mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:49:41 +00:00
code coverage: replace figleaf with coverage.py, should work on py2.6 now.
It still lacks the right HTML report (the builtin report is very pretty, but lacks the "lines uncovered" numbers that I want), and the half-finished delta-from-last-run measurements.
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@
# _version.py is generated at build time, and never checked in
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ endif
.PHONY: signal-error-deps test test-figleaf quicktest quicktest-figleaf
.PHONY: figleaf-output get-old-figleaf-coverage figleaf-delta-output
.PHONY: signal-error-deps test test-coverage quicktest quicktest-coverage
.PHONY: coverage-output get-old-coverage-coverage coverage-delta-output
@ -114,41 +114,55 @@ test: build src/allmydata/_version.py
fuse-test: .built .checked-deps
$(RUNPP) -d contrib/fuse -p -c runtests.py
test-figleaf: build src/allmydata/_version.py
rm -f .figleaf
$(PYTHON) setup.py trial --reporter=bwverbose-figleaf -s $(TEST)
test-coverage: build src/allmydata/_version.py
rm -f .coverage
$(PYTHON) setup.py trial --reporter=bwverbose-coverage -s $(TEST)
$(PYTHON) misc/run-with-pythonpath.py trial $(TRIALARGS) $(TEST)
rm -f .figleaf
$(PYTHON) misc/run-with-pythonpath.py trial --reporter=bwverbose-figleaf $(TEST)
# code-coverage: install the "coverage" package from PyPI, do "make
# quicktest-coverage" to do a unit test run with coverage-gathering enabled,
# then use "make coverate-output-text" for a brief report, or "make
# coverage-output" for a pretty HTML report. Also see "make .coverage.el" and
# misc/coverage.el for emacs integration.
$(RUNPP) -p -c "misc/figleaf2html -d coverage-html -r src -x misc/figleaf.excludes"
cp .figleaf coverage-html/figleaf.pickle
rm -f .coverage
$(PYTHON) misc/run-with-pythonpath.py trial --reporter=bwverbose-coverage $(TEST)
# on my laptop, "quicktest" takes 239s, "quicktest-coverage" takes 304s
COVERAGE_OMIT = --omit /System,/Library,/usr/lib,src/allmydata/test,support
# this is like 'coverage report', but includes lines-uncovered
$(PYTHON) misc/coverage2text.py
rm -rf coverage-html
coverage html -d coverage-html $(COVERAGE_OMIT)
cp .coverage coverage-html/coverage.data
@echo "now point your browser at coverage-html/index.html"
# use these two targets to compare this coverage against the previous run.
# The deltas only work if the old test was run in the same directory, since
# it compares absolute filenames.
wget --progress=dot -O old.figleaf http://allmydata.org/tahoe-figleaf/current/figleaf.pickle
## use these two targets to compare this coverage against the previous run.
## The deltas only work if the old test was run in the same directory, since
## it compares absolute filenames.
# wget --progress=dot -O old.figleaf http://allmydata.org/tahoe-figleaf/current/figleaf.pickle
# $(RUNPP) -p -c "misc/figleaf2html -d coverage-html -r src -x misc/figleaf.excludes -o old.figleaf"
# cp .figleaf coverage-html/figleaf.pickle
# @echo "now point your browser at coverage-html/index.html"
$(RUNPP) -p -c "misc/figleaf2html -d coverage-html -r src -x misc/figleaf.excludes -o old.figleaf"
cp .figleaf coverage-html/figleaf.pickle
@echo "now point your browser at coverage-html/index.html"
# after doing test-figleaf and figleaf-output, point your browser at
# coverage-html/index.html
.PHONY: upload-figleaf .figleaf.el pyflakes count-lines
.PHONY: upload-coverage .coverage.el pyflakes count-lines
.PHONY: check-memory check-memory-once check-speed check-grid
.PHONY: repl test-darcs-boringfile test-clean clean find-trailing-spaces
# 'upload-figleaf' is meant to be run with an UPLOAD_TARGET=host:/dir setting
.coverage.el: .coverage
$(PYTHON) misc/coverage2el.py
# 'upload-coverage' is meant to be run with an UPLOAD_TARGET=host:/dir setting
@ -158,17 +172,15 @@ ifndef COVERAGEDIR
$(error COVERAGEDIR must be set when using UPLOAD_TARGET)
rsync -a coverage-html/ $(UPLOAD_TARGET)
ssh $(UPLOAD_HOST) make update-tahoe-figleaf COVERAGEDIR=$(COVERAGEDIR)
ssh $(UPLOAD_HOST) make update-tahoe-coverage COVERAGEDIR=$(COVERAGEDIR)
echo "this target is meant to be run with UPLOAD_TARGET=host:/path/"
.figleaf.el: .figleaf
$(RUNPP) -p -c "misc/figleaf2el.py .figleaf src"
$(PYTHON) -OOu `which pyflakes` src/allmydata |sort |uniq
@ -1,52 +1,33 @@
;(require 'gnus-start)
(defvar coverage-annotation-file ".coverage.el")
(defvar coverage-annotations nil)
; (defun gnus-load (file)
; "Load FILE, but in such a way that read errors can be reported."
