2021-03-18 11:30:48 -04:00
Ported to Python 3.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from future.utils import PY2
if PY2:
from future.builtins import filter, map, zip, ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open, pow, round, super, bytes, dict, list, object, range, str, max, min # noqa: F401
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
import os
from twisted.trial import unittest
from twisted.internet import defer, error
from twisted.python.usage import UsageError
2019-03-24 15:04:00 +01:00
from six.moves import StringIO
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
import mock
from ..util import i2p_provider
from ..scripts import create_node, runner
def mock_txi2p(txi2p):
return mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider._import_txi2p",
def mock_i2p(i2p):
return mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider._import_i2p",
def make_cli_config(basedir, *argv):
parent = runner.Options()
cli_config = create_node.CreateNodeOptions()
cli_config.parent = parent
cli_config["basedir"] = basedir
cli_config.stdout = StringIO()
return cli_config
class TryToConnect(unittest.TestCase):
def test_try(self):
reactor = object()
txi2p = mock.Mock()
d = defer.succeed(True)
txi2p.testAPI = mock.Mock(return_value=d)
ep = object()
stdout = StringIO()
with mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider.clientFromString",
return_value=ep) as cfs:
d = i2p_provider._try_to_connect(reactor, "desc", stdout, txi2p)
r = self.successResultOf(d)
cfs.assert_called_with(reactor, "desc")
txi2p.testAPI.assert_called_with(reactor, 'SAM', ep)
def test_try_handled_error(self):
reactor = object()
txi2p = mock.Mock()
d = defer.fail(error.ConnectError("oops"))
txi2p.testAPI = mock.Mock(return_value=d)
ep = object()
stdout = StringIO()
with mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider.clientFromString",
return_value=ep) as cfs:
d = i2p_provider._try_to_connect(reactor, "desc", stdout, txi2p)
r = self.successResultOf(d)
self.assertIs(r, None)
cfs.assert_called_with(reactor, "desc")
txi2p.testAPI.assert_called_with(reactor, 'SAM', ep)
"Unable to reach I2P SAM API at 'desc': "
"An error occurred while connecting: oops.\n")
def test_try_unhandled_error(self):
reactor = object()
txi2p = mock.Mock()
d = defer.fail(ValueError("oops"))
txi2p.testAPI = mock.Mock(return_value=d)
ep = object()
stdout = StringIO()
with mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider.clientFromString",
return_value=ep) as cfs:
d = i2p_provider._try_to_connect(reactor, "desc", stdout, txi2p)
f = self.failureResultOf(d)
self.assertIsInstance(f.value, ValueError)
self.assertEqual(str(f.value), "oops")
cfs.assert_called_with(reactor, "desc")
txi2p.testAPI.assert_called_with(reactor, 'SAM', ep)
self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), "")
class ConnectToI2P(unittest.TestCase):
def _do_test_connect(self, endpoint, reachable):
reactor = object()
txi2p = object()
args = []
if endpoint:
args = ["--i2p-sam-port=%s" % endpoint]
cli_config = make_cli_config("basedir", "--listen=i2p", *args)
stdout = cli_config.stdout
expected_port = "tcp:"
if endpoint:
expected_port = endpoint
tried = []
def _try_to_connect(reactor, port, stdout, txi2p):
tried.append( (reactor, port, stdout, txi2p) )
if not reachable:
return defer.succeed(None)
if port == expected_port:
return defer.succeed(True)
return defer.succeed(None)
with mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider._try_to_connect",
d = i2p_provider._connect_to_i2p(reactor, cli_config, txi2p)
if not reachable:
f = self.failureResultOf(d)
self.assertIsInstance(f.value, ValueError)
"unable to reach any default I2P SAM port")
successful_port = self.successResultOf(d)
self.assertEqual(successful_port, expected_port)
expected = [(reactor, "tcp:", stdout, txi2p)]
if endpoint:
expected = [(reactor, endpoint, stdout, txi2p)]
self.assertEqual(tried, expected)
def test_connect(self):
return self._do_test_connect(None, True)
def test_connect_endpoint(self):
return self._do_test_connect("tcp:other:port", True)
def test_connect_unreachable(self):
return self._do_test_connect(None, False)
class CreateDest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_txi2p(self):
with mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider._import_txi2p",
2017-07-19 12:09:48 -05:00
d = i2p_provider.create_config("reactor", "cli_config")
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
f = self.failureResultOf(d)
self.assertIsInstance(f.value, ValueError)
"Cannot create I2P Destination without txi2p. "
"Please 'pip install tahoe-lafs[i2p]' to fix this.")
