Sketch of basic immutable server-side logic.

This commit is contained in:
Itamar Turner-Trauring 2022-01-11 14:50:29 -05:00
parent 57405ea722
commit db68defe88

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@ -193,3 +193,31 @@ class HTTPServer(object):
# TODO self._storage_server.allocate_buckets() with given inputs.
# TODO add results to self._uploads.
{Secrets.UPLOAD}, "/v1/immutable/<string:storage_index>/<int:share_number>", methods=["PATCH"]
def write_share_data(self, request, authorization, storage_index, share_number):
"""Write data to an in-progress immutable upload."""
# TODO parse the content-range header to get offset for writing
# TODO basic checks on validity of offset
# TODO basic check that body isn't infinite. require content-length? if so, needs t be in protocol spec.
data =
# TODO write to bucket at that offset.
# TODO check if it conflicts with existing data (probably underlying code already handles that) if so, CONFLICT.
# TODO if it finished writing altogether, 201 CREATED. Otherwise 200 OK.
_app, set(), "/v1/immutable/<string:storage_index>/<int:share_number>", methods=["GET"]
def read_share_chunk(self, request, authorization, storage_index, share_number):
"""Read a chunk for an already uploaded immutable."""
# TODO read offset and length from Range header
# TODO basic checks on validity
# TODO lookup the share
# TODO if not found, 404
# TODO otherwise, return data from that offset