; (with-temp-buffer
; (insert-file-contents file)
; (while (not (eobp))
; (condition-case type
; (let ((form (read (current-buffer))))
; (eval form))
; (error
; (unless (eq (car type) 'end-of-file)
; (let ((error (format "Error in %s line %d" file
; (count-lines (point-min) (point)))))
; (ding)
; (unless (gnus-yes-or-no-p (concat error "; continue? "))
; (error "%s" error)))))))))
(defvar figleaf-annotation-file ".figleaf.el")
(defvar figleaf-annotations nil)
(defun find-figleaf-annotation-file ()
(defun find-coverage-annotation-file ()
(let ((dir (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
(olddir "/"))
(while (and (not (equal dir olddir))
(not (file-regular-p (concat dir figleaf-annotation-file))))
(not (file-regular-p (concat dir coverage-annotation-file))))
(setq olddir dir
dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
(and (not (equal dir olddir)) (concat dir figleaf-annotation-file))
(and (not (equal dir olddir)) (concat dir coverage-annotation-file))
(defun load-figleaf-annotations ()
(let* ((annotation-file (find-figleaf-annotation-file))
(defun load-coverage-annotations ()
(let* ((annotation-file (find-coverage-annotation-file))
(insert-file-contents annotation-file)
(let ((form (read (current-buffer))))
(eval form)))))
(setq figleaf-annotations coverage)
(setq coverage-annotations coverage)
(defun figleaf-unannotate ()
(defun coverage-unannotate ()
(dolist (ov (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
(delete-overlay ov))
(setq figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated nil)
(setq coverage-this-buffer-is-annotated nil)
(message "Removed annotations")
@ -62,10 +43,9 @@
;; overriding actual program text), and to modify the text being displayed
;; (by changing its background color, or adding a box around each word).
(defun figleaf-annotate (&optional show-code)
(interactive "P")
(let ((allcoverage (load-figleaf-annotations))
(filename-key buffer-file-name)
(defun coverage-annotate (show-code)
(let ((allcoverage (load-coverage-annotations))
(filename-key buffer-file-truename)
thiscoverage code-lines covered-lines uncovered-code-lines
(while (and (not (gethash filename-key allcoverage nil))
@ -76,7 +56,7 @@
(setq thiscoverage (gethash filename-key allcoverage nil))
(if thiscoverage
(setq figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated t)
(setq coverage-this-buffer-is-annotated t)
(setq code-lines (nth 0 thiscoverage)
covered-lines (nth 1 thiscoverage)
uncovered-code-lines (nth 2 thiscoverage)
@ -110,31 +90,31 @@
(message "unable to find coverage for this file"))
(defun figleaf-toggle-annotations (show-code)
(defun coverage-toggle-annotations (show-code)
(interactive "P")
(if figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated
(figleaf-annotate show-code))
(if coverage-this-buffer-is-annotated
(coverage-annotate show-code))
(setq figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated)
(setq coverage-this-buffer-is-annotated nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'coverage-this-buffer-is-annotated)
(define-minor-mode figleaf-annotation-minor-mode
(define-minor-mode coverage-annotation-minor-mode
"Minor mode to annotate code-coverage information"
" FA"
" CA"
("\C-c\C-a" . figleaf-toggle-annotations)
("\C-c\C-a" . coverage-toggle-annotations)
() ; forms run on mode entry/exit
(defun maybe-enable-figleaf-mode ()
(defun maybe-enable-coverage-mode ()
(if (string-match "/src/allmydata/" (buffer-file-name))
(figleaf-annotation-minor-mode t)
(coverage-annotation-minor-mode t)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'maybe-enable-figleaf-mode)
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'maybe-enable-coverage-mode)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
from coverage import coverage, summary
class ElispReporter(summary.SummaryReporter):
def report(self):
self.find_code_units(None, ["/System", "/Library", "/usr/lib",
"support/lib", "src/allmydata/test"])
out = open(".coverage.el", "w")
;; This is an elisp-readable form of the figleaf coverage data. It defines a
;; single top-level hash table in which the key is an asolute pathname, and
;; the value is a three-element list. The first element of this list is a
;; list of line numbers that represent actual code statements. The second is
;; a list of line numbers for lines which got used during the unit test. The
;; third is a list of line numbers for code lines that were not covered
;; (since 'code' and 'covered' start as sets, this last list is equal to
;; 'code - covered').
