build a 'reliability' web page, with a simulation of file decay and repair over time

This commit is contained in:
Brian Warner 2009-02-13 17:42:34 -07:00
parent 51ab76875b
commit e2efd911a3
6 changed files with 504 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -707,6 +707,12 @@ class ProvisioningTool(rend.Page):
from allmydata import reliability
f = [T.div[T.href(a="reliability.html")["Reliability Math"]], f]
except ImportError:
return f
def file_availability(self, k, n, server_dBA):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
import math
from allmydata.util import statistics
import Numeric
from Numeric import array, matrixmultiply as mm
def my_dot(v1, v2):
#print v1.shape, v2.shape
#assert len(v1.shape) == 2
#assert v1.shape[0] == 1
#assert len(v2.shape) == 2
#assert v2.shape[0] == 1
#assert v1.shape[1] == v2.shape[1]
#for i in range(v1.shape[1]):
return Numeric.sum(Numeric.sum(v1*v2))
def yandm(seconds):
return "%dy.%dm" % (int(seconds/YEAR), int( (seconds%YEAR)/MONTH))
class ReliabilityModel:
"""Generate a model of system-wide reliability, given several input
This runs a simulation in which time is quantized down to 'delta' seconds
(default is one month): a smaller delta will result in a more accurate
simulation, but will take longer to run. 'report_span' simulated seconds
will be run.
The encoding parameters are provided as 'k' (minimum number of shares
needed to recover the file) and 'N' (total number of shares generated).
The default parameters are 3-of-10.
The first step is to build a probability of individual drive loss during
any given delta. This uses a simple exponential model, in which the
average drive lifetime is specified by the 'drive_lifetime' parameter
(default is 8 years).
The second step is to calculate a 'transition matrix': a table of
probabilities that shows, given A shares at the start of the delta, what
the chances are of having B shares left at the end of the delta. The
current code optimistically assumes all drives are independent. A
subclass could override that assumption.
An additional 'repair matrix' is created to show what happens when the
Checker/Repairer is run. In the simulation, the Checker will be run every
'check_period' seconds (default is one month), and the Repairer will be
run if it sees fewer than 'R' shares (default 7).
The third step is to finally run the simulation. An initial probability
vector is created (with a 100% chance of N shares and a 0% chance of
fewer than N shares), then it is multiplied by the transition matrix for
every delta of time. Each time the Checker is to be run, the repair
matrix is multiplied in, and some additional stats are accumulated
(average number of repairs that occur, average number of shares
regenerated per repair).
The output is a ReliabilityReport instance, which contains a table that
samples the state of the simulation once each 'report_period' seconds
(defaults to 3 months). Each row of this table will contain the
probability vector for one sample period (chance of having X shares, from
0 to N, at the end of the period). The report will also contain other
def run(klass,
k=3, R=7, N=10,
self = klass()
check_period = check_period-1
P = self.p_in_period(drive_lifetime, delta)
decay = self.build_decay_matrix(N, P)
repair = self.build_repair_matrix(k, N, R)
#print "DECAY:", decay
#print "OLD-POST-REPAIR:", old_post_repair
#print "NEW-POST-REPAIR:", mm(decay, repair)
#print "REPAIR:", repair
#print "DIFF:", (old_post_repair - mm(decay, repair))
START = array([[0]*N + [1]])
ALIVE = array([[0]*k + [1]*(1+N-k)])
DEAD = array([[1]*k + [0]*(1+N-k)])
REPAIRp = array([[0]*k + [1]*(R-k) + [0]*(1+N-R)])
REPAIR_newshares = array([[0]*k +
[N-i for i in range(k, R)] +
assert REPAIR_newshares.shape[1] == N+1
#print "START", START
#print "ALIVE", ALIVE
#print "REPAIRp", REPAIRp
#print "REPAIR_newshares", REPAIR_newshares
unmaintained_state = START
maintained_state = START
last_check = 0
last_report = 0
P_repaired_last_check_period = 0.0
needed_repairs = []
needed_new_shares = []
report = ReliabilityReport()
for t in range(0, report_span+delta, delta):
unmaintained_state = mm(unmaintained_state, decay)
maintained_state = mm(maintained_state, decay)
if (t-last_check) > check_period:
last_check = t
# we do a check-and-repair this frequently
need_repair = my_dot(maintained_state, REPAIRp)
P_repaired_last_check_period = need_repair
new_shares = my_dot(maintained_state, REPAIR_newshares)
maintained_state = mm(maintained_state, repair)
if (t-last_report) > report_period:
last_report = t
P_dead_unmaintained = my_dot(unmaintained_state, DEAD)
P_dead_maintained = my_dot(maintained_state, DEAD)
cumulative_number_of_repairs = sum(needed_repairs)
cumulative_number_of_new_shares = sum(needed_new_shares)
report.add_sample(t, unmaintained_state, maintained_state,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained)
# record one more sample at the end of the run
P_dead_unmaintained = my_dot(unmaintained_state, DEAD)
P_dead_maintained = my_dot(maintained_state, DEAD)
cumulative_number_of_repairs = sum(needed_repairs)
cumulative_number_of_new_shares = sum(needed_new_shares)
report.add_sample(t, unmaintained_state, maintained_state,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained)
#needed_repairs_total = sum(needed_repairs)
#needed_new_shares_total = sum(needed_new_shares)
#print "at 2y:"
#print " unmaintained", unmaintained_state
#print " maintained", maintained_state
#print " number of repairs", needed_repairs_total
#print " new shares generated", needed_new_shares_total
#repair_rate_inv = report_span / needed_repairs_total
#print " avg repair rate: once every %s" % yandm(repair_rate_inv)
#print " avg repair download: one share every %s" % yandm(repair_rate_inv/k)
#print " avg repair upload: one share every %s" % yandm(report_span / needed_new_shares_total)
return report
def p_in_period(self, avg_lifetime, period):
"""Given an average lifetime of a disk (using an exponential model),
what is the chance that a live disk will survive the next 'period'
# eg p_in_period(8*YEAR, MONTH) = 98.94%
return math.exp(-1.0*period/avg_lifetime)
def build_decay_matrix(self, N, P):
"""Return a decay matrix. decay[start_shares][end_shares] is the
conditional probability of finishing with end_shares, given that we
started with start_shares."""
