macfuse: another tahoe fuse implementation

This is the result of various experimentation done into using python-fuse
to provide access to tahoe on the mac.  It's rough in quite a few places,
and is really the result of investigation more than a thorough
implemenation of the fuse api.

upon launch, it looks for the users root_dir by opening ~/.tahoe/node.url
and ~/.tahoe/private/root_dir.cap it then proceeds to cache the directory
structure found by walking the users tahoe drive (safely in the face of
directory loops) into memory and then mounts that filesystem.

when a file is read, it calls the tahoe node to first download the file
into a cache directory (~/.tahoe/_cache) and then serves up the file
from there.

when a file is written, a temporary file is allocated within the tmp dir
of the cache, and upon close() (specifically upon release()) the file is
uploaded to the tahoe node, and the new directory entry written.

note that while the durectory structure is cached into memory only when
the filesystem is mounted, that it is 'write through' i.e. changes made
via fuse are reflected into the underlying tahoe fs, even though changes
made to the tahoe fs otherwise show up only upon restart.

in addition to opening files for read and write, the mkdir() and rename()
calls are supported.  most other file system operations are not yet
supported.  notably stat() metadata is not currently tracked by tahoe,
and is variably reported by this fs depending on write cache files.

also note that this version does not fully support Finder.  access through
normal unix commands such as cat, cp, mv, ls etc works fine, and read 
access to file from within finder (including preview images and double-
click to open) work ok.  but copies to the tahoe drive from within finder
may or may not succeed, but will always report an error. This is still
under investigation.

also note that this does not include any build integration.  the included was built on mac os 10.4 against macfuse 1.3.0, and is
known to not work against 10.5-1.3.1  it's possible it may also contain
dependencies upon parts of macports used to build the python that it was
built against. this will be cleaned up later.

    python /Path/to/choice/of/mountpoint
or optionally
    python -ovolicon=/Path/to/icon.icns /Path/to/mountpoint

upon startup, tahoefuse will walk the tahoe directory, then print a
summary of files and folders found, and then daemonise itself. to exit,
either eject the 'drive' (note: 10.5 doesn't show it as a drive, since
it considers fuse to be a connected server instead) or unmount it via
umount /Path/to/mountpoint etc.
This commit is contained in:
robk-tahoe 2008-02-14 18:35:10 -07:00
parent 65ec397393
commit dcf304ab9b
6 changed files with 1930 additions and 0 deletions

