the mac/macfuse subdirectory needed to be added to the pythonpath in order
to build a binary incorporating the mac fuse system. this change should
make those modules accessible relative to the mac/ directory which is
implicitly included in the .app build process.
this provides a variety of changes to the macfuse 'tahoefuse' implementation.
most notably it extends the 'tahoe' command available through the mac build
to provide a 'fuse' subcommand, which invokes tahoefuse. this addresses
various aspects of main(argv) handling, sys.argv manipulation to provide an
appropriate command line syntax that meshes with the fuse library's built-
in command line parsing.
this provides a "tahoe fuse [dir_cap_name] [fuse_options] mountpoint"
command, where dir_cap_name is an optional name of a .cap file to be found
in ~/.tahoe/private defaulting to the standard root_dir.cap. fuse_options
if given are passed into the fuse system as its normal command line options
and the mountpoint is checked for existence before launching fuse.
the tahoe 'fuse' command is provided as an additional_command to the tahoe
runner in the case that it's launched from the mac .app binary.
this also includes a tweak to the TFS class which incorporates the ctime
and mtime of files into the tahoe fs model, if available.
this moves some of the code common to both windows and mac builds into the
allmydata module hierarchy, and cleans up the windows and mac build directories
to import the code from there.
refine the logic in the .app which tries to install the 'tahoe' script.
now it will do nothing if 'tahoe' is found anywhere on the user's path,
and only if it's not present will it try to install it in each of the
candidate paths (/usr/local/bin ~/bin ~/Library/bin) which are on the
user's path
upon startup, the .app will look in '/usr/local/bin', '~/bin', '~/Library/bin'
if it finds one of these dirs, and can write into it, and there isn't already
a 'tahoe' present, it will write a small bach script which will launch the
binary contained within the .app bundle
this allows the .app bundle to offer the services of the 'tahoe' script
easily and simply
This patch adds support for a mac native build.
At the moment it's a fairly simple .app - i.e. so simple as to be unacceptable
for a shipping product, but ok for testing and experiment at this point.
notably once launched, the app's ui does not respond at all, although its dock
icon does allow it to be force-quit.
this produces a single .app bundle, which when run will look for a node basedir
in ~/.tahoe. If one is not found, one will be created in ~/Library/Application
Support/Allmydata Tahoe, and that will be symlinked to ~/.tahoe
if the basedir is lacking basic config (introducer.furl and root_dir.cap) then
the wx config wizard will be launched to log into an account and to set up
those files.
if a webport file is not found, the default value of 8123 will be written into
once the node has started running, a webbrowser will be opened to the webish
interface at the users root_dir
note that, once configured, the node runs as the main thread of the .app,
no daemonisation is done, twistd is not involved.
the binary itself, from within the .app bundle, i.e.
"Allmydata Tahoe"
can be used from the command line and functions as the 'tahoe' executable
would in a unix environment, with one exception - when launched with no args
it triggers the default behaviour of running a node, and if necessary config
wizard, as if the user had launched the .app
one other gotcha to be aware of is that symlinking to this binary from some
other place in ones $PATH will most likely not work. when I tried this,
something - wx I believe - exploded, since it seems to use argv[0] to figure
out where necessary libraries reside and fails if argv[0] isn't in the .app
bundle. it's pretty easy to set up a script a la
/Blah/blah/blah/Allmydata\\ Tahoe "${@}"