def _do_test_launch(self, executable):
basedir = self.mktemp()
args = ["--listen=i2p", "--i2p-launch"]
if executable:
args.append("--i2p-executable=%s" % executable)
self.assertRaises(UsageError, make_cli_config, basedir, *args)
def test_launch(self):
return self._do_test_launch(None)
def test_launch_executable(self):
return self._do_test_launch("myi2p")
def test_sam_endpoint(self):
basedir = self.mktemp()
private_dir = os.path.join(basedir, "private")
privkeyfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(private_dir, "i2p_dest.privkey"))
reactor = object()
cli_config = make_cli_config(basedir, "--listen=i2p")
connect_to_i2p = mock.Mock(return_value=defer.succeed("goodport"))
txi2p = mock.Mock()
ep = object()
dest = mock.Mock()
dest.host = "FOOBAR.b32.i2p"
txi2p.generateDestination = mock.Mock(return_value=defer.succeed(dest))
with mock_txi2p(txi2p):
with mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider._connect_to_i2p",
with mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider.clientFromString",
return_value=ep) as cfs:
2017-07-19 12:09:48 -05:00
d = i2p_provider.create_config(reactor, cli_config)
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
tahoe_config_i2p, i2p_port, i2p_location = self.successResultOf(d)
connect_to_i2p.assert_called_with(reactor, cli_config, txi2p)
cfs.assert_called_with(reactor, "goodport")
txi2p.generateDestination.assert_called_with(reactor, privkeyfile, 'SAM', ep)
expected = {"sam.port": "goodport",
"dest": "true",
"dest.port": "3457",
"dest.private_key_file": os.path.join("private",
self.assertEqual(tahoe_config_i2p, expected)
2017-07-19 12:24:24 -05:00
self.assertEqual(i2p_port, "listen:i2p")
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
self.assertEqual(i2p_location, "i2p:FOOBAR.b32.i2p:3457")
_None = object()
class FakeConfig(dict):
def get_config(self, section, option, default=_None, boolean=False):
if section != "i2p":
raise ValueError(section)
value = self.get(option, default)
if value is _None:
raise KeyError
return value
class Provider(unittest.TestCase):
def test_build(self):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
i2p_provider.create("reactor", FakeConfig())
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
def test_handler_disabled(self):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create("reactor", FakeConfig(enabled=False))
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
self.assertEqual(p.get_i2p_handler(), None)
def test_handler_no_i2p(self):
with mock_i2p(None):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create("reactor", FakeConfig())
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
self.assertEqual(p.get_i2p_handler(), None)
def test_handler_sam_endpoint(self):
i2p = mock.Mock()
handler = object()
i2p.sam_endpoint = mock.Mock(return_value=handler)
ep = object()
reactor = object()
with mock_i2p(i2p):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create(reactor,
FakeConfig(**{"sam.port": "ep_desc"}))
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
with mock.patch("allmydata.util.i2p_provider.clientFromString",
return_value=ep) as cfs:
h = p.get_i2p_handler()
cfs.assert_called_with(reactor, "ep_desc")
self.assertIs(h, handler)
2017-01-17 11:47:47 -05:00
i2p.sam_endpoint.assert_called_with(ep, keyfile=None)
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
def test_handler_launch(self):
i2p = mock.Mock()
handler = object()
i2p.launch = mock.Mock(return_value=handler)
reactor = object()
with mock_i2p(i2p):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create(reactor,
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
h = p.get_i2p_handler()
self.assertIs(h, handler)
i2p.launch.assert_called_with(i2p_configdir=None, i2p_binary=None)
def test_handler_launch_configdir(self):
i2p = mock.Mock()
handler = object()
i2p.launch = mock.Mock(return_value=handler)
reactor = object()
with mock_i2p(i2p):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create(reactor,
**{"i2p.configdir": "configdir"}))
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
h = p.get_i2p_handler()
self.assertIs(h, handler)
i2p.launch.assert_called_with(i2p_configdir="configdir", i2p_binary=None)
def test_handler_launch_configdir_executable(self):
i2p = mock.Mock()
handler = object()
i2p.launch = mock.Mock(return_value=handler)
reactor = object()
