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synced 2025-03-04 21:17:55 +00:00
pyfec: new filefec with compressed metadata, better error handling, much better unit tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ whose loss it can tolerate.
This package is largely based on the old "fec" library by Luigi Rizzo et al.,
which is a mature and optimized implementation of erasure coding. The pyfec
package makes several changes from the original "fec" package, including
addition of the Python API, refactoring of the C API to be faster (for the way
that I use it, at least), and a few clean-ups and micro-optimizations of the
core code itself.
addition of the Python API, refactoring of the C API to support zero-copy
operation, and a few clean-ups and micro-optimizations of the core code
* Community
@ -52,13 +52,21 @@ and k is required to be at least 1 and at most m.
degenerates to the equivalent of the Unix "split" utility which simply splits
the input into successive segments. Similarly, when k == 1 it degenerates to
the equivalent of the unix "cp" utility -- each block is a complete copy of the
input data.)
input data. The "fec" command-line tool does not implement these degenerate
Note that each "primary block" is a segment of the original data, so its size
is 1/k'th of the size of original data, and each "secondary block" is of the
same size, so the total space used by all the blocks is m/k times the size of
the original data (plus some padding to fill out the last primary block to be
the same size as all the others).
the same size as all the others). In addition to the data contained in the
blocks themselves there are also a few pieces of metadata which are necessary
for later reconstruction. Those pieces are: 1. the value of K, 2. the value
of M, 3. the sharenum of each block, 4. the number of bytes of padding
that were used. The "fec" command-line tool compresses these pieces of data
and prepends them to the beginning of each share, so each the sharefile
produced by the "fec" command-line tool is between one and four bytes larger
than the share data alone.
The decoding step requires as input k of the blocks which were produced by the
encoding step. The decoding step produces as output the data that was earlier
@ -136,8 +144,11 @@ objects (e.g. Python strings) to hold the data that you pass to pyfec.
* Utilities
See also the filefec.py module which has a utility function for efficiently
reading a file and encoding it piece by piece.
The filefec.py module which has a utility function for efficiently reading a
file and encoding it piece by piece.
The bin/ directory contains two commandline tools "fec" and "unfec". See
their usage strings for details.
* Dependencies
@ -180,5 +191,5 @@ licence.
Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn
Boulder, Colorado
@ -24,77 +24,237 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import easyfec, fec
from util import fileutil
from util.mathutil import log_ceil
import array, random
import array, os, re, struct, traceback
def encode_to_files_easyfec(inf, prefix, k, m):
Encode inf, writing the shares to a file named $prefix+$sharenum.
l = [ open(prefix+str(sharenum), "wb") for sharenum in range(m) ]
def cb(blocks, length):
assert len(blocks) == len(l)
for i in range(len(blocks)):
encode_file_stringy_easyfec(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096)
def encode_to_files_stringy(inf, prefix, k, m):
def _build_header(m, k, pad, sh):
Encode inf, writing the shares to a file named named $prefix+$sharenum.
l = [ open(prefix+str(sharenum), "wb") for sharenum in range(m) ]
def cb(blocks, length):
assert len(blocks) == len(l)
for i in range(len(blocks)):
@param m: the total number of shares; 3 <= m <= 256
@param k: the number of shares required to reconstruct; 2 <= k < m
@param pad: the number of bytes of padding added to the file before encoding; 0 <= pad < k
@param sh: the shnum of this share; 0 <= k < m
encode_file_stringy(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096)
def encode_to_files(inf, prefix, k, m):
@return: a string (which is hopefully short) encoding m, k, sh, and pad
Encode inf, writing the shares to named $prefix+$sharenum.
