2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
import os, struct, itertools
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer
2007-11-02 06:46:47 +00:00
from allmydata.interfaces import IMutableFileNode, IMutableFileURI
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
from allmydata.util import hashutil, mathutil
2007-11-02 06:46:47 +00:00
from allmydata.uri import WriteableSSKFileURI
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
from allmydata.Crypto.Cipher import AES
from allmydata import hashtree, codec
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
from allmydata.encode import NotEnoughPeersError
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
2007-11-03 05:28:31 +00:00
class NeedMoreDataError(Exception):
def __init__(self, needed_bytes):
self.needed_bytes = needed_bytes
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
class UncoordinatedWriteError(Exception):
2007-11-03 05:28:31 +00:00
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
HEADER_LENGTH = struct.calcsize(">BQ32s BBQQ LLLLLQQ")
def unpack_share(data):
assert len(data) >= HEADER_LENGTH
o = {}
k, N, segsize, datalen,
o['EOF']) = struct.unpack(">BQ32s" + "BBQQ" + "LLLLLQQ",
assert version == 0
if len(data) < o['EOF']:
raise NeedMoreDataError(o['EOF'])
pubkey = data[HEADER_LENGTH:o['signature']]
signature = data[o['signature']:o['share_hash_chain']]
share_hash_chain_s = data[o['share_hash_chain']:o['block_hash_tree']]
share_hash_format = ">H32s"
hsize = struct.calcsize(share_hash_format)
assert len(share_hash_chain_s) % hsize == 0, len(share_hash_chain_s)
share_hash_chain = []
for i in range(0, len(share_hash_chain_s), hsize):
chunk = share_hash_chain_s[i:i+hsize]
(hid, h) = struct.unpack(share_hash_format, chunk)
share_hash_chain.append( (hid, h) )
block_hash_tree_s = data[o['block_hash_tree']:o['IV']]
assert len(block_hash_tree_s) % 32 == 0, len(block_hash_tree_s)
block_hash_tree = []
for i in range(0, len(block_hash_tree_s), 32):
IV = data[o['IV']:o['share_data']]
share_data = data[o['share_data']:o['enc_privkey']]
enc_privkey = data[o['enc_privkey']:o['EOF']]
return (seqnum, root_hash, k, N, segsize, datalen,
pubkey, signature, share_hash_chain, block_hash_tree,
IV, share_data, enc_privkey)
def pack_checkstring(seqnum, root_hash):
return struct.pack(">BQ32s",
0, # version,
def unpack_checkstring(checkstring):
cs_len = struct.calcsize(">BQ32s")
version, seqnum, root_hash = struct.unpack(">BQ32s",
assert version == 0 # TODO: just ignore the share
return (seqnum, root_hash)
def pack_prefix(seqnum, root_hash,
required_shares, total_shares,
segment_size, data_length):
prefix = struct.pack(">BQ32s" + "BBQQ",
0, # version,
return prefix
def pack_offsets(verification_key_length, signature_length,
share_hash_chain_length, block_hash_tree_length,
IV_length, share_data_length, encprivkey_length):
post_offset = HEADER_LENGTH
offsets = {}
o1 = offsets['signature'] = post_offset + verification_key_length
o2 = offsets['share_hash_chain'] = o1 + signature_length
o3 = offsets['block_hash_tree'] = o2 + share_hash_chain_length
assert IV_length == 16
o4 = offsets['IV'] = o3 + block_hash_tree_length
o5 = offsets['share_data'] = o4 + IV_length
o6 = offsets['enc_privkey'] = o5 + share_data_length
o7 = offsets['EOF'] = o6 + encprivkey_length
return struct.pack(">LLLLLQQ",
2007-11-03 05:28:31 +00:00
# use client.create_mutable_file() to make one of these
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
class MutableFileNode:
def __init__(self, client):
self._client = client
self._pubkey = None # filled in upon first read
self._privkey = None # filled in if we're mutable
2007-11-03 05:59:02 +00:00
self._sharemap = {} # known shares, shnum-to-[nodeids]
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
self._current_data = None # SDMF: we're allowed to cache the contents
self._current_roothash = None # ditto
self._current_seqnum = None # ditto
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
def init_from_uri(self, myuri):
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
# we have the URI, but we have not yet retrieved the public
# verification key, nor things like 'k' or 'N'. If and when someone
# wants to get our contents, we'll pull from shares and fill those
# in.
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
self._uri = IMutableFileURI(myuri)
2007-11-06 04:51:08 +00:00
self._writekey = self._uri.writekey
self._readkey = self._uri.readkey
self._storage_index = self._uri.storage_index
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
return self
def create(self, initial_contents):
"""Call this when the filenode is first created. This will generate
the keys, generate the initial shares, allocate shares, and upload
the initial contents. Returns a Deferred that fires (with the
MutableFileNode instance you should use) when it completes.