with mock_i2p(i2p):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create(reactor,
**{"i2p.configdir": "configdir",
"i2p.executable": "myi2p",
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
h = p.get_i2p_handler()
self.assertIs(h, handler)
i2p.launch.assert_called_with(i2p_configdir="configdir", i2p_binary="myi2p")
def test_handler_configdir(self):
i2p = mock.Mock()
handler = object()
i2p.local_i2p = mock.Mock(return_value=handler)
reactor = object()
with mock_i2p(i2p):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create(reactor,
FakeConfig(**{"i2p.configdir": "configdir"}))
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
h = p.get_i2p_handler()
self.assertIs(h, handler)
2020-12-16 11:20:45 -05:00
def test_handler_launch_executable(self):
i2p = mock.Mock()
handler = object()
i2p.launch = mock.Mock(return_value=handler)
reactor = object()
with mock_i2p(i2p):
p = i2p_provider.create(reactor,
**{"i2p.executable": "myi2p"}))
h = p.get_i2p_handler()
self.assertIs(h, handler)
i2p.launch.assert_called_with(i2p_configdir=None, i2p_binary="myi2p")
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
def test_handler_default(self):
i2p = mock.Mock()
handler = object()
i2p.default = mock.Mock(return_value=handler)
reactor = object()
with mock_i2p(i2p):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create(reactor, FakeConfig())
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
h = p.get_i2p_handler()
self.assertIs(h, handler)
2017-01-17 11:47:47 -05:00
i2p.default.assert_called_with(reactor, keyfile=None)
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
2017-08-15 17:59:59 -07:00
class ProviderListener(unittest.TestCase):
2017-07-19 12:24:24 -05:00
def test_listener(self):
2017-08-15 17:59:59 -07:00
"""Does the I2P Provider object's get_listener() method correctly
convert the [i2p] section of tahoe.cfg into an
2017-07-19 12:24:24 -05:00
i2p = mock.Mock()
handler = object()
i2p.local_i2p = mock.Mock(return_value=handler)
reactor = object()
privkeyfile = os.path.join("private", "i2p_dest.privkey")
with mock_i2p(i2p):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create(reactor,
"i2p.configdir": "configdir",
"sam.port": "good:port",
"dest": "true",
"dest.port": "3457",
"dest.private_key_file": privkeyfile,
2017-07-19 12:24:24 -05:00
endpoint_or_description = p.get_listener()
2017-08-16 22:46:05 -07:00
"i2p:%s:3457:api=SAM:apiEndpoint=good\\:port" % privkeyfile)
2017-07-19 12:24:24 -05:00
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
class Provider_CheckI2PConfig(unittest.TestCase):
def test_default(self):
# default config doesn't start an I2P service, so it should be
# happy both with and without txi2p
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create("reactor", FakeConfig())
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
with mock_txi2p(None):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
p = i2p_provider.create("reactor", FakeConfig())
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
def test_no_txi2p(self):
with mock_txi2p(None):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
i2p_provider.create("reactor", FakeConfig(dest=True))
"Cannot create I2P Destination without txi2p. "
"Please 'pip install tahoe-lafs[i2p]' to fix."
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
def test_no_launch_no_control(self):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
i2p_provider.create("reactor", FakeConfig(dest=True))
"[i2p] dest = true, but we have neither "
"sam.port= nor launch=true nor configdir="
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
def test_missing_keys(self):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
**{"sam.port": "x",
self.assertEqual(str(ctx.exception), "[i2p] dest = true, "
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
"but dest.port= is missing")
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
**{"sam.port": "x",
"dest.port": "y",
"[i2p] dest = true, "
"but dest.private_key_file= is missing"
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
def test_launch_not_implemented(self):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as ctx:
FakeConfig(dest=True, launch=True,
**{"dest.port": "x",
"dest.private_key_file": "y",
"[i2p] launch is under development."
2016-10-22 14:26:36 -05:00
def test_ok(self):
2018-01-29 23:51:49 -07:00
dest=True, **{
"sam.port": "x",
"dest.port": "y",
"dest.private_key_file": "z",