another thing works

This commit is contained in:
meejah 2019-09-10 17:52:20 -06:00
parent 66c0c71a0d
commit b51f144f87
5 changed files with 116 additions and 93 deletions

View File

@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ class BlockingFileError(Exception):
def make_handler_for(node, client, parentnode=None, name=None):
if parentnode:
assert IDirectoryNode.providedBy(parentnode)
if IFileNode.providedBy(node):
@ -102,12 +104,30 @@ class DirectoryNodeHandler(ReplaceMeMixin, Resource, object): = name
self._operations = client.get_web_service().get_operations()
def render(self, req):
if req.method == 'GET':
return self.render_GET(req)
elif req.method == 'POST':
return self.render_POST(req)
print("RENDER: {}",format(req))
for k in dir(req):
print(" {}: {}".format(k, getattr(req, k)))
x = super(DirectoryNodeHandler, self).__init__()
return x
def getChild(self, name, req):
Dynamically create a child for the given request and name
# XXX can we do this with putChild() instead? (i.e. does it
# HAVE to be dynamic?)
print("getChild {} {}".format(name, type(name)))
if name is None:
name = get_arg(req, "uri")
d = self.node.get(name.decode('utf8'))
d.addBoth(self._got_child, req, name)
return d
@ -200,6 +220,7 @@ class DirectoryNodeHandler(ReplaceMeMixin, Resource, object):
# This is where all of the directory-related ?t=* code goes.
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
print("RENDER_GET", req)
# t=info contains variable ophandles, t=rename-form contains the name
# of the child being renamed. Neither is allowed an ETag.
@ -254,6 +275,7 @@ class DirectoryNodeHandler(ReplaceMeMixin, Resource, object):
raise WebError("PUT to a directory")
def render_POST(self, req):
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
if t == "mkdir":
@ -293,7 +315,16 @@ class DirectoryNodeHandler(ReplaceMeMixin, Resource, object):
when_done = get_arg(req, "when_done", None)
if when_done:
d.addCallback(lambda res: url.URL.fromString(when_done))
print("got a when_done: {}".format(when_done))
def done(res):
print("RES: {}".format(type(res)))
return res
return d
def _POST_mkdir(self, req):
@ -382,7 +413,7 @@ class DirectoryNodeHandler(ReplaceMeMixin, Resource, object):
# delegate to it. We could return the resource back out of
# DirectoryNodeHandler.renderHTTP, and nevow would recurse into it,
# but the addCallback() that handles when_done= would break.
d.addCallback(lambda child: child.renderHTTP(req))
d.addCallback(lambda child: child.render(req))
return d
def _POST_uri(self, req):
@ -673,26 +704,13 @@ class DirectoryAsHTML(Element):
def children(self, req, tag):
print("children:", self.dirnode_children)
children = [
"type": None,
"filename": None,
"size": None,
"times": None,
# XXX these should come from .. some other fill-slots call?
## "unlink": None,
## "rename": None,
## "info": None,
for k, v in self.dirnode_children.items()
print("childs", children)
SlotsSequenceElement(tag, children)
return SlotsSequenceElement(
self._child_slots(req, fname, data[0], data[1])
for fname, data in self.dirnode_children.items()
@ -750,18 +768,17 @@ class DirectoryAsHTML(Element):
def data_children(self, req, data):
return self.dirnode_children
def row(self, req, tag):
name, (target, metadata) = data
def _child_slots(self, req, name, target, metadata):
:returns: a dict of key/values to give to each item in the table
of sub-items that directory.xhtml defines (this method is
called by the 'children' renderer)
name = name.encode("utf-8")
assert not isinstance(name, unicode)
nameurl = urllib.quote(name, safe="") # encode any slashes too
root = get_root(req)
here = "%s/uri/%s/" % (root, urllib.quote(self.node.get_uri()))
here = "{}/uri/{}/".format(root, urllib.quote(self.node.get_uri()))
if self.node.is_unknown() or self.node.is_readonly():
unlink = "-"
rename = "-"
@ -774,23 +791,24 @@ class DirectoryAsHTML(Element):
tags.input(type='hidden', name='t', value='unlink'),
tags.input(type='hidden', name='name', value=name),
tags.input(type='hidden', name='when_done', value="."),
tags.input(type='submit', _class='btn', value='unlink', name="unlink"),
tags.input(type='submit', class_='btn', value='unlink', name="unlink"),
action=here, method="post"
