mirror of
synced 2024-12-25 23:51:07 +00:00
Make tahoe create-node
use the new listener protocol
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional
import io
import os
@ -21,7 +26,37 @@ from allmydata.scripts.common import (
from allmydata.scripts.default_nodedir import _default_nodedir
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
from allmydata.util.encodingutil import listdir_unicode, argv_to_unicode, quote_local_unicode_path, get_io_encoding
from allmydata.util import fileutil, i2p_provider, iputil, tor_provider, jsonbytes as json
i2p_provider: Listener
tor_provider: Listener
from allmydata.util import fileutil, i2p_provider, tor_provider, jsonbytes as json
from ..listeners import ListenerConfig, Listener, TCPProvider, StaticProvider
def _get_listeners() -> dict[str, Listener]:
Get all of the kinds of listeners we might be able to use.
return {
"tor": tor_provider,
"i2p": i2p_provider,
"tcp": TCPProvider(),
"none": StaticProvider(
# This is supposed to be an IAddressFamily but we have none for
# this kind of provider. We could implement new client and server
# endpoint types that always fail and pass an IAddressFamily here
# that uses those. Nothing would ever even ask for them (at
# least, yet), let alone try to use them, so that's a lot of extra
# work for no practical result so I'm not doing it now.
address=None, # type: ignore[arg-type]
_LISTENERS = _get_listeners()
dummy_tac = """
import sys
@ -98,8 +133,11 @@ def validate_where_options(o):
if o['listen'] != "none" and o.get('join', None) is None:
listeners = o['listen'].split(",")
for l in listeners:
if l not in ["tcp", "tor", "i2p"]:
raise UsageError("--listen= must be none, or one/some of: tcp, tor, i2p")
if l not in _LISTENERS:
raise UsageError(
"--listen= must be one/some of: "
f"{', '.join(sorted(_LISTENERS))}",
if 'tcp' in listeners and not o['hostname']:
raise UsageError("--listen=tcp requires --hostname=")
if 'tcp' not in listeners and o['hostname']:
@ -108,7 +146,7 @@ def validate_where_options(o):
def validate_tor_options(o):
use_tor = "tor" in o["listen"].split(",")
if use_tor or any((o["tor-launch"], o["tor-control-port"])):
if tor_provider._import_txtorcon() is None:
if not _LISTENERS["tor"].is_available():
raise UsageError(
"Specifying any Tor options requires the 'txtorcon' module"
@ -123,7 +161,7 @@ def validate_tor_options(o):
def validate_i2p_options(o):
use_i2p = "i2p" in o["listen"].split(",")
if use_i2p or any((o["i2p-launch"], o["i2p-sam-port"])):
if i2p_provider._import_txi2p() is None:
if not _LISTENERS["i2p"].is_available():
raise UsageError(
"Specifying any I2P options requires the 'txi2p' module"
@ -145,7 +183,7 @@ class _CreateBaseOptions(BasedirOptions):
def postOptions(self):
super(_CreateBaseOptions, self).postOptions()
if self['hide-ip']:
if tor_provider._import_txtorcon() is None and i2p_provider._import_txi2p() is None:
if not (_LISTENERS["tor"].is_available() or _LISTENERS["i2p"].is_available()):
raise UsageError(
"--hide-ip was specified but neither 'txtorcon' nor 'txi2p' "
"are installed.\nTo do so:\n pip install tahoe-lafs[tor]\nor\n"
@ -218,8 +256,20 @@ class CreateIntroducerOptions(NoDefaultBasedirOptions):
def write_node_config(c, config):
def merge_config(
left: Optional[ListenerConfig],
right: Optional[ListenerConfig],
) -> Optional[ListenerConfig]:
if left is None or right is None:
return None
return ListenerConfig(
list(left.tub_ports) + list(right.tub_ports),
list(left.tub_locations) + list(right.tub_locations),
dict(list(left.node_config.items()) + list(right.node_config.items())),
async def write_node_config(c, config):
# this is shared between clients and introducers
c.write("# -*- mode: conf; coding: {c.encoding} -*-\n".format(c=c))
@ -232,9 +282,10 @@ def write_node_config(c, config):
if config["hide-ip"]:
if tor_provider._import_txtorcon():
if _LISTENERS["tor"].is_available():
c.write("tcp = tor\n")
