stats: add a simple stats gathering system
We have a desire to collect runtime statistics from multiple nodes primarily
for server monitoring purposes. This implements a simple implementation of
such a system, as a skeleton to build more sophistication upon.
Each client now looks for a 'stats_gatherer.furl' config file. If it has
been configured to use a stats gatherer, then it instantiates internally
a StatsProvider. This is a central place for code which wishes to offer
stats up for monitoring to report them to, either by calling
stats_provider.count('', value) to increment a counter, or by
registering a class as a stats producer with sp.register_producer(obj).
The StatsProvider connects to the StatsGatherer server and provides its
provider upon startup. The StatsGatherer is then responsible for polling
the attached providers periodically to retrieve the data provided.
The provider queries each registered producer when the gatherer queries
the provider. Both the internal 'counters' and the queried 'stats' are
then reported to the gatherer.
This provides a simple gatherer app, (c.f. make stats-gatherer-run)
which prints its furl and listens for incoming connections. Once a
minute, the gatherer polls all connected providers, and writes the
retrieved data into a pickle file.
Also included is a munin plugin which knows how to read the gatherer's
stats.pickle and output data munin can interpret. this plugin, can be symlinked as multiple different names within
munin's 'plugins' directory, and inspects argv to determine which
data to display, doing a lookup in a table within that file.
It looks in the environment for 'statsfile' to determine the path to
the gatherer's stats.pickle. An example plugins-conf.d file is
2008-01-31 03:11:07 +00:00
import os
import pickle
import pprint
import sys
import time
from collections import deque
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.application import service
from twisted.application.internet import TimerService
from zope.interface import implements
import foolscap
from foolscap.logging.gatherer import get_local_ip_for
from allmydata.util import log
from allmydata.interfaces import RIStatsProvider, RIStatsGatherer
class LoadMonitor(service.MultiService):
loop_interval = 1
num_samples = 60
def __init__(self, provider, warn_if_delay_exceeds=1):
self.provider = provider
self.warn_if_delay_exceeds = warn_if_delay_exceeds
self.running = False
self.last = None
self.stats = deque()
def startService(self):
if not self.running:
self.running = True
reactor.callLater(self.loop_interval, self.loop)
def stopService(self):
self.running = False
def loop(self):
if not self.running:
now = time.time()
if self.last is not None:
delay = now - self.last - self.loop_interval
if delay > self.warn_if_delay_exceeds:
log.msg(format='excessive reactor delay (%ss)', args=(delay,),
while len(self.stats) > self.num_samples:
self.last = now
reactor.callLater(self.loop_interval, self.loop)
def get_stats(self):
if self.stats:
avg = sum(self.stats) / len(self.stats)
m_x = max(self.stats)
avg = m_x = 0
return { 'load_monitor.avg_load': avg,
'load_monitor.max_load': m_x, }
class StatsProvider(foolscap.Referenceable, service.MultiService):
def __init__(self, tub, nickname, gatherer_furl):
self.gatherer_furl = gatherer_furl
self.counters = {}
self.stats_producers = []
self.load_monitor = LoadMonitor(self)
if tub:
tub.connectTo(gatherer_furl, self._connected_to_gatherer, nickname)
def count(self, name, delta):
val = self.counters.setdefault(name, 0)
self.counters[name] = val + delta
def register_producer(self, stats_producer):
def remote_get_stats(self):
stats = {}
for sp in self.stats_producers:
return { 'counters': self.counters, 'stats': stats }
def _connected_to_gatherer(self, gatherer, nickname):
gatherer.callRemote('provide', self, nickname or '')
class StatsGatherer(foolscap.Referenceable, service.MultiService):
poll_interval = 60
def __init__(self, tub):
self.tub = tub
self.clients = {}
self.nicknames = {}
def startService(self):
self.timer = TimerService(self.poll_interval, self.poll)
def get_furl(self):
return self.tub.registerReference(self, furlFile='stats_gatherer.furl')
def get_tubid(self, rref):
return foolscap.SturdyRef(rref.tracker.getURL()).getTubRef().getTubID()
def remote_provide(self, provider, nickname):
tubid = self.get_tubid(provider)
2008-02-01 02:11:31 +00:00
if tubid == '<unauth>':
print "WARNING: failed to get tubid for %s (%s)" % (provider, nickname)
# don't add to clients to poll (polluting data) don't care about disconnect
stats: add a simple stats gathering system
We have a desire to collect runtime statistics from multiple nodes primarily
for server monitoring purposes. This implements a simple implementation of
such a system, as a skeleton to build more sophistication upon.
