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synced 2025-03-02 04:34:19 +00:00
Merge pull request #1172 from tahoe-lafs/3855-immutable-http-apis-part-1
Immutable HTTP APIs, part 1 Fixes ticket:3855
This commit is contained in:
@ -73,12 +73,13 @@ mach-nix.buildPythonPackage rec {
# file. Tell it about them here.
# mach-nix does not yet parse environment markers correctly. It misses
# all of our requirements which have an environment marker. Duplicate them
# here.
# mach-nix does not yet parse environment markers (e.g. "python > '3.0'")
# correctly. It misses all of our requirements which have an environment marker.
# Duplicate them here.
# Specify where mach-nix should find packages for our Python dependencies.
@ -382,6 +382,11 @@ the server will respond with ``400 BAD REQUEST``.
If authorization using the secret fails, then a ``401 UNAUTHORIZED`` response should be sent.
* ``storage_index`` should be base32 encoded (RFC3548) in URLs.
@ -483,6 +488,14 @@ For example::
The upload secret is an opaque _byte_ string.
Handling repeat calls:
* If the same API call is repeated with the same upload secret, the response is the same and no change is made to server state.
This is necessary to ensure retries work in the face of lost responses from the server.
* If the API calls is with a different upload secret, this implies a new client, perhaps because the old client died.
In order to prevent storage servers from being able to mess with each other, this API call will fail, because the secret doesn't match.
The use case of restarting upload from scratch if the client dies can be implemented by having the client persist the upload secret.
@ -627,7 +640,7 @@ For example::
Read a contiguous sequence of bytes from one share in one bucket.
The response body is the raw share data (i.e., ``application/octet-stream``).
The ``Range`` header may be used to request exactly one ``bytes`` range.
The ``Range`` header may be used to request exactly one ``bytes`` range, in which case the response code will be 206 (partial content).
Interpretation and response behavior is as specified in RFC 7233 § 4.1.
Multiple ranges in a single request are *not* supported.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -138,11 +138,15 @@ install_requires = [
# Backported configparser for Python 2:
"configparser ; python_version < '3.0'",
# For the RangeMap datastructure.
# For the RangeMap datastructure. Need 2.0.2 at least for bugfixes. Python
# 2 doesn't actually need this, since HTTP storage protocol isn't supported
# there, so we just pick whatever version so that code imports.
"collections-extended >= 2.0.2 ; python_version > '3.0'",
"collections-extended ; python_version < '3.0'",
# HTTP server and client
@ -13,23 +13,39 @@ if PY2:
# fmt: off
from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401
# fmt: on
from collections import defaultdict
Optional = Set = defaultdict(
lambda: None
) # some garbage to just make this module import
# typing module not available in Python 2, and we only do type checking in
# Python 3 anyway.
from typing import Union
from typing import Union, Set, Optional
from treq.testing import StubTreq
from base64 import b64encode
import attr
# TODO Make sure to import Python version?
from cbor2 import loads
from cbor2 import loads, dumps
from collections_extended import RangeMap
from werkzeug.datastructures import Range, ContentRange
from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, fail
from twisted.web import http
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, fail, Deferred
from hyperlink import DecodedURL
import treq
from .http_common import swissnum_auth_header, Secrets
from .common import si_b2a
def _encode_si(si): # type: (bytes) -> str
"""Encode the storage index into Unicode string."""
return str(si_b2a(si), "ascii")
class ClientException(Exception):
"""An unexpected error."""
@ -42,9 +58,12 @@ def _decode_cbor(response):
return fail(ClientException(response.code, response.phrase))
def swissnum_auth_header(swissnum): # type: (bytes) -> bytes
"""Return value for ``Authentication`` header."""
return b"Tahoe-LAFS " + b64encode(swissnum).strip()
class ImmutableCreateResult(object):
"""Result of creating a storage index for an immutable."""
already_have = attr.ib(type=Set[int])
allocated = attr.ib(type=Set[int])
class StorageClient(object):
@ -59,25 +78,45 @@ class StorageClient(object):
self._swissnum = swissnum
self._treq = treq
def _get_headers(self): # type: () -> Headers
def _url(self, path):
"""Get a URL relative to the base URL."""
return self._base_url.click(path)
def _get_headers(self, headers): # type: (Optional[Headers]) -> Headers
"""Return the basic headers to be used by default."""
headers = Headers()
if headers is None:
headers = Headers()
return headers
def _request(self, method, url, secrets, **kwargs):
def _request(
Like ``treq.request()``, but additional argument of secrets mapping
``http_server.Secret`` to the bytes value of the secret.