# XXX What about i2p?
c.write("tcp = disabled\n")
@ -253,38 +304,23 @@ def write_node_config(c, config):
c.write("web.port = %s\n" % (webport,))
c.write("web.static = public_html\n")
listeners = config['listen'].split(",")
listener_config = ListenerConfig([], [], {})
for listener_name in config['listen'].split(","):
listener = _LISTENERS[listener_name]
listener_config = merge_config(
(await listener.create_config(reactor, config)),
tor_config = {}
i2p_config = {}
tub_ports = []
tub_locations = []
if listeners == ["none"]:
c.write("tub.port = disabled\n")
c.write("tub.location = disabled\n")
if listener_config is None:
tub_ports = ["disabled"]
tub_locations = ["disabled"]
if "tor" in listeners:
(tor_config, tor_port, tor_location) = \
yield tor_provider.create_config(reactor, config)
if "i2p" in listeners:
(i2p_config, i2p_port, i2p_location) = \
yield i2p_provider.create_config(reactor, config)
if "tcp" in listeners:
if config["port"]: # --port/--location are a pair
assert "hostname" in config
hostname = config["hostname"]
new_port = iputil.allocate_tcp_port()
tub_ports.append("tcp:%s" % new_port)
tub_locations.append("tcp:%s:%s" % (hostname, new_port))
c.write("tub.port = %s\n" % ",".join(tub_ports))
c.write("tub.location = %s\n" % ",".join(tub_locations))
tub_ports = listener_config.tub_ports
tub_locations = listener_config.tub_locations
c.write("tub.port = %s\n" % ",".join(tub_ports))
c.write("tub.location = %s\n" % ",".join(tub_locations))
c.write("#log_gatherer.furl =\n")
@ -294,17 +330,12 @@ def write_node_config(c, config):
c.write("#ssh.authorized_keys_file = ~/.ssh/authorized_keys\n")
if tor_config:
for key, value in list(tor_config.items()):
c.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, value))
if i2p_config:
for key, value in list(i2p_config.items()):
c.write("%s = %s\n" % (key, value))
if listener_config is not None:
for section, items in listener_config.node_config.items():
for k, v in items:
c.write(f"{k} = {v}\n")
def write_client_config(c, config):
@ -445,7 +476,7 @@ def create_node(config):
fileutil.make_dirs(os.path.join(basedir, "private"), 0o700)
cfg_name = os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg")
with io.open(cfg_name, "w", encoding='utf-8') as c:
yield write_node_config(c, config)
yield defer.Deferred.fromCoroutine(write_node_config(c, config))
write_client_config(c, config)
print("Node created in %s" % quote_local_unicode_path(basedir), file=out)
@ -488,7 +519,7 @@ def create_introducer(config):
fileutil.make_dirs(os.path.join(basedir, "private"), 0o700)
cfg_name = os.path.join(basedir, "tahoe.cfg")
with io.open(cfg_name, "w", encoding='utf-8') as c:
yield write_node_config(c, config)
yield defer.Deferred.fromCoroutine(write_node_config(c, config))
print("Introducer created in %s" % quote_local_unicode_path(basedir), file=out)
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from ..common import (
from ...scripts import create_node
from ...listeners import ListenerConfig, StaticProvider
from ... import client
def read_config(basedir):
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ class Config(unittest.TestCase):
e = self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError, parse_cli, verb, *args)
self.assertIn("option %s not recognized" % (option,), str(e))
def test_create_client_config(self):
async def test_create_client_config(self):
d = self.mktemp()
fname = os.path.join(d, 'tahoe.cfg')
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ class Config(unittest.TestCase):
"shares-happy": "1",
"shares-total": "1",
create_node.write_node_config(f, opts)
await create_node.write_node_config(f, opts)
create_node.write_client_config(f, opts)
# should succeed, no exceptions
@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ class Config(unittest.TestCase):
"create-node", "--listen=tcp,none",
