2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
from allmydata . test import common
from allmydata . monitor import Monitor
from allmydata import check_results
2009-01-12 22:41:20 +00:00
from allmydata . interfaces import NotEnoughSharesError
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
from allmydata . immutable import repairer , upload
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
from twisted . internet import defer
from twisted . trial import unittest
2009-01-12 22:41:20 +00:00
import random
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
from no_network import GridTestMixin
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# We'll allow you to pass this test even if you trigger eighteen times as
# many disk reads and block fetches as would be optimal.
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
class RepairTestMixin :
def failUnlessIsInstance ( self , x , xtype ) :
self . failUnless ( isinstance ( x , xtype ) , x )
def _count_reads ( self ) :
sum_of_read_counts = 0
for ( i , ss , storedir ) in self . iterate_servers ( ) :
counters = ss . stats_provider . get_stats ( ) [ ' counters ' ]
sum_of_read_counts + = counters . get ( ' storage_server.read ' , 0 )
return sum_of_read_counts
def _count_allocates ( self ) :
sum_of_allocate_counts = 0
for ( i , ss , storedir ) in self . iterate_servers ( ) :
counters = ss . stats_provider . get_stats ( ) [ ' counters ' ]
sum_of_allocate_counts + = counters . get ( ' storage_server.allocate ' , 0 )
return sum_of_allocate_counts
def _count_writes ( self ) :
sum_of_write_counts = 0
for ( i , ss , storedir ) in self . iterate_servers ( ) :
counters = ss . stats_provider . get_stats ( ) [ ' counters ' ]
sum_of_write_counts + = counters . get ( ' storage_server.write ' , 0 )
return sum_of_write_counts
def _stash_counts ( self ) :
self . before_repair_reads = self . _count_reads ( )
self . before_repair_allocates = self . _count_allocates ( )
self . before_repair_writes = self . _count_writes ( )
def _get_delta_counts ( self ) :
delta_reads = self . _count_reads ( ) - self . before_repair_reads
delta_allocates = self . _count_allocates ( ) - self . before_repair_allocates
delta_writes = self . _count_writes ( ) - self . before_repair_writes
return ( delta_reads , delta_allocates , delta_writes )
def failIfBigger ( self , x , y ) :
self . failIf ( x > y , " %s > %s " % ( x , y ) )
def upload_and_stash ( self ) :
c0 = self . g . clients [ 0 ]
c1 = self . g . clients [ 1 ]
c0 . DEFAULT_ENCODING_PARAMETERS [ ' max_segment_size ' ] = 12
d = c0 . upload ( upload . Data ( common . TEST_DATA , convergence = " " ) )
def _stash_uri ( ur ) :
self . uri = ur . uri
self . c0_filenode = c0 . create_node_from_uri ( ur . uri )
self . c1_filenode = c1 . create_node_from_uri ( ur . uri )
d . addCallback ( _stash_uri )
return d
class Verifier ( GridTestMixin , unittest . TestCase , RepairTestMixin ) :
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
def test_check_without_verify ( self ) :
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
""" Check says the file is healthy when none of the shares have been
touched . It says that the file is unhealthy when all of them have
been removed . It doesn ' t use any reads.
