mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 11:25:14 +00:00
deep-check: add webapi links to detailed per-file/dir results
This commit is contained in:
@ -214,6 +214,9 @@ GET /operations/$HANDLE?output=JSON (same)
web browser to reload the status page about 60 seconds later. This tag will
be removed once the operation has completed.
There may be more status information available under
/operations/$HANDLE/$ETC : i.e., the handle forms the root of a URL space.
POST /operations/$HANDLE?t=cancel
This terminates the operation, and returns an HTML page explaining what was
@ -814,10 +817,14 @@ POST $URL?t=start-deep-check (must add &ophandle=XYZ)
Since this operation can take a long time (perhaps a second per object),
the ophandle= argument is required (see "Slow Operations, Progress, and
Cancelling" above). The response to this POST will be a redirect to the
corresponding /operations/$HANDLE?t=status page (with output=HTML or
output=JSON to match the output= argument given to the POST). The
deep-check operation will continue to run in the background, and the
/operations page should be used to find out when the operation is done.
corresponding /operations/$HANDLE page (with output=HTML or output=JSON to
match the output= argument given to the POST). The deep-check operation
will continue to run in the background, and the /operations page should be
used to find out when the operation is done.
Detailed checker results for non-healthy files and directories will be
available under /operations/$HANDLE/$STORAGEINDEX, and the HTML status will
contain links to these detailed results.
The HTML /operations/$HANDLE page for incomplete operations will contain a
meta-refresh tag, set to 60 seconds, so that a browser which uses
@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ class DeepResultsBase:
self.objects_unhealthy = 0
self.corrupt_shares = []
self.all_results = {}
self.all_results_by_storage_index = {}
self.stats = {}
def update_stats(self, new_stats):
@ -105,6 +106,9 @@ class DeepResultsBase:
def get_all_results(self):
return self.all_results
def get_results_for_storage_index(self, storage_index):
return self.all_results_by_storage_index[storage_index]
def get_stats(self):
return self.stats
@ -123,6 +127,7 @@ class DeepCheckResults(DeepResultsBase):
self.objects_unhealthy += 1
self.all_results[tuple(path)] = r
self.all_results_by_storage_index[r.get_storage_index()] = r
def get_counters(self):
@ -171,6 +176,7 @@ class DeepCheckAndRepairResults(DeepResultsBase):
self.objects_unhealthy_post_repair += 1
self.all_results[tuple(path)] = r
self.all_results_by_storage_index[r.get_storage_index()] = r
def get_counters(self):
@ -1649,6 +1649,11 @@ class IDeepCheckResults(Interface):
be slash-joined) to an ICheckerResults instance, one for each object
that was checked."""
def get_results_for_storage_index(storage_index):
"""Retrive the ICheckerResults instance for the given (binary)
storage index. Raises KeyError if there are no results for that
storage index."""
def get_stats():
"""Return a dictionary with the same keys as
@ -50,13 +50,26 @@ class FakeCHKFileNode:
r = CheckerResults(self.storage_index)
is_bad = self.bad_shares.get(self.storage_index, None)
data = {}
data["count-shares-needed"] = 3
data["count-shares-expected"] = 10
data["count-good-share-hosts"] = 10
data["count-wrong-shares"] = 0
nodeid = "\x00"*20
data["list-corrupt-shares"] = []
data["sharemap"] = {1: [nodeid]}
data["count-recoverable-versions"] = 1
data["count-unrecoverable-versions"] = 0
if is_bad:
data["count-shares-good"] = 9
data["list-corrupt-shares"] = [(nodeid, self.storage_index, 0)]
r.problems = failure.Failure(CorruptShareError(is_bad))
data["count-shares-good"] = 10
r.problems = []
return defer.succeed(r)
def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False):
d = self.check(verify)
@ -153,16 +166,27 @@ class FakeMutableFileNode:
r = CheckerResults(self.storage_index)
is_bad = self.bad_shares.get(self.storage_index, None)
data = {}
data["count-shares-needed"] = 3
data["count-shares-expected"] = 10
data["count-good-share-hosts"] = 10
data["count-wrong-shares"] = 0
data["list-corrupt-shares"] = []
nodeid = "\x00"*20
data["sharemap"] = {"seq1-abcd-sh0": [nodeid]}
data["count-recoverable-versions"] = 1