out.write("(let ((results (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))\n")
for cu in self.code_units:
f = cu.filename
(fn, executable, missing, mf) = self.coverage.analysis(cu)
code_linenumbers = executable
uncovered_code = missing
covered_linenumbers = sorted(set(executable) - set(missing))
out.write(" (puthash \"%s\" '((%s) (%s) (%s)) results)\n"
% (f,
" ".join([str(ln) for ln in sorted(code_linenumbers)]),
" ".join([str(ln) for ln in sorted(covered_linenumbers)]),
" ".join([str(ln) for ln in sorted(uncovered_code)]),
out.write(" results)\n")
def main():
c = coverage()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
import sys
from coverage import coverage
from coverage.results import Numbers
from coverage.summary import SummaryReporter
from twisted.python import usage
# this is an adaptation of the code behind "coverage report", modified to
# display+sortby "lines uncovered", which (IMHO) is more important of a
# metric than lines covered or percentage covered. Concentrating on the files
# with the most uncovered lines encourages getting the tree and test suite
# into a state that provides full line-coverage on all files.
# much of this code was adapted from coverage/summary.py in the 'coverage'
# distribution, and is used under their BSD license.
class Options(usage.Options):
optParameters = [
("sortby", "s", "uncovered", "how to sort: uncovered, covered, name"),
class MyReporter(SummaryReporter):
def report(self, outfile=None, sortby="uncovered"):
self.find_code_units(None, ["/System", "/Library", "/usr/lib",
"support/lib", "src/allmydata/test"])
# Prepare the formatting strings
max_name = max([len(cu.name) for cu in self.code_units] + [5])
fmt_name = "%%- %ds " % max_name
fmt_err = "%s %s: %s\n"
header1 = (fmt_name % "" ) + " Statements "
header2 = (fmt_name % "Name") + " Uncovered Covered"
fmt_coverage = fmt_name + "%9d %7d "
if self.branches:
header1 += " Branches "
header2 += " Found Excutd"
fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
header1 += " Percent"
header2 += " Covered"
fmt_coverage += " %7d%%"
if self.show_missing:
header1 += " "
header2 += " Missing"
fmt_coverage += " %s"
rule = "-" * len(header1) + "\n"
header1 += "\n"
header2 += "\n"
fmt_coverage += "\n"
if not outfile:
outfile = sys.stdout
# Write the header
total = Numbers()
total_uncovered = 0
lines = []
for cu in self.code_units:
analysis = self.coverage._analyze(cu)
nums = analysis.numbers
uncovered = nums.n_statements - nums.n_executed
total_uncovered += uncovered
args = (cu.name, uncovered, nums.n_executed)
if self.branches:
args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_executed_branches)
args += (nums.pc_covered,)
if self.show_missing:
args += (analysis.missing_formatted(),)
if sortby == "covered":
sortkey = nums.pc_covered
elif sortby == "uncovered":
sortkey = uncovered
sortkey = cu.name
lines.append((sortkey, fmt_coverage % args))
total += nums
except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover
if not self.ignore_errors:
typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
outfile.write(fmt_err % (cu.name, typ.__name__, msg))
if sortby in ("uncovered", "covered"):
for sortkey,line in lines:
if total.n_files > 1:
args = ("TOTAL", total_uncovered, total.n_executed)
if self.branches:
args += (total.n_branches, total.n_executed_branches)
args += (total.pc_covered,)
if self.show_missing:
args += ("",)
outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
def report(o):
c = coverage()
r = MyReporter(c, show_missing=False, ignore_errors=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
o = Options()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
"""A Trial IReporter plugin that gathers coverage.py code-coverage information.