Each client now looks for a 'stats_gatherer.furl' config file. If it has
been configured to use a stats gatherer, then it instantiates internally
a StatsProvider. This is a central place for code which wishes to offer
stats up for monitoring to report them to, either by calling
stats_provider.count('', value) to increment a counter, or by
registering a class as a stats producer with sp.register_producer(obj).
The StatsProvider connects to the StatsGatherer server and provides its
provider upon startup. The StatsGatherer is then responsible for polling
the attached providers periodically to retrieve the data provided.
The provider queries each registered producer when the gatherer queries
the provider. Both the internal 'counters' and the queried 'stats' are
then reported to the gatherer.
This provides a simple gatherer app, (c.f. make stats-gatherer-run)
which prints its furl and listens for incoming connections. Once a
minute, the gatherer polls all connected providers, and writes the
retrieved data into a pickle file.
Also included is a munin plugin which knows how to read the gatherer's
stats.pickle and output data munin can interpret. this plugin, can be symlinked as multiple different names within
munin's 'plugins' directory, and inspects argv to determine which
data to display, doing a lookup in a table within that file.
It looks in the environment for 'statsfile' to determine the path to
the gatherer's stats.pickle. An example plugins-conf.d file is
2008-01-31 03:11:07 +00:00
self.clients[tubid] = provider
self.nicknames[tubid] = nickname
provider.notifyOnDisconnect(self.lost_client, tubid)
def lost_client(self, tubid):
del self.clients[tubid]
del self.nicknames[tubid]
def poll(self):
for tubid,client in self.clients.items():
nickname = self.nicknames.get(tubid)
d = client.callRemote('get_stats')
d.addCallback(self.got_stats, tubid, nickname)
def got_stats(self, stats, tubid, nickname):
raise NotImplementedError()
class StdOutStatsGatherer(StatsGatherer):
def remote_provide(self, provider, nickname):
tubid = self.get_tubid(provider)
print 'connect "%s" [%s]' % (nickname, tubid)
StatsGatherer.remote_provide(self, provider, nickname)
def lost_client(self, tubid):
print 'disconnect "%s" [%s]:' % (self.nicknames[tubid], tubid)
StatsGatherer.lost_client(self, tubid)
def got_stats(self, stats, tubid, nickname):
print '"%s" [%s]:' % (nickname, tubid)
class PickleStatsGatherer(StdOutStatsGatherer): # for connect/disconnect notifications;
#class PickleStatsGatherer(StatsGatherer):
def __init__(self, tub, picklefile):
StatsGatherer.__init__(self, tub)
self.picklefile = picklefile
if os.path.exists(picklefile):
f = open(picklefile, 'rb')
self.gathered_stats = pickle.load(f)
self.gathered_stats = {}
def got_stats(self, stats, tubid, nickname):
s = self.gathered_stats.setdefault(tubid, {})
s['timestamp'] = time.time()
s['nickname'] = nickname
s['stats'] = stats
def dump_pickle(self):
tmp = "%s.tmp" % (self.picklefile,)
f = open(tmp, 'wb')
pickle.dump(self.gathered_stats, f)
if os.path.exists(self.picklefile):
os.rename(tmp, self.picklefile)
class GathererApp(object):
def __init__(self):
d = self.setup_tub()
def setup_tub(self):
self._tub = foolscap.Tub(certFile="stats_gatherer.pem")
self._tub.setOption("logLocalFailures", True)
self._tub.setOption("logRemoteFailures", True)
portnumfile = "portnum"
portnum = int(open(portnumfile, "r").read())
except (EnvironmentError, ValueError):
portnum = 0
self._tub.listenOn("tcp:%d" % portnum)
d = defer.maybeDeferred(get_local_ip_for)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self._tub)
return d
def _set_location(self, local_address):
if local_address is None:
local_addresses = [""]
local_addresses = [local_address, ""]
l = self._tub.getListeners()[0]
portnum = l.getPortnum()
portnumfile = "portnum"
open(portnumfile, "w").write("%d\n" % portnum)
local_addresses = [ "%s:%d" % (addr, portnum,)
for addr in local_addresses ]
assert len(local_addresses) >= 1
location = ",".join(local_addresses)
def _tub_ready(self, tub):
sg = PickleStatsGatherer(tub, 'stats.pickle')
sg.verbose = True
print '\nStatsGatherer: %s\n' % (sg.get_furl(),)
def main(argv):
ga = GathererApp()
if __name__ == '__main__':