2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
2006-12-07 19:47:40 +00:00
from twisted.application import service, strports
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
from twisted.web import static, resource, server, html
2006-12-04 12:15:36 +00:00
from twisted.python import util, log
from nevow import inevow, rend, loaders, appserver, url, tags as T
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
from allmydata.util import idlib
2007-01-21 22:01:34 +00:00
from allmydata.interfaces import IDownloadTarget#, IDownloader
2006-12-04 12:15:36 +00:00
from allmydata import upload
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
from zope.interface import implements, Interface
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
import urllib
2006-12-04 12:15:36 +00:00
from formless import annotate, webform
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
def getxmlfile(name):
return loaders.xmlfile(util.sibpath(__file__, "web/%s" % name))
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
class IClient(Interface):
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
def get_downloader_service(ctx):
return IClient(ctx).getServiceNamed("downloader")
def get_uploader_service(ctx):
return IClient(ctx).getServiceNamed("uploader")
def get_vdrive_service(ctx):
return IClient(ctx).getServiceNamed("vdrive")
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
class Welcome(rend.Page):
addSlash = True
docFactory = getxmlfile("welcome.xhtml")
2006-12-05 19:51:32 +00:00
def data_queen_pburl(self, ctx, data):
return IClient(ctx).queen_pburl
def data_connected_to_queen(self, ctx, data):
if IClient(ctx).queen:
return "yes"
return "no"
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
def data_num_peers(self, ctx, data):
#client = inevow.ISite(ctx)._client
client = IClient(ctx)
2007-03-23 23:15:57 +00:00
return len(client.connections)
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
def data_num_connected_peers(self, ctx, data):
return len(IClient(ctx).connections)
2007-01-17 04:01:18 +00:00
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
def data_peers(self, ctx, data):
2007-01-17 04:01:18 +00:00
d = []
client = IClient(ctx)
2007-03-23 23:15:57 +00:00
for nodeid in sorted(client.connections.keys()):
row = (idlib.b2a(nodeid), "yes", "?")
2007-01-17 04:01:18 +00:00
return d
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
def render_row(self, ctx, data):
2007-01-17 04:01:18 +00:00
nodeid_a, connected, pburl = data
ctx.fillSlots("peerid", nodeid_a)
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
ctx.fillSlots("connected", connected)
2007-01-17 04:01:18 +00:00
ctx.fillSlots("pburl", pburl)
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
return ctx.tag
2006-12-04 19:03:29 +00:00
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
# this is a form where users can download files by URI
def bind_download(self, ctx):
uriarg = annotate.Argument("uri",
annotate.String("URI of file to download: "))
namearg = annotate.Argument("filename",
annotate.String("Filename to download as: "))
ctxarg = annotate.Argument("ctx", annotate.Context())
meth = annotate.Method(arguments=[uriarg, namearg, ctxarg],
label="Download File by URI")
# buttons always use value=data.label
# MethodBindingRenderer uses value=(data.action or data.label)
return annotate.MethodBinding("download", meth, action="Download")
def download(self, uri, filename, ctx):
log.msg("webish downloading URI")
target = url.here.sibling("download_uri").add("uri", uri)
if filename:
target = target.add("filename", filename)
return target
def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
return webform.renderForms()
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
class Directory(rend.Page):
addSlash = True
docFactory = getxmlfile("directory.xhtml")
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
def __init__(self, dirnode, dirname):
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
self._dirnode = dirnode
self._dirname = dirname
2006-12-05 02:54:35 +00:00
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
if name.startswith("freeform"): # ick
return None
if self._dirname == "/":
dirname = "/" + name
dirname = self._dirname + "/" + name
d = self._dirnode.callRemote("get", name)
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
def _got_child(res):
if isinstance(res, str):
dl = get_downloader_service(ctx)
return Downloader(dl, name, res)
return Directory(res, dirname)
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
return d
def render_title(self, ctx, data):
return ctx.tag["Directory of '%s':" % self._dirname]
def render_header(self, ctx, data):
return "Directory of '%s':" % self._dirname
def data_children(self, ctx, data):
d = self._dirnode.callRemote("list")
return d
def render_row(self, ctx, data):
name, target = data
if isinstance(target, str):
# file
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
dlurl = urllib.quote(name)
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
ctx.fillSlots("type", "FILE")
2007-01-17 21:46:02 +00:00
uri = target
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
dl_uri_url = url.root.child("download_uri").child(uri)
# add a filename= query argument to give it a Content-Type
dl_uri_url = dl_uri_url.add("filename", name)
2007-01-17 02:55:53 +00:00
ctx.fillSlots("uri", T.a(href=dl_uri_url)[html.escape(uri)])
2006-12-05 02:27:38 +00:00
# this creates a button which will cause our child__delete method
# to be invoked, which deletes the file and then redirects the
# browser back to this directory
del_url = url.here.child("_delete")
2007-01-17 21:46:02 +00:00
#del_url = del_url.add("uri", target)
2006-12-05 02:27:38 +00:00
del_url = del_url.add("name", name)
delete = T.form(action=del_url, method="post")[
T.input(type='submit', value='del', name="del"),
ctx.fillSlots("delete", delete)
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
# directory
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
subdir_url = urllib.quote(name)
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
ctx.fillSlots("type", "DIR")
2007-01-17 02:55:53 +00:00
ctx.fillSlots("uri", "-")
2006-12-05 02:27:38 +00:00
ctx.fillSlots("delete", "-")
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
return ctx.tag
2006-12-04 12:15:36 +00:00
def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
return webform.renderForms()
2006-12-05 01:49:24 +00:00
def bind_upload(self, ctx):
# Note: this comment is no longer accurate, as it reflects the older
# (apparently deprecated) formless.autocallable /
# annotate.TypedInterface approach.
# Each method gets a box. The string in the autocallable(action=)
# argument is put on the border of the box, as well as in the submit
# button. The top-most contents of the box are the method's
# docstring, if any. Each row contains a string for the argument
# followed by the argument's input box. If you do not provide an
# action= argument to autocallable, the method name is capitalized
# and used instead.
up = annotate.FileUpload(label="Choose a file to upload: ",
requiredFailMessage="Do iT!")
