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from twisted.trial import unittest
2007-06-26 15:36:46 -07:00
from cStringIO import StringIO
from twisted.python import usage, runtime
from twisted.internet import defer
import os.path, re
from allmydata.scripts import runner
from allmydata.util import fileutil, testutil
class CreateNode(unittest.TestCase):
def workdir(self, name):
basedir = os.path.join("test_runner", "CreateNode", name)
return basedir
def test_client(self):
basedir = self.workdir("test_client")
c1 = os.path.join(basedir, "c1")
argv = ["--quiet", "create-client", "--basedir", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failUnlessEqual(err.getvalue(), "")
self.failUnlessEqual(out.getvalue(), "")
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(c1, "tahoe-client.tac")))
# creating the client a second time should throw an exception
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failIfEqual(rc, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(out.getvalue(), "")
self.failUnless("is not empty." in err.getvalue())
# Fail if there is a line that doesn't end with a PUNCTUATION MARK.
self.failIf(re.search("[^\.!?]\n", err.getvalue()), err.getvalue())
c2 = os.path.join(basedir, "c2")
argv = ["--quiet", "create-client", c2]
self.failUnless(os.path.exists(os.path.join(c2, "tahoe-client.tac")))
["create-client", "basedir", "extraarg"],
def test_introducer(self):
basedir = self.workdir("test_introducer")
c1 = os.path.join(basedir, "c1")
argv = ["--quiet", "create-introducer", "--basedir", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failUnlessEqual(err.getvalue(), "")
self.failUnlessEqual(out.getvalue(), "")
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
# creating the introducer a second time should throw an exception
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failIfEqual(rc, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(out.getvalue(), "")
self.failUnless("is not empty" in err.getvalue())
# Fail if there is a line that doesn't end with a PUNCTUATION MARK.
self.failIf(re.search("[^\.!?]\n", err.getvalue()), err.getvalue())
c2 = os.path.join(basedir, "c2")
argv = ["--quiet", "create-introducer", c2]
["create-introducer", "basedir", "extraarg"],
def test_subcommands(self):
class RunNode(unittest.TestCase, testutil.PollMixin):
def workdir(self, name):
basedir = os.path.join("test_runner", "RunNode", name)
return basedir
def test_introducer(self):
if runtime.platformType == "win32":
# twistd on windows doesn't daemonize. cygwin works normally.
raise unittest.SkipTest("twistd does not fork under windows")
basedir = self.workdir("test_introducer")
c1 = os.path.join(basedir, "c1")
argv = ["--quiet", "create-introducer", "--basedir", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
# by writing this file, we get ten seconds before the node will
# exit. This insures that even if the test fails (and the 'stop'
# command doesn't work), the client should still terminate.
HOTLINE_FILE = os.path.join(c1, "suicide_prevention_hotline")
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
# now it's safe to start the node
TWISTD_PID_FILE = os.path.join(c1, "twistd.pid")
d = defer.succeed(None)
def _start(res):
argv = ["--quiet", "start", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
outs = out.getvalue() ; errs = err.getvalue()
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc, outs, errs)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(outs, "", errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(errs, "", errstr)