Like ``treq.request()``, but with optional secrets that get translated
into corresponding HTTP headers.
headers = self._get_headers()
for key, value in secrets.items():
headers = self._get_headers(headers)
for secret, value in [
(Secrets.LEASE_RENEW, lease_renew_secret),
(Secrets.LEASE_CANCEL, lease_cancel_secret),
(Secrets.UPLOAD, upload_secret),
if value is None:
b"%s %s" % (key.value.encode("ascii"), b64encode(value).strip())
b"%s %s" % (secret.value.encode("ascii"), b64encode(value).strip()),
return self._treq.request(method, url, headers=headers, **kwargs)
@ -86,7 +125,160 @@ class StorageClient(object):
Return the version metadata for the server.
url = self._base_url.click("/v1/version")
response = yield self._request("GET", url, {})
url = self._url("/v1/version")
response = yield self._request("GET", url)
decoded_response = yield _decode_cbor(response)
class UploadProgress(object):
Progress of immutable upload, per the server.
# True when upload has finished.
finished = attr.ib(type=bool)
# Remaining ranges to upload.
required = attr.ib(type=RangeMap)
class StorageClientImmutables(object):
APIs for interacting with immutables.
def __init__(self, client): # type: (StorageClient) -> None
self._client = client
def create(
): # type: (bytes, Set[int], int, bytes, bytes, bytes) -> Deferred[ImmutableCreateResult]
Create a new storage index for an immutable.
TODO https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3857 retry
internally on failure, to ensure the operation fully succeeded. If
sufficient number of failures occurred, the result may fire with an
error, but there's no expectation that user code needs to have a
recovery codepath; it will most likely just report an error to the
Result fires when creating the storage index succeeded, if creating the
storage index failed the result will fire with an exception.
url = self._client._url("/v1/immutable/" + _encode_si(storage_index))
message = dumps(
{"share-numbers": share_numbers, "allocated-size": allocated_size}
response = yield self._client._request(
headers=Headers({"content-type": ["application/cbor"]}),
decoded_response = yield _decode_cbor(response)
def write_share_chunk(
self, storage_index, share_number, upload_secret, offset, data
): # type: (bytes, int, bytes, int, bytes) -> Deferred[UploadProgress]
Upload a chunk of data for a specific share.
TODO https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3857 The
implementation should retry failed uploads transparently a number of
times, so that if a failure percolates up, the caller can assume the
failure isn't a short-term blip.
Result fires when the upload succeeded, with a boolean indicating
whether the _complete_ share (i.e. all chunks, not just this one) has
been uploaded.
url = self._client._url(
"/v1/immutable/{}/{}".format(_encode_si(storage_index), share_number)
response = yield self._client._request(
"content-range": [
ContentRange("bytes", offset, offset+len(data)).to_header()
if response.code == http.OK:
# Upload is still unfinished.
finished = False
elif response.code == http.CREATED:
# Upload is done!
finished = True
raise ClientException(
body = loads((yield response.content()))
remaining = RangeMap()
for chunk in body["required"]:
remaining.set(True, chunk["begin"], chunk["end"])
returnValue(UploadProgress(finished=finished, required=remaining))
def read_share_chunk(
self, storage_index, share_number, offset, length
): # type: (bytes, int, int, int) -> Deferred[bytes]
Download a chunk of data from a share.
TODO https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3857 Failed
downloads should be transparently retried and redownloaded by the
implementation a few times so that if a failure percolates up, the
caller can assume the failure isn't a short-term blip.
