoggingToEliotHandler(eliot_logger) handler.set_name(u"eliot") handler.setLevel(INFO) stdlib_logger.addHandler(handler) return lambda: stdlib_logger.removeHandler(handler) class _DestinationParser(object): def parse(self, description): description = description.decode(u"ascii") try: kind, args = description.split(u":", 1) except ValueError: raise ValueError( u"Eliot destination description must be formatted like " u":." ) try: parser = getattr(self, u"_parse_{}".format(kind)) except AttributeError: raise ValueError( u"Unknown destination description: {}".format(description) ) else: return parser(kind, args) def _get_arg(self, arg_name, default, arg_list): return dict( arg.split(u"=", 1) for arg in arg_list ).get( arg_name, default, ) def _parse_file(self, kind, arg_text): # Reserve the possibility of an escape character in the future. \ is # the standard choice but it's the path separator on Windows which # pretty much ruins it in this context. Most other symbols already # have some shell-assigned meaning which makes them treacherous to use # in a CLI interface. Eliminating all such dangerous symbols leaves # approximately @. if u"@" in arg_text: raise ValueError( u"Unsupported escape character (@) in destination text ({!r}).".format(arg_text), ) arg_list = arg_text.split(u",") path_name = arg_list.pop(0) if path_name == "-": get_file = lambda: stdout else: path = FilePath(path_name) rotate_length = int(self._get_arg( u"rotate_length", 1024 * 1024 * 1024, arg_list, )) max_rotated_files = int(self._get_arg( u"max_rotated_files", 10, arg_list, )) def get_file(): path.parent().makedirs(ignoreExistingDirectory=True) return LogFile( path.basename(), path.dirname(), rotateLength=rotate_length, maxRotatedFiles=max_rotated_files, ) return lambda reactor: FileDestination(get_file()) _parse_destination_description = _DestinationParser().parse def log_call_deferred(action_type): """ Like ``eliot.log_call`` but for functions which return ``Deferred``. """ def decorate_log_call_deferred(f): @wraps(f) def logged_f(*a, **kw): # Use the action's context method to avoid ending the action when # the `with` block ends. with start_action(action_type=action_type).context(): # Use addActionFinish so that the action finishes when the # Deferred fires. d = maybeDeferred(f, *a, **kw) return DeferredContext(d).addActionFinish() return logged_f return decorate_log_call_deferred