data["count-unrecoverable-versions"] = 0
if is_bad:
data["count-shares-good"] = 9
r.problems = failure.Failure(CorruptShareError("peerid",
0, # shnum
data["count-shares-good"] = 10
r.problems = []
return defer.succeed(r)
def check_and_repair(self, monitor, verify=False):
@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ class FakeClient(service.MultiService):
def connected_to_introducer(self):
return False
def get_nickname_for_peerid(self, peerid):
return u"John Doe"
def create_node_from_uri(self, auri):
u = uri.from_string(auri)
if (INewDirectoryURI.providedBy(u)
@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
<h1>File Check Results for SI=<span n:render="storage_index" /></h1>
<div n:render="healthy" />
<span n:render="healthy" />
<span n:render="rebalance" />
<div n:render="results" />
@ -2,16 +2,71 @@
import time
import simplejson
from nevow import rend, inevow, tags as T
from twisted.web import html
from allmydata.web.common import getxmlfile, get_arg, IClient
from twisted.web import http, html
from allmydata.web.common import getxmlfile, get_arg, get_root, \
IClient, WebError
from allmydata.web.operations import ReloadMixin
from allmydata.interfaces import ICheckAndRepairResults, ICheckerResults
from allmydata.util import base32, idlib
class ResultsBase:
def _render_results(self, cr):
def _render_results(self, ctx, cr):
assert ICheckerResults(cr)
return T.pre["\n".join(self._html(cr.get_report()))] # TODO: more
c = IClient(ctx)
data = cr.get_data()
r = []
def add(name, value):
r.append(T.li[name + ": ", value])
add("Report", T.pre["\n".join(self._html(cr.get_report()))])
add("Share Counts",
"need %d-of-%d, have %d" % (data["count-shares-needed"],
add("Hosts with good shares", data["count-good-share-hosts"])
if data["list-corrupt-shares"]:
badsharemap = []
for (serverid, si, shnum) in data["list-corrupt-shares"]:
nickname = c.get_nickname_for_peerid(serverid)
badsharemap.append(T.tr[T.td["sh#%d" % shnum],
" (", nickname, ")"],
add("Corrupt shares", T.table(border="1")[badsharemap])
add("Corrupt shares", "none")
add("Wrong Shares", data["count-wrong-shares"])
sharemap = []
servers = {}
for shareid in sorted(data["sharemap"].keys()):
serverids = data["sharemap"][shareid]
for i,serverid in enumerate(serverids):
servers[serverid] = servers.get(serverid,0) + 1
shareid_s = ""
if i == 0:
shareid_s = shareid
nickname = c.get_nickname_for_peerid(serverid)
" (", nickname, ")"],
add("Good Shares", T.table(border="1")[sharemap])
add("Recoverable Versions", data["count-recoverable-versions"])
add("Unrecoverable Versions", data["count-unrecoverable-versions"])
servermap = []
for serverid in sorted(servers.keys()):
nickname = c.get_nickname_for_peerid(serverid)
" (", nickname, ")"],
T.td["*" * servers[serverid]] ])
add("Share Balancing", T.table(border="1")[servermap])
return T.ul[r]
def _json_check_and_repair_results(self, r):
data = {}
@ -69,6 +124,17 @@ class ResultsBase:
return True
return False
def _render_si_link(self, ctx, storage_index):
si_s = base32.b2a(storage_index)
root = get_root(ctx)
req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
ophandle = req.prepath[-1]
target = "%s/operations/%s/%s" % (get_root(ctx), ophandle, si_s)
output = get_arg(ctx, "output")
if output:
target = target + "?output=%s" % output
return T.a(href=target)[si_s]
class LiteralCheckerResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
docFactory = getxmlfile("literal-checker-results.xhtml")
@ -84,34 +150,16 @@ class LiteralCheckerResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"
class CheckerResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
docFactory = getxmlfile("checker-results.xhtml")
def __init__(self, results):
self.r = ICheckerResults(results)
class CheckerBase:
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
if self.want_json(ctx):
return self.json(ctx)
return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
def json(self, ctx):
inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
data = self._json_check_results(self.r)
return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"
def render_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
return self.r.get_storage_index_string()
def render_healthy(self, ctx, data):
if self.r.is_healthy():
return ctx.tag["Healthy!"]