l = [ open(prefix+str(sharenum), "wb") for sharenum in range(m) ]
def cb(blocks, length):
assert len(blocks) == len(l)
for i in range(len(blocks)):
assert m >= 3
assert m <= 2**8
assert k >= 2
assert k < m
assert pad >= 0
assert pad < k
encode_file(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096)
def decode_from_files(outf, filesize, prefix, k, m):
assert sh >= 0
assert sh < m
bitsused = 0
val = 0
val |= (m - 3)
bitsused += 8 # the first 8 bits always encode m
kbits = log_ceil(m-2, 2) # num bits needed to store all possible values of k
val <<= kbits
bitsused += kbits
val |= (k - 2)
padbits = log_ceil(k, 2) # num bits needed to store all possible values of pad
val <<= padbits
bitsused += padbits
val |= pad
shnumbits = log_ceil(m, 2) # num bits needed to store all possible values of shnum
val <<= shnumbits
bitsused += shnumbits
val |= sh
assert bitsused >= 11
assert bitsused <= 32
if bitsused <= 16:
val <<= (16-bitsused)
cs = struct.pack('>H', val)
assert cs[:-2] == '\x00' * (len(cs)-2)
return cs[-2:]
if bitsused <= 24:
val <<= (24-bitsused)
cs = struct.pack('>I', val)
assert cs[:-3] == '\x00' * (len(cs)-3)
return cs[-3:]
val <<= (32-bitsused)
cs = struct.pack('>I', val)
assert cs[:-4] == '\x00' * (len(cs)-4)
return cs[-4:]
def MASK(bits):
return (1<<bits)-1
def _parse_header(inf):
Decode from the first k files in the current directory whose names begin
with prefix, writing the results to outf.
@param inf: an object which I can call read(1) on to get another byte
@return: tuple of (m, k, pad, sh,); side-effect: the first one to four
bytes of inf will be read
import os
# The first 8 bits always encode m.
byte = ord(inf.read(1))
m = byte + 3
# The next few bits encode k.
kbits = log_ceil(m-2, 2) # num bits needed to store all possible values of k
b2_bits_left = 8-kbits
kbitmask = MASK(kbits) << b2_bits_left
byte = ord(inf.read(1))
k = ((byte & kbitmask) >> b2_bits_left) + 2
shbits = log_ceil(m, 2) # num bits needed to store all possible values of shnum
padbits = log_ceil(k, 2) # num bits needed to store all possible values of pad
val = byte & (~kbitmask)
needed_padbits = padbits - b2_bits_left
if needed_padbits > 0:
byte = struct.unpack(">B", inf.read(1))[0]
val <<= 8
val |= byte
needed_padbits -= 8
assert needed_padbits <= 0
extrabits = -needed_padbits
pad = val >> extrabits
val &= MASK(extrabits)
needed_shbits = shbits - extrabits
if needed_shbits > 0:
byte = struct.unpack(">B", inf.read(1))[0]
val <<= 8
val |= byte
needed_shbits -= 8
assert needed_shbits <= 0
gotshbits = -needed_shbits
sh = val >> gotshbits
return (m, k, pad, sh,)
FORMAT_FORMAT = "%%s.%%0%dd_%%0%dd%%s"
RE_FORMAT = "%s.[0-9]+_[0-9]+%s"
def encode_to_files(inf, fsize, dirname, prefix, k, m, suffix=".fec", verbose=False):
Encode inf, writing the shares to specially named, newly created files.
@param fsize: calling read() on inf must yield fsize bytes of data and
then raise an EOFError
@param dirname: the name of the directory into which the sharefiles will
be written
mlen = len(str(m))
format = FORMAT_FORMAT % (mlen, mlen,)
padbytes = fec.util.mathutil.pad_size(fsize, k)
fns = []
fs = []
for shnum in range(m):
hdr = _build_header(m, k, padbytes, shnum)
fn = os.path.join(dirname, format % (prefix, shnum, m, suffix,))
if verbose:
print "Creating share file %r..." % (fn,)
fd = os.open(fn, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL)
f = os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
sumlen = [0]
def cb(blocks, length):
if verbose:
print "Writing %d bytes into share files..." % (length,)
assert len(blocks) == len(fs)
sumlen[0] += length
if sumlen[0] > fsize:
raise IOError("Wrong file size -- possibly the size of the file changed during encoding. Original size: %d, observed size at least: %s" % (fsize, sumlen[0],))
for i in range(len(blocks)):
data = blocks[i]
length -= len(data)
encode_file_stringy_easyfec(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096)
except EnvironmentError, le:
print "Cannot complete because of exception: "
print le
print "Cleaning up..."
# clean up
while fs:
f = fs.pop()
f.close() ; del f
fn = fns.pop()
if verbose:
print "Cleaning up: trying to remove %r..." % (fn,)
return 1
if verbose:
print "Done!"
return 0
def decode_from_files(outf, dirname, prefix, suffix=".fec", verbose=False):
Decode from the first k files in the directory whose names match the
pattern, writing the results to outf.