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verifier/check_without_verify "
self . set_up_grid ( num_clients = 2 )
d = self . upload_and_stash ( )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . _stash_counts ( ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . c0_filenode . check ( Monitor ( ) , verify = False ) )
def _check ( cr ) :
self . failUnless ( cr . is_healthy ( ) )
delta_reads , delta_allocates , delta_writes = self . _get_delta_counts ( )
self . failIfBigger ( delta_reads , 0 )
d . addCallback ( _check )
def _remove_all ( ignored ) :
for sh in self . find_shares ( self . uri ) :
self . delete_share ( sh )
d . addCallback ( _remove_all )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . _stash_counts ( ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . c0_filenode . check ( Monitor ( ) , verify = False ) )
def _check2 ( cr ) :
self . failIf ( cr . is_healthy ( ) )
delta_reads , delta_allocates , delta_writes = self . _get_delta_counts ( )
self . failIfBigger ( delta_reads , 0 )
d . addCallback ( _check2 )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
return d
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
def _help_test_verify ( self , corruptor , judgement , shnum = 0 ) :
self . set_up_grid ( num_clients = 2 )
d = self . upload_and_stash ( )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . _stash_counts ( ) )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . corrupt_shares_numbered ( self . uri , [ shnum ] , corruptor ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . c1_filenode . check ( Monitor ( ) , verify = True ) )
def _check ( vr ) :
delta_reads , delta_allocates , delta_writes = self . _get_delta_counts ( )
self . failIfBigger ( delta_reads , MAX_DELTA_READS )
try :
judgement ( vr )
except unittest . FailTest , e :
# FailTest just uses e.args[0] == str
new_arg = str ( e . args [ 0 ] ) + " \n vr.data is: " + str ( vr . get_data ( ) )
e . args = ( new_arg , )
d . addCallback ( _check )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
return d
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
def judge_no_problem ( self , vr ) :
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
""" Verify says the file is healthy when none of the shares have been
touched in a way that matters . It doesn ' t use more than seven times
as many reads as it needs . """
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . failUnless ( vr . is_healthy ( ) , ( vr , vr . is_healthy ( ) , vr . get_data ( ) ) )
data = vr . get_data ( )
self . failUnless ( data [ ' count-shares-good ' ] == 10 , data )
self . failUnless ( len ( data [ ' sharemap ' ] ) == 10 , data )
self . failUnless ( data [ ' count-shares-needed ' ] == 3 , data )
self . failUnless ( data [ ' count-shares-expected ' ] == 10 , data )
self . failUnless ( data [ ' count-good-share-hosts ' ] == 10 , data )
self . failUnless ( len ( data [ ' servers-responding ' ] ) == 10 , data )
self . failUnless ( len ( data [ ' list-corrupt-shares ' ] ) == 0 , data )
def test_verify_no_problem_1 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_no_problem_1 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_nothing ,
self . judge_no_problem )
def test_verify_no_problem_2 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_no_problem_2 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_size_of_file_data ,
self . judge_no_problem )
def test_verify_no_problem_3 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_no_problem_3 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_size_of_sharedata ,
self . judge_no_problem )
def test_verify_no_problem_4 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_no_problem_4 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_segment_size ,
self . judge_no_problem )
def judge_visible_corruption ( self , vr ) :
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
""" Corruption which is detected by the server means that the server
will send you back a Failure in response to get_bucket instead of
giving you the share data . Test that verifier handles these answers
correctly . It doesn ' t use more than seven times as many reads as it
needs . """
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . failIf ( vr . is_healthy ( ) , ( vr , vr . is_healthy ( ) , vr . get_data ( ) ) )
data = vr . get_data ( )
self . failUnless ( data [ ' count-shares-good ' ] == 9 , data )
self . failUnless ( len ( data [ ' sharemap ' ] ) == 9 , data )
self . failUnless ( data [ ' count-shares-needed ' ] == 3 , data )
self . failUnless ( data [ ' count-shares-expected ' ] == 10 , data )
self . failUnless ( data [ ' count-good-share-hosts ' ] == 9 , data )
self . failUnless ( len ( data [ ' servers-responding ' ] ) == 10 , data )
self . failUnless ( len ( data [ ' list-corrupt-shares ' ] ) == 0 , data )
def test_verify_server_visible_corruption ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_visible_corruption "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_file_version_number ,
self . judge_visible_corruption )
def judge_share_version_incompatibility ( self , vr ) :