decay_rows = []
decay_rows.append( [0.0]*(N+1) )
for start_shares in range(1, (N+1)):
end_shares = self.build_decay_row(start_shares, P)
decay_row = end_shares + [0.0] * (N-start_shares)
assert len(decay_row) == (N+1), len(decay_row)
decay = array(decay_rows)
return decay
def build_decay_row(self, start_shares, P):
"""Return a decay row 'end_shares'. end_shares[i] is the chance that
we finish with i shares, given that we started with start_shares, for
all i between 0 and start_shares, inclusive. This implementation
assumes that all shares are independent (IID), but a more complex
model could incorporate inter-share failure correlations like having
two shares on the same server."""
end_shares = statistics.binomial_distribution_pmf(start_shares, P)
return end_shares
def build_repair_matrix(self, k, N, R):
"""Return a repair matrix. repair[start][end]: is the conditional
probability of the repairer finishing with 'end' shares, given that
it began with 'start' shares (repair if fewer than R shares). The
repairer's behavior is deterministic, so all values in this matrix
are either 0 or 1. This matrix should be applied *after* the decay
new_repair_rows = []
for start_shares in range(0, N+1):
new_repair_row = [0] * (N+1)
if start_shares < k:
new_repair_row[start_shares] = 1
elif start_shares < R:
new_repair_row[N] = 1
new_repair_row[start_shares] = 1
repair = array(new_repair_rows)
return repair
class ReliabilityReport:
def __init__(self):
self.samples = []
def add_sample(self, when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained):
when: the timestamp at the end of the report period
unmaintained_shareprobs: a vector of probabilities, element[S]
is the chance that there are S shares
left at the end of the report period.
This tracks what happens if no repair
is ever done.
maintained_shareprobs: same, but for 'maintained' grids, where
check and repair is done at the end
of each check period
P_repaired_last_check_period: a float, with the probability
that a repair was performed
at the end of the most recent
check period.
cumulative_number_of_repairs: a float, with the average number
of repairs that will have been
performed by the end of the
report period
cumulative_number_of_new_shares: a float, with the average number
of new shares that repair proceses
generated by the end of the report
P_dead_unmaintained: a float, with the chance that the file will
be unrecoverable at the end of the period
P_dead_maintained: same, but for maintained grids
row = (when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
from nevow import rend, inevow, tags as T
reliability = None # might not be usable
from allmydata import reliability # requires Numeric and PIL
except ImportError:
from allmydata.web.common import getxmlfile, get_arg
def yandm(seconds):
return "%dy.%dm" % (int(seconds/YEAR), int( (seconds%YEAR)/MONTH))
class ReliabilityTool(rend.Page):
addSlash = True
docFactory = getxmlfile("reliability.xhtml")
("drive_lifetime", "8Y", "time"),
("k", 3, "int"),
("R", 7, "int"),
("N", 10, "int"),
("delta", "1M", "time"),
("check_period", "1M", "time"),
("report_period", "3M", "time"),
("report_span", "5Y", "time"),
def parse_time(self, s):
if s.endswith("M"):
return int(s[:-1]) * MONTH
if s.endswith("Y"):
return int(s[:-1]) * YEAR
return int(s)
def format_time(self, s):
if s%YEAR == 0:
return "%dY" % (s/YEAR)
if s%MONTH == 0:
return "%dM" % (s/MONTH)
return "%d" % s
def get_parameters(self, ctx):
req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
parameters = {}
for name,default,argtype in self.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS:
v = get_arg(ctx, name, default)
if argtype == "time":
value = self.parse_time(v)
value = int(v)
parameters[name] = value
return parameters
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
print "renderHTTP"
print "two"
self.parameters = self.get_parameters(ctx)
print "parms", self.parameters
self.results =**self.parameters)
print "got results"
return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
def make_input(self, name, old_value):
return T.input(name=name, type="text",
def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
f = T.form(action=".", method="get")
table = []
for name, default_value, argtype in self.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS:
old_value = self.parameters[name]
i = self.make_input(name, old_value)
go = T.input(type="submit", value="Recompute")
return [T.h2["Simulation Parameters:"],
f[T.table[table], go],
def data_simulation_table(self, ctx, data):
for row in self.results.samples:
yield row
def render_simulation_row(self, ctx, row):
(when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained) = row
ctx.fillSlots("t", yandm(when))
ctx.fillSlots("P_repair", "%.6f" % P_repaired_last_check_period)
ctx.fillSlots("P_dead_unmaintained", "%.6g" % P_dead_unmaintained)
ctx.fillSlots("P_dead_maintained", "%.6g" % P_dead_maintained)
