mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 13:07:56 +00:00
add MutableShareFile.is_valid_header and use it
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,15 +15,22 @@ try:
except ImportError:
# do not import any allmydata modules at this level. Do that from inside
# individual functions instead.
import struct, time, os, sys
from twisted.python import usage, failure
from twisted.internet import defer
from foolscap.logging import cli as foolscap_cli
from allmydata.scripts.common import BaseOptions
from allmydata.scripts.common import BaseOptions
from allmydata import uri
from allmydata.storage.mutable import MutableShareFile
from allmydata.storage.immutable import ShareFile
from allmydata.mutable.layout import unpack_share
from allmydata.mutable.layout import MDMFSlotReadProxy
from allmydata.mutable.common import NeedMoreDataError
from allmydata.immutable.layout import ReadBucketProxy
from allmydata.util import base32
from allmydata.util.encodingutil import quote_output
class DumpOptions(BaseOptions):
def getSynopsis(self):
@ -56,13 +63,11 @@ def dump_share(options):
# check the version, to see if we have a mutable or immutable share
print("share filename: %s" % quote_output(options['filename']), file=out)
f = open(options['filename'], "rb")
prefix = f.read(32)
if prefix == MutableShareFile.MAGIC:
return dump_mutable_share(options)
# otherwise assume it's immutable
return dump_immutable_share(options)
with open(options['filename'], "rb") as f:
if MutableShareFile.is_valid_header(f.read(32)):
return dump_mutable_share(options)
# otherwise assume it's immutable
return dump_immutable_share(options)
def dump_immutable_share(options):
from allmydata.storage.immutable import ShareFile
@ -712,125 +717,115 @@ def call(c, *args, **kwargs):
return results[0]
def describe_share(abs_sharefile, si_s, shnum_s, now, out):
from allmydata import uri
from allmydata.storage.mutable import MutableShareFile
from allmydata.storage.immutable import ShareFile
from allmydata.mutable.layout import unpack_share
from allmydata.mutable.common import NeedMoreDataError
from allmydata.immutable.layout import ReadBucketProxy
from allmydata.util import base32
from allmydata.util.encodingutil import quote_output
import struct
f = open(abs_sharefile, "rb")
prefix = f.read(32)
if prefix == MutableShareFile.MAGIC:
# mutable share
m = MutableShareFile(abs_sharefile)
WE, nodeid = m._read_write_enabler_and_nodeid(f)
data_length = m._read_data_length(f)
expiration_time = min( [lease.get_expiration_time()
for (i,lease) in m._enumerate_leases(f)] )
expiration = max(0, expiration_time - now)
share_type = "unknown"
version = f.read(1)
if version == b"\x00":
# this slot contains an SMDF share
share_type = "SDMF"
elif version == b"\x01":
share_type = "MDMF"
if share_type == "SDMF":
data = f.read(min(data_length, 2000))
pieces = unpack_share(data)
except NeedMoreDataError as e:
# retry once with the larger size
size = e.needed_bytes
data = f.read(min(data_length, size))
pieces = unpack_share(data)
(seqnum, root_hash, IV, k, N, segsize, datalen,
pubkey, signature, share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree,
share_data, enc_privkey) = pieces
print("SDMF %s %d/%d %d #%d:%s %d %s" % \
(si_s, k, N, datalen,
seqnum, str(base32.b2a(root_hash), "utf-8"),
expiration, quote_output(abs_sharefile)), file=out)
elif share_type == "MDMF":
from allmydata.mutable.layout import MDMFSlotReadProxy
fake_shnum = 0
# TODO: factor this out with dump_MDMF_share()
class ShareDumper(MDMFSlotReadProxy):
def _read(self, readvs, force_remote=False, queue=False):
data = []
for (where,length) in readvs:
return defer.succeed({fake_shnum: data})
p = ShareDumper(None, "fake-si", fake_shnum)
def extract(func):
stash = []
# these methods return Deferreds, but we happen to know that
# they run synchronously when not actually talking to a
# remote server
d = func()
return stash[0]
verinfo = extract(p.get_verinfo)
(seqnum, root_hash, salt_to_use, segsize, datalen, k, N, prefix,
offsets) = verinfo
print("MDMF %s %d/%d %d #%d:%s %d %s" % \
(si_s, k, N, datalen,
seqnum, str(base32.b2a(root_hash), "utf-8"),
expiration, quote_output(abs_sharefile)), file=out)
with open(abs_sharefile, "rb") as f:
prefix = f.read(32)
if MutableShareFile.is_valid_header(prefix):
_describe_mutable_share(abs_sharefile, f, now, si_s, out)
elif ShareFile.is_valid_header(prefix):
_describe_immutable_share(abs_sharefile, now, si_s, out)
print("UNKNOWN mutable %s" % quote_output(abs_sharefile), file=out)
print("UNKNOWN really-unknown %s" % quote_output(abs_sharefile), file=out)
