2007-08-16 19:15:38 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re, sys
2007-08-17 00:47:52 +00:00
from twisted.web2 import stream
from twisted.web2.client.http import HTTPClientProtocol, ClientRequest
2007-08-16 19:15:38 +00:00
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, protocol
def _put(serverurl, vdrive, vdrive_fname, local_fname, verbosity):
@param verbosity: 0, 1, or 2, meaning quiet, verbose, or very verbose
@return: a Deferred which eventually fires with the exit code
mo = SERVERURL_RE.match(serverurl)
if not mo:
raise ValueError("serverurl is required to look like \"http://HOSTNAMEORADDR:PORT\"")
host = mo.group(1)
port = int(mo.group(3))
d = defer.Deferred()
url = "/vdrive/" + vdrive + "/"
if vdrive_fname:
url += vdrive_fname
if local_fname is None or local_fname == "-":
infileobj = sys.stdin
infileobj = open(local_fname, "rb")
2007-08-17 00:47:52 +00:00
instream = stream.FileStream(infileobj)
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2007-08-17 00:47:52 +00:00
d2 = protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, HTTPClientProtocol).connectTCP(host, port)
2007-08-16 19:15:38 +00:00
def got_resp(resp):
# If this isn't a 200 or 201, then write out the response data and
# exit with resp.code as our exit value.
if resp.code not in (200, 201,):
def writeit(data):
def exit(dummy):
2007-08-17 00:47:52 +00:00
return stream.readStream(resp.stream, writeit).addCallback(exit)
2007-08-16 19:15:38 +00:00
# If we are in quiet mode, then just exit with the resp.code.
if verbosity == 0:
# Else, this is a successful request and we are not in quiet mode:
uribuffer = []
def gather_uri(data):
def output_result(thingie):
uri = ''.join(uribuffer)
outbuf = []
if resp.code == 200:
outbuf.append("200 (OK); ")
elif resp.code == 201:
outbuf.append("201 (Created); ")
if verbosity == 2:
if resp.code == 200:
outbuf.append("modified existing mapping in vdrive %s of name %s to point to " % (vdrive, vdrive_fname,))
elif resp.code == 201:
outbuf.append("created new mapping in vdrive %s of name %s to point to " % (vdrive, vdrive_fname,))
outbuf.append("URI: %s" % (uri,))
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2007-08-16 19:15:38 +00:00
2007-08-17 00:47:52 +00:00
stream.readStream(resp.stream, gather_uri).addCallback(output_result)
2007-08-16 19:15:38 +00:00
def send_req(proto):
2007-08-17 00:47:52 +00:00
proto.submitRequest(ClientRequest('PUT', url, {}, instream)).addCallback(got_resp)
2007-08-16 19:15:38 +00:00
return d
def put(server, vdrive, vdrive_fname, local_fname, verbosity):
This starts the reactor, does the PUT command, waits for the result, stops
the reactor, and returns the exit code.
@param verbosity: 0, 1, or 2, meaning quiet, verbose, or very verbose
@return: the exit code
d = _put(server, vdrive, vdrive_fname, local_fname, verbosity)
exitcode = [ None ]
def exit(result):
exitcode[0] = result
return result
d.addCallbacks(exit, exit)
return exitcode[0]