return ctx.tag
def render_report_span(self, ctx, row):
(when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
return ctx.tag[yandm(when)]
def render_P_loss_unmaintained(self, ctx, row):
(when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
return ctx.tag["%.6g (%1.8f%%)" % (P_dead_unmaintained,
def render_P_loss_maintained(self, ctx, row):
(when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
return ctx.tag["%.6g (%1.8f%%)" % (P_dead_maintained,
def render_P_repair_rate(self, ctx, row):
(when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
freq = when / cumulative_number_of_repairs
return ctx.tag["%.6g" % freq]
def render_P_repair_shares(self, ctx, row):
(when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
P_dead_unmaintained, P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
generated_shares = cumulative_number_of_new_shares / cumulative_number_of_repairs
return ctx.tag["%1.2f" % generated_shares]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
<html xmlns:n="">
<title>AllMyData - Tahoe - Provisioning Tool</title>
<!-- <link href=""
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> -->
<link href="/webform_css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<h1>Tahoe Reliability Tool</h1>
<p>Given certain assumptions, this page calculates probability of share loss
over time, to help make informed decisions about how much redundancy and
repair bandwidth to configure on a Tahoe grid.</p>
<div n:render="forms" />
<h2>Simulation Results</h2>
<p>At the end of the report span (elapsed time <span n:render="report_span"
/>), the simulated file had the following properties:</p>
<li>Probability of loss (no maintenance):
<span n:render="P_loss_unmaintained"/></li>
<li>Probability of loss (with maintenance):
<span n:render="P_loss_maintained"/></li>
<li>Average repair frequency:
once every <span n:render="P_repair_rate"/> secs</li>
<li>Average shares generated per repair:
<span n:render="P_repair_shares"/></li>
<p>This table shows how the following properties change over time:</p>
<li>P_repair: the chance that a repair was performed in the most recent
check period.</li>
<li>P_dead (unmaintained): the chance that the file will be unrecoverable
without periodic check+repair</li>
<li>P_dead (maintained): the chance that the file will be recoverable even
with periodic check+repair</li>
<table n:render="sequence" n:data="simulation_table" border="1">
<tr n:pattern="header">
<td>P_dead (unmaintained)</td>
<td>P_dead (maintained)</td>
<tr n:pattern="item" n:render="simulation_row">
<td><n:slot name="t"/></td>
<td><n:slot name="P_repair"/></td>
<td><n:slot name="P_dead_unmaintained"/></td>
<td><n:slot name="P_dead_maintained"/></td>
<tr n:pattern="empty"><td>no simulation data!</td></tr>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import time
from twisted.internet import address
from twisted.web import http
from nevow import rend, url, tags as T
from nevow import rend, url, loaders, tags as T
from nevow.inevow import IRequest
from nevow.static import File as nevow_File # TODO: merge with static.File?
from nevow.util import resource_filename
@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ from formless import webform
import allmydata # to display import path
from allmydata import get_package_versions_string
from allmydata import provisioning
reliability = None
from allmydata.web import reliability # requires Numeric and PIL
except ImportError:
pass # might not be usable
from allmydata.util import idlib, log
from allmydata.interfaces import IFileNode
from allmydata.web import filenode, directory, unlinked, status, operations
@ -111,6 +116,20 @@ class IncidentReporter(RenderMixin, rend.Page):
req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
return "Thank you for your report!"
class NoReliability(rend.Page):
docFactory = loaders.xmlstr('''\
<html xmlns:n="">
<title>AllMyData - Tahoe</title>
<link href="/webform_css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<h2>"Reliability" page not available</h2>
<p>Please install the python "Numeric" module to enable this page.</p>
class Root(rend.Page):
@ -130,6 +149,10 @@ class Root(rend.Page):
child_tahoe_css = nevow_File(resource_filename('allmydata.web', 'tahoe.css'))
child_provisioning = provisioning.ProvisioningTool()
if reliability:
child_reliability = reliability.ReliabilityTool()
child_reliability = NoReliability()
child_status = status.Status()
child_helper_status = status.HelperStatus()
child_statistics = status.Statistics()

View File

@ -75,7 +75,8 @@
<div>Please visit the <a href="">Tahoe home page</a> for
code updates and bug reporting.</div>
<div>The <a href="provisioning">provisioning tool</a> may also be useful.</div>
<div>The <a href="provisioning">provisioning tool</a> and <a
href="reliability">reliability calculator</a> may also be useful.</div>
<div n:render="incident_button" />