# corruption of the share version (inside the container, the 1/2
# value that determines whether we've got 4-byte offsets or 8-byte
# offsets) to something larger than 2 will trigger a
# ShareVersionIncompatible exception, which should be counted in
# list-incompatible-shares, rather than list-corrupt-shares.
self . failIf ( vr . is_healthy ( ) , ( vr , vr . is_healthy ( ) , vr . get_data ( ) ) )
data = vr . get_data ( )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-shares-good ' ] , 9 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data [ ' sharemap ' ] ) , 9 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-shares-needed ' ] , 3 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-shares-expected ' ] , 10 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-good-share-hosts ' ] , 9 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data [ ' servers-responding ' ] ) , 10 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data [ ' list-corrupt-shares ' ] ) , 0 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-corrupt-shares ' ] , 0 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data [ ' list-incompatible-shares ' ] ) , 1 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-incompatible-shares ' ] , 1 )
def test_verify_share_version_incompatibility ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_share_version_incompatibility "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_sharedata_version_number ,
self . judge_share_version_incompatibility )
def judge_invisible_corruption ( self , vr ) :
# corruption of fields that the server does not check (which is most
# of them), which will be detected by the client as it downloads
# those shares.
self . failIf ( vr . is_healthy ( ) , ( vr , vr . is_healthy ( ) , vr . get_data ( ) ) )
data = vr . get_data ( )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-shares-good ' ] , 9 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-shares-needed ' ] , 3 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-shares-expected ' ] , 10 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-good-share-hosts ' ] , 9 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-corrupt-shares ' ] , 1 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data [ ' list-corrupt-shares ' ] ) , 1 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ ' count-incompatible-shares ' ] , 0 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data [ ' list-incompatible-shares ' ] ) , 0 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data [ ' servers-responding ' ] ) , 10 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data [ ' sharemap ' ] ) , 9 )
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_1 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_1 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_offset_of_sharedata ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_2 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_2 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_3 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_3 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension_to_force_short_read ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_4 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_4 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_share_data ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_5 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_5 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_length_of_uri_extension ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_6 ( self ) :
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_6 "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_uri_extension ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_to_truncate_crypttext_hashtree_TODO ( self ) :
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_to_truncate_crypttext_hashtree "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes_to_truncate_crypttext_hashes ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_to_truncate_crypttext_hashtree_TODO . todo = " Verifier doesn ' t yet properly detect this kind of corruption. "
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_TODO ( self ) :
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_offset_of_block_hashes ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_block_hashtree_TODO . todo = " Verifier doesn ' t yet properly detect this kind of corruption. "
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_sharedata_plausible_version ( self ) :
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_sharedata_plausible_version "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_sharedata_version_number_to_plausible_version ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_share_hashtree_TODO ( self ) :
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_share_hashtree "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_offset_of_share_hashes ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_share_hashtree_TODO . todo = " Verifier doesn ' t yet properly detect this kind of corruption. "
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_ciphertext_hashtree_TODO ( self ) :
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_ciphertext_hashtree "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_offset_of_ciphertext_hash_tree ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_offset_of_ciphertext_hashtree_TODO . todo = " Verifier doesn ' t yet properly detect this kind of corruption. "
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_cryptext_hash_tree_TODO ( self ) :
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_cryptext_hash_tree "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_crypttext_hash_tree ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_cryptext_hash_tree_TODO . todo = " Verifier doesn ' t yet properly detect this kind of corruption. "
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_block_hash_tree_TODO ( self ) :
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_block_hash_tree "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_block_hashes ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_block_hash_tree_TODO . todo = " Verifier doesn ' t yet properly detect this kind of corruption. "
def test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_share_hash_tree_TODO ( self ) :
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Verify/verify_server_invisible_corruption_share_hash_tree "
return self . _help_test_verify ( common . _corrupt_share_hashes ,
self . judge_invisible_corruption )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
test_verify_server_invisible_corruption_share_hash_tree_TODO . todo = " Verifier doesn ' t yet properly detect this kind of corruption. "
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
# We'll allow you to pass this test even if you trigger thirty-five times as
# many block sends and disk writes as would be optimal.
2009-02-10 06:53:48 +00:00
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# Optimally, you could repair one of these (small) files in a single write.
