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Decentralized storage grid.
community web site: U{https://tahoe-lafs.org/}
class PackagingError(EnvironmentError):
Raised when there is an error in packaging of Tahoe-LAFS or its
dependencies which makes it impossible to proceed safely.
__version__ = "unknown"
2010-02-26 01:14:33 -07:00
from allmydata._version import __version__
except ImportError:
# We're running in a tree that hasn't run update_version, and didn't
# come with a _version.py, so we don't know what our version is.
# This should not happen very often.
full_version = "unknown"
branch = "unknown"
from allmydata._version import full_version, branch
except ImportError:
# We're running in a tree that hasn't run update_version, and didn't
# come with a _version.py, so we don't know what our full version or
# branch is. This should not happen very often.
__appname__ = "unknown"
2010-02-26 01:14:33 -07:00
from allmydata._appname import __appname__
except ImportError:
# We're running in a tree that hasn't run "./setup.py". This shouldn't happen.
# __full_version__ is the one that you ought to use when identifying yourself in the
# "application" part of the Tahoe versioning scheme:
# https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/Versioning
__full_version__ = __appname__ + '/' + str(__version__)
import os, platform, re, subprocess, sys, traceback
_distributor_id_cmdline_re = re.compile("(?:Distributor ID:)\s*(.*)", re.I)
_release_cmdline_re = re.compile("(?:Release:)\s*(.*)", re.I)
_distributor_id_file_re = re.compile("(?:DISTRIB_ID\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I)
_release_file_re = re.compile("(?:DISTRIB_RELEASE\s*=)\s*(.*)", re.I)
global _distname,_version
_distname = None
_version = None
def get_linux_distro():
""" Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name.
First, try to parse a file named "/etc/lsb-release". If it exists, and
contains the "DISTRIB_ID=" line and the "DISTRIB_RELEASE=" line, then return
the strings parsed from that file.
If that doesn't work, then invoke platform.dist().
If that doesn't work, then try to execute "lsb_release", as standardized in
The current version of the standard is here:
that lsb_release emitted, as strings.
Returns a tuple (distname,version). Distname is what LSB calls a
"distributor id", e.g. "Ubuntu". Version is what LSB calls a "release",
e.g. "8.04".
A version of this has been submitted to python as a patch for the standard
library module "platform":
global _distname,_version
if _distname and _version:
return (_distname, _version)
etclsbrel = open("/etc/lsb-release", "rU")
for line in etclsbrel:
m = _distributor_id_file_re.search(line)
if m:
_distname = m.group(1).strip()
if _distname and _version:
return (_distname, _version)
m = _release_file_re.search(line)
if m:
_version = m.group(1).strip()
if _distname and _version:
return (_distname, _version)
except EnvironmentError:
(_distname, _version) = platform.dist()[:2]
if _distname and _version:
return (_distname, _version)
Avoid Popen() of executables that don't exist The stdlib 'subprocess' module in python-2.7.4 through 2.7.7 suffers from http://bugs.python.org/issue18851 which causes unrelated file descriptors to be closed when `subprocess.call()` fails the `exec()`, such as when the executable being invoked does not actually exist. There appears to be some randomness involved. This was fixed in python-2.7.8. Tahoe's iputil.py uses subprocess.call on many different "ifconfig"-type executables, most of which don't exist on any given platform (added in git commit 8e31d66cd0b). This results in a lot of file-descriptor closing, which (at least during unit tests) tends to clobber important things like Tub TCP sockets. This seems to be the root cause behind ticket:2121, in which normal code tries to close already-closed sockets, crashing the unit tests. Since different platforms have different ifconfigs, some platforms will experience more failed execs than others, so this bug could easily behave differently on linux vs freebsd, as well as working normally on python-2.7.8 or 2.7.4. This patch inserts a guard to make sure that os.path.isfile() is true before allowing Popen.call() to try executing the target. This ought to be enough to avoid the bug. It changes both iputil.py and allmydata.__init__ (which uses Popen for calling "lsb_release"), which are all the places where 'subprocess' is used outside of unit tests. Other potential fixes: use the 'subprocess32' module from PyPI (which is a bug-free backport of the Python3 stdlib subprocess module, but would introduce a new dependency), or require python >= 2.7.8 (but this would rule out development/deployment on the current OS-X 10.9 release, which ships with 2.7.5, as well as other distributions like Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). I believe this closes ticket:2121, and given the apparent relationship between 2121 and 2023, I think it also closes ticket:2023 (although since 2023 doesn't have copies of the failing log files, it's hard to tell). I'm hoping that this will tide us over until 1.11 is released, at which point we can execute on the plan to remove iputil.py entirely by changing the way that nodes learn their externally-facing IP address.