contentsarg = annotate.Argument("contents", up)
ctxarg = annotate.Argument("ctx", annotate.Context())
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
meth = annotate.Method(arguments=[contentsarg, ctxarg],
label="Upload File to this directory")
return annotate.MethodBinding("upload", meth, action="Upload")
2006-12-05 01:49:24 +00:00
2006-12-04 12:15:36 +00:00
def upload(self, contents, ctx):
# contents is a cgi.FieldStorage instance
log.msg("starting webish upload")
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
uploader = get_uploader_service(ctx)
2006-12-04 12:15:36 +00:00
d = uploader.upload(upload.Data(contents.value))
name = contents.filename
d.addCallback(lambda vid:
self._dirnode.callRemote("add_file", name, vid))
def _done(res):
log.msg("webish upload complete")
return res
return d
return url.here.add("results",
"upload of '%s' complete!" % contents.filename)
2006-12-05 01:49:24 +00:00
def bind_mkdir(self, ctx):
"""Make new directory 1"""
namearg = annotate.Argument("name",
annotate.String("New directory name: "))
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
meth = annotate.Method(arguments=[namearg], label="Make New Subdirectory")
return annotate.MethodBinding("mkdir", meth, action="Create Directory")
2006-12-05 01:49:24 +00:00
2006-12-04 19:03:29 +00:00
def mkdir(self, name):
2006-12-05 01:49:24 +00:00
2006-12-04 19:03:29 +00:00
log.msg("making new webish directory")
d = self._dirnode.callRemote("add_directory", name)
def _done(res):
log.msg("webish mkdir complete")
return res
return d
2006-12-05 02:27:38 +00:00
def child__delete(self, ctx):
# perform the delete, then redirect back to the directory page
args = inevow.IRequest(ctx).args
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
vdrive = get_vdrive_service(ctx)
2006-12-05 02:27:38 +00:00
d = vdrive.remove(self._dirnode, args["name"][0])
def _deleted(res):
return url.here.up()
return d
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
class WebDownloadTarget:
def __init__(self, req):
self._req = req
def open(self):
def write(self, data):
def close(self):
def fail(self):
def register_canceller(self, cb):
def finish(self):
class TypedFile(static.File):
# serve data from a named file, but using a Content-Type derived from a
# different filename
isLeaf = True
def __init__(self, path, requested_filename):
static.File.__init__(self, path)
gte = static.getTypeAndEncoding
self.type, self.encoding = gte(requested_filename,
class Downloader(resource.Resource):
2007-01-17 02:43:13 +00:00
def __init__(self, downloader, name, uri):
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
self._downloader = downloader
self._name = name
2007-01-17 02:43:13 +00:00
self._uri = uri
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
def render(self, ctx):
req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
gte = static.getTypeAndEncoding
type, encoding = gte(self._name,
req.setHeader("content-type", type)
if encoding:
req.setHeader('content-encoding', encoding)
t = WebDownloadTarget(req)
#dl = IDownloader(ctx)
dl = self._downloader
2007-01-17 02:43:13 +00:00
dl.download(self._uri, t)
2006-12-04 11:06:09 +00:00
return server.NOT_DONE_YET
2006-12-04 12:15:36 +00:00
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
class Root(rend.Page):
def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
if segments[0] == "download_uri":
req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
dl = get_downloader_service(ctx)
filename = "unknown_filename"
if "filename" in req.args:
filename = req.args["filename"][0]
if len(segments) > 1:
# http://host/download_uri/URIGOESHERE
2007-01-17 21:46:02 +00:00
uri = segments[1]
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
elif "uri" in req.args:
# http://host/download_uri?uri=URIGOESHERE
2007-01-17 21:46:02 +00:00
uri = req.args["uri"][0]
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
return rend.NotFound
2007-01-17 21:46:02 +00:00
child = Downloader(dl, filename, uri)
2006-12-07 21:48:37 +00:00
return child, ()
return rend.Page.locateChild(self, ctx, segments)
child_webform_css = webform.defaultCSS
child_welcome = Welcome()
class WebishServer(service.MultiService):
name = "webish"
def __init__(self, webport):
self.root = Root()
placeholder = static.Data("sorry, still initializing", "text/plain")
self.root.putChild("vdrive", placeholder)
self.root.putChild("", url.here.child("welcome"))#Welcome())
self.site = site = appserver.NevowSite(self.root)
s = strports.service(webport, site)
self.listener = s # stash it so the tests can query for the portnum
def startService(self):
# to make various services available to render_* methods, we stash a
# reference to the client on the NevowSite. This will be available by
# adapting the 'context' argument to a special marker interface named
# IClient.
self.site.remember(self.parent, IClient)
# I thought you could do the same with an existing interface, but
# apparently 'ISite' does not exist
#self.site._client = self.parent
def set_root_dirnode(self, dirnode):
self.root.putChild("vdrive", Directory(dirnode, "/"))
# I tried doing it this way and for some reason it didn't seem to work
#print "REMEMBERING", self.site, dl, IDownloader
#self.site.remember(dl, IDownloader)
2006-12-07 21:58:23 +00:00