regular ci config

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Paul Calderone 2022-12-09 14:27:37 -05:00
parent e835ed538f
commit d5380fe156

View File

@ -14,69 +14,69 @@ version: 2.1
# # Start with jobs testing various platforms.
# - "debian-10":
# {}
# - "debian-11":
# Start with jobs testing various platforms.
- "debian-10":
- "debian-11":
- "ubuntu-20-04":
- "ubuntu-18-04":
- "ubuntu-20-04"
# Equivalent to RHEL 8; CentOS 8 is dead.
- "oraclelinux-8":
- "nixos":
name: "NixOS 21.05"
nixpkgs: "21.05"
- "nixos":
name: "NixOS 21.11"
nixpkgs: "21.11"
# Eventually, test against PyPy 3.8
#- "pypy27-buster":
# {}
# - "ubuntu-20-04":
# {}
# - "ubuntu-18-04":
# requires:
# - "ubuntu-20-04"
# Other assorted tasks and configurations
- "codechecks":
- "pyinstaller":
- "c-locale":
# Any locale other than C or UTF-8.
- "another-locale":
# # Equivalent to RHEL 8; CentOS 8 is dead.
# - "oraclelinux-8":
# {}
- "integration":
# If the unit test suite doesn't pass, don't bother running the
# integration tests.
- "debian-11"
# - "nixos":
# name: "NixOS 21.05"
# nixpkgs: "21.05"
- "typechecks":
- "docs":
# - "nixos":
# name: "NixOS 21.11"
# nixpkgs: "21.11"
# Build the Docker images used by the ci jobs. This makes the ci jobs
# faster and takes various spurious failures out of the critical path.
# Build once a day
- schedule:
cron: "0 0 * * *"
- "master"
# # Eventually, test against PyPy 3.8
# #- "pypy27-buster":
# # {}
# # Other assorted tasks and configurations
# - "codechecks":
# {}
# - "pyinstaller":
# {}
# - "c-locale":
# {}
# # Any locale other than C or UTF-8.
# - "another-locale":
# {}
# - "integration":
# requires:
# # If the unit test suite doesn't pass, don't bother running the
# # integration tests.
# - "debian-11"
# - "typechecks":
# {}
# - "docs":
# {}
# images:
# # Build the Docker images used by the ci jobs. This makes the ci jobs
# # faster and takes various spurious failures out of the critical path.
# triggers:
# # Build once a day
# - schedule:
# cron: "0 0 * * *"
# filters:
# branches:
# only:
# - "master"
# jobs:
# Every job that pushes a Docker image from Docker Hub needs to provide
# credentials. Use this first job to define a yaml anchor that can be
# used to supply a CircleCI job context which makes Docker Hub