RE=re.compile(RE_FORMAT % (prefix, suffix,))
infs = []
sharenums = []
listd = os.listdir(".")
for f in listd:
if f.startswith(prefix):
infs.append(open(f, "rb"))
shnums = []
m = None
k = None
padlen = None
for fn in os.listdir(dirname):
if RE.match(fn):
f = open(os.path.join(dirname, fn), "rb")
(nm, nk, npadlen, shnum,) = _parse_header(f)
if not (m is None or m == nm):
raise fec.Error("Share files were corrupted -- share file %s said that m was %s but another share file previously said that m was %s" % (f, nm, m,))
m = nm
if not (k is None or k == nk):
raise fec.Error("Share files were corrupted -- share file %s said that k was %s but another share file previously said that k was %s" % (f, nk, k,))
k = nk
if not (padlen is None or padlen == npadlen):
raise fec.Error("Share files were corrupted -- share file %s said that pad length was %s but another share file previously said that pad length was %s" % (f, npadlen, padlen,))
padlen = npadlen
if len(infs) == k:
dec = fec.Decoder(k, m)
dec = easyfec.Decoder(k, m)
while True:
x = [ inf.read(CHUNKSIZE) for inf in infs ]
decblocks = dec.decode(x, sharenums)
for decblock in decblocks:
if len(decblock) == 0:
raise "error -- probably share was too short -- was it stored in a file which got truncated? chunksizes: %s" % ([len(chunk) for chunk in x],)
if filesize >= len(decblock):
filesize -= len(decblock)
# print "filesize is now %s after subtracting %s" % (filesize, len(decblock),)
chunks = [ inf.read(CHUNKSIZE) for inf in infs ]
if [ch for ch in chunks if len(ch) != len(chunks[-1])]:
raise fec.Error("Share files were corrupted -- all share files are required to be the same length, but they weren't.")
if len(chunks[-1]) == CHUNKSIZE:
# Then this was a full read, so we're still in the sharefiles.
resultdata = dec.decode(chunks, shnums, padlen=0)
# Then this was a short read, so we've reached the end of the sharefiles.
resultdata = dec.decode(chunks, shnums, padlen)
return # Done.
def encode_file(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
@ -128,30 +288,31 @@ def encode_file(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
enc = fec.Encoder(k, m)
l = tuple([ array.array('c') for i in range(k) ])
indatasize = k*chunksize # will be reset to shorter upon EOF
eof = False
ZEROES=array.array('c', ['\x00'])*chunksize
while indatasize == k*chunksize:
while not eof:
# This loop body executes once per segment.
i = 0
while (i<len(l)):
# This loop body executes once per chunk.
a = l[i]
i += 1
del a[:]
a.fromfile(inf, chunksize)
i += 1
except EOFError:
eof = True
indatasize = i*chunksize + len(a)
# padding
a.fromstring("\x00" * (chunksize-len(a)))
i += 1
while (i<len(l)):
a = l[i]
a[:] = ZEROES
i += 1
# print "about to encode()... len(l[0]): %s, l[0]: %s" % (len(l[0]), type(l[0]),),
res = enc.encode(l)
# print "...finished to encode()"
cb(res, indatasize)
def encode_file_stringy(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
@ -195,50 +356,9 @@ def encode_file_stringy(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
i += 1
# print "about to encode()... len(l[0]): %s, l[0]: %s" % (len(l[0]), type(l[0]),),
res = enc.encode(l)
# print "...finished to encode()"
cb(res, indatasize)
def encode_file_not_really(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
Read in the contents of inf, and call cb with the results.
@param inf the file object from which to read the data
@param cb the callback to be invoked with the results
@param k the number of shares required to reconstruct the file
@param m the total number of shares created
@param chunksize how much data to read from inf for each of the k input
enc = fec.Encoder(k, m)
l = tuple([ array.array('c') for i in range(k) ])
indatasize = k*chunksize # will be reset to shorter upon EOF
ZEROES=array.array('c', ['\x00'])*chunksize
while indatasize == k*chunksize:
# This loop body executes once per segment.
i = 0
while (i<len(l)):
# This loop body executes once per chunk.
a = l[i]
i += 1
del a[:]
a.fromfile(inf, chunksize)
except EOFError:
indatasize = i*chunksize + len(a)
# padding
a.fromstring("\x00" * (chunksize-len(a)))
while (i<len(l)):
a[:] = ZEROES
i += 1
# print "about to encode()... len(l[0]): %s, l[0]: %s" % (len(l[0]), type(l[0]),),
# res = enc.encode(l)
# print "...finished to encode()"
cb(l, indatasize)
def encode_file_stringy_easyfec(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
Read in the contents of inf, encode, and call cb with the results.
