upload: rearrange peer-selection code to be more readable, and fix a silly bug

This commit is contained in:
Brian Warner 2007-01-16 19:35:12 -07:00
parent 460ed84562
commit ccdc2622d4

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from twisted.application import service
from foolscap import Referenceable
from allmydata.util import idlib, bencode
from allmydata.util.idlib import peerid_to_short_string as shortid
from allmydata.util.deferredutil import DeferredListShouldSucceed
from allmydata import codec
@ -85,11 +86,8 @@ class FileUploader:
for p in self.permuted:
assert isinstance(p, str)
# we will shrink self.permuted as we give up on peers
self.peer_index = 0
self.goodness_points = 0
self.landlords = [] # list of (peerid, bucket_num, remotebucket)
d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._check_next_peer)
d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._find_peers)
return d
@ -97,6 +95,27 @@ class FileUploader:
def _compute_uri(self, params):
return "URI:%s" % bencode.bencode((self._verifierid, params))
def _build_not_enough_peers_error(self):
yes = ",".join([shortid(p) for p in self.peers_who_said_yes])
no = ",".join([shortid(p) for p in self.peers_who_said_no])
err = ",".join([shortid(p) for p in self.peers_who_had_errors])
msg = ("%s goodness, want %s, have %d "
"landlords, %d total peers, "
"peers:yes=%s;no=%s;err=%s" %
(self.goodness_points, self.target_goodness,
len(self.landlords), self._total_peers,
yes, no, err))
return msg
def _find_peers(self):
# this returns a Deferred which fires (with a meaningless value) when
# enough peers are found, or errbacks with a NotEnoughPeersError if
# not.
self.peer_index = 0
self.goodness_points = 0
self.landlords = [] # list of (peerid, bucket_num, remotebucket)
return self._check_next_peer()
def _check_next_peer(self):
if self.debug:
log.msg("FileUploader._check_next_peer: %d permuted, %d goodness"
@ -104,76 +123,75 @@ class FileUploader:
(len(self.permuted), self.goodness_points,
self.target_goodness, len(self.landlords),
if len(self.permuted) == 0:
# there are no more to check
yes = ",".join([idlib.peerid_to_short_string(p)
for p in self.peers_who_said_yes])
no = ",".join([idlib.peerid_to_short_string(p)
for p in self.peers_who_said_no])
err = ",".join([idlib.peerid_to_short_string(p)
for p in self.peers_who_had_errors])
msg = ("%s goodness, want %s, have %d "
"landlords, %d total peers, "
"peers:yes=%s;no=%s;err=%s" %
(self.goodness_points, self.target_goodness,
len(self.landlords), self._total_peers,
yes, no, err))
if (self.goodness_points >= self.target_goodness and
len(self.landlords) >= self.min_shares):
if self.debug: print " we're done!"
return "done"
if not self.permuted:
# we've run out of peers to check without finding enough, which
# means we won't be able to upload this file. Bummer.
msg = self._build_not_enough_peers_error()
log.msg("NotEnoughPeersError: %s" % msg)
raise NotEnoughPeersError(msg)
# otherwise we use self.peer_index to rotate through all the usable
# peers. It gets inremented elsewhere, but wrapped here.
if self.peer_index >= len(self.permuted):
self.peer_index = 0
peerid = self.permuted[self.peer_index]
d = self._check_peer(peerid)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self._check_next_peer())
return d
def _check_peer(self, peerid):
# contact a single peer, and ask them to hold a share. If they say
# yes, we update self.landlords and self.goodness_points, and
# increment self.peer_index. If they say no, or are uncontactable, we
# remove them from self.permuted. This returns a Deferred which never
# errbacks.
bucket_num = len(self.landlords)
d = self._peer.get_remote_service(peerid, "storageserver")
def _got_peer(service):
bucket_num = len(self.landlords)
if self.debug: print "asking %s" % idlib.b2a(peerid)
if self.debug: print "asking %s" % shortid(peerid)
d2 = service.callRemote("allocate_bucket",
def _allocate_response(bucket):
if self.debug:
print " peerid %s will grant us a lease" % idlib.b2a(peerid)
self.landlords.append( (peerid, bucket_num, bucket) )
self.goodness_points += 1
if (self.goodness_points >= self.target_goodness and
len(self.landlords) >= self.min_shares):
if self.debug: print " we're done!"
raise HaveAllPeersError()
# otherwise we fall through to allocate more peers
return d2
def _done_with_peer(res):
if self.debug: print "done with peer %s:" % idlib.b2a(peerid)
if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
if res.check(HaveAllPeersError):
if self.debug: print " all done"
# we're done!
if res.check(TooFullError):
if self.debug: print " too full"
elif res.check(IndexError):
if self.debug: print " no connection"
if self.debug: print " other error:", res
self.permuted.remove(peerid) # this peer was unusable
def _allocate_response(bucket):
if self.debug:
print " peerid %s will grant us a lease" % shortid(peerid)
self.landlords.append( (peerid, bucket_num, bucket) )
self.goodness_points += 1
self.peer_index += 1
def _err(f):
if self.debug: print "err from peer %s:" % idlib.b2a(peerid)
assert isinstance(f, failure.Failure)
if f.check(TooFullError):
if self.debug: print " too full"
elif f.check(IndexError):
if self.debug: print " no connection"
if self.debug: print " they gave us a lease"
# we get here for either good peers (when we still need
# more), or after checking a bad peer (and thus still need
# more). So now we need to grab a new peer.
self.peer_index += 1
return self._check_next_peer()
if self.debug: print " other error:", res
log.msg("FileUploader._check_peer(%s): err" % shortid(peerid))
self.permuted.remove(peerid) # this peer was unusable
return None
return d
def _got_enough_peers(self, res):