macfuse: slew of updates

various updates to improve the functionality of the mac fuse plugin

1. caching

previously, the experimental tahoefuse plugin pre-loaded the whole
structure of the specified mount into memory at launch time. changes
which were made through that fuse plugin would be remembered, but any
changes made through other tahoe clients would not be reflected.

now directory contents are only loaded when needed, and the data is
cached for a limited time.  any use of Directory objects should first
call maybe_refresh() which will check the time since the cache was last
loaded, and if the data is older than some validity period (currently
26s) then the directory's contents will be refetched and reloaded.
this replaces the 'load_dir()' method of TFS

whenever a local change is made to a Directory object, or when the
aforementioned cache reloading notices a change in directory data, the
mtime of the directory is automatically updated.

2. stat / metadata

the retrieval of 'stat' information for getattr(), and the way that
metadata is handled, has been refactored to better reflect the fact that
metadata in tahoe is only represented by 'edges' (i.e entries in 
directories) not on 'nodes' (files or directories themselves) hence a 
stat lookup should be a query to the parent directory (specifically the 
parent specified by the path being queried in the case that a node has 
multiple parents) for details known by that directory for the given 
child, rather than a query to the child itself.

the TStat utility class for returning stat information to the python-
fuse layer has been extended to accept a 'metadata' argument in its
constructor.  any fields found in the metadata dict which match the
names of the stat attributes are loaded into the TStat object.  the 
'ctime' and 'mtime' attributes are translated to st_ctime and st_mtime
to mesh with the existing timestamp handling code. any fields specified
by kwargs to the constructor override things that might be loaded from
the metadata dict.

Directory objects now track their children as a dict mapping name to 
(child_obj, metadata) tuples. This is because the metadata in tahoe
will be stored exclusively on the edges of the graph. each Directory
maintains its own mtime however, and get_stat() calls will report the
mtime of a directory based on the last modification of the Directory 
object, not based on any mtime records from the parent directory's 
metadata for that child.  This addresses the fact that since directories
may be shared, a given parent may or may not reflect the latest changes,
however one of the Finder's behaviours is to examine the stat of a
directory, and not to bother doing a readdir() if the stat is unchanged.
i.e. unless directories report their changes in their stat info, the
Finder will not show changes within that directory.

3. refactoring

reporting of many error codes has been refactored to raise IOError
subclasses with the appropriate errno.  this exploits python-fuse's
built-in mechanism for catching IOError and reporting the errno
embedded within it automatically, while simplifying the code within
the plugin.

the add_child() method on TFS was removed in favour of simply having an
add_child() method on Directory objects. this provides a more OO
approach in that Directory is responsible for maintaining its own in
memory state and also writing changes back to the node.  similarly for

these changes, along with the new tfs.compose_url() method, 
significantly simplify and improve readability of mkdir, rename methods
along with the newer link and unlink.  these also get improved error

various operations (chmod, chown, truncate, utime) are now ignored.
previously they would report an unsupported operation (EOPNOTSUPP)
but now are simply logged and ignored.  this surpresses errors caused
by some client programs which try to use these operations, but at the
moment those operations are meaningless to the tahoe filesystem anyway.

4. link / unlink / rmdir

link, symlink calls are now supported, though with semantics differing
from posix, both equivalent.  unlink, rmdir calls are now supported, 
also equivalent.

link or symlink calls duplicate the uri of the named source and adds it
as a child of another directory according to the destination path.  for
directories, this creates a 'hard' link, i.e. the same directory will
appear in multiple locations within the filesystem, and changes in 
any place will be reflected everywhere.  for files, by contrast, since
the uri being duplicated is an immutable CHK uri, link/symlink for files
is equivalent to a copy - though significantly cheaper. (a file copy
with the fuse plugin is likely to cause a new file to be written and
uploaded, the link command simply adds an entry referring to an
existing uri)

in testing, the 'ln' command is unable to make hard links (i.e. call
link()) for directories, though symlink ('ln -s') is supported. 
either forms works equivalently for files.

unlink and rmdir both remove the specified entry from its parent

5. logging

the 'tfuse.log' file now only reports launches of the fuse plugin. once
the plugin has parsed the options, it reopens the log file with the
name of the mount, e.g. tfuse.root_dir.log, so that multiple instances
running concurrently will not interfere with each others' logging.