@ -262,10 +382,10 @@ def encode_file_stringy_easyfec(inf, cb, k, m, chunksize=4096):
enc = easyfec.Encoder(k, m)
indatasize = k*chunksize # will be reset to shorter upon EOF
indata = inf.read(indatasize)
readsize = k*chunksize
indata = inf.read(readsize)
while indata:
res = enc.encode(indata)
cb(res, indatasize)
indata = inf.read(indatasize)
cb(res, len(indata))
indata = inf.read(readsize)
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# import bindann
# import bindann.monkeypatch.all
# pyfec -- fast forward error correction library with Python interface
# Copyright (C) 2007 Allmydata, Inc.
@ -25,11 +28,22 @@
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import random
import sys
import cStringIO, os, random, re, sys
import fec
from twisted.trial import unittest
except ImportError:
# trial is unavailable, oh well
import unittest
global VERBOSE
if '-v' in sys.argv:
from base64 import b32encode
def ab(x): # debuggery
if len(x) >= 3:
@ -42,124 +56,165 @@ def ab(x): # debuggery
return "%s:%s" % (len(x), "--empty--",)
def _h(k, m, ss):
# sys.stdout.write("k: %s, m: %s, len(ss): %r, len(ss[0]): %r" % (k, m, len(ss), len(ss[0]),)) ; sys.stdout.flush()
encer = fec.Encoder(k, m)
# sys.stdout.write("constructed.\n") ; sys.stdout.flush()
nums_and_blocks = list(enumerate(encer.encode(ss)))
# sys.stdout.write("encoded.\n") ; sys.stdout.flush()
assert isinstance(nums_and_blocks, list), nums_and_blocks
assert len(nums_and_blocks) == m, (len(nums_and_blocks), m,)
nums_and_blocks = random.sample(nums_and_blocks, k)
blocks = [ x[1] for x in nums_and_blocks ]
nums = [ x[0] for x in nums_and_blocks ]
# sys.stdout.write("about to construct Decoder.\n") ; sys.stdout.flush()
decer = fec.Decoder(k, m)
# sys.stdout.write("about to decode from %s.\n"%nums) ; sys.stdout.flush()
decoded = decer.decode(blocks, nums)
# sys.stdout.write("decoded.\n") ; sys.stdout.flush()
assert len(decoded) == len(ss), (len(decoded), len(ss),)
assert tuple([str(s) for s in decoded]) == tuple([str(s) for s in ss]), (tuple([ab(str(s)) for s in decoded]), tuple([ab(str(s)) for s in ss]),)
def randstr(n):
return ''.join(map(chr, map(random.randrange, [0]*n, [256]*n)))
def div_ceil(n, d):
The smallest integer k such that k*d >= n.
return (n/d) + (n%d != 0)
def next_multiple(n, k):
The smallest multiple of k which is >= n.
return div_ceil(n, k) * k
def pad_size(n, k):
The smallest number that has to be added to n so that n is a multiple of k.
if n%k:
return k - n%k
return 0
def _test_random():
def _help_test_random():
m = random.randrange(1, 257)
k = random.randrange(1, m+1)
l = random.randrange(0, 2**15)
l = random.randrange(0, 2**10)
ss = [ randstr(l/k) for x in range(k) ]
_h(k, m, ss)
def _test_random_with_l(l):
def _help_test_random_with_l(l):
m = 83
k = 19
ss = [ randstr(l/k) for x in range(k) ]
_h(k, m, ss)
def test_random(noisy=True):
for i in range(2**5):
# sys.stdout.write(",")
# sys.stdout.write(".")
if noisy:
print "%d randomized tests pass." % (i+1)
class Fec(unittest.TestCase):
def test_random(self):
for i in range(3):
print "%d randomized tests pass." % (i+1)
def test_bad_args_enc():
encer = fec.Encoder(2, 4)
encer.encode(["a", "b", ], ["c", "I am not an integer blocknum",])
except fec.Error, e:
assert "Precondition violation: second argument is required to contain int" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten fec.Error for wrong type of second argument."
def test_bad_args_enc(self):
encer = fec.Encoder(2, 4)
encer.encode(["a", "b", ], ["c", "I am not an integer blocknum",])
except fec.Error, e:
assert "Precondition violation: second argument is required to contain int" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten fec.Error for wrong type of second argument."