self.assertEqual(str(e), "--listen= must be none, or one/some of: tcp, tor, i2p")
self.assertEqual(str(e), "--listen=tcp requires --hostname=")
def test_node_listen_bad(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ class Config(unittest.TestCase):
"create-node", "--listen=XYZZY,tcp",
self.assertEqual(str(e), "--listen= must be none, or one/some of: tcp, tor, i2p")
self.assertEqual(str(e), "--listen= must be one/some of: i2p, none, tcp, tor")
def test_node_listen_tor_hostname(self):
e = self.assertRaises(usage.UsageError,
@ -287,24 +288,15 @@ class Config(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn("To avoid clobbering anything, I am going to quit now", err)
def test_node_slow_tor(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
def test_node_slow(self):
d = defer.Deferred()
self.patch(tor_provider, "create_config", lambda *a, **kw: d)
d2 = run_cli("create-node", "--listen=tor", basedir)
d.callback(({}, "port", "location"))
rc, out, err = yield d2
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
self.assertIn("Node created", out)
self.assertEqual(err, "")
slow = StaticProvider(True, False, d, None)
create_node._LISTENERS["xxyzy"] = slow
self.addCleanup(lambda: create_node._LISTENERS.pop("xxyzy"))
def test_node_slow_i2p(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
d = defer.Deferred()
self.patch(i2p_provider, "create_config", lambda *a, **kw: d)
d2 = run_cli("create-node", "--listen=i2p", basedir)
d.callback(({}, "port", "location"))
d2 = run_cli("create-node", "--listen=xxyzy", basedir)
rc, out, err = yield d2
self.assertEqual(rc, 0)
self.assertIn("Node created", out)
@ -369,10 +361,12 @@ def fake_config(testcase: unittest.TestCase, module: Any, result: Any) -> list[t
class Tor(unittest.TestCase):
def test_default(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
tor_config = {"abc": "def"}
tor_config = {"tor": [("abc", "def")]}
tor_port = "ghi"
tor_location = "jkl"
config_d = defer.succeed( (tor_config, tor_port, tor_location) )
config_d = defer.succeed(
ListenerConfig([tor_port], [tor_location], tor_config)
calls = fake_config(self, tor_provider, config_d)
rc, out, err = self.successResultOf(
@ -391,10 +385,7 @@ class Tor(unittest.TestCase):
def test_launch(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
tor_config = {"abc": "def"}
tor_port = "ghi"
tor_location = "jkl"
config_d = defer.succeed( (tor_config, tor_port, tor_location) )
config_d = defer.succeed(None)
calls = fake_config(self, tor_provider, config_d)
rc, out, err = self.successResultOf(
@ -410,10 +401,7 @@ class Tor(unittest.TestCase):
def test_control_port(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
tor_config = {"abc": "def"}
tor_port = "ghi"
tor_location = "jkl"
config_d = defer.succeed( (tor_config, tor_port, tor_location) )
config_d = defer.succeed(None)
calls = fake_config(self, tor_provider, config_d)
rc, out, err = self.successResultOf(
@ -451,10 +439,10 @@ class Tor(unittest.TestCase):
class I2P(unittest.TestCase):
def test_default(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
i2p_config = {"abc": "def"}
i2p_config = {"i2p": [("abc", "def")]}
i2p_port = "ghi"
i2p_location = "jkl"
dest_d = defer.succeed( (i2p_config, i2p_port, i2p_location) )
dest_d = defer.succeed(ListenerConfig([i2p_port], [i2p_location], i2p_config))
calls = fake_config(self, i2p_provider, dest_d)
rc, out, err = self.successResultOf(
@ -479,10 +467,7 @@ class I2P(unittest.TestCase):
def test_sam_port(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
i2p_config = {"abc": "def"}
i2p_port = "ghi"
i2p_location = "jkl"
dest_d = defer.succeed( (i2p_config, i2p_port, i2p_location) )
dest_d = defer.succeed(None)
calls = fake_config(self, i2p_provider, dest_d)
rc, out, err = self.successResultOf(
Reference in New Issue
Block a user