6. bug fixes

the tmp_file in the cache dir backing files opened for write was
intermittently failing to open the file.  added O_CREAT to the
call so that files will be created if missing, not throw errors.

a failure to correctly parse arguments if no mount (dir_cap) name was
given but also no fuse options were given has been fixed. now the
command 'tahoe fuse mountpoint' will correctly default to root_dir
also when running from source, arguments to tahoefuse were not handled
to correctly match the 'tahoe fuse ...' behaviour.
This commit is contained in:
robk-tahoe 2008-02-29 20:12:41 -07:00
parent 23de3e32d6
commit 6cac9c479c

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
from allmydata.uri import CHKFileURI, NewDirectoryURI, LiteralFileURI
from allmydata.scripts.common_http import do_http as do_http_req
from allmydata.util.hashutil import tagged_hash
from allmydata.util import base32
import base64
import sha
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@ import simplejson
import urllib
USAGE = 'usage: tahoe fuse [dir_cap_name] [fuse_options] mountpoint'
if not hasattr(fuse, '__version__'):
raise RuntimeError, \
@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ fuse.fuse_python_api = (0, 2)
fuse.feature_assert('stateful_files', 'has_init')
logfile = file('tfuse.log', 'wb')
logfile = file('tfuse.log', 'ab')
def log(msg):
logfile.write("%s: %s\n" % (time.asctime(), msg))
@ -62,6 +65,25 @@ def flag2mode(flags):
return m
class TFSIOError(IOError):
class ENOENT(TFSIOError):
def __init__(self, msg):
TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.ENOENT, msg)
class EINVAL(TFSIOError):
def __init__(self, msg):
TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.EINVAL, msg)
class EACCESS(TFSIOError):
def __init__(self, msg):
TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.EACCESS, msg)
class EEXIST(TFSIOError):
def __init__(self, msg):
TFSIOError.__init__(self, errno.EEXIST, msg)
def logargsretexc(meth):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
log("%s(%r, %r)" % (meth, args, kwargs))
@ -79,6 +101,9 @@ def logexc(meth):
def inner(self, *args, **kwargs):
ret = meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
except TFSIOError, tie:
log('error: %s' % (tie,))
log('exception:\n%s' % (traceback.format_exc(),))
@ -103,13 +128,16 @@ class TahoeFuseFile(object):
# write
self.fname = self.tfs.cache.tmp_file(os.urandom(20))
if self.fnode is None:
log('TFF: [%s] open(%s) for write: no such file, creating new File' % (, self.fname, ))
self.fnode = File(0, None, None)
log('TFF: [%s] open() for write: no file node, creating new File %s' % (, self.fname, ))
self.fnode = File(0, 'URI:LIT:')
self.fnode.tmp_fname = self.fname # XXX kill this
self.parent.add_child(, self.fnode)
self.parent.add_child(, self.fnode, {})
elif hasattr(self.fnode, 'tmp_fname'):
self.fname = self.fnode.tmp_fname
self.file = os.fdopen(, flags, *mode), m)
log('TFF: [%s] open() for write: existing file node lists %s' % (, self.fname, ))
log('TFF: [%s] open() for write: existing file node lists no tmp_file, using new %s' % (, self.fname, ))
self.file = os.fdopen(, flags|os.O_CREAT, *mode), m)
self.fd = self.file.fileno()
log('TFF: opened(%s) for write' % self.fname)
self.open_for_write = True
@ -161,7 +189,9 @@ class TahoeFuseFile(object):
self.fnode.size = size
file_cap = self.tfs.upload(self.fname)
self.fnode.ro_uri = file_cap
self.tfs.add_child(self.parent.get_uri(),, file_cap)
# XXX [ ] TODO: set metadata
# write new uri into parent dir entry
self.parent.add_child(, self.fnode, {})
self.log("uploaded: %s" % (file_cap,))
# dbg
@ -199,12 +229,6 @@ class TahoeFuseFile(object):
self.log("ftruncate(%r)" % (len,))
class ObjFetcher(object):
def get_tahoe_file(self, path, flags, *mode):
log('objfetcher.get_tahoe_file(%r, %r, %r, %r)' % (self, path, flags, mode))
return TahoeFuseFile(path, flags, *mode)
fetcher = ObjFetcher()
class TahoeFuse(fuse.Fuse):
def __init__(self, tfs, *args, **kw):