NOTE: the underlying HTTP protocol is much more flexible than this API,
so a future refactor may expand this in order to simplify the calling
code and perhaps download data more efficiently. But then again maybe
the HTTP protocol will be simplified, see
url = self._client._url(
"/v1/immutable/{}/{}".format(_encode_si(storage_index), share_number)
response = yield self._client._request(
"range": [
Range("bytes", [(offset, offset + length)]).to_header()
if response.code == http.PARTIAL_CONTENT:
body = yield response.content()
raise ClientException(
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
Common HTTP infrastructure for the storge server.
from future.utils import PY2
if PY2:
# fmt: off
from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401
# fmt: on
from enum import Enum
from base64 import b64encode
def swissnum_auth_header(swissnum): # type: (bytes) -> bytes
"""Return value for ``Authentication`` header."""
return b"Tahoe-LAFS " + b64encode(swissnum).strip()
class Secrets(Enum):
"""Different kinds of secrets the client may send."""
LEASE_RENEW = "lease-renew-secret"
LEASE_CANCEL = "lease-cancel-secret"
UPLOAD = "upload-secret"
@ -17,28 +17,23 @@ else:
from typing import Dict, List, Set
from functools import wraps
from enum import Enum
from base64 import b64decode
from klein import Klein
from twisted.web import http
import attr
from werkzeug.http import parse_range_header, parse_content_range_header
# TODO Make sure to use pure Python versions?
from cbor2 import dumps
from cbor2 import dumps, loads
from .server import StorageServer
from .http_client import swissnum_auth_header
from .http_common import swissnum_auth_header, Secrets
from .common import si_a2b
from .immutable import BucketWriter
from ..util.hashutil import timing_safe_compare
class Secrets(Enum):
"""Different kinds of secrets the client may send."""
LEASE_RENEW = "lease-renew-secret"
LEASE_CANCEL = "lease-cancel-secret"
UPLOAD = "upload-secret"
class ClientSecretsException(Exception):
"""The client did not send the appropriate secrets."""
@ -117,6 +112,7 @@ def _authorized_route(app, required_secrets, *route_args, **route_kwargs):
def decorator(f):
@app.route(*route_args, **route_kwargs)
def handle_route(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
@ -125,6 +121,19 @@ def _authorized_route(app, required_secrets, *route_args, **route_kwargs):
return decorator
class StorageIndexUploads(object):
In-progress upload to storage index.
# Map share number to BucketWriter
shares = attr.ib() # type: Dict[int,BucketWriter]
# The upload key.
upload_secret = attr.ib() # type: bytes
class HTTPServer(object):
A HTTP interface to the storage server.
@ -137,6 +146,8 @@ class HTTPServer(object):
): # type: (StorageServer, bytes) -> None
self._storage_server = storage_server
self._swissnum = swissnum
# Maps storage index to StorageIndexUploads:
self._uploads = {} # type: Dict[bytes,StorageIndexUploads]
def get_resource(self):
"""Return twisted.web ``Resource`` for this object."""
@ -144,6 +155,8 @@ class HTTPServer(object):
def _cbor(self, request, data):
"""Return CBOR-encoded data."""
# TODO Might want to optionally send JSON someday, based on Accept
# headers, see https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3861
request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/cbor")
# TODO if data is big, maybe want to use a temporary file eventually...
return dumps(data)
@ -154,3 +167,123 @@ class HTTPServer(object):
def version(self, request, authorization):
"""Return version information."""
return self._cbor(request, self._storage_server.get_version())
##### Immutable APIs #####
{Secrets.LEASE_RENEW, Secrets.LEASE_CANCEL, Secrets.UPLOAD},
def allocate_buckets(self, request, authorization, storage_index):
"""Allocate buckets."""
storage_index = si_a2b(storage_index.encode("ascii"))
info = loads(request.content.read())
upload_secret = authorization[Secrets.UPLOAD]
if storage_index in self._uploads:
# Pre-existing upload.
in_progress = self._uploads[storage_index]
if timing_safe_compare(in_progress.upload_secret, upload_secret):
# Same session.
# TODO add BucketWriters only for new shares that don't already have buckets; see the HTTP spec for details.
# The backend code may already implement this logic.
# TODO Fail, since the secret doesnt match.
# New upload.
already_got, sharenum_to_bucket = self._storage_server.allocate_buckets(
self._uploads[storage_index] = StorageIndexUploads(
shares=sharenum_to_bucket, upload_secret=authorization[Secrets.UPLOAD]
return self._cbor(
"already-have": set(already_got),
"allocated": set(sharenum_to_bucket),
def write_share_data(self, request, authorization, storage_index, share_number):
"""Write data to an in-progress immutable upload."""
