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import os, re, weakref
from foolscap import Referenceable
from twisted.application import service
from zope.interface import implements
from allmydata.interfaces import RIStorageServer, RIBucketWriter, \
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
from allmydata import interfaces
from allmydata.util import bencode, fileutil, idlib
2007-04-18 17:43:33 +00:00
from allmydata.util.assertutil import precondition
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
# store/
# store/incoming # temp dirs named $STORAGEINDEX/$SHARENUM which will be moved to store/$STORAGEINDEX/$SHARENUM on success
# store/$STORAGEINDEX/$SHARENUM/blocksize
# store/$STORAGEINDEX/$SHARENUM/blockhashes
# store/$STORAGEINDEX/$SHARENUM/sharehashtree
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
# $SHARENUM matches this regex:
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
class BucketWriter(Referenceable):
def __init__(self, ss, incominghome, finalhome, blocksize, sharesize):
self.ss = ss
self.incominghome = incominghome
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
self.finalhome = finalhome
self.blocksize = blocksize
self.sharesize = sharesize
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
self.closed = False
self._next_segnum = 0
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
self._write_file('blocksize', str(blocksize))
def allocated_size(self):
return self.sharesize
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def _write_file(self, fname, data):
open(os.path.join(self.incominghome, fname), 'wb').write(data)
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def remote_put_block(self, segmentnum, data):
precondition(not self.closed)
# all blocks but the last will be of size self.blocksize, however the
# last one may be short, and we don't know the total number of
# segments so we can't tell which is which.
assert len(data) <= self.blocksize
assert segmentnum == self._next_segnum # must write in sequence
self._next_segnum = segmentnum + 1
f = fileutil.open_or_create(os.path.join(self.incominghome, 'data'))
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def remote_put_plaintext_hashes(self, hashes):
precondition(not self.closed)
# TODO: verify the length of blockhashes.
# TODO: tighten foolscap schema to require exactly 32 bytes.
self._write_file('plaintext_hashes', ''.join(hashes))
def remote_put_crypttext_hashes(self, hashes):
precondition(not self.closed)
# TODO: verify the length of blockhashes.
# TODO: tighten foolscap schema to require exactly 32 bytes.
self._write_file('crypttext_hashes', ''.join(hashes))
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def remote_put_block_hashes(self, blockhashes):
precondition(not self.closed)
# TODO: verify the length of blockhashes.
# TODO: tighten foolscap schema to require exactly 32 bytes.
self._write_file('blockhashes', ''.join(blockhashes))
def remote_put_share_hashes(self, sharehashes):
precondition(not self.closed)
self._write_file('sharehashes', bencode.bencode(sharehashes))
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
2007-06-08 22:59:16 +00:00
def remote_put_uri_extension(self, data):
precondition(not self.closed)
2007-06-08 22:59:16 +00:00
self._write_file('uri_extension', data)
def remote_close(self):
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
precondition(not self.closed)
# TODO assert or check the completeness and consistency of the data that has been written
fileutil.rename(self.incominghome, self.finalhome)
except OSError:
# Perhaps the directory wasn't empty. In any case, ignore the error.
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
self.closed = True
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def str2l(s):
""" split string (pulled from storage) into a list of blockids """
return [ s[i:i+interfaces.HASH_SIZE] for i in range(0, len(s), interfaces.HASH_SIZE) ]
class BucketReader(Referenceable):
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def __init__(self, home):
self.home = home
self.blocksize = int(self._read_file('blocksize'))
def _read_file(self, fname):
return open(os.path.join(self.home, fname), 'rb').read()
def remote_get_block(self, blocknum):
f = open(os.path.join(self.home, 'data'), 'rb')
f.seek(self.blocksize * blocknum)
return f.read(self.blocksize) # this might be short for the last block
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def remote_get_plaintext_hashes(self):
return str2l(self._read_file('plaintext_hashes'))
def remote_get_crypttext_hashes(self):
return str2l(self._read_file('crypttext_hashes'))
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def remote_get_block_hashes(self):
return str2l(self._read_file('blockhashes'))
def remote_get_share_hashes(self):
hashes = bencode.bdecode(self._read_file('sharehashes'))
# tuples come through bdecode(bencode()) as lists, which violates the
# schema
return [tuple(i) for i in hashes]
2007-06-08 22:59:16 +00:00
def remote_get_uri_extension(self):
return self._read_file('uri_extension')
class StorageServer(service.MultiService, Referenceable):
name = 'storageserver'
def __init__(self, storedir, sizelimit=None):
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
self.storedir = storedir
self.sizelimit = sizelimit
self.incomingdir = os.path.join(storedir, 'incoming')
self._active_writers = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def _clean_incomplete(self):
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
def measure_size(self):
self.consumed = fileutil.du(self.storedir)
def allocated_size(self):
space = self.consumed
for bw in self._active_writers:
space += bw.allocated_size()
return space
def remote_allocate_buckets(self, storage_index, sharenums, sharesize,
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
blocksize, canary):
alreadygot = set()
bucketwriters = {} # k: shnum, v: BucketWriter
si_s = idlib.b2a(storage_index)
space_per_bucket = sharesize
no_limits = self.sizelimit is None
yes_limits = not no_limits
if yes_limits:
remaining_space = self.sizelimit - self.allocated_size()
for shnum in sharenums:
incominghome = os.path.join(self.incomingdir, si_s, "%d" % shnum)
finalhome = os.path.join(self.storedir, si_s, "%d" % shnum)
if os.path.exists(incominghome) or os.path.exists(finalhome):
elif no_limits or remaining_space >= space_per_bucket:
bw = BucketWriter(self, incominghome, finalhome,
blocksize, space_per_bucket)
bucketwriters[shnum] = bw
self._active_writers[bw] = 1
if yes_limits:
remaining_space -= space_per_bucket
# not enough space to accept this bucket
return alreadygot, bucketwriters
def bucket_writer_closed(self, bw):
self.consumed += bw.allocated_size()
del self._active_writers[bw]
def remote_get_buckets(self, storage_index):
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
bucketreaders = {} # k: sharenum, v: BucketReader
storagedir = os.path.join(self.storedir, idlib.b2a(storage_index))
for f in os.listdir(storagedir):
if NUM_RE.match(f):
br = BucketReader(os.path.join(storagedir, f))
bucketreaders[int(f)] = br
except OSError:
# Commonly caused by there being no buckets at all.
2007-03-30 03:19:52 +00:00
return bucketreaders