self._privkey = "very private"
self._pubkey = "public"
self._writekey = hashutil.ssk_writekey_hash(self._privkey)
self._fingerprint = hashutil.ssk_pubkey_fingerprint_hash(self._pubkey)
self._uri = WriteableSSKFileURI(self._writekey, self._fingerprint)
d = defer.succeed(None)
return d
2007-11-06 04:51:08 +00:00
def get_write_enabler(self, nodeid):
return hashutil.ssk_write_enabler_hash(self._writekey, nodeid)
def get_renewal_secret(self, nodeid):
crs = self._client.get_renewal_secret()
frs = hashutil.file_renewal_secret_hash(crs, self._storage_index)
return hashutil.bucket_renewal_secret_hash(frs, nodeid)
def get_cancel_secret(self, nodeid):
ccs = self._client.get_cancel_secret()
fcs = hashutil.file_cancel_secret_hash(ccs, self._storage_index)
return hashutil.bucket_cancel_secret_hash(fcs, nodeid)
def get_writekey(self):
return self._writekey
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
def get_uri(self):
return self._uri.to_string()
def is_mutable(self):
return self._uri.is_mutable()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.__class__, self.uri))
def __cmp__(self, them):
if cmp(type(self), type(them)):
return cmp(type(self), type(them))
if cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__):
return cmp(self.__class__, them.__class__)
return cmp(self.uri, them.uri)
def get_verifier(self):
2007-11-02 01:35:54 +00:00
return IMutableFileURI(self._uri).get_verifier()
2007-11-01 22:15:29 +00:00
def check(self):
verifier = self.get_verifier()
return self._client.getServiceNamed("checker").check(verifier)
def download(self, target):
#downloader = self._client.getServiceNamed("downloader")
#return downloader.download(self.uri, target)
raise NotImplementedError
def download_to_data(self):
#downloader = self._client.getServiceNamed("downloader")
#return downloader.download_to_data(self.uri)
return defer.succeed("this isn't going to fool you, is it")
def replace(self, newdata):
return defer.succeed(None)
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
class Retrieve:
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
def __init__(self, filenode):
self._node = filenode
class DictOfSets(dict):
def add(self, key, value):
if key in self:
self[key] = set([value])
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
class Publish:
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
"""I represent a single act of publishing the mutable file to the grid."""
def __init__(self, filenode):
self._node = filenode
def publish(self, newdata):
"""Publish the filenode's current contents. Returns a Deferred that
fires (with None) when the publish has done as much work as it's ever
going to do, or errbacks with ConsistencyError if it detects a
simultaneous write."""
# 1: generate shares (SDMF: files are small, so we can do it in RAM)
# 2: perform peer selection, get candidate servers
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
# 2a: send queries to n+epsilon servers, to determine current shares
# 2b: based upon responses, create target map
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
# 3: send slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev messages
# 4: as responses return, update share-dispatch table
# 4a: may need to run recovery algorithm
# 5: when enough responses are back, we're done
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
old_roothash = self._node._current_roothash
old_seqnum = self._node._current_seqnum
readkey = self._node.readkey
required_shares = self._node.required_shares
total_shares = self._node.total_shares
privkey = self._node.privkey
pubkey = self._node.pubkey
d = defer.succeed(newdata)
d.addCallback(self._encrypt_and_encode, readkey,
required_shares, total_shares)
d.addCallback(self._generate_shares, old_seqnum+1,
privkey, self._encprivkey, pubkey)
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
d.addCallback(self._query_peers, total_shares)
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
d.addCallback(lambda res: None)
return d
def _encrypt_and_encode(self, newdata, readkey,
required_shares, total_shares):
IV = os.urandom(16)
key = hashutil.ssk_readkey_data_hash(IV, readkey)
enc = AES.new(key=key, mode=AES.MODE_CTR, counterstart="\x00"*16)
crypttext = enc.encrypt(newdata)
# now apply FEC
self.MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE = 1024*1024
segment_size = min(self.MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE, len(crypttext))
# this must be a multiple of self.required_shares
segment_size = mathutil.next_multiple(segment_size,
self.num_segments = mathutil.div_ceil(len(crypttext), segment_size)
assert self.num_segments == 1 # SDMF restrictions
fec = codec.CRSEncoder()
fec.set_params(segment_size, required_shares, total_shares)
piece_size = fec.get_block_size()
crypttext_pieces = []
for offset in range(0, len(crypttext), piece_size):
piece = crypttext[offset:offset+piece_size]
if len(piece) < piece_size:
pad_size = piece_size - len(piece)
piece = piece + "\x00"*pad_size
assert len(piece) == piece_size
d = fec.encode(crypttext_pieces)
d.addCallback(lambda shares:
(shares, required_shares, total_shares,
segment_size, len(crypttext), IV) )
return d
def _generate_shares(self, (shares_and_shareids,
required_shares, total_shares,
segment_size, data_length, IV),
seqnum, privkey, encprivkey, pubkey):
(shares, share_ids) = shares_and_shareids
assert len(shares) == len(share_ids)
assert len(shares) == total_shares
all_shares = {}
block_hash_trees = {}
share_hash_leaves = [None] * len(shares)
for i in range(len(shares)):
share_data = shares[i]
shnum = share_ids[i]