storage_index = si_a2b(storage_index.encode("ascii"))
content_range = parse_content_range_header(request.getHeader("content-range"))
# TODO in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
# 1. Malformed header should result in error 416
# 2. Non-bytes unit should result in error 416
# 3. Missing header means full upload in one request
# 4. Impossible range should resul tin error 416
offset = content_range.start
# TODO basic checks on validity of start, offset, and content-range in general. also of share_number.
# TODO basic check that body isn't infinite. require content-length? or maybe we should require content-range (it's optional now)? if so, needs to be rflected in protocol spec.
data = request.content.read()
bucket = self._uploads[storage_index].shares[share_number]
except (KeyError, IndexError):
# TODO return 404
finished = bucket.write(offset, data)
# TODO if raises ConflictingWriteError, return HTTP CONFLICT code.
if finished:
required = []
for start, end, _ in bucket.required_ranges().ranges():
required.append({"begin": start, "end": end})
return self._cbor(request, {"required": required})
def read_share_chunk(self, request, authorization, storage_index, share_number):
"""Read a chunk for an already uploaded immutable."""
# TODO in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
# 1. basic checks on validity on storage index, share number
# 2. missing range header should have response code 200 and return whole thing
# 3. malformed range header should result in error? or return everything?
# 4. non-bytes range results in error
# 5. ranges make sense semantically (positive, etc.)
# 6. multiple ranges fails with error
# 7. missing end of range means "to the end of share"
storage_index = si_a2b(storage_index.encode("ascii"))
range_header = parse_range_header(request.getHeader("range"))
offset, end = range_header.ranges[0]
assert end != None # TODO support this case
# TODO if not found, 404
bucket = self._storage_server.get_buckets(storage_index)[share_number]
data = bucket.read(offset, end - offset)
# TODO set content-range on response. We we need to expand the
# BucketReader interface to return share's length.
# request.setHeader(
# "content-range", range_header.make_content_range(share_length).to_header()
# )
return data
@ -372,16 +372,29 @@ class BucketWriter(object):
self._clock = clock
self._timeout = clock.callLater(30 * 60, self._abort_due_to_timeout)
def required_ranges(self): # type: () -> RangeMap
Return which ranges still need to be written.
result = RangeMap()
result.set(True, 0, self._max_size)
for start, end, _ in self._already_written.ranges():
result.delete(start, end)
return result
def allocated_size(self):
return self._max_size
def write(self, offset, data):
def write(self, offset, data): # type: (int, bytes) -> bool
Write data at given offset, return whether the upload is complete.
# Delay the timeout, since we received data:
self._timeout.reset(30 * 60)
start = self._clock.seconds()
precondition(not self.closed)
if self.throw_out_all_data:
return False
# Make sure we're not conflicting with existing data:
end = offset + len(data)
@ -399,6 +412,12 @@ class BucketWriter(object):
self.ss.add_latency("write", self._clock.seconds() - start)
# Return whether the whole thing has been written. See
# https://github.com/mlenzen/collections-extended/issues/169 and
# https://github.com/mlenzen/collections-extended/issues/172 for why
# it's done this way.
return sum([mr.stop - mr.start for mr in self._already_written.ranges()]) == self._max_size
def close(self):
precondition(not self.closed)
@ -485,7 +504,7 @@ class FoolscapBucketWriter(Referenceable): # type: ignore # warner/foolscap#78
self._bucket_writer = bucket_writer
def remote_write(self, offset, data):
return self._bucket_writer.write(offset, data)
self._bucket_writer.write(offset, data)
def remote_close(self):
return self._bucket_writer.close()
@ -353,6 +353,9 @@ class StorageServer(service.MultiService):
max_space_per_bucket, lease_info,
if self.no_storage:
# Really this should be done by having a separate class for
# this situation; see
# https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3862
bw.throw_out_all_data = True
bucketwriters[shnum] = bw
self._bucket_writers[incominghome] = bw
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.task import Clock
from hypothesis import given, strategies
from hypothesis import given, strategies, example
import itertools
from allmydata import interfaces
@ -230,7 +230,6 @@ class Bucket(unittest.TestCase):
br = BucketReader(self, bw.finalhome)
self.assertEqual(br.read(0, length), expected_data)
maybe_overlapping_offset=strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=98),
maybe_overlapping_length=strategies.integers(min_value=1, max_value=100),
@ -264,6 +263,38 @@ class Bucket(unittest.TestCase):
bw.write(40, b"1" * 10)
bw.write(60, b"1" * 40)
strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=99),
@example(offsets=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 40, 70])
def test_writes_return_when_finished(
self, offsets
The ``BucketWriter.write()`` return true if and only if the maximum
size has been reached via potentially overlapping writes. The
remaining ranges can be checked via ``BucketWriter.required_ranges()``.
