Address review comments.

This commit is contained in:
Itamar Turner-Trauring 2022-03-14 10:15:43 -04:00
parent 5baf63219d
commit e4b4dc418a
2 changed files with 6 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -614,17 +614,18 @@ From RFC 7231::
``POST /v1/immutable/:storage_index/:share_number/corrupt``
Advise the server the data read from the indicated share was corrupt.
The request body includes an human-meaningful (Unicode) string with details about the corruption.
It also includes potentially important details about the share.
Advise the server the data read from the indicated share was corrupt. The
request body includes an human-meaningful text string with details about the
corruption. It also includes potentially important details about the share.
For example::
{"reason": "expected hash abcd, got hash efgh"}
{"reason": u"expected hash abcd, got hash efgh"}
.. share-type, storage-index, and share-number are inferred from the URL
The response code is OK, or 404 not found if the share couldn't be found.
The response code is OK (200) by default, or NOT FOUND (404) if the share
couldn't be found.