mac/macfuse/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,997 @@
# Copyright (C) 2001 Jeff Epler <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Csaba Henk <>
# This program can be distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
# See the file COPYING.
# suppress version mismatch warnings
import warnings
'Python C API version mismatch',
from string import join
import sys
from errno import *
from os import environ
import re
from fuseparts import __version__
from fuseparts._fuse import main, FuseGetContext, FuseInvalidate
from fuseparts._fuse import FuseError, FuseAPIVersion
from fuseparts.subbedopts import SubOptsHive, SubbedOptFormatter
from fuseparts.subbedopts import SubbedOptIndentedFormatter, SubbedOptParse
from fuseparts.subbedopts import SUPPRESS_HELP, OptParseError
from fuseparts.setcompatwrap import set
### API specification API.
# The actual API version of this module
def __getenv__(var, pattern = '.', trans = lambda x: x):
Fetch enviroment variable and optionally transform it. Return `None` if
variable is unset. Bail out if value of variable doesn't match (optional)
regex pattern.
if var not in environ:
return None
val = environ[var]
rpat = pattern
if not isinstance(rpat, type(re.compile(''))):
rpat = re.compile(rpat)
if not
raise RuntimeError("env var %s doesn't match required pattern %s" % \
(var, `pattern`))
return trans(val)
def get_fuse_python_api():
if fuse_python_api:
return fuse_python_api
elif compat_0_1:
# deprecated way of API specification
return (0,1)
def get_compat_0_1():
return get_fuse_python_api() == (0, 1)
# API version to be used
fuse_python_api = __getenv__('FUSE_PYTHON_API', '^[\d.]+$',
lambda x: tuple([int(i) for i in x.split('.')]))
# deprecated way of API specification
compat_0_1 = __getenv__('FUSE_PYTHON_COMPAT', '^(0.1|ALL)$', lambda x: True)
fuse_python_api = get_fuse_python_api()
### Parsing for FUSE.
class FuseArgs(SubOptsHive):
Class representing a FUSE command line.
fuse_modifiers = {'showhelp': '-ho',
'showversion': '-V',
'foreground': '-f'}
def __init__(self):
self.modifiers = {}
self.mountpoint = None
for m in self.fuse_modifiers:
self.modifiers[m] = False
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(['< on ' + str(self.mountpoint) + ':',
' ' + str(self.modifiers), ' -o ']) + \
',\n '.join(self._str_core()) + \
' >'
def getmod(self, mod):
return self.modifiers[mod]
def setmod(self, mod):
self.modifiers[mod] = True
def unsetmod(self, mod):
self.modifiers[mod] = False
def mount_expected(self):
if self.getmod('showhelp'):
return False
if self.getmod('showversion'):
return False
return True
def assemble(self):
"""Mangle self into an argument array"""
args = [sys.argv and sys.argv[0] or "python"]
if self.mountpoint:
for m, v in self.modifiers.iteritems():
if v:
opta = []
for o, v in self.optdict.iteritems():
opta.append(o + '=' + v)
if opta:
args.append("-o" + ",".join(opta))
return args
def filter(self, other=None):
Same as for SubOptsHive, with the following difference:
if other is not specified, `Fuse.fuseoptref()` is run and its result
will be used.
if not other:
other = Fuse.fuseoptref()
return SubOptsHive.filter(self, other)
class FuseFormatter(SubbedOptIndentedFormatter):
def __init__(self, **kw):
if not 'indent_increment' in kw:
kw['indent_increment'] = 4
SubbedOptIndentedFormatter.__init__(self, **kw)
def store_option_strings(self, parser):
SubbedOptIndentedFormatter.store_option_strings(self, parser)
# 27 is how the lib stock help appears
self.help_position = max(self.help_position, 27)
self.help_width = self.width - self.help_position
class FuseOptParse(SubbedOptParse):
This class alters / enhances `SubbedOptParse` so that it's
suitable for usage with FUSE.
- When adding options, you can use the `mountopt` pseudo-attribute which
is equivalent with adding a subopt for option ``-o``
(it doesn't require an option argument).
- FUSE compatible help and version printing.
- Error and exit callbacks are relaxed. In case of FUSE, the command
line is to be treated as a DSL [#]_. You don't wanna this module to
force an exit on you just because you hit a DSL syntax error.
- Built-in support for conventional FUSE options (``-d``, ``-f`, ``-s``).
The way of this can be tuned by keyword arguments, see below.
.. [#]
Keyword arguments for initialization
Boolean [default is `True`].
Enables support for the usual interpretation of the ``-d``, ``-f``
Boolean [default is `True`].
If it's True, then the last (non-option) argument
(if there is such a thing) will be used as the FUSE mountpoint.
String: ``whine``, ``undef``, or ``setsingle`` [default is ``whine``].
The ``-s`` option -- traditionally for asking for single-threadedness --
is an oddball: single/multi threadedness of a fuse-py fs doesn't depend
on the FUSE command line, we have direct control over it.
Therefore we have two conflicting principles:
- *Orthogonality*: option parsing shouldn't affect the backing `Fuse`
instance directly, only via its `fuse_args` attribute.
- *POLS*: behave like other FUSE based fs-es do. The stock FUSE help
makes mention of ``-s`` as a single-threadedness setter.
So, if we follow POLS and implement a conventional ``-s`` option, then
we have to go beyond the `fuse_args` attribute and set the respective
Fuse attribute directly, hence violating orthogonality.
We let the fs authors make their choice: ``dash_s_do=undef`` leaves this
option unhandled, and the fs author can add a handler as she desires.
``dash_s_do=setsingle`` enables the traditional behaviour.
