import sys import time import json from os import mkdir, environ from os.path import exists, join from six.moves import StringIO from functools import partial from subprocess import check_output from twisted.python.filepath import ( FilePath, ) from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, succeed from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol from twisted.internet.error import ProcessExitedAlready, ProcessDone from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread import requests from paramiko.rsakey import RSAKey from boltons.funcutils import wraps from allmydata.util.configutil import ( get_config, set_config, write_config, ) from allmydata import client import pytest_twisted def block_with_timeout(deferred, reactor, timeout=120): """Block until Deferred has result, but timeout instead of waiting forever.""" deferred.addTimeout(timeout, reactor) return pytest_twisted.blockon(deferred) class _ProcessExitedProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper that .callback()s on self.done when the process exits (for any reason). """ def __init__(self): self.done = Deferred() def processEnded(self, reason): self.done.callback(None) class _CollectOutputProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. Collects all output (stdout + stderr) into self.output, and callback's on done with all of it after the process exits (for any reason). """ def __init__(self): self.done = Deferred() self.output = StringIO() def processEnded(self, reason): if not self.done.called: self.done.callback(self.output.getvalue()) def processExited(self, reason): if not isinstance(reason.value, ProcessDone): self.done.errback(reason) def outReceived(self, data): self.output.write(data) def errReceived(self, data): print("ERR: {}".format(data)) self.output.write(data) class _DumpOutputProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. """ def __init__(self, f): self.done = Deferred() self._out = f if f is not None else sys.stdout def processEnded(self, reason): if not self.done.called: self.done.callback(None) def processExited(self, reason): if not isinstance(reason.value, ProcessDone): self.done.errback(reason) def outReceived(self, data): self._out.write(data) def errReceived(self, data): self._out.write(data) class _MagicTextProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ Internal helper. Monitors all stdout looking for a magic string, and then .callback()s on self.done and .errback's if the process exits """ def __init__(self, magic_text): self.magic_seen = Deferred() self.exited = Deferred() self._magic_text = magic_text self._output = StringIO() def processEnded(self, reason): self.exited.callback(None) def outReceived(self, data): sys.stdout.write(data) self._output.write(data) if not self.magic_seen.called and self._magic_text in self._output.getvalue(): print("Saw '{}' in the logs".format(self._magic_text)) self.magic_seen.callback(self) def errReceived(self, data): sys.stdout.write(data) def _cleanup_tahoe_process(tahoe_transport, exited): """ Terminate the given process with a kill signal (SIGKILL on POSIX, TerminateProcess on Windows). :param tahoe_transport: The `IProcessTransport` representing the process. :param exited: A `Deferred` which fires when the process has exited. :return: After the process has exited. """ from twisted.internet import reactor try: print("signaling {} with TERM".format( tahoe_transport.signalProcess('TERM') print("signaled, blocking on exit") block_with_timeout(exited, reactor) print("exited, goodbye") except ProcessExitedAlready: pass def _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage(proto, reactor, request, other_args): """ Internal helper. Calls spawnProcess with `-m allmydata.scripts.runner` and `other_args`, optionally inserting a `--coverage` option if the `request` indicates we should. """ if request.config.getoption('coverage'): args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'coverage', 'run', '-m', 'allmydata.scripts.runner', '--coverage'] else: args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'allmydata.scripts.runner'] args += other_args return reactor.spawnProcess( proto, sys.executable, args, env=environ, ) class TahoeProcess(object): """ A running Tahoe process, with associated information. """ def __init__(self, process_transport, node_dir): self._process_transport = process_transport # IProcessTransport instance self._node_dir = node_dir # path @property def transport(self): return self._process_transport @property def node_dir(self): return self._node_dir def get_config(self): return client.read_config( self._node_dir, u"portnum", ) def kill(self): """Kill the process, block until it's done.""" _cleanup_tahoe_process(self.transport, self.transport.exited) def __str__(self): return "<TahoeProcess in '{}'>".format(self._node_dir) def _run_node(reactor, node_dir, request, magic_text, finalize=True): """ Run a tahoe process from its node_dir. :returns: a TahoeProcess for this node """ if magic_text is None: magic_text = "client running" protocol = _MagicTextProtocol(magic_text) # "tahoe run" is consistent across Linux/macOS/Windows, unlike the old # "start" command. transport = _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage( protocol, reactor, request, [ '--eliot-destination', 'file:{}/logs/eliot.json'.format(node_dir), 'run', node_dir, ], ) transport.exited = protocol.exited if finalize: request.addfinalizer(partial(_cleanup_tahoe_process, transport, protocol.exited)) # XXX abusing the Deferred; should use .when_magic_seen() pattern def got_proto(proto): transport._protocol = proto return TahoeProcess( transport, node_dir, ) protocol.magic_seen.addCallback(got_proto) return protocol.magic_seen def _create_node(reactor, request, temp_dir, introducer_furl, flog_gatherer, name, web_port, storage=True, magic_text=None, needed=2, happy=3, total=4, finalize=True): """ Helper to create a single node, run it and return the instance spawnProcess returned (ITransport) """ node_dir = join(temp_dir, name) if web_port is None: web_port = '' if exists(node_dir): created_d = succeed(None) else: print("creating", node_dir) mkdir(node_dir) done_proto = _ProcessExitedProtocol() args = [ 'create-node', '--nickname', name, '--introducer', introducer_furl, '--hostname', 'localhost', '--listen', 'tcp', '--webport', web_port, '--shares-needed', unicode(needed), '--shares-happy', unicode(happy), '--shares-total', unicode(total), '--helper', ] if not storage: args.append('--no-storage') args.append(node_dir) _tahoe_runner_optional_coverage(done_proto, reactor, request, args) created_d = done_proto.done def created(_): config_path = join(node_dir, 'tahoe.cfg') config = get_config(config_path) set_config( config, u'node', u'log_gatherer.furl', flog_gatherer.decode("utf-8"), ) write_config(FilePath(config_path), config) created_d.addCallback(created) d = Deferred() d.callback(None) d.addCallback(lambda _: created_d) d.addCallback(lambda _: _run_node(reactor, node_dir, request, magic_text, finalize=finalize)) return d class UnwantedFilesException(Exception): """ While waiting for some files to appear, some undesired files appeared instead (or in addition). """ def __init__(self, waiting, unwanted): super(UnwantedFilesException, self).__init__( u"While waiting for '{}', unwanted files appeared: {}".format( waiting, u', '.join(unwanted), ) ) class ExpectedFileMismatchException(Exception): """ A file or files we wanted weren't found within the timeout. """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(ExpectedFileMismatchException, self).__init__( u"Contents of '{}' mismatched after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) class ExpectedFileUnfoundException(Exception): """ A file or files we expected to find didn't appear within the timeout. """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(ExpectedFileUnfoundException, self).__init__( u"Didn't find '{}' after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) class FileShouldVanishException(Exception): """ A file or files we expected to disappear did not within the timeout """ def __init__(self, path, timeout): super(FileShouldVanishException, self).__init__( u"'{}' still exists after {}s".format(path, timeout), ) def await_file_contents(path, contents, timeout=15, error_if=None): """ wait up to `timeout` seconds for the file at `path` (any path-like object) to have the exact content `contents`. :param error_if: if specified, a list of additional paths; if any of these paths appear an Exception is raised. """ start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: print(" waiting for '{}'".format(path)) if error_if and any([exists(p) for p in error_if]): raise UnwantedFilesException( waiting=path, unwanted=[p for p in error_if if exists(p)], ) if exists(path): try: with open(path, 'r') as f: current = except IOError: print("IOError; trying again") else: if current == contents: return True print(" file contents still mismatched") print(" wanted: {}".format(contents.replace('\n', ' '))) print(" got: {}".format(current.replace('\n', ' '))) time.sleep(1) if exists(path): raise ExpectedFileMismatchException(path, timeout) raise ExpectedFileUnfoundException(path, timeout) def await_files_exist(paths, timeout=15, await_all=False): """ wait up to `timeout` seconds for any of the paths to exist; when any exist, a list of all found filenames is returned. Otherwise, an Exception is raised """ start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: print(" waiting for: {}".format(' '.join(paths))) found = [p for p in paths if exists(p)] print("found: {}".format(found)) if await_all: if len(found) == len(paths): return found else: if len(found) > 0: return found time.sleep(1) if await_all: nice_paths = ' and '.join(paths) else: nice_paths = ' or '.join(paths) raise ExpectedFileUnfoundException(nice_paths, timeout) def await_file_vanishes(path, timeout=10): start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < timeout: print(" waiting for '{}' to vanish".format(path)) if not exists(path): return time.sleep(1) raise FileShouldVanishException(path, timeout) def cli(node, *argv): """ Run a tahoe CLI subcommand for a given node in a blocking manner, returning the output. """ arguments = ["tahoe", '--node-directory', node.node_dir] return check_output(arguments + list(argv)) def node_url(node_dir, uri_fragment): """ Create a fully qualified URL by reading config from `node_dir` and adding the `uri_fragment` """ with open(join(node_dir, "node.url"), "r") as f: base = url = base + uri_fragment return url def _check_status(response): """ Check the response code is a 2xx (raise an exception otherwise) """ if response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code >= 300: raise ValueError( "Expected a 2xx code, got {}".format(response.status_code) ) def web_get(tahoe, uri_fragment, **kwargs): """ Make a GET request to the webport of `tahoe` (a `TahoeProcess`, usually from a fixture (e.g. `alice`). This will look like: `http://localhost:<webport>/<uri_fragment>`. All `kwargs` are passed on to `requests.get` """ url = node_url(tahoe.node_dir, uri_fragment) resp = requests.get(url, **kwargs) _check_status(resp) return resp.content def web_post(tahoe, uri_fragment, **kwargs): """ Make a POST request to the webport of `node` (a `TahoeProcess, usually from a fixture e.g. `alice`). This will look like: `http://localhost:<webport>/<uri_fragment>`. All `kwargs` are passed on to `` """ url = node_url(tahoe.node_dir, uri_fragment) resp =, **kwargs) _check_status(resp) return resp.content def await_client_ready(tahoe, timeout=10, liveness=60*2): """ Uses the status API to wait for a client-type node (in `tahoe`, a `TahoeProcess` instance usually from a fixture e.g. `alice`) to be 'ready'. A client is deemed ready if: - it answers `http://<node_url>/statistics/?t=json/` - there is at least one storage-server connected - every storage-server has a "last_received_data" and it is within the last `liveness` seconds We will try for up to `timeout` seconds for the above conditions to be true. Otherwise, an exception is raised """ start = time.time() while (time.time() - start) < float(timeout): try: data = web_get(tahoe, u"", params={u"t": u"json"}) js = json.loads(data) except Exception as e: print("waiting because '{}'".format(e)) time.sleep(1) continue if len(js['servers']) == 0: print("waiting because no servers at all") time.sleep(1) continue server_times = [ server['last_received_data'] for server in js['servers'] ] # if any times are null/None that server has never been # contacted (so it's down still, probably) if any(t is None for t in server_times): print("waiting because at least one server not contacted") time.sleep(1) continue # check that all times are 'recent enough' if any([time.time() - t > liveness for t in server_times]): print("waiting because at least one server too old") time.sleep(1) continue # we have a status with at least one server, and all servers # have been contacted recently return True # we only fall out of the loop when we've timed out raise RuntimeError( "Waited {} seconds for {} to be 'ready' but it never was".format( timeout, tahoe, ) ) def generate_ssh_key(path): """Create a new SSH private/public key pair.""" key = RSAKey.generate(2048) key.write_private_key_file(path) with open(path + ".pub", "wb") as f: f.write(b"%s %s" % (key.get_name(), key.get_base64())) def run_in_thread(f): """Decorator for integration tests that runs code in a thread. Because we're using pytest_twisted, tests that rely on the reactor are expected to return a Deferred and use async APIs so the reactor can run. In the case of the integration test suite, it launches nodes in the background using Twisted APIs. The nodes stdout and stderr is read via Twisted code. If the reactor doesn't run, reads don't happen, and eventually the buffers fill up, and the nodes block when they try to flush logs. We can switch to Twisted APIs (treq instead of requests etc.), but sometimes it's easier or expedient to just have a blocking test. So this decorator allows you to run the test in a thread, and the reactor can keep running in the main thread. See for tracking bug. """ @wraps(f) def test(*args, **kwargs): return deferToThread(lambda: f(*args, **kwargs)) return test