@ -228,22 +252,26 @@ class TahoeFuse(fuse.Fuse):
def readlink(self, path):
self.log("readlink(%r)" % (path,))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
node = self.tfs.get_path(path)
if node:
raise EINVAL('Not a symlink') # nothing in tahoe is a symlink
raise ENOENT('Invalid argument')
def unlink(self, path):
self.log("unlink(%r)" % (path,))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def rmdir(self, path):
self.log("rmdir(%r)" % (path,))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def symlink(self, path, path1):
self.log("symlink(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP, path1)
def rename(self, path, path1):
@ -253,27 +281,27 @@ class TahoeFuse(fuse.Fuse):
def link(self, path, path1):
self.log("link(%r, %r)" % (path, path1))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP, path1)
def chmod(self, path, mode):
self.log("chmod(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
self.log("XX chmod(%r, %r)" % (path, mode))
#return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def chown(self, path, user, group):
self.log("chown(%r, %r, %r)" % (path, user, group))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
self.log("XX chown(%r, %r, %r)" % (path, user, group))
#return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def truncate(self, path, len):
self.log("truncate(%r, %r)" % (path, len))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
self.log("XX truncate(%r, %r)" % (path, len))
#return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def utime(self, path, times):
self.log("utime(%r, %r)" % (path, times))
return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
self.log("XX utime(%r, %r)" % (path, times))
#return -errno.EOPNOTSUPP
def statfs(self):
@ -321,10 +349,19 @@ class TahoeFuse(fuse.Fuse):
def getattr(self, path):
log('getattr(%r)' % (path,))
node = self.tfs.get_path(path)
if node is None:
return -errno.ENOENT
return node.get_stat()
if path == '/':
# we don't have any metadata for the root (no edge leading to it)
mode = (stat.S_IFDIR | 755)
mtime = self.tfs.root.mtime
s = TStat({}, st_mode=mode, st_nlink=1, st_mtime=mtime)
log('getattr(%r) -> %r' % (path, s))
return s
parent, name, child = self.tfs.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
if not child: # implicitly 'or not parent'
raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
return parent.get_stat(name)
def access(self, path, mode):
@ -378,11 +415,22 @@ def fingerprint(uri):
return base64.b32encode([:6]
class TStat(fuse.Stat):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
fields = [ 'st_mode', 'st_ino', 'st_dev', 'st_nlink', 'st_uid', 'st_gid', 'st_size',
'st_atime', 'st_mtime', 'st_ctime', ]
def __init__(self, metadata, **kwargs):
# first load any stat fields present in 'metadata'
for st in [ 'mtime', 'ctime' ]:
if st in metadata:
setattr(self, "st_%s" % st, metadata[st])
for st in self.fields:
if st in metadata:
setattr(self, st, metadata[st])
# then set any values passed in as kwargs
fuse.Stat.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Stat%r" % {
return "<Stat%r>" % {
'st_mode': self.st_mode,
'st_ino': self.st_ino,
'st_dev': self.st_dev,
@ -396,26 +444,86 @@ class TStat(fuse.Stat):
class Directory(object):
def __init__(self, ro_uri, rw_uri):
def __init__(self, tfs, ro_uri, rw_uri):
self.tfs = tfs
self.ro_uri = ro_uri
self.rw_uri = rw_uri
assert (rw_uri or ro_uri)
self.children = {}
self.last_load = None
self.last_data = None
self.mtime = 0
def __repr__(self):
return "<Directory %s>" % (fingerprint(self.get_uri()),)
def maybe_refresh(self, name=None):
if the previously cached data was retrieved within the cache
validity period, does nothing. otherwise refetches the data
for this directory and reloads itself
now = time.time()
if self.last_load is None or (now - self.last_load) > self.tfs.cache_validity:
def load(self, name=None):
now = time.time()
print 'loading', name or self
log('%s.loading(%s)' % (self, name))
url = self.tfs.compose_url("uri/%s?t=json", self.get_uri())