Using ``dash_s_do=setsingle`` is not problematic at all, but we want fs
authors be aware of the particularity of ``-s``, therefore the default is
the ``dash_s_do=whine`` setting which raises an exception for ``-s`` and
suggests the user to read this documentation.
Argument should be a SubbedOpt instance (created with
``action="store_hive"`` if you want it to be useful).
This lets you customize the handler of the ``-o`` option. For example,
you can alter or suppress the generic ``-o`` entry in help output.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.mountopts = []
self.fuse_args = \
'fuse_args' in kw and kw.pop('fuse_args') or FuseArgs()
dsd = 'dash_s_do' in kw and kw.pop('dash_s_do') or 'whine'
if 'fetch_mp' in kw:
self.fetch_mp = bool(kw.pop('fetch_mp'))
self.fetch_mp = True
if 'standard_mods' in kw:
smods = bool(kw.pop('standard_mods'))
smods = True
if 'fuse' in kw:
self.fuse = kw.pop('fuse')
if not 'formatter' in kw:
kw['formatter'] = FuseFormatter()
doh = 'dash_o_handler' in kw and kw.pop('dash_o_handler')
SubbedOptParse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
if doh:
self.add_option('-o', action='store_hive',
subopts_hive=self.fuse_args, help="mount options",
if smods:
self.add_option('-f', action='callback',
callback=lambda *a: self.fuse_args.setmod('foreground'),
self.add_option('-d', action='callback',
callback=lambda *a: self.fuse_args.add('debug'),
if dsd == 'whine':
def dsdcb(option, opt_str, value, parser):
raise RuntimeError, """
! If you want the "-s" option to work, pass
! dash_s_do='setsingle'
! to the Fuse constructor. See docstring of the FuseOptParse class for an
! explanation why is it not set by default.
elif dsd == 'setsingle':
def dsdcb(option, opt_str, value, parser):
self.fuse.multithreaded = False
elif dsd == 'undef':
dsdcb = None
raise ArgumentError, "key `dash_s_do': uninterpreted value " + str(dsd)
if dsdcb:
self.add_option('-s', action='callback', callback=dsdcb,
def exit(self, status=0, msg=None):
if msg:
def error(self, msg):
SubbedOptParse.error(self, msg)
raise OptParseError, msg
def print_help(self, file=sys.stderr):
SubbedOptParse.print_help(self, file)
print >> file
def print_version(self, file=sys.stderr):
SubbedOptParse.print_version(self, file)
def parse_args(self, args=None, values=None):
o, a = SubbedOptParse.parse_args(self, args, values)
if a and self.fetch_mp:
self.fuse_args.mountpoint = a.pop()
return o, a
def add_option(self, *opts, **attrs):
if 'mountopt' in attrs:
if opts or 'subopt' in attrs:
raise OptParseError(
"having options or specifying the `subopt' attribute conflicts with `mountopt' attribute")
opts = ('-o',)
attrs['subopt'] = attrs.pop('mountopt')
if not 'dest' in attrs:
attrs['dest'] = attrs['subopt']
SubbedOptParse.add_option(self, *opts, **attrs)
### The FUSE interface.
class ErrnoWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
return apply(self.func, args, kw)
except (IOError, OSError), detail:
# Sometimes this is an int, sometimes an instance...
if hasattr(detail, "errno"): detail = detail.errno
return -detail
########### Custom objects for transmitting system structures to FUSE
class FuseStruct(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
for k in kw:
setattr(self, k, kw[k])
class Stat(FuseStruct):
Auxiliary class which can be filled up stat attributes.
The attributes are undefined by default.
def __init__(self, **kw):
self.st_mode = None
self.st_ino = 0
self.st_dev = 0
self.st_nlink = None
self.st_uid = 0
self.st_gid = 0
self.st_size = 0
self.st_atime = 0
self.st_mtime = 0
self.st_ctime = 0
FuseStruct.__init__(self, **kw)
class StatVfs(FuseStruct):
Auxiliary class which can be filled up statvfs attributes.
The attributes are 0 by default.
def __init__(self, **kw):
self.f_bsize = 0
self.f_frsize = 0
self.f_blocks = 0
self.f_bfree = 0
self.f_bavail = 0
self.f_files = 0
self.f_ffree = 0
self.f_favail = 0
self.f_flag = 0
self.f_namemax = 0
FuseStruct.__init__(self, **kw)
class Direntry(FuseStruct):
Auxiliary class for carrying directory entry data.
Initialized with `name`. Further attributes (each
set to 0 as default):
An integer (or long) parameter, used as a bookmark
during directory traversal.
This needs to be set it you want stateful directory
Directory entry type, should be one of the stat type
specifiers (stat.S_IFLNK, stat.S_IFBLK, stat.S_IFDIR,
stat.S_IFCHR, stat.S_IFREG, stat.S_IFIFO, stat.S_IFSOCK).
Directory entry inode number.
Note that Python's standard directory reading interface is
stateless and provides only names, so the above optional
attributes doesn't make sense in that context.
def __init__(self, name, **kw): = name
self.offset = 0
self.type = 0
self.ino = 0
FuseStruct.__init__(self, **kw)
class Flock(FuseStruct):
Class for representing flock structures (cf. fcntl(3)).
It makes sense to give values to the `l_type`, `l_start`,
`l_len`, `l_pid` attributes (`l_whence` is not used by
FUSE, see ``fuse.h``).
def __init__(self, name, **kw):
self.l_type = None
self.l_start = None
self.l_len = None
self.l_pid = None
FuseStruct.__init__(self, **kw)
class Timespec(FuseStruct):
Cf. struct timespec in time.h:
def __init__(self, name, **kw):
self.tv_sec = None
self.tv_nsec = None
FuseStruct.__init__(self, **kw)
class FuseFileInfo(FuseStruct):
def __init__(self, **kw):
self.keep = False
self.direct_io = False
FuseStruct.__init__(self, **kw)
########## Interface for requiring certain features from your underlying FUSE library.
def feature_needs(*feas):
Get info about the FUSE API version needed for the support of some features.