2014-09-11 13:13:42 -07:00
if os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/lsb_release") or os.path.isfile("/bin/lsb_release"):
p = subprocess.Popen(["lsb_release", "--all"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
rc = p.wait()
if rc == 0:
for line in p.stdout.readlines():
m = _distributor_id_cmdline_re.search(line)
if m:
_distname = m.group(1).strip()
if _distname and _version:
return (_distname, _version)
m = _release_cmdline_re.search(p.stdout.read())
if m:
_version = m.group(1).strip()
if _distname and _version:
return (_distname, _version)
except EnvironmentError:
if os.path.exists("/etc/arch-release"):
return ("Arch_Linux", "")
return (_distname,_version)
def get_platform():
# Our version of platform.platform(), telling us both less and more than the
# Python Standard Library's version does.
# We omit details such as the Linux kernel version number, but we add a
# more detailed and correct rendition of the Linux distribution and
# distribution-version.
if "linux" in platform.system().lower():
return platform.system()+"-"+"_".join(get_linux_distro())+"-"+platform.machine()+"-"+"_".join([x for x in platform.architecture() if x])
return platform.platform()
from allmydata.util import verlib
def normalized_version(verstr, what=None):
suggested = verlib.suggest_normalized_version(verstr) or verstr
return verlib.NormalizedVersion(suggested)
except (StandardError, verlib.IrrationalVersionError):
cls, value, trace = sys.exc_info()
raise PackagingError, ("could not parse %s due to %s: %s"
% (what or repr(verstr), cls.__name__, value)), trace
def get_openssl_version():
from OpenSSL import SSL
return extract_openssl_version(SSL)
except Exception:
return ("unknown", None, None)
def extract_openssl_version(ssl_module):
openssl_version = ssl_module.SSLeay_version(ssl_module.SSLEAY_VERSION)
if openssl_version.startswith('OpenSSL '):
openssl_version = openssl_version[8 :]
(version, _, comment) = openssl_version.partition(' ')
openssl_cflags = ssl_module.SSLeay_version(ssl_module.SSLEAY_CFLAGS)
if '-DOPENSSL_NO_HEARTBEATS' in openssl_cflags.split(' '):
comment += ", no heartbeats"
except Exception:
return (version, None, comment if comment else None)
def get_package_versions_and_locations():
import warnings
from _auto_deps import package_imports, global_deprecation_messages, deprecation_messages, \
runtime_warning_messages, warning_imports, ignorable
def package_dir(srcfile):
return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(srcfile))))
# pkg_resources.require returns the distribution that pkg_resources attempted to put
# on sys.path, which can differ from the one that we actually import due to #1258,
# or any other bug that causes sys.path to be set up incorrectly. Therefore we
# must import the packages in order to check their versions and paths.
# This is to suppress all UserWarnings and various DeprecationWarnings and RuntimeWarnings
# (listed in _auto_deps.py).
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, append=True)
for msg in global_deprecation_messages + deprecation_messages:
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning, message=msg, append=True)
for msg in runtime_warning_messages:
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message=msg, append=True)
for modulename in warning_imports:
except ImportError:
# Leave suppressions for UserWarnings and global_deprecation_messages active.
for ign in runtime_warning_messages + deprecation_messages:
packages = []
def get_version(module):
if hasattr(module, '__version__'):
return str(getattr(module, '__version__'))
elif hasattr(module, 'version'):
ver = getattr(module, 'version')
if isinstance(ver, tuple):
return '.'.join(map(str, ver))
return str(ver)
return 'unknown'
for pkgname, modulename in [(__appname__, 'allmydata')] + package_imports:
if modulename:
module = sys.modules[modulename]
except ImportError:
etype, emsg, etrace = sys.exc_info()
trace_info = (etype, str(emsg), ([None] + traceback.extract_tb(etrace))[-1])
packages.append( (pkgname, (None, None, trace_info)) )
comment = None
if pkgname == __appname__:
comment = "%s: %s" % (branch, full_version)
elif pkgname == 'setuptools' and hasattr(module, '_distribute'):
# distribute does not report its version in any module variables
comment = 'distribute'
packages.append( (pkgname, (get_version(module), package_dir(module.__file__), comment)) )
elif pkgname == 'python':
packages.append( (pkgname, (platform.python_version(), sys.executable, None)) )
elif pkgname == 'platform':
packages.append( (pkgname, (get_platform(), None, None)) )
elif pkgname == 'OpenSSL':
packages.append( (pkgname, get_openssl_version()) )
cross_check_errors = []
if not hasattr(sys, 'frozen'):
import pkg_resources
from _auto_deps import install_requires
pkg_resources_vers_and_locs = dict([(p.project_name.lower(), (str(p.version), p.location))
for p in pkg_resources.require(install_requires)])
imported_packages = set([p.lower() for (p, _) in packages])
extra_packages = []
for pr_name, (pr_ver, pr_loc) in pkg_resources_vers_and_locs.iteritems():
if pr_name not in imported_packages and pr_name not in ignorable:
extra_packages.append( (pr_name, (pr_ver, pr_loc, "according to pkg_resources")) )
cross_check_errors = cross_check(pkg_resources_vers_and_locs, packages)
packages += extra_packages
return packages, cross_check_errors
def check_requirement(req, vers_and_locs):
# We support only conjunctions of <=, >=, and !=
reqlist = req.split(',')
name = reqlist[0].split('<=')[0].split('>=')[0].split('!=')[0].strip(' ').split('[')[0]
if name not in vers_and_locs:
raise PackagingError("no version info for %s" % (name,))
if req.strip(' ') == name:
(actual, location, comment) = vers_and_locs[name]
if actual is None:
# comment is (type, message, (filename, line number, function name, text)) for the original ImportError
raise ImportError("for requirement %r: %s" % (req, comment))
if actual == 'unknown':
actualver = normalized_version(actual, what="actual version %r of %s from %r" % (actual, name, location))
if not match_requirement(req, reqlist, actualver):
msg = ("We require %s, but could only find version %s.\n" % (req, actual))
if location and location != 'unknown':
msg += "The version we found is from %r.\n" % (location,)
msg += ("To resolve this problem, uninstall that version, either using your\n"
"operating system's package manager or by moving aside the directory.")
raise PackagingError(msg)
def match_requirement(req, reqlist, actualver):
for r in reqlist:
s = r.split('<=')
if len(s) == 2:
required = s[1].strip(' ')
if not (actualver <= normalized_version(required, what="required maximum version %r in %r" % (required, req))):
return False # maximum requirement not met
s = r.split('>=')
if len(s) == 2:
required = s[1].strip(' ')
if not (actualver >= normalized_version(required, what="required minimum version %r in %r" % (required, req))):
return False # minimum requirement not met
s = r.split('!=')
if len(s) == 2:
required = s[1].strip(' ')
if not (actualver != normalized_version(required, what="excluded version %r in %r" % (required, req))):
return False # not-equal requirement not met
raise PackagingError("no version info or could not understand requirement %r" % (req,))
return True
def cross_check(pkg_resources_vers_and_locs, imported_vers_and_locs_list):
"""This function returns a list of errors due to any failed cross-checks."""
from _auto_deps import not_import_versionable
errors = []
not_pkg_resourceable = ['python', 'platform', __appname__.lower(), 'openssl']
for name, (imp_ver, imp_loc, imp_comment) in imported_vers_and_locs_list:
name = name.lower()
if name not in not_pkg_resourceable:
if name not in pkg_resources_vers_and_locs:
if name == "setuptools" and "distribute" in pkg_resources_vers_and_locs:
pr_ver, pr_loc = pkg_resources_vers_and_locs["distribute"]
if not (os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(pr_loc)) == os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(imp_loc))
and imp_comment == "distribute"):
errors.append("Warning: dependency 'setuptools' found to be version %r of 'distribute' from %r "
"by pkg_resources, but 'import setuptools' gave version %r [%s] from %r. "
"A version mismatch is expected, but a location mismatch is not."