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-10 07:56:47 +00:00
class DownUpConnector ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def test_deferred_satisfaction ( self ) :
duc = repairer . DownUpConnector ( )
duc . registerProducer ( None , True ) # just because you have to call registerProducer first
# case 1: total data in buf is < requested data at time of request
duc . write ( ' \x01 ' )
d = duc . read_encrypted ( 2 , False )
def _then ( data ) :
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data ) , 2 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ 0 ] , ' \x01 ' )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ 1 ] , ' \x02 ' )
d . addCallback ( _then )
duc . write ( ' \x02 ' )
return d
2009-02-12 03:11:29 +00:00
def test_extra ( self ) :
2009-02-10 19:12:45 +00:00
duc = repairer . DownUpConnector ( )
duc . registerProducer ( None , True ) # just because you have to call registerProducer first
# case 1: total data in buf is < requested data at time of request
duc . write ( ' \x01 ' )
d = duc . read_encrypted ( 2 , False )
def _then ( data ) :
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( data ) , 2 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ 0 ] , ' \x01 ' )
self . failUnlessEqual ( data [ 1 ] , ' \x02 ' )
d . addCallback ( _then )
duc . write ( ' \x02 \0 x03 ' )
return d
2009-02-12 23:48:53 +00:00
def test_short_reads_1 ( self ) :
# You don't get fewer bytes than you requested -- instead you get no callback at all.
2009-02-12 03:11:29 +00:00
duc = repairer . DownUpConnector ( )
duc . registerProducer ( None , True ) # just because you have to call registerProducer first
2009-02-12 23:48:53 +00:00
d = duc . read_encrypted ( 2 , False )
duc . write ( ' \x04 ' )
def _callb ( res ) :
self . fail ( " Shouldn ' t have gotten this callback res: %s " % ( res , ) )
d . addCallback ( _callb )
# Also in the other order of read-vs-write:
duc2 = repairer . DownUpConnector ( )
duc2 . registerProducer ( None , True ) # just because you have to call registerProducer first
duc2 . write ( ' \x04 ' )
d = duc2 . read_encrypted ( 2 , False )
2009-02-15 23:23:10 +00:00
def _callb2 ( res ) :
2009-02-12 23:48:53 +00:00
self . fail ( " Shouldn ' t have gotten this callback res: %s " % ( res , ) )
2009-02-15 23:23:10 +00:00
d . addCallback ( _callb2 )
2009-02-12 23:48:53 +00:00
# But once the DUC is closed then you *do* get short reads.
duc3 = repairer . DownUpConnector ( )
duc3 . registerProducer ( None , True ) # just because you have to call registerProducer first
d = duc3 . read_encrypted ( 2 , False )
duc3 . write ( ' \x04 ' )
duc3 . close ( )
2009-02-15 23:23:10 +00:00
def _callb3 ( res ) :
2009-02-12 23:48:53 +00:00
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( res ) , 1 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( res [ 0 ] , ' \x04 ' )
2009-02-15 23:23:10 +00:00
d . addCallback ( _callb3 )
2009-02-12 23:48:53 +00:00
return d
def test_short_reads_2 ( self ) :
# Also in the other order of read-vs-write.
duc = repairer . DownUpConnector ( )
duc . registerProducer ( None , True ) # just because you have to call registerProducer first
duc . write ( ' \x04 ' )
2009-02-12 03:11:29 +00:00
d = duc . read_encrypted ( 2 , False )
duc . close ( )
2009-02-12 23:48:53 +00:00
def _callb ( res ) :
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( res ) , 1 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( res [ 0 ] , ' \x04 ' )
d . addCallback ( _callb )
return d
def test_short_reads_3 ( self ) :
# Also if it is closed before the read.
duc = repairer . DownUpConnector ( )
duc . registerProducer ( None , True ) # just because you have to call registerProducer first
duc . write ( ' \x04 ' )
duc . close ( )
d = duc . read_encrypted ( 2 , False )
def _callb ( res ) :
self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( res ) , 1 )
self . failUnlessEqual ( res [ 0 ] , ' \x04 ' )
d . addCallback ( _callb )
2009-02-12 03:11:29 +00:00
return d
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
class Repairer ( GridTestMixin , unittest . TestCase , RepairTestMixin ,
common . ShouldFailMixin ) :
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
def test_harness ( self ) :