all_shares[shnum] = share_data
# build the block hash tree. SDMF has only one leaf.
leaves = [hashutil.block_hash(share_data)]
t = hashtree.HashTree(leaves)
block_hash_trees[shnum] = block_hash_tree = list(t)
share_hash_leaves[shnum] = t[0]
for leaf in share_hash_leaves:
assert leaf is not None
share_hash_tree = hashtree.HashTree(share_hash_leaves)
share_hash_chain = {}
for shnum in range(total_shares):
needed_hashes = share_hash_tree.needed_hashes(shnum)
share_hash_chain[shnum] = dict( [ (i, share_hash_tree[i])
for i in needed_hashes ] )
root_hash = share_hash_tree[0]
assert len(root_hash) == 32
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
prefix = pack_prefix(seqnum, root_hash,
required_shares, total_shares,
segment_size, data_length)
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
# now pack the beginning of the share. All shares are the same up
# to the signature, then they have divergent share hash chains,
# then completely different block hash trees + IV + share data,
# then they all share the same encprivkey at the end. The sizes
# of everything are the same for all shares.
signature = privkey.sign(prefix)
verification_key = pubkey.serialize()
final_shares = {}
for shnum in range(total_shares):
shc = share_hash_chain[shnum]
share_hash_chain_s = "".join([struct.pack(">H32s", i, shc[i])
for i in sorted(shc.keys())])
bht = block_hash_trees[shnum]
for h in bht:
assert len(h) == 32
block_hash_tree_s = "".join(bht)
share_data = all_shares[shnum]
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
offsets = pack_offsets(len(verification_key),
2007-11-03 03:51:39 +00:00
final_shares[shnum] = "".join([prefix,
return (seqnum, root_hash, final_shares)
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
def _query_peers(self, (seqnum, root_hash, final_shares), total_shares):
2007-11-03 05:59:02 +00:00
self._new_seqnum = seqnum
self._new_root_hash = root_hash
self._new_shares = final_shares
storage_index = self._node._uri.storage_index
peerlist = self._node._client.get_permuted_peers(storage_index,
# we don't include ourselves in the N peers, but we *do* push an
# extra copy of share[0] to ourselves so we're more likely to have
# the signing key around later. This way, even if all the servers die
# and the directory contents are unrecoverable, at least we can still
# push out a new copy with brand-new contents.
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
current_share_peers = DictOfSets()
reachable_peers = {}
EPSILON = total_shares / 2
partial_peerlist = itertools.islice(peerlist, total_shares + EPSILON)
peer_storage_servers = {}
dl = []
for (permutedid, peerid, conn) in partial_peerlist:
d = self._do_query(conn, peerid, peer_storage_servers)
peerid, permutedid,
reachable_peers, current_share_peers)
d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
total_shares, reachable_peers, seqnum,
current_share_peers, peer_storage_servers)
# TODO: add an errback to, probably to ignore that peer
return d
2007-11-03 05:59:02 +00:00
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
def _do_query(self, conn, peerid, peer_storage_servers):
d = conn.callRemote("get_service", "storageserver")
def _got_storageserver(ss):
peer_storage_servers[peerid] = ss
return ss.callRemote("readv_slots", [(0, 2000)])
return d
def _got_query_results(self, datavs, peerid, permutedid,
reachable_peers, current_share_peers):
assert isinstance(datavs, dict)
reachable_peers[peerid] = permutedid
for shnum, datav in datavs.items():
assert len(datav) == 1
data = datav[0]
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
r = unpack_share(data)
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
share = (shnum, r[0], r[1]) # shnum,seqnum,R
current_share_peers[shnum].add( (peerid, r[0], r[1]) )
def _got_all_query_results(self, res,
total_shares, reachable_peers, new_seqnum,
current_share_peers, peer_storage_servers):
