import re from zope.interface import implements from twisted.application import service from twisted.python import log from foolscap import Referenceable from allmydata.interfaces import RIIntroducer, RIIntroducerClient from allmydata.util import idlib, observer def ignoreDeadRef(target, *args, **kwargs): from twisted.internet import error from foolscap import DeadReferenceError d = target.callRemote(*args, **kwargs) def _ignore(f): f.trap(error.ConnectionDone, error.ConnectError, error.ConnectionLost, DeadReferenceError) d.addErrback(_ignore) class Introducer(service.MultiService, Referenceable): implements(RIIntroducer) def __init__(self): service.MultiService.__init__(self) self.nodes = set() self.pburls = set() def remote_hello(self, node, pburl): log.msg("introducer: new contact at %s, node is %s" % (pburl, node)) def _remove(): log.msg(" introducer: removing %s %s" % (node, pburl)) self.nodes.remove(node) self.pburls.remove(pburl) for othernode in self.nodes: #othernode.callRemote("lost_peers", set([pburl])) #othernode.callRemoteOnly("lost_peers", set([pburl])) ignoreDeadRef(othernode, "lost_peers", set([pburl])) node.notifyOnDisconnect(_remove) self.pburls.add(pburl) node.callRemote("new_peers", self.pburls) for othernode in self.nodes: othernode.callRemote("new_peers", set([pburl])) self.nodes.add(node) class IntroducerClient(service.Service, Referenceable): implements(RIIntroducerClient) def __init__(self, tub, introducer_pburl, my_pburl): self.tub = tub self.introducer_pburl = introducer_pburl self.my_pburl = my_pburl self.connections = {} # k: nodeid, v: ref self.reconnectors = {} # k: PBURL, v: reconnector self.change_observers = observer.ObserverList() def startService(self): self.introducer_reconnector = self.tub.connectTo(self.introducer_pburl, self._got_introducer) def log(self, msg): self.parent.log(msg) def remote_new_peers(self, pburls): for pburl in pburls: self._new_peer(pburl) def remote_lost_peers(self, pburls): for pburl in pburls: self._lost_peer(pburl) def stopService(self): service.Service.stopService(self) self.introducer_reconnector.stopConnecting() for reconnector in self.reconnectors.itervalues(): reconnector.stopConnecting() self.reconnectors = {} def _new_peer(self, pburl): if pburl in self.reconnectors: return # TODO: rather than using the TubID as a nodeid, we should use # something else. The thing that requires the least additional # mappings is to use the foolscap "identifier" (the last component of # the pburl), since these are unguessable. Before we can do that, # though, we need a way to conveniently make these identifiers # persist from one run of the client program to the next. Also, using # the foolscap identifier would mean that anyone who knows the name # of the node also has all the secrets they need to contact and use # them, which may or may not be what we want. m = re.match(r'pb://(\w+)@', pburl) assert m nodeid = idlib.a2b( def _got_peer(rref): self.log(" connected to(%s)" % idlib.b2a(nodeid)) self.change_observers.notify("add", nodeid, rref) self.connections[nodeid] = rref def _lost(): # TODO: notifyOnDisconnect uses eventually(), but connects do # not. Could this cause a problem? del self.connections[nodeid] rref.notifyOnDisconnect(_lost) self.log(" connecting to(%s)" % pburl) self.reconnectors[pburl] = self.tub.connectTo(pburl, _got_peer) def _got_introducer(self, introducer): self.log(" introducing ourselves: %s, %s" % (self, self.my_pburl)) d = introducer.callRemote("hello", node=self, pburl=self.my_pburl) def notify_on_change(self, cb): """Register a callback that will be fired (with ('add',nodeid,rref) or ('remove',pburl) ) when a new connection is established or a peer is lost. This is used by the unit tests.""" self.change_observers.subscribe(cb) def _lost_peer(self, pburl): if pburl in self.reconnectors: self.reconnectors[pburl].stopConnecting() del self.reconnectors[pburl] self.change_observers.notify("remove", pburl) # TODO: we don't currently bother to terminate any connections we # might have to this peer. The assumption is that, since the # introducer lost their connection to this peer, we'll probably lose # our connection too. Also, foolscap doesn't currently provide a # clean way to terminate a given connection.