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
# This test is actually to make sure our test harness works, rather
# than testing anything about Tahoe code itself.
self . basedir = " repairer/Repairer/test_code "
self . set_up_grid ( num_clients = 2 )
d = self . upload_and_stash ( )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . find_shares ( self . uri ) )
def _stash_shares ( oldshares ) :
self . oldshares = oldshares
d . addCallback ( _stash_shares )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . find_shares ( self . uri ) )
def _compare ( newshares ) :
self . failUnlessEqual ( newshares , self . oldshares )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
d . addCallback ( _compare )
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
def _delete_8 ( ignored ) :
shnum = self . oldshares [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
self . delete_shares_numbered ( self . uri , [ shnum ] )
for sh in self . oldshares [ 1 : 8 ] :
self . delete_share ( sh )
d . addCallback ( _delete_8 )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . find_shares ( self . uri ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda shares : self . failUnlessEqual ( len ( shares ) , 2 ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . shouldFail ( NotEnoughSharesError , " then_download " ,
None ,
self . c1_filenode . download_to_data ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . shouldFail ( NotEnoughSharesError , " then_repair " ,
None ,
self . c1_filenode . check_and_repair ,
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
Monitor ( ) , verify = False ) )
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
# test share corruption
def _test_corrupt ( ignored ) :
olddata = { }
shares = self . find_shares ( self . uri )
for ( shnum , serverid , sharefile ) in shares :
olddata [ ( shnum , serverid ) ] = open ( sharefile , " rb " ) . read ( )
for sh in shares :
self . corrupt_share ( sh , common . _corrupt_uri_extension )
for ( shnum , serverid , sharefile ) in shares :
newdata = open ( sharefile , " rb " ) . read ( )
self . failIfEqual ( olddata [ ( shnum , serverid ) ] , newdata )
d . addCallback ( _test_corrupt )
2009-02-24 05:15:06 +00:00
def _remove_all ( ignored ) :
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
for sh in self . find_shares ( self . uri ) :
self . delete_share ( sh )
d . addCallback ( _remove_all )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . find_shares ( self . uri ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda shares : self . failUnlessEqual ( shares , [ ] ) )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
return d
def test_repair_from_deletion_of_1 ( self ) :
""" Repair replaces a share that got deleted. """
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Repairer/repair_from_deletion_of_1 "
self . set_up_grid ( num_clients = 2 )
d = self . upload_and_stash ( )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . delete_shares_numbered ( self . uri , [ 2 ] ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . _stash_counts ( ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . c0_filenode . check_and_repair ( Monitor ( ) ,
verify = False ) )
def _check_results ( crr ) :
self . failUnlessIsInstance ( crr , check_results . CheckAndRepairResults )
pre = crr . get_pre_repair_results ( )
self . failUnlessIsInstance ( pre , check_results . CheckResults )
post = crr . get_post_repair_results ( )
self . failUnlessIsInstance ( post , check_results . CheckResults )
delta_reads , delta_allocates , delta_writes = self . _get_delta_counts ( )
self . failIfBigger ( delta_reads , MAX_DELTA_READS )
self . failIfBigger ( delta_allocates , DELTA_WRITES_PER_SHARE )
self . failIf ( pre . is_healthy ( ) )
self . failUnless ( post . is_healthy ( ) )
# Now we inspect the filesystem to make sure that it has 10
# shares.
shares = self . find_shares ( self . uri )
self . failIf ( len ( shares ) < 10 )
d . addCallback ( _check_results )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . c0_filenode . check ( Monitor ( ) , verify = True ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda vr : self . failUnless ( vr . is_healthy ( ) ) )