data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
h = tagged_hash('cache_hash', data)
if h == self.last_data:
self.last_load = now
log('%s.load() : no change h(data)=%s' % (self, base32.b2a(h), ))
parsed = simplejson.loads(data)
except ValueError:
log('%s.load(): unable to parse json data for dir:\n%r' % (self, data))
nodetype, d = parsed
assert nodetype == 'dirnode'
for cname,details in d['children'].items():
cname = str(cname)
ctype, cattrs = details
metadata = cattrs.get('metadata', {})
if ctype == 'dirnode':
cobj = self.tfs.dir_for(cname, cattrs.get('ro_uri'), cattrs.get('rw_uri'))
assert ctype == "filenode"
cobj = File(cattrs.get('size'), cattrs.get('ro_uri'))
self.children[cname] = cobj, metadata
self.last_load = now
self.last_data = h
self.mtime = now
log('%s.load() loaded: \n%s' % (self, self.pprint(),))
def get_children(self):
return self.children.keys()
def get_child(self, name):
return self.children[name]
return self.children[name][0]
def add_child(self, name, file_node):
self.children[name] = file_node
def add_child(self, name, child, metadata):
log('%s.add_child(%r, %r, %r)' % (self, name, child, metadata, ))
self.children[name] = child, metadata
url = self.tfs.compose_url("uri/%s/%s?t=uri", self.get_uri(), name)
child_cap = do_http('PUT', url, child.get_uri())
# XXX [ ] TODO: push metadata to tahoe node
assert child_cap == child.get_uri()
self.mtime = time.time()
log('added child %r with %r to %r' % (name, child_cap, self))
def remove_child(self, name):
log('%s.remove_child(%r)' % (self, name, ))
del self.children[name]
url = self.tfs.compose_url("uri/%s/%s", self.get_uri(), name)
resp = do_http('DELETE', url)
self.mtime = time.time()
log('child (%s) removal yielded %r' % (name, resp,))
def get_uri(self):
return self.rw_uri or self.ro_uri
@ -423,81 +531,77 @@ class Directory(object):
def writable(self):
return self.rw_uri and self.rw_uri != self.ro_uri
def pprint(self, prefix='', printed=None):
def pprint(self, prefix='', printed=None, suffix=''):
ret = []
if printed is None:
printed = set()
writable = self.writable() and '+' or ' '
if self in printed:
ret.append(" %s/%s ... <%s>" % (prefix, writable, fingerprint(self.get_uri()), ))
ret.append(" %s/%s ... <%s> : %s" % (prefix, writable, fingerprint(self.get_uri()), suffix, ))
ret.append("[%s] %s/%s" % (fingerprint(self.get_uri()), prefix, writable, ))
ret.append("[%s] %s/%s : %s" % (fingerprint(self.get_uri()), prefix, writable, suffix, ))
for name,f in sorted(self.children.items()):
ret.append(f.pprint(' ' * (len(prefix)+1)+name, printed))
for name,(child,metadata) in sorted(self.children.items()):
ret.append(child.pprint(' ' * (len(prefix)+1)+name, printed, repr(metadata)))
return '\n'.join(ret)
def get_stat(self):
s = TStat(st_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | 0755, st_nlink = 2)
log("%s.get_stat()->%s" % (self, s))
def get_metadata(self, name):
return self.children[name][1]
def get_stat(self, name):
child,metadata = self.children[name]
log("%s.get_stat(%s) md: %r" % (self, name, metadata))
if isinstance(child, Directory):
mode = metadata.get('st_mode') or (stat.S_IFDIR | 0755)
s = TStat(metadata, st_mode=mode, st_nlink=1, st_mtime=child.mtime)
if hasattr(child, 'tmp_fname'):
s = os.stat(child.tmp_fname)
log("%s.get_stat(%s) returning local stat of tmp file" % (self, name, ))
s = TStat(metadata,
st_nlink = 1,
st_size = child.size,
st_mode = metadata.get('st_mode') or (stat.S_IFREG | 0444),
st_mtime = metadata.get('mtime') or self.mtime,
return s
log("%s.get_stat(%s)->%s" % (self, name, s))
return s
class File(object):
def __init__(self, size, ro_uri, metadata):
def __init__(self, size, ro_uri):
self.size = size
if ro_uri:
ro_uri = str(ro_uri)
self.ro_uri = ro_uri
self.metadata = metadata or {}
def __repr__(self):
return "<File %s>" % (fingerprint(self.ro_uri) or [self.tmp_fname],)
def pprint(self, prefix='', printed=None):
times, remainder = self.get_times()
return " %s (%s) %s %s" % (prefix, self.size, times, remainder)