% (pr_ver, pr_loc, imp_ver, imp_comment or 'probably *not* distribute', imp_loc))
errors.append("Warning: dependency %r (version %r imported from %r) was not found by pkg_resources."
% (name, imp_ver, imp_loc))
pr_ver, pr_loc = pkg_resources_vers_and_locs[name]
if imp_ver is None and imp_loc is None:
errors.append("Warning: dependency %r could not be imported. pkg_resources thought it should be possible "
"to import version %r from %r.\nThe exception trace was %r."
% (name, pr_ver, pr_loc, imp_comment))
# If the pkg_resources version is identical to the imported version, don't attempt
# to normalize them, since it is unnecessary and may fail (ticket #2499).
if imp_ver != 'unknown' and pr_ver == imp_ver:
pr_normver = normalized_version(pr_ver)
except Exception, e:
errors.append("Warning: version number %r found for dependency %r by pkg_resources could not be parsed. "
"The version found by import was %r from %r. "
"pkg_resources thought it should be found at %r. "
"The exception was %s: %s"
% (pr_ver, name, imp_ver, imp_loc, pr_loc, e.__class__.__name__, e))
if imp_ver == 'unknown':
if name not in not_import_versionable:
errors.append("Warning: unexpectedly could not find a version number for dependency %r imported from %r. "
"pkg_resources thought it should be version %r at %r."
% (name, imp_loc, pr_ver, pr_loc))
imp_normver = normalized_version(imp_ver)
except Exception, e:
errors.append("Warning: version number %r found for dependency %r (imported from %r) could not be parsed. "
"pkg_resources thought it should be version %r at %r. "
"The exception was %s: %s"
% (imp_ver, name, imp_loc, pr_ver, pr_loc, e.__class__.__name__, e))
if pr_ver == 'unknown' or (pr_normver != imp_normver):
if not os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(pr_loc)) == os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(imp_loc)):
errors.append("Warning: dependency %r found to have version number %r (normalized to %r, from %r) "
"by pkg_resources, but version %r (normalized to %r, from %r) by import."
% (name, pr_ver, str(pr_normver), pr_loc, imp_ver, str(imp_normver), imp_loc))
return errors
_vers_and_locs_list, _cross_check_errors = get_package_versions_and_locations()
def get_error_string(errors, debug=False):
from allmydata._auto_deps import install_requires
msg = "\n%s\n" % ("\n".join(errors),)
if debug:
msg += ("\n"
"For debugging purposes, the PYTHONPATH was\n"
" %r\n"
"install_requires was\n"
" %r\n"
"sys.path after importing pkg_resources was\n"
" %s\n"
% (os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH'), install_requires, (os.pathsep+"\n ").join(sys.path)) )
return msg
def check_all_requirements():
"""This function returns a list of errors due to any failed checks."""
from allmydata._auto_deps import install_requires
fatal_errors = []
# We require at least 2.6 on all platforms.
2012-05-16 02:41:49 +00:00
# (On Python 3, we'll have failed long before this point.)
if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
2012-05-16 02:41:49 +00:00
version_string = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info))
except Exception:
version_string = repr(sys.version_info)
fatal_errors.append("Tahoe-LAFS currently requires Python v2.6 or greater (but less than v3), not %s"
% (version_string,))
vers_and_locs = dict(_vers_and_locs_list)
for requirement in install_requires:
check_requirement(requirement, vers_and_locs)
except (ImportError, PackagingError), e:
fatal_errors.append("%s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e))
if fatal_errors:
raise PackagingError(get_error_string(fatal_errors + _cross_check_errors, debug=True))
def get_package_versions():
return dict([(k, v) for k, (v, l, c) in _vers_and_locs_list])
def get_package_locations():
return dict([(k, l) for k, (v, l, c) in _vers_and_locs_list])
def get_package_versions_string(show_paths=False, debug=False):
res = []
for p, (v, loc, comment) in _vers_and_locs_list:
info = str(p) + ": " + str(v)
if comment:
info = info + " [%s]" % str(comment)
if show_paths:
info = info + " (%s)" % str(loc)
output = "\n".join(res) + "\n"
if _cross_check_errors:
output += get_error_string(_cross_check_errors, debug=debug)
return output