# Now we delete seven of the other shares, then try to download the
# file and assert that it succeeds at downloading and has the right
# contents. This can't work unless it has already repaired the
# previously-deleted share #2.
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . delete_shares_numbered ( self . uri , range ( 3 , 10 + 1 ) ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . c1_filenode . download_to_data ( ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda newdata :
self . failUnlessEqual ( newdata , common . TEST_DATA ) )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
return d
def test_repair_from_deletion_of_7 ( self ) :
""" Repair replaces seven shares that got deleted. """
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
self . basedir = " repairer/Repairer/repair_from_deletion_of_1 "
self . set_up_grid ( num_clients = 2 )
d = self . upload_and_stash ( )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . delete_shares_numbered ( self . uri , range ( 7 ) ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . _stash_counts ( ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . c0_filenode . check_and_repair ( Monitor ( ) ,
verify = False ) )
def _check_results ( crr ) :
self . failUnlessIsInstance ( crr , check_results . CheckAndRepairResults )
pre = crr . get_pre_repair_results ( )
self . failUnlessIsInstance ( pre , check_results . CheckResults )
post = crr . get_post_repair_results ( )
self . failUnlessIsInstance ( post , check_results . CheckResults )
delta_reads , delta_allocates , delta_writes = self . _get_delta_counts ( )
self . failIfBigger ( delta_reads , MAX_DELTA_READS )
self . failIfBigger ( delta_allocates , ( DELTA_WRITES_PER_SHARE * 7 ) )
self . failIf ( pre . is_healthy ( ) )
self . failUnless ( post . is_healthy ( ) , post . data )
# Make sure we really have 10 shares.
shares = self . find_shares ( self . uri )
self . failIf ( len ( shares ) < 10 )
d . addCallback ( _check_results )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . c0_filenode . check ( Monitor ( ) , verify = True ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda vr : self . failUnless ( vr . is_healthy ( ) ) )
# Now we delete seven of the other shares, then try to download the
# file and assert that it succeeds at downloading and has the right
# contents. This can't work unless it has already repaired the
# previously-deleted share #2.
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored :
self . delete_shares_numbered ( self . uri , range ( 3 , 10 + 1 ) ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda ignored : self . c1_filenode . download_to_data ( ) )
d . addCallback ( lambda newdata :
self . failUnlessEqual ( newdata , common . TEST_DATA ) )
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
return d
2009-02-11 22:01:59 +00:00
# why is test_repair_from_corruption_of_1 disabled? Read on:
# As recently documented in NEWS for the 1.3.0 release, the current
# immutable repairer suffers from several limitations:
# * minimalistic verifier: it's just download without decryption, so we
# don't look for corruption in N-k shares, and for many fields (those
# which are the same in all shares) we only look for corruption in a
# single share
# * some kinds of corruption cause download to fail (when it ought to
# just switch to a different share), so repair will fail on these too
# * RIStorageServer doesn't offer a way to delete old corrupt immutable
# shares (the authority model is not at all clear), so the best the
# repairer can do is to put replacement shares on new servers,
# unfortunately leaving the corrupt shares in place
# This test is pretty strenuous: it asserts that the repairer does the
# ideal thing in 8 distinct situations, with randomized corruption in
# each. Because of the aforementioned limitations, it is highly unlikely
# to pass any of these. We're also concerned that the download-fails case
# can provoke a lost-progress bug (one was fixed, but there might be more
# lurking), which will cause the test to fail despite a ".todo" marker,
# and will probably cause subsequent unrelated tests to fail too (due to
# "unclean reactor" problems).
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
# In addition, I (warner) have recently refactored the rest of this class
# to use the much-faster no_network.GridTestMixin, so this tests needs to
# be updated before it will be able to run again.
2009-02-11 22:01:59 +00:00
# So we're turning this test off until we've done one or more of the
# following:
# * remove some of these limitations
# * break the test up into smaller, more functionally-oriented pieces
# * simplify the repairer enough to let us be confident that it is free
# of lost-progress bugs
def OFF_test_repair_from_corruption_of_1 ( self ) :
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
d = defer . succeed ( None )
2009-02-10 01:29:56 +00:00
d . addCallback ( self . find_shares )
stash = [ None ]
def _stash_it ( res ) :
stash [ 0 ] = res
return res
d . addCallback ( _stash_it )
def _put_it_all_back ( ignored ) :
self . replace_shares ( stash [ 0 ] , storage_index = self . uri . storage_index )
return ignored
2009-02-10 03:08:41 +00:00
def _repair_from_corruption ( shnum , corruptor_func ) :
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
before_repair_reads = self . _count_reads ( )
before_repair_allocates = self . _count_writes ( )
d2 = self . filenode . check_and_repair ( Monitor ( ) , verify = True )
def _after_repair ( checkandrepairresults ) :
prerepairres = checkandrepairresults . get_pre_repair_results ( )
postrepairres = checkandrepairresults . get_post_repair_results ( )
after_repair_reads = self . _count_reads ( )
after_repair_allocates = self . _count_writes ( )
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# The "* 2" in reads is because you might read a whole share