encer.encode(["a", "b", ], 98) # not a sequence at all
except TypeError, e:
assert "Second argument (optional) was not a sequence" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
encer.encode(["a", "b", ], 98) # not a sequence at all
except TypeError, e:
assert "Second argument (optional) was not a sequence" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
def test_bad_args_dec():
decer = fec.Decoder(2, 4)
def test_bad_args_dec(self):
decer = fec.Decoder(2, 4)
decer.decode(98, [0, 1]) # first argument is not a sequence
except TypeError, e:
assert "First argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
decer.decode(98, [0, 1]) # first argument is not a sequence
except TypeError, e:
assert "First argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
decer.decode(["a", "b", ], ["c", "d",])
except fec.Error, e:
assert "Precondition violation: second argument is required to contain int" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten fec.Error for wrong type of second argument."
decer.decode(["a", "b", ], ["c", "d",])
except fec.Error, e:
assert "Precondition violation: second argument is required to contain int" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten fec.Error for wrong type of second argument."
decer.decode(["a", "b", ], 98) # not a sequence at all
except TypeError, e:
assert "Second argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
decer.decode(["a", "b", ], 98) # not a sequence at all
except TypeError, e:
assert "Second argument was not a sequence" in str(e), e
raise "Should have gotten TypeError for wrong type of second argument."
from twisted.trial import unittest
class TestPyFec(unittest.TestCase):
def test_random(self):
def test_bad_args_enc(self):
def test_bad_args_dec(self):
except ImportError:
# trial is unavailable, oh well
class FileFec(unittest.TestCase):
def test_filefec_header(self):
for m in [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 17, 19, 33, 35, 65, 66, 67, 129, 130, 131, 254, 255, 256,]:
for k in [2, 3, 5, 9, 17, 33, 65, 129, 255,]:
if k >= m:
for pad in [0, 1, k-1,]:
if pad >= k:
for sh in [0, 1, m-1,]:
if sh >= m:
h = fec.filefec._build_header(m, k, pad, sh)
hio = cStringIO.StringIO(h)
(rm, rk, rpad, rsh,) = fec.filefec._parse_header(hio)
assert (rm, rk, rpad, rsh,) == (m, k, pad, sh,), h
def _help_test_filefec(self, teststr, k, m, numshs=None):
if numshs == None:
numshs = m
TESTFNAME = "testfile.txt"
PREFIX = "test"
SUFFIX = ".fec"
tempdir = fec.util.fileutil.NamedTemporaryDirectory(cleanup=False)
tempfn = os.path.join(tempdir.name, TESTFNAME)
tempf = open(tempfn, 'wb')
fsize = os.path.getsize(tempfn)
assert fsize == len(teststr)
# encode the file
fec.filefec.encode_to_files(open(tempfn, 'rb'), fsize, tempdir.name, PREFIX, k, m, SUFFIX, verbose=VERBOSE)
# delete some share files
fns = os.listdir(tempdir.name)
RE=re.compile(fec.filefec.RE_FORMAT % (PREFIX, SUFFIX,))
sharefs = [ fn for fn in fns if RE.match(fn) ]
while len(sharefs) > numshs:
shfn = sharefs.pop()
fec.util.fileutil.remove(os.path.join(tempdir.name, shfn))
# decode from the share files
outf = open(os.path.join(tempdir.name, 'recovered-testfile.txt'), 'wb')
fec.filefec.decode_from_files(outf, tempdir.name, PREFIX, SUFFIX, verbose=VERBOSE)
tempfn = open(os.path.join(tempdir.name, 'recovered-testfile.txt'), 'rb')
recovereddata = tempfn.read()
assert recovereddata == teststr
def test_filefec_all_shares(self):
return self._help_test_filefec("Yellow Whirled!", 3, 8)
def test_filefec_all_shares_with_padding(self, noisy=VERBOSE):
return self._help_test_filefec("Yellow Whirled!A", 3, 8)
def test_filefec_min_shares_with_padding(self, noisy=VERBOSE):
return self._help_test_filefec("Yellow Whirled!A", 3, 8, numshs=3)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if hasattr(unittest, 'main'):
mods = []
fullname = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))
for pathel in sys.path:
fullnameofpathel = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(pathel))
if fullname.startswith(fullnameofpathel):
relname = fullname[len(fullnameofpathel):]
mod = (os.path.splitext(relname)[0]).replace(os.sep, '.').strip('.')
mods.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(len(x), len(y)))
for mod in mods:
cmdstr = "trial %s %s" % (' '.join(sys.argv[1:]), mod)
print cmdstr
if os.system(cmdstr) == 0:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user