import json import boto3 import zlib import base64 import datetime from email.utils import parsedate import os import config_handler TOPIC = config_handler.get("HAM_SNS","TOPIC") HELIUM_GW_VERSION = "2023.10.14" # Mappings between input (Helium) field names, and field names fed into SondeHub-Amateur FIELD_MAPPINGS = [ ['lat', 'lat'], ['lon', 'lon'], ['alt', 'alt'], ['latitude', 'lat'], ['longitude', 'lon'], ['altitude', 'alt'], ['sats', 'sats'], ['battery', 'batt'], ['batt', 'batt'], ['speed', 'speed'], ['heading', 'heading'], ['temp', 'temp'], ['temperature', 'temp'], ['ext_temperature', 'ext_temperature'], ['ext_pressure','ext_pressure'], ['pressure', 'ext_pressure'], ['ext_humidity','ext_humidity'], ['accel_x', 'accel_x'], ['accel_y', 'accel_y'], ['accel_z', 'accel_z'], ['gyro_x', 'gyro_x'], ['gyro_y', 'gyro_y'], ['gyro_z', 'gyro_z'], ['illuminance', 'illuminance'] ] def set_connection_header(request, operation_name, **kwargs): request.headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' sns = boto3.client("sns",region_name="us-east-1")'request-created.sns', set_connection_header) def post(payload): sns.publish( TopicArn=TOPIC, Message=json.dumps(payload) ) def upload_helium(event, context): if "isBase64Encoded" in event and event["isBase64Encoded"] == True: event["body"] = base64.b64decode(event["body"]) if ( "content-encoding" in event["headers"] and event["headers"]["content-encoding"] == "gzip" ): event["body"] = zlib.decompress(event["body"], 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) payloads = json.loads(event["body"]) to_sns = [] errors = [] warnings = [] # If only have one object, turn it into a single-entry list. if type(payloads) == dict: payloads = [payloads] # Iterate over list: for payload in payloads: try: telem = { 'software_name': 'SondeHub-Amateur Helium Gateway', 'software_version': HELIUM_GW_VERSION } # # Extract mandatory fields. # # Name -> Payload Callsign telem['payload_callsign'] = payload['name'] # Time telem['datetime'] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(payload["reported_at"]/1000.0).isoformat() + "Z" # Positional and other data telem_data = payload["decoded"]["payload"] # Work through all accepted field names and map them # into the output structure. for _field in FIELD_MAPPINGS: _input = _field[0] _output = _field[1] if _input in telem_data: telem[_output] = telem_data[_input] # Position field, required by OpenSearch # If lat/lon are not in the telemetry, then this will error telem["position"] = f'{telem["lat"]},{telem["lon"]}' # We also need altitude as a minimum if 'alt' not in telem: raise IOError("No altitude field") # Extract raw payload data, base64 telem["raw"] = payload["payload"] except Exception as e: errors.append({ "error_message": f"Error parsing telemetry data - {str(e)}", "payload": payload }) continue # Now iterate through the receiving stations for hotspot in payload['hotspots']: try: hotspot_telem = telem.copy() hotspot_telem['uploader_callsign'] = hotspot['name'] hotspot_telem['modulation'] = f"Helium ({hotspot['spreading']})" hotspot_telem['snr'] = hotspot['snr'] hotspot_telem['rssi'] = hotspot['rssi'] hotspot_telem['frequency'] = hotspot['frequency'] hotspot_telem['time_received'] = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(hotspot["reported_at"]/1000.0).isoformat() + "Z" try: hotspot_telem['uploader_position'] = f'{hotspot["lat"]},{hotspot["long"]}' hotspot_telem['uploader_alt'] = 0 except: pass to_sns.append(hotspot_telem) except Exception as e: errors.append({ "error_message": f"Error parsing hotspot data - {str(e)}", "payload": payload }) continue #print(to_sns) post(to_sns) return errors, warnings def upload_ttn(event, context): if "isBase64Encoded" in event and event["isBase64Encoded"] == True: event["body"] = base64.b64decode(event["body"]) if ( "content-encoding" in event["headers"] and event["headers"]["content-encoding"] == "gzip" ): event["body"] = zlib.decompress(event["body"], 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) payloads = json.loads(event["body"]) to_sns = [] errors = [] warnings = [] # If only have one object, turn it into a single-entry list. if type(payloads) == dict: payloads = [payloads] # Iterate over list: for payload in payloads: try: telem = { 'software_name': 'SondeHub-Amateur TTN Gateway', 'software_version': HELIUM_GW_VERSION } # # Extract mandatory fields. # # Name -> Payload Callsign telem['payload_callsign'] = payload['end_device_ids']['application_ids']['application_id'] # Time telem['datetime'] = payload['received_at'] # Positional and other data telem_data = payload["uplink_message"]["decoded_payload"] # Work through all accepted field names and map them # into the output structure. for _field in FIELD_MAPPINGS: _input = _field[0] _output = _field[1] if _input in telem_data: telem[_output] = telem_data[_input] # Position field, required by OpenSearch # If lat/lon are not in the telemetry, then this will error telem["position"] = f'{telem["lat"]},{telem["lon"]}' # We also need altitude as a minimum if 'alt' not in telem: raise IOError("No altitude field") # Extract raw payload data, base64 telem["raw"] = payload["uplink_message"]["frm_payload"] except Exception as e: errors.append({ "error_message": f"Error parsing telemetry data - {str(e)}", "payload": payload }) continue # Now iterate through the receiving stations for hotspot in payload['uplink_message']['rx_metadata']: try: hotspot_telem = telem.copy() hotspot_telem['uploader_callsign'] = hotspot['gateway_ids']['gateway_id'] # Handle telemetry arriving via a packetbroker, and try and get the real gateway ID if hotspot_telem['uploader_callsign'] == "packetbroker": try: hotspot_telem['uploader_callsign'] = hotspot['packet_broker']['forwarder_gateway_id'] except: pass # Frequency and modulation metadata is common to all packets # Frequency is in Hz hotspot_telem['frequency'] = float(payload['uplink_message']['settings']['frequency'])/1e6 # Construct the lora modulation details. _bw = int( int(payload['uplink_message']['settings']['data_rate']['lora']['bandwidth']) / 1000) _sf = int(payload['uplink_message']['settings']['data_rate']['lora']['spreading_factor']) _cr = payload['uplink_message']['settings']['data_rate']['lora']['coding_rate'].replace('/','') hotspot_telem['modulation'] = f"TTN (SF{_sf}BW{_bw}CR{_cr})" # SNR and RSSI is unique to each receiver hotspot_telem['snr'] = hotspot['snr'] hotspot_telem['rssi'] = hotspot['rssi'] # There is also a channel_rssi field that we could include... # Can't seem to trust the timestamp in the per-receiver metadata # Example input has some very wrong timestamps in it. hotspot_telem['time_received'] = payload['received_at'] try: hotspot_telem['uploader_position'] = f'{hotspot["location"]["latitude"]},{hotspot["location"]["longitude"]}' if 'altitude' in hotspot["location"]: hotspot_telem['uploader_alt'] = hotspot["location"]["altitude"] else: hotspot_telem['uploader_alt'] = 0 except: pass to_sns.append(hotspot_telem) except Exception as e: errors.append({ "error_message": f"Error parsing hotspot data - {str(e)}", "payload": payload }) continue #print(to_sns) post(to_sns) return errors, warnings def lambda_handler(event, context, ttn_source=False): try: if ttn_source: errors, warnings = upload_ttn(event, context) else: errors, warnings = upload_helium(event, context) except zlib.error: return {"statusCode": 400, "body": "Could not decompress"} except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return {"statusCode": 400, "body": "Not valid json"} error_message = { "message": "some or all payloads could not be processed or have warnings", "errors": errors, "warnings": warnings } if errors or warnings: output = { "statusCode": 202, "body": json.dumps(error_message), "headers": { "content-type": "application/json" } } print({ "statusCode": 202, "body": error_message, "headers": { "content-type": "application/json" } }) return output else: return {"statusCode": 200, "body": "^v^ telm logged"} def lambda_handler_helium(event, context): return lambda_handler(event, context) def lambda_handler_ttn(event, context): return lambda_handler(event, context, ttn_source=True)