import boto3 import botocore.credentials from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest from botocore.endpoint import URLLib3Session from botocore.auth import SigV4Auth import json import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import sys, traceback import uuid import gzip from io import BytesIO # TODO , HEAD S3 object, if it's less than 24 hours check ES, else 302 to bucket HOST = os.getenv("ES") # get current sondes, filter by date, location def history(event, context): s3 = boto3.resource('s3') serial = str(event["pathParameters"]["serial"]) # if there's a historic file created for this sonde, use that instead try: object = s3.Object('sondehub-history', f'serial/{serial}.json.gz') object.load() lastModified =['LastModified'] if not lastModified + timedelta(hours=12) > return {"statusCode": 302, "headers": {"Location": f'https://{object.bucket_name}{object.key}'}} except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404": pass else: # Something else has gone wrong. raise path = "telm-*/_search" payload = { "aggs": { "3": { "date_histogram": { "field": "datetime", "fixed_interval": "1s", "min_doc_count": 1, }, "aggs": { "1": { "top_hits": { "size": 1, "sort": [{"datetime": {"order": "desc"}}], } } }, } }, "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ {"match_all": {}}, { "match_phrase": { "serial": str(event["pathParameters"]["serial"]) } } ] } }, } results = es_request(payload, path, "POST") output = [ {k: v for k, v in data["1"]["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"].items() if k != 'user-agent' and k != 'upload_time_delta'} for data in results["aggregations"]["3"]["buckets"] ] s3 = boto3.resource('s3') object = s3.Object('sondehub-open-data', 'export/' + str(uuid.uuid4())) object.put(Body=json.dumps(output).encode('utf-8'), ACL='public-read', ContentType='application/json') return {"statusCode": 302, "headers": {"Location": f'https://{object.bucket_name}{object.key}'}} def es_request(payload, path, method): # get aws creds session = boto3.Session() params = json.dumps(payload) compressed = BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed, mode='w') as f: f.write(params.encode('utf-8')) params = compressed.getvalue() headers = {"Host": HOST, "Content-Type": "application/json", "Content-Encoding":"gzip"} request = AWSRequest( method="POST", url=f"https://{HOST}/{path}", data=params, headers=headers ) SigV4Auth(boto3.Session().get_credentials(), "es", "us-east-1").add_auth(request) session = URLLib3Session() r = session.send(request.prepare()) return json.loads(r.text) if __name__ == "__main__": print( history( {"pathParameters": {"serial": "T1510227"}}, {} ) )