def get_times(self):
rem = self.metadata.copy()
now = time.time()
times = {}
for T in ['c', 'm']:
t = rem.pop('%stime'%T, None)
if not t:
t = 'none'
elif (now-t) < 86400:
t = time.strftime('%a:%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(t))
t = time.strftime('%Y:%b:%d:%H:%M', time.localtime(t))
times[T] = t
return times, rem
def get_stat(self):
if hasattr(self, 'tmp_fname'):
s = os.stat(self.tmp_fname)
log("%s.get_stat()->%s" % (self, s))
s = TStat(st_size=self.size, st_mode = stat.S_IFREG | 0444, st_nlink = 1)
log("%s.get_stat()->%s" % (self, s))
return s
def pprint(self, prefix='', printed=None, suffix=''):
return " %s (%s) : %s" % (prefix, self.size, suffix, )
def get_uri(self):
return self.ro_uri
def writable(self):
#return not self.ro_uri
return True
class TFS(object):
def __init__(self, nodeurl, root_uri):
def __init__(self, nodeurl, root_uri, cache_validity_period=DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_VALIDITY):
self.cache_validity = cache_validity_period
self.nodeurl = nodeurl
self.root_uri = root_uri
self.dirs = {}
self.cache = FileCache(nodeurl, os.path.expanduser('~/.tahoe/_cache'))
ro_uri = NewDirectoryURI.init_from_string(self.root_uri).get_readonly()
self.root = Directory(ro_uri, self.root_uri)
self.load_dir('<root>', self.root)
self.root = Directory(self, ro_uri, self.root_uri)
def log(self, msg):
log("<TFS> %s" % (msg, ))
@ -505,49 +609,53 @@ class TFS(object):
def pprint(self):
return self.root.pprint()
def compose_url(self, fmt, *args):
return self.nodeurl + (fmt % tuple(map(urllib.quote, args)))
def get_parent_name_and_child(self, path):
find the parent dir node, name of child relative to that parent, and
child node within the TFS object space.
@returns: (parent, name, child) if the child is found
(parent, name, None) if the child is missing from the parent
(None, name, None) if the parent is not found
if path == '/':
dirname, name = os.path.split(path)
parent = self.get_path(dirname)
child = parent.get_child(name)
return parent, name, child
except KeyError:
return parent, name, None
if parent:
child = parent.get_child(name)
return parent, name, child
except KeyError:
return parent, name, None
return None, name, None
def get_path(self, path):
comps = path.strip('/').split('/')
if comps == ['']:
comps = []
cursor = self.root
c_name = '<root>'
for comp in comps:
if not isinstance(cursor, Directory):
self.log('path "%s" is not a dir' % (path,))
return None
cursor = cursor.children[comp]
cursor = cursor.get_child(comp)
c_name = comp
except KeyError:
self.log('path "%s" not found' % (path,))
return None
if isinstance(cursor, Directory):
return cursor
def load_dir(self, name, dirobj):
print 'loading', name, dirobj
url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s?t=json" % urllib.quote(dirobj.get_uri())
data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
parsed = simplejson.loads(data)
nodetype, d = parsed
assert nodetype == 'dirnode'
for name,details in d['children'].items():
name = str(name)
ctype, cattrs = details
if ctype == 'dirnode':
cobj = self.dir_for(name, cattrs.get('ro_uri'), cattrs.get('rw_uri'))
assert ctype == "filenode"
cobj = File(cattrs.get('size'), cattrs.get('ro_uri'), cattrs.get('metadata'))
dirobj.children[name] = cobj
def dir_for(self, name, ro_uri, rw_uri):
#self.log('dir_for(%s) [%s/%s]' % (name, fingerprint(ro_uri), fingerprint(rw_uri)))
if ro_uri:
ro_uri = str(ro_uri)
if rw_uri:
@ -556,57 +664,68 @@ class TFS(object):
assert uri
dirobj = self.dirs.get(uri)
if not dirobj:
dirobj = Directory(ro_uri, rw_uri)
self.log('dir_for(%s) creating new Directory' % (name, ))
dirobj = Directory(self, ro_uri, rw_uri)
self.dirs[uri] = dirobj
self.load_dir(name, dirobj)
return dirobj
def upload(self, fname):
self.log('upload(%r)' % (fname,))
fh = file(fname, 'rb')
url = self.nodeurl + "uri"
url = self.compose_url("uri")
file_cap = do_http('PUT', url, fh)
self.log('uploaded to: %r' % (file_cap,))
return file_cap
