Add a CentOS 7 test-running job

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Paul Calderone 2018-06-13 13:59:52 -04:00
parent 53adf5083d
commit 8e782aa33f

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ workflows:
- "lint"
- "debian-8"
- "debian-9"
- "centos-7"
@ -87,3 +88,66 @@ jobs:
- image: "debian:9"
- image: "centos:7"
- run:
node: "Install Git"
command: |
yum install --assumeyes git
- "checkout"
- run:
name: "Bootstrap test environment"
working_directory: "/tmp"
command: |
# Avoid the /nonexistent home directory in nobody's /etc/passwd
# entry.
usermod --home /tmp/nobody nobody
# Grant read access to nobody, the user which will eventually try
# to test this checkout.
mv /root/project /tmp/project
# Python build/install toolchain wants to write to the source
# checkout, too.
chown --recursive nobody:nobody /tmp/project
yum install --assumeyes \
sudo \
make automake gcc gcc-c++ \
python \
python-devel \
libffi-devel \
openssl-devel \
libyaml-devel \
# XXX net-tools is actually a Tahoe-LAFS runtime dependency!
yum install --assumeyes \
# Set up the virtualenv as a non-root user so we can run the test
# suite as a non-root user. See below.
sudo -u nobody virtualenv --python python2.7 /tmp/tests
sudo -u nobody /tmp/tests/bin/pip install tox
- run:
name: "Run test suite"
command: |
# Run the test suite as a non-root user. This is the expected
# usage some small areas of the test suite assume non-root
# privileges (such as unreadable files being unreadable).
# Also run with /tmp as a workdir because the non-root user won't
# be able to create the tox working filesystem state in the source
# checkout because it is owned by root.
sudo -u nobody /tmp/tests/bin/tox -c /tmp/project/tox.ini --workdir /tmp -e py27