This function takes a variable number of feature patterns.
A feature pattern is either:
- an integer (directly referring to a FUSE API version number)
- a built-in feature specifier string (meaning defined by dictionary)
- a string of the form ``has_foo``, where ``foo`` is a filesystem method
(refers to the API version where the method has been introduced)
- a list/tuple of other feature patterns (matches each of its members)
- a regexp (meant to be matched against the builtins plus ``has_foo``
patterns; can also be given by a string of the from "re:*")
- a negated regexp (can be given by a string of the form "!re:*")
If called with no arguments, then the list of builtins is returned, mapped
to their meaning.
Otherwise the function returns the smallest FUSE API version number which
has all the matching features.
Builtin specifiers worth to explicit mention:
- ``stateful_files``: you want to use custom filehandles (eg. a file class).
- ``*``: you want all features.
- while ``has_foo`` makes sense for all filesystem method ``foo``, some
of these can be found among the builtins, too (the ones which can be
handled by the general rule).
specifiers like ``has_foo`` refer to requirement that the library knows of
the fs method ``foo``.
fmap = {'stateful_files': 22,
'stateful_dirs': 23,
'stateful_io': ('stateful_files', 'stateful_dirs'),
'stateful_files_keep_cache': 23,
'stateful_files_direct_io': 23,
'keep_cache': ('stateful_files_keep_cache',),
'direct_io': ('stateful_files_direct_io',),
'has_opendir': ('stateful_dirs',),
'has_releasedir': ('stateful_dirs',),
'has_fsyncdir': ('stateful_dirs',),
'has_create': 25,
'has_access': 25,
'has_fgetattr': 25,
'has_ftruncate': 25,
'has_fsinit': ('has_init'),
'has_fsdestroy': ('has_destroy'),
'has_lock': 26,
'has_utimens': 26,
'has_bmap': 26,
'has_init': 23,
'has_destroy': 23,
'*': '!re:^\*$'}
if not feas:
return fmap
def resolve(args, maxva):
for fp in args:
if isinstance(fp, int):
maxva[0] = max(maxva[0], fp)
if isinstance(fp, list) or isinstance(fp, tuple):
for f in fp:
yield f
ma = isinstance(fp, str) and re.compile("(!\s*|)re:(.*)").match(fp)
if isinstance(fp, type(re.compile(''))) or ma:
neg = False
if ma:
mag = ma.groups()
fp = re.compile(mag[1])
neg = bool(mag[0])
for f in fmap.keys() + [ 'has_' + a for a in Fuse._attrs ]:
if neg != bool(, f)):
yield f
ma = re.compile("has_(.*)").match(fp)
if ma and ma.groups()[0] in Fuse._attrs and not fp in fmap:
yield 21
yield fmap[fp]
maxva = [0]
while feas:
feas = set(resolve(feas, maxva))
return maxva[0]
def APIVersion():
"""Get the API version of your underlying FUSE lib"""
return FuseAPIVersion()
def feature_assert(*feas):
Takes some feature patterns (like in `feature_needs`).
Raises a fuse.FuseError if your underlying FUSE lib fails
to have some of the matching features.
(Note: use a ``has_foo`` type feature assertion only if lib support
for method ``foo`` is *necessary* for your fs. Don't use this assertion
just because your fs implements ``foo``. The usefulness of ``has_foo``
is limited by the fact that we can't guarantee that your FUSE kernel
module also supports ``foo``.)
fav = APIVersion()
for fea in feas:
fn = feature_needs(fea)
if fav < fn:
raise FuseError(
"FUSE API version %d is required for feature `%s' but only %d is available" % \
(fn, str(fea), fav))
############# Subclass this.
class Fuse(object):
Python interface to FUSE.
Basic usage:
- instantiate
- add options to `parser` attribute (an instance of `FuseOptParse`)
- call `parse`
- call `main`
_attrs = ['getattr', 'readlink', 'readdir', 'mknod', 'mkdir',
'unlink', 'rmdir', 'symlink', 'rename', 'link', 'chmod',
'chown', 'truncate', 'utime', 'open', 'read', 'write', 'release',
'statfs', 'fsync', 'create', 'opendir', 'releasedir', 'fsyncdir',
'flush', 'fgetattr', 'ftruncate', 'getxattr', 'listxattr',
'setxattr', 'removexattr', 'access', 'lock', 'utimens', 'bmap',
'fsinit', 'fsdestroy']
fusage = "%prog [mountpoint] [options]"
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
Not much happens here apart from initializing the `parser` attribute.
Arguments are forwarded to the constructor of the parser class almost
The parser class is `FuseOptParse` unless you specify one using the
``parser_class`` keyword. (See `FuseOptParse` documentation for
available options.)
if not fuse_python_api:
raise RuntimeError, __name__ + """.fuse_python_api not defined.
! Please define """ + __name__ + """.fuse_python_api internally (eg.
! (1) """ + __name__ + """.fuse_python_api = """ + `FUSE_PYTHON_API_VERSION` + """
! ) or in the enviroment (eg.
! ).
! If you are actually developing a filesystem, probably (1) is the way to go.
! If you are using a filesystem written before 2007 Q2, probably (2) is what
! you want."
def malformed():
raise RuntimeError, \
"malformatted fuse_python_api value " + `fuse_python_api`
if not isinstance(fuse_python_api, tuple):
for i in fuse_python_api:
if not isinstance(i, int) or i < 0:
if fuse_python_api > FUSE_PYTHON_API_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError, """
! You require FUSE-Python API version """ + `fuse_python_api` + """.
! However, the latest available is """ + `FUSE_PYTHON_API_VERSION` + """.
self.fuse_args = \
'fuse_args' in kw and kw.pop('fuse_args') or FuseArgs()
if get_compat_0_1():
return self.__init_0_1__(*args, **kw)
self.multithreaded = True
if not 'usage' in kw:
kw['usage'] = self.fusage
if not 'fuse_args' in kw:
kw['fuse_args'] = self.fuse_args
kw['fuse'] = self
parserclass = \