# before figuring out that it is corrupted. It might be
# possible to make this delta reads number a little tighter.
2009-02-24 00:42:27 +00:00
self . failIf ( after_repair_reads - before_repair_reads > ( MAX_DELTA_READS * 2 ) , ( after_repair_reads , before_repair_reads ) )
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# The "* 2" in writes is because each server has two shares,
# and it is reasonable for repairer to conclude that there
# are two shares that it should upload, if the server fails
# to serve the first share.
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
self . failIf ( after_repair_allocates - before_repair_allocates > ( DELTA_WRITES_PER_SHARE * 2 ) , ( after_repair_allocates , before_repair_allocates ) )
self . failIf ( prerepairres . is_healthy ( ) , ( prerepairres . data , corruptor_func ) )
self . failUnless ( postrepairres . is_healthy ( ) , ( postrepairres . data , corruptor_func ) )
2009-02-10 03:08:41 +00:00
# Now we inspect the filesystem to make sure that it has 10
# shares.
shares = self . find_shares ( )
self . failIf ( len ( shares ) < 10 )
# Now we assert that the verifier reports the file as healthy.
d3 = self . filenode . check ( Monitor ( ) , verify = True )
def _after_verify ( verifyresults ) :
self . failUnless ( verifyresults . is_healthy ( ) )
d3 . addCallback ( _after_verify )
# Now we delete seven of the other shares, then try to
# download the file and assert that it succeeds at
# downloading and has the right contents. This can't work
# unless it has already repaired the previously-corrupted share.
def _then_delete_7_and_try_a_download ( unused = None ) :
shnums = range ( 10 )
shnums . remove ( shnum )
random . shuffle ( shnums )
for sharenum in shnums [ : 7 ] :
self . _delete_a_share ( sharenum = sharenum )
return self . _download_and_check_plaintext ( )
d3 . addCallback ( _then_delete_7_and_try_a_download )
return d3
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
d2 . addCallback ( _after_repair )
return d2
for corruptor_func in (
common . _corrupt_file_version_number ,
common . _corrupt_sharedata_version_number ,
common . _corrupt_offset_of_sharedata ,
common . _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension ,
common . _corrupt_offset_of_uri_extension_to_force_short_read ,
common . _corrupt_share_data ,
common . _corrupt_length_of_uri_extension ,
common . _corrupt_uri_extension ,
) :
# Now we corrupt a share...
d . addCallback ( self . _corrupt_a_random_share , corruptor_func )
# And repair...
d . addCallback ( _repair_from_corruption , corruptor_func )
return d
2009-02-11 22:01:59 +00:00
#test_repair_from_corruption_of_1.todo = "Repairer doesn't properly replace corrupted shares yet."
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# XXX extend these tests to show that the checker detects which specific
# share on which specific server is broken -- this is necessary so that the
# checker results can be passed to the repairer and the repairer can go ahead
# and upload fixes without first doing what is effectively a check (/verify)
# run
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# XXX extend these tests to show bad behavior of various kinds from servers:
# raising exception from each remove_foo() method, for example
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
# XXX test disconnect DeadReferenceError from get_buckets and get_block_whatsit
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# XXX test corruption that truncates other hash trees than just the crypttext
# hash tree
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# XXX test the notify-someone-about-corruption feature (also implement that
# feature)
2009-01-12 18:00:22 +00:00
2009-02-07 21:06:26 +00:00
# XXX test whether repairer (downloader) correctly downloads a file even if
# to do so it has to acquire shares from a server that has already tried to
# serve it a corrupted share. (I don't think the current downloader would
# pass this test, depending on the kind of corruption.)