rename = tags.form(
tags.input(type='hidden', name='t', value='rename-form'),
tags.input(type='hidden', name='name', value=name),
tags.input(type='hidden', name='when_done', value="."),
tags.input(type='submit', _class='btn', value='rename/relink', name="rename"),
tags.input(type='submit', class_='btn', value='rename/relink', name="rename"),
action=here, method="get",
tag.fillSlots("unlink", unlink)
tag.fillSlots("rename", rename)
slots = {
"unlink": unlink,
"rename": rename,
times = []
linkcrtime = metadata.get('tahoe', {}).get("linkcrtime")
@ -813,7 +831,7 @@ class DirectoryAsHTML(Element):
if times:
times.append("m: " + mtime)
tag.fillSlots("times", times)
slots["times"] = times
assert IFilesystemNode.providedBy(target), target
target_uri = target.get_uri() or ""
@ -824,70 +842,65 @@ class DirectoryAsHTML(Element):
# secret directory URI from the URL, send the browser to a URI-based
# page that doesn't know about the directory at all
dlurl = "%s/file/%s/@@named=/%s" % (root, quoted_uri, nameurl)
tag.fillSlots("filename", tags.a(name, href=dlurl, rel="noreferrer"))
tag.fillSlots("type", "SSK")
tag.fillSlots("size", "?")
info_link = "%s/uri/%s?t=info" % (root, quoted_uri)
slots["filename"] = tags.a(name, href=dlurl, rel="noreferrer")
slots["type"] = "SSK"
slots["size"] = "?"
info_link = "{}/uri/{}?t=info".format(root, quoted_uri)
elif IImmutableFileNode.providedBy(target):
dlurl = "%s/file/%s/@@named=/%s" % (root, quoted_uri, nameurl)
tag.fillSlots("filename", tags.a(name, href=dlurl, rel="noreferrer"))
tag.fillSlots("type", "FILE")
tag.fillSlots("size", target.get_size())
info_link = "%s/uri/%s?t=info" % (root, quoted_uri)
slots["filename"] = tags.a(name, href=dlurl, rel="noreferrer")
slots["type"] = "FILE"
slots["size"] = str(target.get_size())
info_link = "{}/uri/{}?t=info".format(root, quoted_uri)
elif IDirectoryNode.providedBy(target):
# directory
uri_link = "%s/uri/%s/" % (root, urllib.quote(target_uri))
tag.fillSlots("filename", tags.a(name, href=uri_link))
slots["filename"] = tags.a(name, href=uri_link)
if not target.is_mutable():
dirtype = "DIR-IMM"
elif target.is_readonly():
dirtype = "DIR-RO"
dirtype = "DIR"
tag.fillSlots("type", dirtype)
tag.fillSlots("size", "-")
slots["type"] = dirtype
slots["size"] = "-"
info_link = "%s/uri/%s/?t=info" % (root, quoted_uri)
elif isinstance(target, ProhibitedNode):
tag.fillSlots("filename", tags.strike(name))
if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(target.wrapped_node):
blacklisted_type = "DIR-BLACKLISTED"
blacklisted_type = "BLACKLISTED"
tag.fillSlots("type", blacklisted_type)
tag.fillSlots("size", "-")
slots["type"] = blacklisted_type
slots["size"] = "-"
slots["info"] = ["Access Prohibited:",, target.reason]
info_link = None
tag.fillSlots("info", ["Access Prohibited:",, target.reason])
# unknown
tag.fillSlots("filename", name)
if target.get_write_uri() is not None:
unknowntype = "?"
elif not self.node.is_mutable() or target.is_alleged_immutable():
unknowntype = "?-IMM"
unknowntype = "?-RO"
tag.fillSlots("type", unknowntype)
tag.fillSlots("size", "-")
slots["filename"] = name
slots["type"] = unknowntype
slots["size"] = "-"
# use a directory-relative info link, so we can extract both the
# writecap and the readcap
info_link = "%s?t=info" % urllib.quote(name)
if info_link:
tag.fillSlots("info", tags.a("More Info", href=info_link))
slots["info"] = tags.a("More Info", href=info_link)
return tag
return slots
# XXX: similar to render_upload_form and render_mkdir_form in
# XXX: also, is generating so much HTML in code a great idea? -> templates?
def forms(self, req, data):
forms = []
@ -961,7 +974,7 @@ class DirectoryAsHTML(Element):
upload_form = tags.form(
tags.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="upload"),
tags.input(type="hidden", name="when_done", value="."),
tags.input(type="hidden", name="when_done", value=req.uri),
tags.legend("Upload a file to this directory", class_="freeform-form-label"),
"Choose a file to upload:"+SPACE,
tags.input(type="file", name="file", class_="freeform-input-file"), SPACE,
@ -972,7 +985,7 @@ class DirectoryAsHTML(Element):
], class_="form-inline"),
tags.input(type="submit", class_="btn", value="Upload"), SPACE*2,