elif ShareFile.is_valid_header(prefix):
# immutable
def _describe_mutable_share(abs_sharefile, f, now, si_s, out):
# mutable share
m = MutableShareFile(abs_sharefile)
WE, nodeid = m._read_write_enabler_and_nodeid(f)
data_length = m._read_data_length(f)
expiration_time = min( [lease.get_expiration_time()
for (i,lease) in m._enumerate_leases(f)] )
expiration = max(0, expiration_time - now)
class ImmediateReadBucketProxy(ReadBucketProxy):
def __init__(self, sf):
self.sf = sf
ReadBucketProxy.__init__(self, None, None, "")
def __repr__(self):
return "<ImmediateReadBucketProxy>"
def _read(self, offset, size):
return defer.succeed(sf.read_share_data(offset, size))
share_type = "unknown"
version = f.read(1)
if version == b"\x00":
# this slot contains an SMDF share
share_type = "SDMF"
elif version == b"\x01":
share_type = "MDMF"
# use a ReadBucketProxy to parse the bucket and find the uri extension
sf = ShareFile(abs_sharefile)
bp = ImmediateReadBucketProxy(sf)
if share_type == "SDMF":
data = f.read(min(data_length, 2000))
expiration_time = min( [lease.get_expiration_time()
for lease in sf.get_leases()] )
expiration = max(0, expiration_time - now)
pieces = unpack_share(data)
except NeedMoreDataError as e:
# retry once with the larger size
size = e.needed_bytes
data = f.read(min(data_length, size))
pieces = unpack_share(data)
(seqnum, root_hash, IV, k, N, segsize, datalen,
pubkey, signature, share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree,
share_data, enc_privkey) = pieces
UEB_data = call(bp.get_uri_extension)
unpacked = uri.unpack_extension_readable(UEB_data)
print("SDMF %s %d/%d %d #%d:%s %d %s" % \
(si_s, k, N, datalen,
seqnum, str(base32.b2a(root_hash), "utf-8"),
expiration, quote_output(abs_sharefile)), file=out)
elif share_type == "MDMF":
fake_shnum = 0
# TODO: factor this out with dump_MDMF_share()
class ShareDumper(MDMFSlotReadProxy):
def _read(self, readvs, force_remote=False, queue=False):
data = []
for (where,length) in readvs:
return defer.succeed({fake_shnum: data})
k = unpacked["needed_shares"]
N = unpacked["total_shares"]
filesize = unpacked["size"]
ueb_hash = unpacked["UEB_hash"]
print("CHK %s %d/%d %d %s %d %s" % (si_s, k, N, filesize,
str(ueb_hash, "utf-8"), expiration,
quote_output(abs_sharefile)), file=out)
p = ShareDumper(None, "fake-si", fake_shnum)
def extract(func):
stash = []
# these methods return Deferreds, but we happen to know that
# they run synchronously when not actually talking to a
# remote server
d = func()
return stash[0]
verinfo = extract(p.get_verinfo)
(seqnum, root_hash, salt_to_use, segsize, datalen, k, N, prefix,
offsets) = verinfo
print("MDMF %s %d/%d %d #%d:%s %d %s" % \
(si_s, k, N, datalen,
seqnum, str(base32.b2a(root_hash), "utf-8"),
expiration, quote_output(abs_sharefile)), file=out)
print("UNKNOWN really-unknown %s" % quote_output(abs_sharefile), file=out)
print("UNKNOWN mutable %s" % quote_output(abs_sharefile), file=out)
def _describe_immutable_share(abs_sharefile, now, si_s, out):
class ImmediateReadBucketProxy(ReadBucketProxy):
def __init__(self, sf):
self.sf = sf
ReadBucketProxy.__init__(self, None, None, "")
def __repr__(self):
return "<ImmediateReadBucketProxy>"
def _read(self, offset, size):
return defer.succeed(sf.read_share_data(offset, size))
# use a ReadBucketProxy to parse the bucket and find the uri extension
sf = ShareFile(abs_sharefile)
bp = ImmediateReadBucketProxy(sf)
expiration_time = min( [lease.get_expiration_time()
for lease in sf.get_leases()] )
expiration = max(0, expiration_time - now)
UEB_data = call(bp.get_uri_extension)
unpacked = uri.unpack_extension_readable(UEB_data)
k = unpacked["needed_shares"]
N = unpacked["total_shares"]
filesize = unpacked["size"]
ueb_hash = unpacked["UEB_hash"]
print("CHK %s %d/%d %d %s %d %s" % (si_s, k, N, filesize,
str(ueb_hash, "utf-8"), expiration,
quote_output(abs_sharefile)), file=out)
def catalog_shares(options):
from allmydata.util.encodingutil import listdir_unicode, quote_output
@ -933,34 +928,34 @@ def corrupt_share(options):
f = open(fn, "rb")
prefix = f.read(32)
if prefix == MutableShareFile.MAGIC:
# mutable
m = MutableShareFile(fn)
f = open(fn, "rb")
data = f.read(2000)
# make sure this slot contains an SMDF share
assert data[0:1] == b"\x00", "non-SDMF mutable shares not supported"
with open(fn, "rb") as f:
prefix = f.read(32)
(version, ig_seqnum, ig_roothash, ig_IV, ig_k, ig_N, ig_segsize,
ig_datalen, offsets) = unpack_header(data)
if MutableShareFile.is_valid_header(prefix):
# mutable
m = MutableShareFile(fn)
f = open(fn, "rb")