incoming, final = self.make_workdir("overlapping_writes_{}".format(uuid4()))
bw = BucketWriter(
self, incoming, final, 100, self.make_lease(), Clock()
local_written = [0] * 100
for offset in offsets:
length = min(30, 100 - offset)
data = b"1" * length
for i in range(offset, offset+length):
local_written[i] = 1
finished = bw.write(offset, data)
self.assertEqual(finished, sum(local_written) == 100)
required_ranges = bw.required_ranges()
for i in range(0, 100):
self.assertEqual(local_written[i] == 1, required_ranges.get(i) is None)
def test_read_past_end_of_share_data(self):
# test vector for immutable files (hard-coded contents of an immutable share
# file):
@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ if PY2:
# fmt: on
from base64 import b64encode
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks
from os import urandom
from hypothesis import assume, given, strategies as st
from fixtures import Fixture, TempDir
from treq.testing import StubTreq
from klein import Klein
from hyperlink import DecodedURL
from collections_extended import RangeMap
from .common import AsyncTestCase, SyncTestCase
from .common import SyncTestCase
from ..storage.server import StorageServer
from ..storage.http_server import (
@ -33,7 +33,13 @@ from ..storage.http_server import (
from ..storage.http_client import StorageClient, ClientException
from ..storage.http_client import (
def _post_process(params):
@ -140,6 +146,7 @@ class ExtractSecretsTests(SyncTestCase):
_extract_secrets(["lease-cancel-secret eA=="], {Secrets.LEASE_RENEW})
# TODO should be actual swissnum
@ -157,7 +164,24 @@ class TestApp(object):
return "BAD: {}".format(authorization)
class RoutingTests(AsyncTestCase):
def result_of(d):
Synchronously extract the result of a Deferred.
result = []
error = []
d.addCallbacks(result.append, error.append)
if result:
return result[0]
if error:
raise RuntimeError(
"We expected given Deferred to have result already, but it wasn't. "
+ "This is probably a test design issue."
class RoutingTests(SyncTestCase):
Tests for the HTTP routing infrastructure.
@ -175,24 +199,28 @@ class RoutingTests(AsyncTestCase):
def test_authorization_enforcement(self):
The requirement for secrets is enforced; if they are not given, a 400
response code is returned.
# Without secret, get a 400 error.
response = yield self.client._request(
"GET", "", {}
response = result_of(
self.assertEqual(response.code, 400)
# With secret, we're good.
response = yield self.client._request(
"GET", "", {Secrets.UPLOAD: b"MAGIC"}
response = result_of(
"GET", "", upload_secret=b"MAGIC"
self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
self.assertEqual((yield response.content()), b"GOOD SECRET")
self.assertEqual(result_of(response.content()), b"GOOD SECRET")
class HttpTestFixture(Fixture):
@ -204,7 +232,6 @@ class HttpTestFixture(Fixture):
def _setUp(self):
self.tempdir = self.useFixture(TempDir())
self.storage_server = StorageServer(self.tempdir.path, b"\x00" * 20)
# TODO what should the swissnum _actually_ be?
self.http_server = HTTPServer(self.storage_server, SWISSNUM_FOR_TEST)
self.client = StorageClient(
@ -213,7 +240,7 @@ class HttpTestFixture(Fixture):
class GenericHTTPAPITests(AsyncTestCase):
class GenericHTTPAPITests(SyncTestCase):
Tests of HTTP client talking to the HTTP server, for generic HTTP API
endpoints and concerns.