def add_child(self, parent_dir_uri, child_name, child_uri):
self.log('add_child(%r, %r, %r)' % (parent_dir_uri, child_name, child_uri,))
url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s?t=uri" % (urllib.quote(parent_dir_uri), urllib.quote(child_name), )
child_cap = do_http('PUT', url, child_uri)
assert child_cap == child_uri
self.log('added child %r with %r to %r' % (child_name, child_uri, parent_dir_uri))
return child_uri
def remove_child(self, parent_uri, child_name):
self.log('remove_child(%r, %r)' % (parent_uri, child_name, ))
url = self.nodeurl + "uri/%s/%s" % (urllib.quote(parent_uri), urllib.quote(child_name))
resp = do_http('DELETE', url)
self.log('child removal yielded %r' % (resp,))
def mkdir(self, path):
self.log('mkdir(%r)' % (path,))
url = self.nodeurl + "uri?t=mkdir"
parent, name, child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
if child:
raise EEXIST('File exists: %s' % (name,))
if not parent:
raise ENOENT('No such file or directory: %s' % (path,))
url = self.compose_url("uri?t=mkdir")
new_dir_cap = do_http('PUT', url)
parent_path, name = os.path.split(path)
self.log('parent_path, name = %s, %s' % (parent_path, name,))
parent = self.get_path(parent_path)
self.log('parent = %s' % (parent, ))
self.log('new_dir_cap = %s' % (new_dir_cap, ))
child_uri = self.add_child(parent.get_uri(), name, new_dir_cap)
ro_uri = NewDirectoryURI.init_from_string(child_uri).get_readonly()
child = Directory(ro_uri, child_uri)
parent.add_child(name, child)
ro_uri = NewDirectoryURI.init_from_string(new_dir_cap).get_readonly()
child = Directory(self, ro_uri, new_dir_cap)
parent.add_child(name, child, {})
def rename(self, path, path1):
self.log('rename(%s, %s)' % (path, path1))
src_parent, src_name, src_child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
dst_parent, dst_name, dst_child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path1)
if not src_child or not dst_parent:
raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
dst_parent.add_child(dst_name, src_child, {})
def unlink(self, path):
parent, name, child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path)
child_uri = child.get_uri()
new_parent_path, new_child_name = os.path.split(path1)
new_parent = self.get_path(new_parent_path)
self.add_child(new_parent.get_uri(), new_child_name, child_uri)
self.remove_child(parent.get_uri(), name)
if child is None: # parent or child is missing
raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
if not parent.writable():
raise EACCESS('Permission denied')
new_parent.add_child(new_child_name, child)
def link(self, path, path1):
src = self.get_path(path)
dst_parent, dst_name, dst_child = self.get_parent_name_and_child(path1)
if not src:
raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
if dst_parent is None:
raise ENOENT('No such file or directory')
if not dst_parent.writable():
raise EACCESS('Permission denied')
dst_parent.add_child(dst_name, src, {})
class FileCache(object):
def __init__(self, nodeurl, cachedir):
@ -666,6 +785,7 @@ class FileCache(object):
fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, base64.b32encode(id).lower())
return fname
_tfs = None # to appease pyflakes; is set in main()
def print_tree():
log('tree:\n' + _tfs.pprint())
@ -675,11 +795,10 @@ def main(argv):
if not argv:
argv = ['--help']
if len(argv) == 1 and argv[0] in ['-h', '--help', '--version']:
#print USAGE
launch_tahoe_fuse(None, argv)
return -2
if not argv[0].startswith('-'):
if not argv[0].startswith('-') and len(argv) > 1:
cap_name = argv[0]
basedir = getbasedir(cap_name)
if basedir is None:
@ -688,6 +807,14 @@ def main(argv):
argv = argv[1:]
basedir = getbasedir() # default 'root_dir'
cap_name = 'root_dir'
# switch to named log file.
global logfile
fname = 'tfuse.%s.log' % (cap_name,)
log('switching to %s' % (fname,))
logfile = file(fname, 'ab')
if argv[-1].startswith('-'):
print 'mountpoint not given'
@ -710,4 +837,4 @@ def main(argv):
launch_tahoe_fuse(tfs, argv)
if __name__ == '__main__':