Once this plugin is installed, trial can be invoked a new --reporter option:
trial --reporter-bwverbose-coverage ARGS
Once such a test run has finished, there will be a .coverage file in the
top-level directory. This file can be turned into a directory of .html files
(with index.html as the starting point) by running:
coverage html -d OUTPUTDIR --omit=PREFIX1,PREFIX2,..
The 'coverage' tool thinks in terms of absolute filenames. 'coverage' doesn't
record data for files that come with Python, but it does record data for all
the various site-package directories. To show only information for Tahoe
source code files, you should provide --omit prefixes for everything else.
This probably means something like:
Before using this, you need to install the 'coverage' package, which will
provide an executable tool named 'coverage' (as well as an importable
library). 'coverage report' will produce a basic text summary of the coverage
data. Our 'misc/coverage2text.py' tool produces a slightly more useful
summary, and 'misc/coverage2html.py' will produce a more useful HTML report.
from twisted.trial.reporter import TreeReporter, VerboseTextReporter
# These plugins are registered via twisted/plugins/allmydata_trial.py . See
# the notes there for an explanation of how that works.
# Some notes about how trial Reporters are used:
# * Reporters don't really get told about the suite starting and stopping.
# * The Reporter class is imported before the test classes are.
# * The test classes are imported before the Reporter is created. To get
# control earlier than that requires modifying twisted/scripts/trial.py
# * Then Reporter.__init__ is called.
# * Then tests run, calling things like write() and addSuccess(). Each test is
# framed by a startTest/stopTest call.
# * Then the results are emitted, calling things like printErrors,
# printSummary, and wasSuccessful.
# So for code-coverage (not including import), start in __init__ and finish
# in printSummary. To include import, we have to start in our own import and
# finish in printSummary.
import coverage
cov = coverage.coverage()
class CoverageTextReporter(VerboseTextReporter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
VerboseTextReporter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def stop_coverage(self):
print "Coverage results written to .coverage"
def printSummary(self):
# for twisted-2.5.x
return VerboseTextReporter.printSummary(self)
def done(self):
# for twisted-8.x
return VerboseTextReporter.done(self)
class sample_Reporter(object):
# this class, used as a reporter on a fully-passing test suite, doesn't
# trigger exceptions. So it is a guide to what methods are invoked on a
# Reporter.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print "START HERE"
self.r = TreeReporter(*args, **kwargs)
self.shouldStop = self.r.shouldStop
self.separator = self.r.separator
self.testsRun = self.r.testsRun
self._starting2 = False
def write(self, *args):
if not self._starting2:
self._starting2 = True
return self.r.write(*args)
def startTest(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.startTest(*args, **kwargs)
def stopTest(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.stopTest(*args, **kwargs)
def addSuccess(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.addSuccess(*args, **kwargs)
def printErrors(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.printErrors(*args, **kwargs)
def writeln(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.writeln(*args, **kwargs)
def printSummary(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.printSummary(*args, **kwargs)
def wasSuccessful(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.wasSuccessful(*args, **kwargs)
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
"""A Trial IReporter plugin that gathers figleaf code-coverage information.
Once this plugin is installed, trial can be invoked with one of two new
--reporter options:
trial --reporter=verbose-figleaf ARGS
trial --reporter-bwverbose-figleaf ARGS
Once such a test run has finished, there will be a .figleaf file in the
top-level directory. This file can be turned into a directory of .html files
(with index.html as the starting point) by running:
figleaf2html -d OUTPUTDIR [-x EXCLUDEFILE]
Figleaf thinks of everyting in terms of absolute filenames rather than
modules. The EXCLUDEFILE may be necessary to keep it from providing reports
on non-Code-Under-Test files that live in unusual locations. In particular,
if you use extra PYTHONPATH arguments to point at some alternate version of
an upstream library (like Twisted), or if something like debian's
python-support puts symlinks to .py files in sys.path but not the .py files
themselves, figleaf will present coverage information on both of these. The
EXCLUDEFILE option might help to inhibit these.
Other figleaf problems:
the annotated code files are written to BASENAME(file).html, which results
in collisions between similarly-named source files.