@ -225,7 +252,6 @@ class GenericHTTPAPITests(AsyncTestCase):
super(GenericHTTPAPITests, self).setUp()
self.http = self.useFixture(HttpTestFixture())
def test_bad_authentication(self):
If the wrong swissnum is used, an ``Unauthorized`` response code is
@ -237,10 +263,9 @@ class GenericHTTPAPITests(AsyncTestCase):
with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as e:
yield client.get_version()
self.assertEqual(e.exception.args[0], 401)
def test_version(self):
The client can return the version.
@ -248,7 +273,7 @@ class GenericHTTPAPITests(AsyncTestCase):
We ignore available disk space and max immutable share size, since that
might change across calls.
version = yield self.http.client.get_version()
version = result_of(self.http.client.get_version())
@ -263,3 +288,171 @@ class GenericHTTPAPITests(AsyncTestCase):
self.assertEqual(version, expected_version)
class ImmutableHTTPAPITests(SyncTestCase):
Tests for immutable upload/download APIs.
def setUp(self):
if PY2:
self.skipTest("Not going to bother supporting Python 2")
super(ImmutableHTTPAPITests, self).setUp()
self.http = self.useFixture(HttpTestFixture())
def test_upload_can_be_downloaded(self):
A single share can be uploaded in (possibly overlapping) chunks, and
then a random chunk can be downloaded, and it will match the original
We don't exercise the full variation of overlapping chunks because
that's already done in test_storage.py.
length = 100
expected_data = b"".join(bytes([i]) for i in range(100))
im_client = StorageClientImmutables(self.http.client)
# Create a upload:
upload_secret = urandom(32)
lease_secret = urandom(32)
storage_index = b"".join(bytes([i]) for i in range(16))
created = result_of(
storage_index, {1}, 100, upload_secret, lease_secret, lease_secret
created, ImmutableCreateResult(already_have=set(), allocated={1})
remaining = RangeMap()
remaining.set(True, 0, 100)
# Three writes: 10-19, 30-39, 50-59. This allows for a bunch of holes.
def write(offset, length):
remaining.empty(offset, offset + length)
return im_client.write_share_chunk(
expected_data[offset : offset + length],
upload_progress = result_of(write(10, 10))
upload_progress, UploadProgress(finished=False, required=remaining)
upload_progress = result_of(write(30, 10))
upload_progress, UploadProgress(finished=False, required=remaining)
upload_progress = result_of(write(50, 10))
upload_progress, UploadProgress(finished=False, required=remaining)
# Then, an overlapping write with matching data (15-35):
upload_progress = result_of(write(15, 20))
upload_progress, UploadProgress(finished=False, required=remaining)
# Now fill in the holes:
upload_progress = result_of(write(0, 10))
upload_progress, UploadProgress(finished=False, required=remaining)
upload_progress = result_of(write(40, 10))
upload_progress, UploadProgress(finished=False, required=remaining)
upload_progress = result_of(write(60, 40))
upload_progress, UploadProgress(finished=True, required=RangeMap())
# We can now read:
for offset, length in [(0, 100), (10, 19), (99, 1), (49, 200)]:
downloaded = result_of(
im_client.read_share_chunk(storage_index, 1, offset, length)
self.assertEqual(downloaded, expected_data[offset : offset + length])
def test_multiple_shares_uploaded_to_different_place(self):
If a storage index has multiple shares, uploads to different shares are
stored separately and can be downloaded separately.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_bucket_allocated_with_new_shares(self):
If some shares already exist, allocating shares indicates only the new
ones were created.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_bucket_allocation_new_upload_secret(self):
If a bucket was allocated with one upload secret, and a different upload
key is used to allocate the bucket again, the second allocation fails.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_upload_with_wrong_upload_secret_fails(self):
Uploading with a key that doesn't match the one used to allocate the
bucket will fail.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_upload_offset_cannot_be_negative(self):
A negative upload offset will be rejected.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_mismatching_upload_fails(self):
If an uploaded chunk conflicts with an already uploaded chunk, a
CONFLICT error is returned.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_read_of_wrong_storage_index_fails(self):
Reading from unknown storage index results in 404.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_read_of_wrong_share_number_fails(self):
Reading from unknown storage index results in 404.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_read_with_negative_offset_fails(self):
The offset for reads cannot be negative.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
def test_read_with_negative_length_fails(self):
The length for reads cannot be negative.
TBD in https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3860
Reference in New Issue
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