'parser_class' in kw and kw.pop('parser_class') or FuseOptParse
self.parser = parserclass(*args, **kw)
self.methproxy = self.Methproxy()
def parse(self, *args, **kw):
"""Parse command line, fill `fuse_args` attribute."""
ev = 'errex' in kw and kw.pop('errex')
if ev and not isinstance(ev, int):
raise TypeError, "error exit value should be an integer"
self.cmdline = self.parser.parse_args(*args, **kw)
except OptParseError:
if ev:
return self.fuse_args
def main(self, args=None):
"""Enter filesystem service loop."""
if get_compat_0_1():
args = self.main_0_1_preamble()
d = {'multithreaded': self.multithreaded and 1 or 0}
d['fuse_args'] = args or self.fuse_args.assemble()
for t in 'file_class', 'dir_class':
if hasattr(self, t):
getattr(self.methproxy, 'set_' + t)(getattr(self,t))
for a in self._attrs:
b = a
if get_compat_0_1() and a in self.compatmap:
b = self.compatmap[a]
if hasattr(self, b):
c = ''
if get_compat_0_1() and hasattr(self, a + '_compat_0_1'):
c = '_compat_0_1'
d[a] = ErrnoWrapper(self.lowwrap(a + c))
except FuseError:
if args or self.fuse_args.mount_expected():
def lowwrap(self, fname):
Wraps the fname method when the C code expects a different kind of
callback than we have in the fusepy API. (The wrapper is usually for
performing some checks or transfromations which could be done in C but
is simpler if done in Python.)
Currently `open` and `create` are wrapped: a boolean flag is added
which indicates if the result is to be kept during the opened file's
lifetime or can be thrown away. Namely, it's considered disposable
if it's an instance of FuseFileInfo.
fun = getattr(self, fname)
if fname in ('open', 'create'):
def wrap(*a, **kw):
res = fun(*a, **kw)
if not res or type(res) == type(0):
return res
return (res, type(res) != FuseFileInfo)
elif fname == 'utimens':
def wrap(path, acc_sec, acc_nsec, mod_sec, mod_nsec):
ts_acc = Timespec(tv_sec = acc_sec, tv_nsec = acc_nsec)
ts_mod = Timespec(tv_sec = mod_sec, tv_nsec = mod_nsec)
return fun(path, ts_acc, ts_mod)
wrap = fun
return wrap
def GetContext(self):
return FuseGetContext(self)
def Invalidate(self, path):
return FuseInvalidate(self, path)
def fuseoptref(cls):
Find out which options are recognized by the library.
Result is a `FuseArgs` instance with the list of supported
options, suitable for passing on to the `filter` method of
another `FuseArgs` instance.
import os, re
pr, pw = os.pipe()
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
os.dup2(pw, 2)
fh = cls()
fh.fuse_args = FuseArgs()
fa = FuseArgs()
ore = re.compile("-o\s+([\w\[\]]+(?:=\w+)?)")
fpr = os.fdopen(pr)
for l in fpr:
m =
if m:
o = m.groups()[0]
oa = [o]
# try to catch two-in-one options (like "[no]foo")
opa = o.split("[")
if len(opa) == 2:
o1, ox = opa
oxpa = ox.split("]")
if len(oxpa) == 2:
oo, o2 = oxpa
oa = [o1 + o2, o1 + oo + o2]
for o in oa:
return fa
fuseoptref = classmethod(fuseoptref)
class Methproxy(object):
def __init__(self):
class mpx(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __call__(self, *a, **kw):
return getattr(a[-1],*(a[1:-1]), **kw)
self.proxyclass = mpx
self.mdic = {}
self.file_class = None
self.dir_class = None
def __call__(self, meth):
return meth in self.mdic and self.mdic[meth] or None
def _add_class_type(cls, type, inits, proxied):
def setter(self, xcls):
setattr(self, type + '_class', xcls)
for m in inits:
self.mdic[m] = xcls
for m in proxied:
if hasattr(xcls, m):
self.mdic[m] = self.proxyclass(m)
setattr(cls, 'set_' + type + '_class', setter)
_add_class_type = classmethod(_add_class_type)
Methproxy._add_class_type('file', ('open', 'create'),
('read', 'write', 'fsync', 'release', 'flush',
'fgetattr', 'ftruncate', 'lock'))
Methproxy._add_class_type('dir', ('opendir',),
('readdir', 'fsyncdir', 'releasedir'))
def __getattr__(self, meth):
m = self.methproxy(meth)
if m:
return m
raise AttributeError, "Fuse instance has no attribute '%s'" % meth
### Compat stuff.
def __init_0_1__(self, *args, **kw):
self.flags = 0
multithreaded = 0
# default attributes
if args == ():
# there is a self.optlist.append() later on, make sure it won't
# bomb out.
self.optlist = []
self.optlist = args
self.optdict = kw
if len(self.optlist) == 1:
self.mountpoint = self.optlist[0]
self.mountpoint = None
# grab command-line arguments, if any.
# Those will override whatever parameters
# were passed to __init__ directly.
argv = sys.argv
argc = len(argv)
if argc > 1:
# we've been given the mountpoint
self.mountpoint = argv[1]
if argc > 2:
# we've received mount args
optstr = argv[2]
opts = optstr.split(",")
for o in opts:
k, v = o.split("=", 1)
self.optdict[k] = v
def main_0_1_preamble(self):
cfargs = FuseArgs()
cfargs.mountpoint = self.mountpoint
if hasattr(self, 'debug'):
if hasattr(self, 'allow_other'):
if hasattr(self, 'kernel_cache'):
return cfargs.assemble()
def getattr_compat_0_1(self, *a):
from os import stat_result
return stat_result(self.getattr(*a))
def statfs_compat_0_1(self, *a):
oout = self.statfs(*a)
lo = len(oout)
svf = StatVfs()
svf.f_bsize = oout[0] # 0
svf.f_frsize = oout[lo >= 8 and 7 or 0] # 1
svf.f_blocks = oout[1] # 2
svf.f_bfree = oout[2] # 3
svf.f_bavail = oout[3] # 4
svf.f_files = oout[4] # 5
svf.f_ffree = oout[5] # 6
svf.f_favail = lo >= 9 and oout[8] or 0 # 7
svf.f_flag = lo >= 10 and oout[9] or 0 # 8
svf.f_namemax = oout[6] # 9
return svf
def readdir_compat_0_1(self, path, offset, *fh):
for name, type in self.getdir(path):
de = Direntry(name)
de.type = type
yield de
compatmap = {'readdir': 'getdir'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
__version__ = "0.2"

