remove logpublisher, use the Foolscap version now that this functionality has been moved into Foolscap-0.2.2

This commit is contained in:
Brian Warner 2007-12-12 20:31:01 -07:00
parent e52e14cc66
commit 69b65b6b01
4 changed files with 20 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
import os.path
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.application import service
from twisted.python import log
from foolscap import Referenceable, RemoteInterface
from foolscap.schema import DictOf, Any
from allmydata import get_package_versions
class RILogObserver(RemoteInterface):
def msg(logmsg=DictOf(str, Any())):
return None
class RISubscription(RemoteInterface):
class RILogPublisher(RemoteInterface):
def get_versions():
return DictOf(str, str)
def subscribe_to_all(observer=RILogObserver):
return RISubscription
def unsubscribe(subscription=Any()):
# I don't know how to get the constraint right: unsubscribe() should
# accept return value of subscribe_to_all()
return None
class RILogGatherer(RemoteInterface):
def logport(nodeid=str, logport=RILogPublisher):
return None
class Subscription(Referenceable):
class LogPublisher(Referenceable, service.MultiService):
name = "log_publisher"
def __init__(self):
self._subscribers = {}
self._notifyOnDisconnectors = {}
def startService(self):
furlfile = os.path.join(self.parent.basedir, "logport.furl")
self.parent.tub.registerReference(self, furlFile=furlfile)
os.chmod(furlfile, 0600)
def stopService(self):
return service.MultiService.stopService(self)
def _twisted_log_observer(self, d):
# Twisted will remove this for us if it fails.
# keys:
# ['message']: *args
# ['time']: float
# ['isError']: bool, usually False
# ['system']: string
for o in self._subscribers.values():
o.callRemoteOnly("msg", d)
#f = open("/tmp/f.out", "a")
#print >>f, d['message']
def remote_get_versions(self):
# Convert all the version instances to strings.
return dict([(k,str(v))
for k,v in get_package_versions().iteritems()])
def remote_subscribe_to_all(self, observer):
s = Subscription()
self._subscribers[s] = observer
c = observer.notifyOnDisconnect(self.remote_unsubscribe, s)
self._notifyOnDisconnectors[s] = c
return s
def remote_unsubscribe(self, s):
observer = self._subscribers.pop(s)
c = self._notifyOnDisconnectors.pop(s)

View File

@ -10,7 +10,18 @@ from allmydata import get_package_versions_string
from allmydata.util import log as tahoe_log
from allmydata.util import iputil, observer, humanreadable
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
from allmydata.logpublisher import LogPublisher
# Just to get their versions:
import allmydata, pycryptopp, zfec
from foolscap.logging.publish import LogPublisher
# Add our application versions to the data that Foolscap's
# LogPublisher reports. Our __version__ attributes are actually
# instances of allmydata.util.version_class.Version, so convert them
# into strings first.
LogPublisher.versions['allmydata'] = str(allmydata.__version__)
LogPublisher.versions['zfec'] = str(zfec.__version__)
LogPublisher.versions['pycryptopp'] = str(pycryptopp.__version__)
# group 1 will be addr (dotted quad string), group 3 if any will be portnum (string)
@ -177,6 +188,11 @@ class Node(service.MultiService):
ob.formatTime = newmeth
# TODO: twisted >2.5.0 offers maxRotatedFiles=50
os.path.join(self.basedir, "logport.furl"))
os.path.join(self.basedir, "log_gatherer.furl"))
def log(self, msg, src="", args=(), **kw):
if src:
logsrc = src
@ -222,17 +238,7 @@ class Node(service.MultiService):
def tub_ready(self):
# called when the Tub is available for registerReference
def setup_log_publisher(self):
log_gatherer_furl = self.get_config("log_gatherer.furl")
if log_gatherer_furl:
self.tub.connectTo(log_gatherer_furl, self._log_gatherer_connected)
def _log_gatherer_connected(self, rref):
self.nodeid, self.getServiceNamed("log_publisher"))
def when_tub_ready(self):
return self._tub_ready_observerlist.when_fired()

View File

@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
import os, time
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python import log
from foolscap import Tub, Referenceable
from foolscap.eventual import fireEventually, flushEventualQueue
from foolscap.eventual import flushEventualQueue
from twisted.application import service
import allmydata
from allmydata.node import Node, formatTimeTahoeStyle
from allmydata.util import testutil, fileutil
from allmydata import logpublisher
class LoggingMultiService(service.MultiService):
def log(self, msg, **kw):
@ -59,16 +55,3 @@ class TestCase(unittest.TestCase, testutil.SignalMixin):
self.failUnless("Z" in t)
t2 = formatTimeTahoeStyle("ignored", int(time.time()))
self.failUnless("Z" in t2)
class Gatherer(Referenceable):
def remote_logport(self, nodeid, logport):
d = logport.callRemote("get_versions")
class LogObserver(Referenceable):
def __init__(self):
self.messages = []
def remote_msg(self, d):

View File

@ -4,10 +4,8 @@ def foo(): pass # keep the line number constant
import os
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.python import failure
from twisted.python import log as twisted_log
from allmydata.util import bencode, idlib, humanreadable, mathutil
from allmydata.util import assertutil, fileutil, testutil, log
from allmydata.util import assertutil, fileutil, testutil
class IDLib(unittest.TestCase):