use soup, not strings

This commit is contained in:
meejah 2019-12-27 19:15:17 -07:00
parent bd1cbde273
commit b4fab4403f

View File

@ -1927,23 +1927,29 @@ class Web(WebMixin, WebErrorMixin, testutil.StallMixin, testutil.ReallyEqualMixi
self.assertTrue(any(li.text == u"Return to Welcome page" for li in toolbars))
self.failUnlessIn("quux", data)
def test_GET_DIRECTORY_html_filenode_encoding(self):
d = self.GET(self.public_url + "/foo", followRedirect=True)
def _check(html):
# Check if encoded entries are there
self.failUnlessIn('@@named=/' + self._htmlname_urlencoded + '" rel="noreferrer">'
+ self._htmlname_escaped + '</a>', html)
self.failUnlessIn('value="' + self._htmlname_escaped_attr + '"', html)
self.failIfIn(self._htmlname_escaped_double, html)
# Make sure that Nevow escaping actually works by checking for unsafe characters
# and that '&' is escaped.
for entity in '<>':
self.failUnlessIn(entity, self._htmlname_raw)
self.failIfIn(entity, self._htmlname_escaped)
self.failUnlessIn('&', re.sub(r'&(amp|lt|gt|quot|apos);', '', self._htmlname_raw))
self.failIfIn('&', re.sub(r'&(amp|lt|gt|quot|apos);', '', self._htmlname_escaped))
return d
data = yield self.GET(self.public_url + "/foo", followRedirect=True)
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, 'html5lib')
# Check if encoded entries are there
target_ref = u'@@named=/{}'.format(self._htmlname_urlencoded)
# at least one <a> tag has our weirdly-named file properly
# encoded (or else BeautifulSoup would produce an error)
a.text == self._htmlname_unicode and a[u"href"].endswith(target_ref)
for a in soup.find_all(u"a", {u"rel": u"noreferrer"})
# XXX leaving this as-is, but consider using beautfulsoup here too?
# Make sure that Nevow escaping actually works by checking for unsafe characters
# and that '&' is escaped.
for entity in '<>':
self.failUnlessIn(entity, self._htmlname_raw)
self.failIfIn(entity, self._htmlname_escaped)
self.failUnlessIn('&', re.sub(r'&(amp|lt|gt|quot|apos);', '', self._htmlname_raw))
self.failIfIn('&', re.sub(r'&(amp|lt|gt|quot|apos);', '', self._htmlname_escaped))
def test_GET_root_html(self):