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
set = set
from sets import Set as set

View File

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
# Copyright (C) 2006 Csaba Henk <>
# This program can be distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
# See the file COPYING.
from optparse import Option, OptionParser, OptParseError, OptionConflictError
from optparse import HelpFormatter, IndentedHelpFormatter, SUPPRESS_HELP
from fuseparts.setcompatwrap import set
### Generic suboption parsing stuff.
class SubOptsHive(object):
Class for collecting unhandled suboptions.
def __init__(self):
self.optlist = set()
self.optdict = {}
def _str_core(self):
sa = []
for k, v in self.optdict.iteritems():
sa.append(str(k) + '=' + str(v))
ra = (list(self.optlist) + sa) or ["(none)"]
return ra
def __str__(self):
return "< opts: " + ", ".join(self._str_core()) + " >"
def canonify(self):
Transform self to an equivalent canonical form:
delete optdict keys with False value, move optdict keys
with True value to optlist, stringify other values.
for k, v in self.optdict.iteritems():
if v == False:
elif v == True:
self.optdict[k] = str(v)
def filter(self, other):
Throw away those options which are not in the other one.
Returns a new instance with the rejected options.
rej = self.__class__()
rej.optlist = self.optlist.difference(other.optlist)
for x in self.optdict.copy():
if x not in other.optdict:
rej.optdict[x] = None
return rej
def add(self, opt, val=None):
"""Add a suboption."""
ov = opt.split('=', 1)
o = ov[0]
v = len(ov) > 1 and ov[1] or None
if (v):
if val != None:
raise AttributeError, "ambiguous option value"
val = v
if val == False:
if val in (None, True):
self.optdict[o] = val
class SubbedOpt(Option):
`Option` derivative enhanced with the attribute of being a suboption of
some other option (like ``foo`` and ``bar`` for ``-o`` in ``-o foo,bar``).
ATTRS = Option.ATTRS + ["subopt", "subsep", "subopts_hive"]
ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("store_hive",)
STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("store_hive",)
TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("store_hive",)
def __init__(self, *opts, **attrs):
self.subopt_map = {}
if "subopt" in attrs:
self._short_opts = []
self._long_opts = []
self.baseopt = self._short_opts[0] or self._long_opts[0]
opts = ()
Option.__init__(self, *opts, **attrs)
def __str__(self):
pf = ""
if hasattr(self, "subopt") and self.subopt:
pf = " %s...,%s,..." % (self.baseopt, self.subopt)
return Option.__str__(self) + pf
def _check_opt_strings(self, opts):
return opts
def _check_dest(self):
except IndexError:
if self.subopt:
self.dest = "__%s__%s" % (self.baseopt, self.subopt)
self.dest = self.dest.replace("-", "")
def get_opt_string(self):
if hasattr(self, 'subopt'):
return self.subopt
return Option.get_opt_string(self)
def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser):
if action == "store_hive":
if not hasattr(values, dest) or getattr(values, dest) == None:
if hasattr(self, "subopts_hive") and self.subopts_hive:
hive = self.subopts_hive
hive = parser.hive_class()
setattr(values, dest, hive)
for o in value.split(self.subsep or ","):
oo = o.split('=')
ok = oo[0]
ov = None
if (len(oo) > 1):
ov = oo[1]
if ok in self.subopt_map:
self.subopt_map[ok].process(ok, ov, values, parser)
getattr(values, dest).add(*oo)
Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser)
def register_sub(self, o):
"""Register argument a suboption for `self`."""
if o.subopt in self.subopt_map:
raise OptionConflictError(
"conflicting suboption handlers for `%s'" % o.subopt,
self.subopt_map[o.subopt] = o
for m in Option.CHECK_METHODS:
#if not m == Option._check_dest:
if not m.__name__ == '_check_dest':
class SubbedOptFormatter(HelpFormatter):
def format_option_strings(self, option):
if hasattr(option, "subopt") and option.subopt:
res = '-o ' + option.subopt
if option.takes_value():
res += "="
res += option.metavar or 'FOO'
return res
return HelpFormatter.format_option_strings(self, option)
class SubbedOptIndentedFormatter(IndentedHelpFormatter, SubbedOptFormatter):
def format_option_strings(self, option):
return SubbedOptFormatter.format_option_strings(self, option)
class SubbedOptParse(OptionParser):
This class alters / enhances `OptionParser` with *suboption handlers*.
That is, calling `sop.add_option('-x', subopt=foo)` installs a handler
which will be triggered if there is ``-x foo`` in the command line being
parsed (or, eg., ``-x foo,bar``).
Moreover, ``-x`` implicitly gets a handler which collects the unhandled
suboptions of ``-x`` into a `SubOptsHive` instance (accessible post festam
via the `x` attribute of the returned Values object). (The only exception
is when ``-x`` has *explicitly* been added with action ``store_hive``.
This opens up the possibility of customizing the ``-x`` handler at some
Suboption handlers have all the nice features of normal option handlers,
eg. they are displayed in the automatically generated help message
(and can have their own help info).
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
if not 'formatter' in kw:
kw['formatter'] = SubbedOptIndentedFormatter()
if not 'option_class' in kw:
kw['option_class'] = SubbedOpt
if 'hive_class' in kw:
self.hive_class = kw.pop('hive_class')
self.hive_class = SubOptsHive
OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def add_option(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'action' in kwargs and kwargs['action'] == 'store_hive':
if 'subopt' in kwargs:
raise OptParseError(
"""option can't have a `subopt' attr and `action="store_hive"' at the same time""")
if not 'type' in kwargs:
kwargs['type'] = 'string'
elif 'subopt' in kwargs:
o = self.option_class(*args, **kwargs)
oo = self.get_option(o.baseopt)
if oo:
if oo.action != "store_hive":
raise OptionConflictError(
"can't add subopt as option has already a handler that doesn't do `store_hive'",
self.add_option(o.baseopt, action='store_hive',
oo = self.get_option(o.baseopt)
args = (o,)
kwargs = {}
return OptionParser.add_option(self, *args, **kwargs)