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<td><t:slot name="info"/></td>
<tr t:pattern="empty"><td colspan="9" class="empty-marker">This directory is empty.</td></tr>
<tr t:render="empty"><td colspan="9" class="empty-marker">This directory is empty.</td></tr>

View File

@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ import json
from twisted.web import http, static
from twisted.internet import defer
from nevow import url, rend
from nevow.inevow import IRequest
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
from nevow import url
from allmydata.interfaces import ExistingChildError
from allmydata.monitor import Monitor
@ -87,17 +88,17 @@ class ReplaceMeMixin(object):
return d
class PlaceHolderNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
class PlaceHolderNodeHandler(Resource, ReplaceMeMixin, object):
def __init__(self, client, parentnode, name):
super(PlaceHolderNodeHandler, self).__init__()
self.client = client
assert parentnode
self.parentnode = parentnode = name
self.node = None
def render_PUT(self, ctx):
req = IRequest(ctx)
def render_PUT(self, req):
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
replace = parse_replace_arg(get_arg(req, "replace", "true"))
@ -112,8 +113,7 @@ class PlaceHolderNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
raise WebError("PUT to a file: bad t=%s" % t)
def render_POST(self, ctx):
req = IRequest(ctx)
def render_POST(self, req):
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
replace = boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "replace", "true"))
if t == "upload":
@ -131,31 +131,36 @@ class PlaceHolderNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
when_done = get_arg(req, "when_done", None)
if when_done:
d.addCallback(lambda res: url.URL.fromString(when_done))
d.addCallback(lambda res: when_done)
return d
class FileNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
class FileNodeHandler(Resource, ReplaceMeMixin, object):
def __init__(self, client, node, parentnode=None, name=None):
super(FileNodeHandler, self).__init__()
self.client = client
assert node
self.node = node
self.parentnode = parentnode = name
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
req = IRequest(ctx)
# XXX fixme, this was a childFactory override before, but it seems
# like it never does anything except raise errors? so .. why?
def getChild(self, name, req):
if isinstance(self.node, ProhibitedNode):
raise FileProhibited(self.node.reason)
if should_create_intermediate_directories(req):
raise WebError("Cannot create directory %s, because its "
"parent is a file, not a directory" % quote_output(name, encoding='utf-8'))
raise WebError("Files have no children, certainly not named %s"
% quote_output(name, encoding='utf-8'))
raise WebError(
u"Cannot create directory {}, because its "
u"parent is a file, not a directory".format(name)
raise WebError(
"Files have no children named '{}'".format(
quote_output(name, encoding='utf-8'),
def render_GET(self, ctx):
req = IRequest(ctx)
def render_GET(self, req):
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
# t=info contains variable ophandles, so is not allowed an ETag.
@ -212,8 +217,7 @@ class FileNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
return FileReadOnlyURI(ctx, self.node)
raise WebError("GET file: bad t=%s" % t)
def render_HEAD(self, ctx):
req = IRequest(ctx)
def render_HEAD(self, req):
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
if t:
raise WebError("HEAD file: bad t=%s" % t)
@ -222,8 +226,7 @@ class FileNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
d.addCallback(lambda dn: FileDownloader(dn, filename))
return d
def render_PUT(self, ctx):
req = IRequest(ctx)
def render_PUT(self, req):
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
replace = parse_replace_arg(get_arg(req, "replace", "true"))
offset = parse_offset_arg(get_arg(req, "offset", None))
@ -265,8 +268,7 @@ class FileNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
raise WebError("PUT to a file: bad t=%s" % t)
def render_POST(self, ctx):
req = IRequest(ctx)
def render_POST(self, req):
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
replace = boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "replace", "true"))
if t == "check":
@ -346,9 +348,9 @@ class FileNodeHandler(RenderMixin, rend.Page, ReplaceMeMixin):
return d
class FileDownloader(rend.Page):
class FileDownloader(Resource, object):
def __init__(self, filenode, filename):
super(FileDownloader, self).__init__()
self.filenode = filenode
self.filename = filename
@ -400,8 +402,7 @@ class FileDownloader(rend.Page):
except ValueError:
return None
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
req = IRequest(ctx)
def render(self, req):
gte = static.getTypeAndEncoding
ctype, encoding = gte(self.filename,

View File

@ -108,9 +108,12 @@ class URIHandler(resource.Resource, object):
new directory
t = get_arg(req, "t", "").strip()
print("oh its a post!", t)
if t in ("", "upload"):
file_format = get_format(req)
print("ding", file_format)
mutable_type = get_mutable_type(file_format)
if mutable_type is not None:
return unlinked.POSTUnlinkedSSK(req, self.client, mutable_type)
@ -133,6 +136,11 @@ class URIHandler(resource.Resource, object):
and creates and appropriate handler (depending on the kind of
capability it was passed).
print("getchild {} {}".format(name, type(name)))
if not name:
return self
node = self.client.create_node_from_uri(name)
return directory.make_handler_for(node, self.client)

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ def POSTUnlinkedCHK(req, client):
def _done(upload_results, redir_to):
if "%(uri)s" in redir_to:
redir_to = redir_to.replace("%(uri)s", urllib.quote(upload_results.get_uri()))
print("REDIR TO: {}".format(redir_to))
return url.URL.fromString(redir_to)
d.addCallback(_done, when_done)