The line-wise coverage information isn't quite right. Blank lines are
counted as unreached code, lambdas aren't quite right, and some multiline
comments (docstrings?) aren't quite right.
from twisted.trial.reporter import TreeReporter, VerboseTextReporter
# These plugins are registered via twisted/plugins/allmydata_trial.py . See
# the notes there for an explanation of how that works.
# Reporters don't really get told about the suite starting and stopping.
# The Reporter class is imported before the test classes are.
# The test classes are imported before the Reporter is created. To get
# control earlier than that requires modifying twisted/scripts/trial.py .
# Then Reporter.__init__ is called.
# Then tests run, calling things like write() and addSuccess(). Each test is
# framed by a startTest/stopTest call.
# Then the results are emitted, calling things like printErrors,
# printSummary, and wasSuccessful.
# So for code-coverage (not including import), start in __init__ and finish
# in printSummary. To include import, we have to start in our own import and
# finish in printSummary.
import figleaf
class FigleafReporter(TreeReporter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
TreeReporter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def stop_figleaf(self):
print "Figleaf results written to .figleaf"
def printSummary(self):
# for twisted-2.5.x
return TreeReporter.printSummary(self)
def done(self):
# for twisted-8.x
return TreeReporter.done(self)
class FigleafTextReporter(VerboseTextReporter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
VerboseTextReporter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def stop_figleaf(self):
print "Figleaf results written to .figleaf"
def printSummary(self):
# for twisted-2.5.x
return VerboseTextReporter.printSummary(self)
def done(self):
# for twisted-8.x
return VerboseTextReporter.done(self)
class not_FigleafReporter(object):
# this class, used as a reporter on a fully-passing test suite, doesn't
# trigger exceptions. So it is a guide to what methods are invoked on a
# Reporter.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.r = TreeReporter(*args, **kwargs)
self.shouldStop = self.r.shouldStop
self.separator = self.r.separator
self.testsRun = self.r.testsRun
self._starting2 = False
def write(self, *args):
if not self._starting2:
self._starting2 = True
return self.r.write(*args)
def startTest(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.startTest(*args, **kwargs)
def stopTest(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.stopTest(*args, **kwargs)
def addSuccess(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.addSuccess(*args, **kwargs)
def printErrors(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.printErrors(*args, **kwargs)
def writeln(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.writeln(*args, **kwargs)
def printSummary(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.printSummary(*args, **kwargs)
def wasSuccessful(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.r.wasSuccessful(*args, **kwargs)
@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.trial.itrial import IReporter
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
# register a plugin that can create our FigleafReporter. The reporter itself
# lives in a separate place
# register a plugin that can create our CoverageReporter. The reporter itself
# lives separately, in src/allmydata/test/trial_figleaf.py
# note that this .py file is *not* in a package: there is no __init__.py in
# our parent directory. This is important, because otherwise ours would fight
# with Twisted's. When trial looks for plugins, it merely executes all the
# *.py files it finds in any twisted/plugins/ subdirectories of anything on
# sys.path . The namespace that results from executing these .py files is
# examined for instances which provide both IPlugin and the target interface
# (in this case, trial is looking for IReporter instances). Each such
# instance tells the application how to create a plugin by naming the module
# and class that should be instantiated.
# note that this allmydata_trial.py file is *not* in a package: there is no
# __init__.py in our parent directory. This is important, because otherwise
# ours would fight with Twisted's. When trial looks for plugins, it merely
# executes all the *.py files it finds in any twisted/plugins/ subdirectories
# of anything on sys.path . The namespace that results from executing these
# .py files is examined for instances which provide both IPlugin and the
# target interface (in this case, trial is looking for IReporter instances).
# Each such instance tells the application how to create a plugin by naming
# the module and class that should be instantiated.
# When installing our package via setup.py, arrange for this file to be
# installed to the system-wide twisted/plugins/ directory.
@ -32,17 +32,10 @@ class _Reporter(object):
self.klass = klass
fig = _Reporter("Figleaf Code-Coverage Reporter",
description="verbose color output (with figleaf coverage)",
bwfig = _Reporter("Figleaf Code-Coverage Reporter (colorless)",
description="Colorless verbose output (with figleaf coverage)",
bwcov = _Reporter("Code-Coverage Reporter (colorless)",
description="Colorless verbose output (with 'coverage' coverage)",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user