# the parent (twistd) has exited. However, twistd writes the pid
# from the child, not the parent, so we can't expect twistd.pid
# to exist quite yet.
# the node is running, but it might not have made it past the
# first reactor turn yet, and if we kill it too early, it won't
# remove the twistd.pid file. So wait until it does something
# that we know it won't do until after the first turn.
INTRODUCER_FURL_FILE = os.path.join(c1, "introducer.furl")
def _node_has_started():
return os.path.exists(INTRODUCER_FURL_FILE)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_started))
def _started(res):
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
# rm this so we can detect when the second incarnation is ready
argv = ["--quiet", "restart", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
outs = out.getvalue() ; errs = err.getvalue()
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc, outs, errs)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(outs, "", errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(errs, "", errstr)
# again, the second incarnation of the node might not be ready yet,
# so poll until it is
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_started))
# now we can kill it. TODO: On a slow machine, the node might kill
# itself before we get a chance too, especially if spawning the
# 'tahoe stop' command takes a while.
def _stop(res):
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
argv = ["--quiet", "stop", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
# the parent has exited by now
outs = out.getvalue() ; errs = err.getvalue()
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc, outs, errs)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(outs, "", errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(errs, "", errstr)
# the parent was supposed to poll and wait until it sees
# twistd.pid go away before it exits, so twistd.pid should be
# gone by now.
def _remove_hotline(res):
return res
return d
def test_client(self):
if runtime.platformType == "win32":
# twistd on windows doesn't daemonize. cygwin works normally.
raise unittest.SkipTest("twistd does not fork under windows")
basedir = self.workdir("test_client")
c1 = os.path.join(basedir, "c1")
argv = ["--quiet", "create-client", "--basedir", c1, "--webport", "0"]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0)
# by writing this file, we get ten seconds before the client will
# exit. This insures that even if the test fails (and the 'stop'
# command doesn't work), the client should still terminate.
HOTLINE_FILE = os.path.join(c1, "suicide_prevention_hotline")
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
open(os.path.join(c1, "introducer.furl"), "w").write("pb://xrndsskn2zuuian5ltnxrte7lnuqdrkz@\n")
# now it's safe to start the node
TWISTD_PID_FILE = os.path.join(c1, "twistd.pid")
d = defer.succeed(None)
def _start(res):
argv = ["--quiet", "start", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
outs = out.getvalue() ; errs = err.getvalue()
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc, outs, errs)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(outs, "", errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(errs, "", errstr)
# the parent (twistd) has exited. However, twistd writes the pid
# from the child, not the parent, so we can't expect twistd.pid
# to exist quite yet.
# the node is running, but it might not have made it past the
# first reactor turn yet, and if we kill it too early, it won't
# remove the twistd.pid file. So wait until it does something
# that we know it won't do until after the first turn.
PORTNUMFILE = os.path.join(c1, "client.port")
def _node_has_started():
return os.path.exists(PORTNUMFILE)
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_started))
def _started(res):
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
# rm this so we can detect when the second incarnation is ready
argv = ["--quiet", "restart", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
outs = out.getvalue() ; errs = err.getvalue()
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc, outs, errs)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(outs, "", errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(errs, "", errstr)
# again, the second incarnation of the node might not be ready yet,
# so poll until it is
d.addCallback(lambda res: self.poll(_node_has_started))
# now we can kill it. TODO: On a slow machine, the node might kill
# itself before we get a chance too, especially if spawning the
# 'tahoe stop' command takes a while.
def _stop(res):
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
argv = ["--quiet", "stop", c1]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
open(HOTLINE_FILE, "w").write("")
# the parent has exited by now
outs = out.getvalue() ; errs = err.getvalue()
errstr = "rc=%d, OUT: '%s', ERR: '%s'" % (rc, outs, errs)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 0, errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(outs, "", errstr)
self.failUnlessEqual(errs, "", errstr)
# the parent was supposed to poll and wait until it sees
# twistd.pid go away before it exits, so twistd.pid should be
# gone by now.
def _remove_hotline(res):
return res
return d
def test_baddir(self):
basedir = self.workdir("test_baddir")
argv = ["--quiet", "start", "--basedir", basedir]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 1)
self.failUnless("does not look like a node directory" in err.getvalue())
argv = ["--quiet", "stop", "--basedir", basedir]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 2)
self.failUnless("does not look like a running node directory"
in err.getvalue())
not_a_dir = os.path.join(basedir, "bogus")
argv = ["--quiet", "start", "--basedir", not_a_dir]
out,err = StringIO(), StringIO()
rc = runner.runner(argv, stdout=out, stderr=err)
self.failUnlessEqual(rc, 1)
self.failUnless("does not look like a directory at all"
in err.getvalue(), err.getvalue())