mac/macfuse/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from allmydata.uri import CHKFileURI, NewDirectoryURI, LiteralFileURI
from allmydata.scripts.common_http import do_http as do_http_req
import base64
import sha
import os
import errno
import stat
# pull in some spaghetti to make this stuff work without fuse-py being installed
import _find_fuse_parts
junk = _find_fuse_parts
del junk
except ImportError:
import fuse
import time
import traceback
import simplejson
import urllib
if not hasattr(fuse, '__version__'):
raise RuntimeError, \
"your fuse-py doesn't know of fuse.__version__, probably it's too old."
fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 2)
fuse.feature_assert('stateful_files', 'has_init')
logfile = file('tfuse.log', 'wb')
def log(msg):
logfile.write("%s: %s\n" % (time.asctime(), msg))
fuse.flog = log
def do_http(method, url, body=''):
resp = do_http_req(method, url, body)
log('do_http(%s, %s) -> %s, %s' % (method, url, resp.status, resp.reason))
if resp.status not in (200, 201):
raise RuntimeError('http response (%s, %s)' % (resp.status, resp.reason))
def flag2mode(flags):
log('flag2mode(%r)' % (flags,))
#md = {os.O_RDONLY: 'r', os.O_WRONLY: 'w', os.O_RDWR: 'w+'}
md = {os.O_RDONLY: 'rb', os.O_WRONLY: 'wb', os.O_RDWR: 'w+b'}
m = md[flags & (os.O_RDONLY | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR)]
if flags | os.O_APPEND:
m = m.replace('w', 'a', 1)
return m
def logargsretexc(meth):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
log("%s(%r, %r)" % (meth, args, kwargs))
ret = meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
log('exception:\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(),))
log("ret: %r" % (ret, ))
return ret
inner.__name__ = '<logwrap(%s)>' % (meth,)
return inner
def logexc(meth):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
ret = meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
log('exception:\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(),))
return ret
inner.__name__ = '<logwrap(%s)>' % (meth,)
return inner
def log_exc():
log('exception:\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(),))
class TahoeFuseFile(object):
def __init__(self, path, flags, *mode):
log("TFF: __init__(%r, %r, %r)" % (path, flags, mode))
self._path = path # for tahoe put
self.parent,, self.fnode = self.tfs.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
m = flag2mode(flags)
log('TFF: flags2(mode) -> %s' % (m,))
if m[0] in 'wa':
# write
self.fname = self.tfs.cache.tmp_file(os.urandom(20))
if self.fnode is None:
log('TFF: [%s] open(%s) for write: no such file, creating new File' % (, self.fname, ))
self.fnode = File(0, None)
self.fnode.tmp_fname = self.fname # XXX kill this
self.parent.add_child(, self.fnode)
elif hasattr(self.fnode, 'tmp_fname'):
self.fname = self.fnode.tmp_fname
self.file = os.fdopen(, flags, *mode), m)
self.fd = self.file.fileno()
log('TFF: opened(%s) for write' % self.fname)
self.open_for_write = True
# read
assert self.fnode is not None
uri = self.fnode.get_uri()
# XXX make this go away
if hasattr(self.fnode, 'tmp_fname'):
self.fname = self.fnode.tmp_fname
log('TFF: reopening(%s) for reading' % self.fname)
log('TFF: fetching file from cache for reading')
self.fname = self.tfs.cache.get_file(uri)
self.file = os.fdopen(, flags, *mode), m)
self.fd = self.file.fileno()
self.open_for_write = False
log('TFF: opened(%s) for read' % self.fname)
def log(self, msg):
log("<TFF(%s:%s)> %s" % (os.path.basename(self.fname),, msg))
def read(self, size, offset):
self.log('read(%r, %r)' % (size, offset, ))
def write(self, buf, offset):
self.log("write(-%s-, %r)" % (len(buf), offset))
if not self.open_for_write:
return -errno.EACCES
return len(buf)
def release(self, flags):
self.log("release(%r)" % (flags,))
if self.open_for_write:
size = os.path.getsize(self.fname)
self.fnode.size = size
file_cap = self.tfs.upload(self.fname)
self.fnode.ro_uri = file_cap
self.tfs.add_child(self.parent.get_uri(),, file_cap)
self.log("uploaded: %s" % (file_cap,))
# dbg
def _fflush(self):
if 'w' in self.file.mode or 'a' in self.file.mode:
def fsync(self, isfsyncfile):
self.log("fsync(%r)" % (isfsyncfile,))
if isfsyncfile and hasattr(os, 'fdatasync'):
def flush(self):
# cf. xmp_flush() in fusexmp_fh.c
def fgetattr(self):
s = os.fstat(self.fd)
self.log("fgetattr() -> %r" % (s,))
return s
def ftruncate(self, len):
self.log("ftruncate(%r)" % (len,))
class ObjFetcher(object):
def get_tahoe_file(self, path, flags, *mode):
log('objfetcher.get_tahoe_file(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (self, path, flags, mode))
return TahoeFuseFile(path, flags, *mode)
fetcher = ObjFetcher()
class TahoeFuse(fuse.Fuse):
def __init__(self, tfs, *args, **kw):
log("TF: __init__(%r, %r)" % (args, kw))
self.tfs = tfs
class MyFuseFile(TahoeFuseFile):
tfs = tfs
self.file_class = MyFuseFile
log("TF: file_class: %r" % (self.file_class,))
fuse.Fuse.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
#import thread
#thread.start_new_thread(self.launch_reactor, ())
def log(self, msg):
log("<TF> %s" % (msg, ))
def readlink(self, path):
self.log("readlink(%r)" % (path,))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def unlink(self, path):
self.log("unlink(%r)" % (path,))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def rmdir(self, path):
self.log("rmdir(%r)" % (path,))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def symlink(self, path, path1):
self.log("symlink(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def rename(self, path, path1):
self.log("rename(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
self.tfs.rename(path, path1)
def link(self, path, path1):
self.log("link(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def chmod(self, path, mode):
self.log("chmod(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def chown(self, path, user, group):
self.log("chown(%r, %r, %r)" % (path, user, group))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def truncate(self, path, len):
self.log("truncate(%r, %r)" % (path, len))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def utime(self, path, times):
self.log("utime(%r, %r)" % (path, times))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def statfs(self):
Should return an object with statvfs attributes (f_bsize, f_frsize...).
Eg., the return value of os.statvfs() is such a thing (since py 2.2).
If you are not reusing an existing statvfs object, start with
fuse.StatVFS(), and define the attributes.
To provide usable information (ie., you want sensible df(1)
output, you are suggested to specify the following attributes:
- f_bsize - preferred size of file blocks, in bytes
- f_frsize - fundamental size of file blcoks, in bytes
[if you have no idea, use the same as blocksize]
- f_blocks - total number of blocks in the filesystem
- f_bfree - number of free blocks
- f_files - total number of file inodes
- f_ffree - nunber of free file inodes
return os.statvfs(".")
def fsinit(self):
def main(self, *a, **kw):
self.log("main(%r, %r)" % (a, kw))
return fuse.Fuse.main(self, *a, **kw)
def readdir(self, path, offset):
log('readdir(%r, %r)' % (path, offset))
node = self.tfs.get_path(path)
if node is None:
return -errno.ENOENT
dirlist = ['.', '..'] + node.children.keys()
log('dirlist = %r' % (dirlist,))
return [fuse.Direntry(d) for d in dirlist]
def getattr(self, path):
log('getattr(%r)' % (path,))
node = self.tfs.get_path(path)
if node is None:
return -errno.ENOENT
return node.get_stat()
def access(self, path, mode):
self.log("access(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
node = self.tfs.get_path(path)
if not node:
return -errno.ENOENT
accmode = os.O_RDONLY | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_RDWR
if (mode & 0222):
if not node.writable():
log('write access denied for %s (req:%o)' % (path, mode, ))
return -errno.EACCES
#log('access granted for %s' % (path, ))
def mkdir(self, path, mode):
self.log("mkdir(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
def main(tfs):