# now that we know everything about the shares currently out there,
# decide where to place the new shares.
# if an old share X is on a node, put the new share X there too.
# TODO: 1: redistribute shares to achieve one-per-peer, by copying
# shares from existing peers to new (less-crowded) ones. The
# old shares must still be updated.
# TODO: 2: move those shares instead of copying them, to reduce future
# update work
shares_needing_homes = range(total_shares)
target_map = DictOfSets() # maps shnum to set((peerid,oldseqnum,oldR))
shares_per_peer = DictOfSets()
for shnum in range(total_shares):
for oldplace in current_share_peers.get(shnum, []):
(peerid, seqnum, R) = oldplace
if seqnum >= new_seqnum:
raise UncoordinatedWriteError()
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
target_map.add(shnum, oldplace)
2007-11-05 07:38:07 +00:00
shares_per_peer.add(peerid, shnum)
if shnum in shares_needing_homes:
# now choose homes for the remaining shares. We prefer peers with the
# fewest target shares, then peers with the lowest permuted index. If
# there are no shares already in place, this will assign them
# one-per-peer in the normal permuted order.
while shares_needing_homes:
if not reachable_peers:
raise NotEnoughPeersError("ran out of peers during upload")
shnum = shares_needing_homes.pop(0)
possible_homes = reachable_peers.keys()
possible_homes.sort(lambda a,b:
cmp( (len(shares_per_peer.get(a, [])),
(len(shares_per_peer.get(b, [])),
reachable_peers[b]) ))
target_peerid = possible_homes[0]
target_map.add(shnum, (target_peerid, None, None) )
shares_per_peer.add(target_peerid, shnum)
assert not shares_needing_homes
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
return (target_map, peer_storage_servers)
def _send_shares(self, (target_map, peer_storage_servers) ):
# we're finally ready to send out our shares. If we encounter any
# surprises here, it's because somebody else is writing at the same
# time. (Note: in the future, when we remove the _query_peers() step
# and instead speculate about [or remember] which shares are where,
# surprises here are *not* indications of UncoordinatedWriteError,
# and we'll need to respond to them more gracefully.
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
my_checkstring = pack_checkstring(self._new_seqnum,
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
peer_messages = {}
expected_old_shares = {}
for shnum, peers in target_map.items():
for (peerid, old_seqnum, old_root_hash) in peers:
testv = [(0, len(my_checkstring), "ge", my_checkstring)]
new_share = self._new_shares[shnum]
writev = [(0, new_share)]
if peerid not in peer_messages:
peer_messages[peerid] = {}
peer_messages[peerid][shnum] = (testv, writev, None)
if peerid not in expected_old_shares:
expected_old_shares[peerid] = {}
expected_old_shares[peerid][shnum] = (old_seqnum, old_root_hash)
read_vector = [(0, len(my_checkstring))]
dl = []
# ok, send the messages!
self._surprised = False
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
dispatch_map = DictOfSets()
2007-11-06 04:51:08 +00:00
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
for peerid, tw_vectors in peer_messages.items():
2007-11-06 04:51:08 +00:00
write_enabler = self._node.get_write_enabler(peerid)
renew_secret = self._node.get_renewal_secret(peerid)
cancel_secret = self._node.get_cancel_secret(peerid)
secrets = (write_enabler, renew_secret, cancel_secret)
d = self._do_testreadwrite(peerid, peer_storage_servers, secrets,
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
tw_vectors, read_vector)
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
d.addCallback(self._got_write_answer, tw_vectors, my_checkstring,
peerid, expected_old_shares[peerid], dispatch_map)
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
d = defer.DeferredList(dl)
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
d.addCallback(lambda res: (self._surprised, dispatch_map))
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
return d
2007-11-06 04:51:08 +00:00
def _do_testreadwrite(self, peerid, peer_storage_servers, secrets,
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
tw_vectors, read_vector):
conn = peer_storage_servers[peerid]
storage_index = self._node._uri.storage_index
d = conn.callRemote("slot_testv_and_readv_and_writev",
2007-11-06 04:51:08 +00:00
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
return d
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
def _got_write_answer(self, answer, tw_vectors, my_checkstring,
peerid, expected_old_shares,
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
wrote, read_data = answer
surprised = False
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
if not wrote:
# surprise! our testv failed, so the write did not happen
surprised = True
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
for shnum, (old_cs,) in read_data.items():
old_seqnum, old_root_hash = unpack_checkstring(old_cs)
if wrote and shnum in tw_vectors:
current_cs = my_checkstring
current_cs = old_cs
current_seqnum, current_root_hash = unpack_checkstring(current_cs)
dispatch_map.add(shnum, (peerid, current_seqnum, current_root_hash))
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
if shnum not in expected_old_shares:
# surprise! there was a share we didn't know about
surprised = True
seqnum, root_hash = expected_old_shares[shnum]
if seqnum is not None:
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
if seqnum != old_seqnum or root_hash != old_root_hash:
# surprise! somebody modified the share on us
2007-11-06 04:29:47 +00:00
surprised = True
if surprised:
self._surprised = True
2007-11-06 05:14:59 +00:00
def _maybe_recover(self, (surprised, dispatch_map)):
if not surprised:
# but dispatch_map will help us do it
raise UncoordinatedWriteError("I was surprised!")