return ctx.tag["Not Healthy!:", self._html(self.r.get_summary())]
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
cr = self._render_results(self.r)
return ctx.tag[cr]
def render_return(self, ctx, data):
req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
return_to = get_arg(req, "return_to", None)
@ -119,30 +167,47 @@ class CheckerResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
return T.div[T.a(href=return_to)["Return to parent directory"]]
return ""
class CheckAndRepairResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
class CheckerResults(CheckerBase, rend.Page, ResultsBase):
docFactory = getxmlfile("checker-results.xhtml")
def __init__(self, results):
self.r = ICheckerResults(results)
def json(self, ctx):
inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
data = self._json_check_results(self.r)
return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"
def render_healthy(self, ctx, data):
if self.r.is_healthy():
return ctx.tag["Healthy!"]
return ctx.tag["Not Healthy!: ", self._html(self.r.get_summary())]
def render_rebalance(self, ctx, data):
if self.r.needs_rebalancing():
return ctx.tag["(needs rebalancing)"]
return ctx.tag["(does not need rebalancing)"]
def render_results(self, ctx, data):
cr = self._render_results(ctx, self.r)
return ctx.tag[cr]
class CheckAndRepairResults(CheckerBase, rend.Page, ResultsBase):
docFactory = getxmlfile("check-and-repair-results.xhtml")
def __init__(self, results):
self.r = ICheckAndRepairResults(results)
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
if self.want_json(ctx):
return self.json(ctx)
return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
def json(self, ctx):
inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
data = self._json_check_and_repair_results(self.r)
return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"
def render_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
return self.r.get_storage_index_string()
def render_healthy(self, ctx, data):
cr = self.r.get_post_repair_results()
if cr.is_healthy():
return ctx.tag["Healthy!"]
return ctx.tag["Not Healthy!:", self._html(cr.get_summary())]
return ctx.tag["Not Healthy!: ", self._html(cr.get_summary())]
def render_repair_results(self, ctx, data):
if self.r.get_repair_attempted():
@ -153,30 +218,36 @@ class CheckAndRepairResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
return ctx.tag["No repair necessary"]
def render_post_repair_results(self, ctx, data):
cr = self._render_results(self.r.get_post_repair_results())
cr = self._render_results(ctx, self.r.get_post_repair_results())
return ctx.tag[cr]
def render_maybe_pre_repair_results(self, ctx, data):
if self.r.get_repair_attempted():
cr = self._render_results(self.r.get_pre_repair_results())
cr = self._render_results(ctx, self.r.get_pre_repair_results())
return ctx.tag[T.div["Pre-Repair Checker Results:"], cr]
return ""
def render_return(self, ctx, data):
req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
return_to = get_arg(req, "return_to", None)
if return_to:
return T.div[T.a(href=return_to)["Return to parent directory"]]
return ""
class DeepCheckResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase, ReloadMixin):
docFactory = getxmlfile("deep-check-results.xhtml")
def __init__(self, monitor):
#assert IDeepCheckResults(results)
#self.r = results
self.monitor = monitor
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
if not name:
return self
# /operation/$OPHANDLE/$STORAGEINDEX provides detailed information
# about a specific file or directory that was checked
si = base32.a2b(name)
r = self.monitor.get_status()
return CheckerResults(r.get_results_for_storage_index(si))
except KeyError:
raise WebError("No detailed results for SI %s" % html.escape(name),
return rend.Page.childFactory(self, ctx, name)
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
if self.want_json(ctx):
return self.json(ctx)
@ -276,7 +347,7 @@ class DeepCheckResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase, ReloadMixin):
ctx.fillSlots("serverid", idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(serverid))
if nickname:
ctx.fillSlots("nickname", self._html(nickname))
ctx.fillSlots("si", base32.b2a(storage_index))
ctx.fillSlots("si", self._render_si_link(ctx, storage_index))
ctx.fillSlots("shnum", str(sharenum))
return ctx.tag
@ -296,6 +367,8 @@ class DeepCheckResults(rend.Page, ResultsBase, ReloadMixin):
path, r = data
ctx.fillSlots("path", "/".join(self._html(path)))
ctx.fillSlots("healthy", str(r.is_healthy()))
storage_index = r.get_storage_index()
ctx.fillSlots("storage_index", self._render_si_link(ctx, storage_index))
ctx.fillSlots("summary", self._html(r.get_summary()))
return ctx.tag
@ -67,11 +67,13 @@
<tr n:pattern="header">
<td>Relative Path</td>
<td>Storage Index</td>
<tr n:pattern="item" n:render="object">
<td><n:slot name="path"/></td>
<td><n:slot name="healthy"/></td>
<td><tt><n:slot name="storage_index"/></tt></td>
<td><n:slot name="summary"/></td>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user