Sketch of required business logic.

This commit is contained in:
Itamar Turner-Trauring 2022-01-04 13:43:19 -05:00
parent cac291eb91
commit 5f4db487f7

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@ -22,12 +22,14 @@ from base64 import b64decode
from klein import Klein
from twisted.web import http
import attr
# TODO Make sure to use pure Python versions?
from cbor2 import dumps
from cbor2 import dumps, loads
from .server import StorageServer
from .http_client import swissnum_auth_header
from .immutable import BucketWriter
from ..util.hashutil import timing_safe_compare
@ -125,6 +127,19 @@ def _authorized_route(app, required_secrets, *route_args, **route_kwargs):
return decorator
class StorageIndexUploads(object):
In-progress upload to storage index.
# Map share number to BucketWriter
shares = attr.ib() # type: Dict[int,BucketWriter]
# The upload key.
upload_key = attr.ib() # type: bytes
class HTTPServer(object):
A HTTP interface to the storage server.
@ -137,6 +152,8 @@ class HTTPServer(object):
): # type: (StorageServer, bytes) -> None
self._storage_server = storage_server
self._swissnum = swissnum
# Maps storage index to StorageIndexUploads:
self._uploads = {} # type: Dict[bytes,StorageIndexUploads]
def get_resource(self):
"""Return twisted.web ``Resource`` for this object."""
@ -154,3 +171,33 @@ class HTTPServer(object):
def version(self, request, authorization):
"""Return version information."""
return self._cbor(request, self._storage_server.get_version())
##### Immutable APIs #####
{Secrets.LEASE_RENEW, Secrets.LEASE_CANCEL, Secrets.UPLOAD},
def allocate_buckets(self, request, authorization, storage_index):
"""Allocate buckets."""
info = loads(
upload_key = authorization[Secrets.UPLOAD]
if storage_index in self._uploads:
# Pre-existing upload.
in_progress = self._uploads[storage_index]
if in_progress.upload_key == upload_key:
# Same session.
# TODO add BucketWriters only for new shares
# New session.
# TODO cancel all existing BucketWriters, then do
# self._storage_server.allocate_buckets() with given inputs.
# New upload.
# TODO self._storage_server.allocate_buckets() with given inputs.
# TODO add results to self._uploads.