data = f.read(2000)
# make sure this slot contains an SMDF share
assert data[0:1] == b"\x00", "non-SDMF mutable shares not supported"
assert version == 0, "we only handle v0 SDMF files"
start = m.DATA_OFFSET + offsets["share_data"]
end = m.DATA_OFFSET + offsets["enc_privkey"]
flip_bit(start, end)
# otherwise assume it's immutable
f = ShareFile(fn)
bp = ReadBucketProxy(None, None, '')
offsets = bp._parse_offsets(f.read_share_data(0, 0x24))
start = f._data_offset + offsets["data"]
end = f._data_offset + offsets["plaintext_hash_tree"]
flip_bit(start, end)
(version, ig_seqnum, ig_roothash, ig_IV, ig_k, ig_N, ig_segsize,
ig_datalen, offsets) = unpack_header(data)
assert version == 0, "we only handle v0 SDMF files"
start = m.DATA_OFFSET + offsets["share_data"]
end = m.DATA_OFFSET + offsets["enc_privkey"]
flip_bit(start, end)
# otherwise assume it's immutable
f = ShareFile(fn)
bp = ReadBucketProxy(None, None, '')
offsets = bp._parse_offsets(f.read_share_data(0, 0x24))
start = f._data_offset + offsets["data"]
end = f._data_offset + offsets["plaintext_hash_tree"]
flip_bit(start, end)
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class ShareFile(object):
def is_valid_header(cls, header):
# (bytes) -> bool
# type: (bytes) -> bool
Determine if the given bytes constitute a valid header for this type of
@ -67,6 +67,20 @@ class MutableShareFile(object):
# TODO: decide upon a policy for max share size
def is_valid_header(cls, header):
# type: (bytes) -> bool
Determine if the given bytes constitute a valid header for this type of
:param header: Some bytes from the beginning of a container.
:return: ``True`` if the bytes could belong to this container,
``False`` otherwise.
return header.startswith(cls.MAGIC)
def __init__(self, filename, parent=None):
self.home = filename
if os.path.exists(self.home):
@ -77,7 +91,7 @@ class MutableShareFile(object):
write_enabler_nodeid, write_enabler,
data_length, extra_least_offset) = \
struct.unpack(">32s20s32sQQ", data)
if magic != self.MAGIC:
if not self.is_valid_header(data):
msg = "sharefile %s had magic '%r' but we wanted '%r'" % \
(filename, magic, self.MAGIC)
raise UnknownMutableContainerVersionError(msg)
@ -388,7 +402,7 @@ class MutableShareFile(object):
write_enabler_nodeid, write_enabler,
data_length, extra_least_offset) = \
struct.unpack(">32s20s32sQQ", data)
assert magic == self.MAGIC
assert self.is_valid_header(data)
return (write_enabler, write_enabler_nodeid)
def readv(self, readv):
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ class StorageServer(service.MultiService, Referenceable):
for shnum, filename in self._get_bucket_shares(storage_index):
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
header = f.read(32)
if header[:32] == MutableShareFile.MAGIC:
if MutableShareFile.is_valid_header(header):
sf = MutableShareFile(filename, self)
# note: if the share has been migrated, the renew_lease()
# call will throw an exception, with information to help the
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ from allmydata.storage.immutable import ShareFile
def get_share_file(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
prefix = f.read(32)
if prefix == MutableShareFile.MAGIC:
if MutableShareFile.is_valid_header(prefix):
return MutableShareFile(filename)
# otherwise assume it's immutable
return ShareFile(filename)
@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ def _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension_to_force_short_read(data, debug=False):
def _corrupt_mutable_share_data(data, debug=False):
prefix = data[:32]
assert prefix == MutableShareFile.MAGIC, "This function is designed to corrupt mutable shares of v1, and the magic number doesn't look right: %r vs %r" % (prefix, MutableShareFile.MAGIC)
assert MutableShareFile.is_valid_header(prefix), "This function is designed to corrupt mutable shares of v1, and the magic number doesn't look right: %r vs %r" % (prefix, MutableShareFile.MAGIC)
data_offset = MutableShareFile.DATA_OFFSET
sharetype = data[data_offset:data_offset+1]
assert sharetype == b"\x00", "non-SDMF mutable shares not supported"
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import defer
from allmydata import uri
from allmydata.storage.mutable import ShareFile, MutableShareFile
from allmydata.storage.mutable import MutableShareFile
from allmydata.storage.immutable import ShareFile
from allmydata.storage.server import si_a2b
from allmydata.immutable import offloaded, upload
from allmydata.immutable.literal import LiteralFileNode
Reference in New Issue
Block a user