more figleaf emacs work: enable the minor mode, then type C-cA to toggle annotations

This commit is contained in:
Brian Warner 2007-01-04 01:25:36 -07:00
parent 8a78065f16
commit 0fd032956d
3 changed files with 111 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ figleaf-output:
# after doing test-figleaf and figleaf-output, point your browser at
# coverage-html/index.html
.figleaf.el: .figleaf
python misc/ .figleaf `python ./`
pyflakes src/allmydata

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@ -20,12 +20,23 @@
(defvar figleaf-annotation-file ".figleaf.el")
(defvar figleaf-annotations nil)
(defun find-figleaf-annotation-file ()
(let ((dir (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
(olddir "/"))
(while (and (not (equal dir olddir))
(not (file-regular-p (concat dir figleaf-annotation-file))))
(setq olddir dir
dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
(and (not (equal dir olddir)) (concat dir figleaf-annotation-file))
(defun load-figleaf-annotations ()
(let ((coverage
(insert-file-contents figleaf-annotation-file)
(let ((form (read (current-buffer))))
(eval form)))))
(let* ((annotation-file (find-figleaf-annotation-file))
(insert-file-contents annotation-file)
(let ((form (read (current-buffer))))
(eval form)))))
(setq figleaf-annotations coverage)
@ -35,34 +46,75 @@
(dolist (ov (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
(delete-overlay ov))
(setq figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated nil)
(defun figleaf-annotate (filename)
(let* ((allcoverage (load-figleaf-annotations))
(thiscoverage (gethash filename allcoverage))
(covered-lines (car thiscoverage))
(code-lines (car (cdr thiscoverage)))
(dolist (ov (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
(delete-overlay ov))
(dolist (covered-line covered-lines)
(goto-line covered-line)
;;(add-text-properties (point) (line-end-position) '(face bold) )
(overlay-put (make-overlay (point) (line-end-position))
(defun figleaf-annotate (&optional show-code)
(interactive "P")
(let ((allcoverage (load-figleaf-annotations))
(filename-key buffer-file-name)
thiscoverage code-lines covered-lines uncovered-code-lines
(while (and (not (gethash filename-key allcoverage nil))
(string-match "/" filename-key))
;; eat everything up to and including the first slash, then look again
(setq filename-key (substring filename-key
(+ 1 (string-match "/" filename-key)))))
(setq thiscoverage (gethash filename-key allcoverage nil))
(if thiscoverage
(setq figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated t)
(setq code-lines (nth 0 thiscoverage)
covered-lines (nth 1 thiscoverage)
uncovered-code-lines (nth 2 thiscoverage)
(dolist (ov (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max)))
(delete-overlay ov))
(if show-code
(dolist (line code-lines)
(goto-line line)
;;(add-text-properties (point) (line-end-position) '(face bold) )
(overlay-put (make-overlay (point) (line-end-position))
;'before-string "C"
;'face '(background-color . "green")
'face '(:background "dark green")
(dolist (code-line code-lines)
(goto-line code-line)
(overlay-put (make-overlay (point) (line-end-position))
'face '(:background "dark green")
(dolist (line uncovered-code-lines)
(goto-line line)
(overlay-put (make-overlay (point) (line-end-position))
;'before-string "D"
;'face '(:background "blue")
;'face '(:underline "blue")
'face '(:box "blue")
;'face '(:background "blue")
;'face '(:underline "blue")
'face '(:box "red")
(message "unable to find coverage for this file"))
(defun figleaf-toggle-annotations (show-code)
(interactive "P")
(if figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated
(figleaf-annotate show-code))
(setq figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'figleaf-this-buffer-is-annotated)
(define-minor-mode figleaf-annotation-minor-mode
"Minor mode to annotate code-coverage information"
" FA"
("\C-ca" . figleaf-toggle-annotations)
() ; forms run on mode entry/exit

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@ -16,28 +16,41 @@ def longest_common_prefix_2(a, b):
return a[:i]
return ""
def write_el(r2):
filenames = sorted(r2.keys())
out = open(".figleaf.el", "w")
out.write("(setq figleaf-results '(\n")
for f in filenames:
linenumbers = r2[f]
out.write(' ("%s" (%s))\n' % (f, " ".join([str(ln)
for ln in linenumbers])))
out.write(" ))\n")
## def write_el(r2):
## filenames = sorted(r2.keys())
## out = open(".figleaf.el", "w")
## out.write("(setq figleaf-results '(\n")
## for f in filenames:
## linenumbers = r2[f]
## out.write(' ("%s" (%s))\n' % (f, " ".join([str(ln)
## for ln in linenumbers])))
## out.write(" ))\n")
## out.close()
def write_el(r2, source):
filenames = sorted(r2.keys())
out = open(".figleaf.el", "w")
;; This is an elisp-readable form of the figleaf coverage data. It defines a
;; single top-level hash table in which the load-path-relative filename (like
;; allmydata/ is the key, and the value is a three-element list.
;; The first element of this list is a list of line numbers that represent
;; actual code. The second is a list of line numbers for lines which got used
;; during the unit test. The third is a list of line numbers for code lines
;; that were not covered (since 'code' and 'covered' start as sets, this last
;; list is equal to 'code - covered').
out.write("(let ((results (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))\n")
for f in filenames:
covered_linenumbers = r2[f]
code_linenumbers = source[f]
out.write(" (puthash \"%s\" '((%s) (%s)) results)\n"
uncovered_code = code_linenumbers - covered_linenumbers
out.write(" (puthash \"%s\" '((%s) (%s) (%s)) results)\n"
% (f,
" ".join([str(ln) for ln in sorted(covered_linenumbers)]),
" ".join([str(ln) for ln in sorted(code_linenumbers)]),
" ".join([str(ln) for ln in sorted(covered_linenumbers)]),
" ".join([str(ln) for ln in sorted(uncovered_code)]),
out.write(" results)\n")