usage = "Userspace tahoe fs: cache a tahoe tree and present via fuse\n" + fuse.Fuse.fusage
server = TahoeFuse(tfs, version="%prog " + fuse.__version__,
def getbasedir():
f = file(os.path.expanduser("~/.tahoe/private/root_dir.cap"), 'rb')
bd =
return bd
def getnodeurl():
f = file(os.path.expanduser("~/.tahoe/node.url"), 'rb')
nu =
if nu[-1] != "/":
nu += "/"
return nu
def fingerprint(uri):
if uri is None:
return None
return base64.b32encode([:6]
class TStat(fuse.Stat):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
fuse.Stat.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Stat%r" % {
'st_mode': self.st_mode,
'st_ino': self.st_ino,
'st_dev': self.st_dev,
'st_nlink': self.st_nlink,
'st_uid': self.st_uid,
'st_gid': self.st_gid,
'st_size': self.st_size,
'st_atime': self.st_atime,
'st_mtime': self.st_mtime,
'st_ctime': self.st_ctime,
class Directory(object):
def __init__(self, ro_uri, rw_uri):
self.ro_uri = ro_uri
self.rw_uri = rw_uri
assert (rw_uri or ro_uri)
self.children = {}
def __repr__(self):
return "<Directory %s>" % (fingerprint(self.get_uri()),)
def get_children(self):
return self.children.keys()
def get_child(self, name):
return self.children[name]
def add_child(self, name, file_node):
self.children[name] = file_node
def remove_child(self, name):
del self.children[name]
def get_uri(self):
return self.rw_uri or self.ro_uri
def writable(self):
return self.rw_uri and self.rw_uri != self.ro_uri
def pprint(self, prefix='', printed=None):
ret = []
if printed is None:
printed = set()
writable = self.writable() and '+' or ' '
if self in printed:
ret.append(" %s/%s ... <%s>" % (prefix, writable, fingerprint(self.get_uri()), ))
ret.append("[%s] %s/%s" % (fingerprint(self.get_uri()), prefix, writable, ))
for name,f in sorted(self.children.items()):
ret.append(f.pprint(' ' * (len(prefix)+1)+name, printed))
return '\n'.join(ret)
def get_stat(self):
s = TStat(st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0755, st_nlink = 2)
log("%s.get_stat()->%s" % (self, s))
return s
class File(object):
def __init__(self, size, ro_uri):
self.size = size
if ro_uri:
ro_uri = str(ro_uri)
self.ro_uri = ro_uri
def __repr__(self):
return "<File %s>" % (fingerprint(self.ro_uri) or [self.tmp_fname],)
def pprint(self, prefix='', printed=None):
return " %s (%s)" % (prefix, self.size, )
def get_stat(self):
if hasattr(self, 'tmp_fname'):
s = os.stat(self.tmp_fname)
log("%s.get_stat()->%s" % (self, s))
s = TStat(st_size=self.size, st_mode = stat.S_IFREG | 0444, st_nlink = 1)
log("%s.get_stat()->%s" % (self, s))
return s
def get_uri(self):
return self.ro_uri
def writable(self):
#return not self.ro_uri
return True
class TFS(object):
def __init__(self, nodeurl, root_uri):
self.nodeurl = nodeurl
self.root_uri = root_uri
self.dirs = {}
self.cache = FileCache(nodeurl, os.path.expanduser('~/.tahoe/_cache'))
ro_uri = NewDirectoryURI.init_from_string(self.root_uri).get_readonly()
self.root = Directory(ro_uri, self.root_uri)
self.load_dir('<root>', self.root)
def log(self, msg):
log("<TFS> %s" % (msg, ))
def pprint(self):
return self.root.pprint()
def get_parent_name_and_child(self, path):
dirname, name = os.path.split(path)
parent = self.get_path(dirname)
child = parent.get_child(name)
return parent, name, child
except KeyError:
return parent, name, None
def get_path(self, path):
comps = path.strip('/').split('/')
if comps == ['']:
comps = []
cursor = self.root
for comp in comps:
if not isinstance(cursor, Directory):
self.log('path "%s" is not a dir' % (path,))
return None
cursor = cursor.children[comp]
except KeyError:
self.log('path "%s" not found' % (path,))
return None
return cursor
def load_dir(self, name, dirobj):
print 'loading', name, dirobj
url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s?t=json" % urllib.quote(dirobj.get_uri())
data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
parsed = simplejson.loads(data)
nodetype, d = parsed
assert nodetype == 'dirnode'
for name,details in d['children'].items():
name = str(name)
ctype, cattrs = details
if ctype == 'dirnode':
cobj = self.dir_for(name, cattrs.get('ro_uri'), cattrs.get('rw_uri'))
assert ctype == "filenode"
cobj = File(cattrs.get('size'), cattrs.get('ro_uri'))
dirobj.children[name] = cobj
def dir_for(self, name, ro_uri, rw_uri):
if ro_uri:
ro_uri = str(ro_uri)
if rw_uri:
rw_uri = str(rw_uri)
uri = rw_uri or ro_uri
assert uri
dirobj = self.dirs.get(uri)
if not dirobj:
dirobj = Directory(ro_uri, rw_uri)
self.dirs[uri] = dirobj
self.load_dir(name, dirobj)
return dirobj
def upload(self, fname):
self.log('upload(%r)' % (fname,))
fh = file(fname, 'rb')
url = self.nodeurl + "uri"
file_cap = do_http('PUT', url, fh)
self.log('uploaded to: %r' % (file_cap,))
return file_cap
def add_child(self, parent_dir_uri, child_name, child_uri):
self.log('add_child(%r, %r, %r)' % (parent_dir_uri, child_name, child_uri,))
url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s?t=uri" % (urllib.quote(parent_dir_uri), urllib.quote(child_name), )
child_cap = do_http('PUT', url, child_uri)
assert child_cap == child_uri
self.log('added child %r with %r to %r' % (child_name, child_uri, parent_dir_uri))
return child_uri
def remove_child(self, parent_uri, child_name):
self.log('remove_child(%r, %r)' % (parent_uri, child_name, ))
url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s" % (urllib.quote(parent_uri), urllib.quote(child_name))
resp = do_http('DELETE', url)
self.log('child removal yielded %r' % (resp,))
def mkdir(self, path):
self.log('mkdir(%r)' % (path,))
url = self.nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
new_dir_cap = do_http('PUT', url)
parent_path, name = os.path.split(path)
self.log('parent_path, name = %s, %s' % (parent_path, name,))
parent = self.get_path(parent_path)
self.log('parent = %s' % (parent, ))
self.log('new_dir_cap = %s' % (new_dir_cap, ))
child_uri = self.add_child(parent.get_uri(), name, new_dir_cap)
ro_uri = NewDirectoryURI.init_from_string(child_uri).get_readonly()
child = Directory(ro_uri, child_uri)
parent.add_child(name, child)
def rename(self, path, path1):
self.log('rename(%s, %s)' % (path, path1))
parent, name, child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
child_uri = child.get_uri()
new_parent_path, new_child_name = os.path.split(path1)
new_parent = self.get_path(new_parent_path)
self.add_child(new_parent.get_uri(), new_child_name, child_uri)
self.remove_child(parent.get_uri(), name)
new_parent.add_child(new_child_name, child)
class FileCache(object):
def __init__(self, nodeurl, cachedir):
self.nodeurl = nodeurl
self.cachedir = cachedir
if not os.path.exists(self.cachedir):
self.tmpdir = os.path.join(self.cachedir, 'tmp')
if not os.path.exists(self.tmpdir):
def log(self, msg):
log("<FC> %s" % (msg, ))
def get_file(self, uri):
self.log('get_file(%s)' % (uri,))
if uri.startswith("URI:LIT"):
return self.get_literal(uri)
return self.get_chk(uri)
def get_literal(self, uri):
h =
u = LiteralFileURI.init_from_string(uri)
fname = os.path.join(self.cachedir, '__'+base64.b32encode(h).lower())
size = len(
self.log('writing literal file %s (%s)' % (fname, size, ))
fh = open(fname, 'wb')
return fname
def get_chk(self, uri):
u = CHKFileURI.init_from_string(str(uri))
storage_index = u.storage_index
size = u.size
fname = os.path.join(self.cachedir, base64.b32encode(storage_index).lower())
if os.path.exists(fname):
fsize = os.path.getsize(fname)
if fsize == size:
return fname
self.log('warning file "%s" is too short %s < %s' % (fname, fsize, size))
self.log('downloading file %s (%s)' % (fname, size, ))
fh = open(fname, 'wb')
url = "%suri/%s" % (self.nodeurl, uri)
download = urllib.urlopen(''.join([ self.nodeurl, "uri/", uri ]))
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
return fname
def tmp_file(self, id):
fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, base64.b32encode(id).lower())
return fname
def print_tree():
log('tree:\n' + _tfs.pprint())
if __name__ == '__main__':
tfs = TFS(getnodeurl(), getbasedir())
print tfs.pprint()
# make tfs instance accesible to print_tree() for dbg
global _tfs
_tfs = tfs