swagger: "2.0" info: description: "SondeHub v2 API" version: "2.0.0" title: "SondeHub" termsOfService: "http://github.com/projecthorus/sondehub-infra" contact: email: "vk3fur@sondehub.org" license: name: "Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0" url: "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" host: "api.v2.sondehub.org" basePath: "/" schemes: - "https" paths: /sondes/telemetry: put: summary: Upload Radiosonde Telemetry to Sondehub database. consumes: - "application/json" produces: - "text/plain" parameters: - in: header name: Date description: , :: UTC as per RFC7231. This is used to calculate receiver time offset for correcting clients that have the incorrect time. required: true type: string format: date-time - in: header name: User-Agent type: string description: "The software and version performing the telemetry upload, eg: `autorx-1.4.1-beta5`" - $ref: "#/parameters/input_payloads" responses: 200: description: Telemetry Saved into Database Successfuly 500: description: Other Server error (including malformed data submissions) get: summary: Request Radiosonde Telemetry Data description: > Use this to get the current state of all the radiosondes then use the realtime API to access streaming data. Do not regularly poll this endpoint, it is rate limited. produces: - "application/json" parameters: - in: query name: duration description: How far back in time to receive data from. A shorter time period will result is higher time resolution data. required: false type: string enum: - "3h" - "6h" - "1d" - "3d" - in: query name: serial description: Specific serial number to query (if wanted). Requests for data for a single sonde will return the highest time resolution data available. required: false type: string - in: query name: datetime description: "End time to query as an ISO-8601 time string. Defaults to now. Example: `2021-02-02T11:27:38.634Z`" required: false type: string format: date-time responses: 200: description: Returns a dictionary keyed by serial number of a dictionary of times with SondeHub Telemetry values schema: $ref: "#/definitions/sonde_query_results_format" /sondes: get: summary: Request latest sonde data indexed by serial number, with options for position/distance based-filtering. produces: - "application/json" parameters: - in: query name: lat type: number description: "Latitude - if specified, lon and distance are required. Eg: -34.9285" - in: query name: lon description: "Longitude - if specified, lat and distance are required Eg: 138.6007" type: number - in: query name: distance description: "Distance in meters - if specified, lat and lon are required" type: number - in: query name: last description: "How far back to search in seconds. Defaults to 24hrs" type: number responses: 200: description: Returns a dictionary keyed by serial number of a dictionary of times with SondeHub Telemetry values schema: $ref: "#/definitions/sonde_query_results_format" /sonde/{serial}: get: summary: Request telemetry data for an individual radiosonde description: > Use this to request all available telemetry data for an individual radiosonde, specified by serial number. produces: - "application/json" parameters: - in: path name: serial description: Serial number of the radiosonde to request data for. e.g. S1130567 required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Returns a time-sorted array of SondeHub Telemetry objects. If no data for the requested serial number is available, the array will be empty. schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/telemetry_format" /listeners: get: deprecated: true summary: Requests a list of stations that have reported to Sondehub in the last 3 days. Used as a legacy endpoint for tracker.sondehub.org produces: - "application/json" responses: 200: description: List of stations receiving radiosonde data schema: type: array description: Returns an array of objects containing listener data. items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Callsign of the station. tdiff_hours: type: number description: Number of hours since the station was last heard from. lon: type: number format: double description: Longitude of the station lat: type: number format: double description: Latitude of the station alt: type: number description: Altitude of the station, in metres ASL. description: description: Text Description of the station, with HTML formatting. type: string put: summary: 'Allows a station to upload their station information to the SondeHub database, for display on the SondeHub Tracker map. This endpoint can also be used to upload chase-car positions by setting the "mobile" setting to True' consumes: - "application/json" produces: - "text/plain" parameters: - in: body required: true name: body schema: $ref: "#/definitions/listener" responses: 200: description: Station Position successfully uploaded. /sondes/websocket: get: description: Gets a presigned URL for use in connecting to the MQTT websocket endpoint. produces: - "text/plain" responses: 200: description: A presigned URL for connecting to the websocket MQTT feed. /predictions: get: deprecated: true description: Radiosonde landing predictions produces: - "application/json" parameters: - in: query name: vehicles type: string description: If provided, filters predictions to a single provided serial number. Should be provided, but left blank if no filtering is required. responses: 200: description: Prediction results schema: $ref: "#/definitions/predictions" /datanew: get: deprecated: true description: "Legacy endpoint required by the sondehub tracker." parameters: - in: query name: type type: string enum: - positions required: true - in: query name: max_positions type: number - in: query name: mode type: string description: Duration to query enum: - "3days" - "1day" - "12hours" - "6hours" - "3hours" - "1hour" - in: query name: chase_only type: string description: Return only chase cars enum: - "true" - "false" - in: query name: vehicles type: string description: "Filter by serial. Currently only supports either none, or a single serial number" - in: query name: position_id type: string format: date-time responses: 200: description: Results compatible with sondehub mobile-tracker. schema: type: object properties: positions: type: object properties: position: type: array items: type: object /recovered: put: summary: Adds a recovery object to the SondeHub database to indicate if a radiosonde was recovered consumes: - "application/json" produces: - "text/plain" parameters: - in: header name: Date description: , :: UTC as per RFC7231. This is used to calculate receiver time offset for correcting clients that have the incorrect time. required: true type: string format: date-time - in: header name: User-Agent type: string description: "The software and version performing the telemetry upload, eg: `autorx-1.4.1-beta5`" - in: body required: true name: body schema: $ref: "#/definitions/recovery_object" responses: 200: description: Recovery logged 500: description: Other Server error (including malformed data submissions) get: summary: Request Recovery Data description: > Use this to get the recovery data produces: - "application/json" parameters: - in: query name: serial type: string description: radiosonde serial number to filter on. If none provided all serials will be presented - in: query name: lat type: number description: "Latitude - if specified, lon and distance are required. Eg: -34.9285" - in: query name: lon description: "Longitude - if specified, lat and distance are required Eg: 138.6007" type: number - in: query name: distance description: "Distance in meters - if specified, lat and lon are required" type: number - in: query name: last description: "How far back to search in seconds. Defaults to 3 days. Set to 0 for all" type: number responses: 200: description: Returns a list of recovery objects schema: $ref: "#/definitions/recovery_results_format" parameters: input_payloads: in: body required: true name: body schema: description: SondeHub telemetry format items: $ref: "#/definitions/telemetry_format" recovery_object: in: body required: true name: body schema: description: SondeHub recovery format items: $ref: "#/definitions/recovery_object" definitions: recovery_object: type: object required: - serial - lat - lon - alt - recovered_by - recovered properties: datetime: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: Time that the radiosonde was recovered serial: description: Serial number of the radiosonde type: string lat: description: Latitude (decimal degrees) of the recovery location type: "number" format: "double" lon: description: Longitude (decimal degrees) of the recovery location type: "number" format: "double" alt: description: Altitude (metres) of the recovery location type: "number" format: "double" recovered: description: was this recovery attempt was successful type: boolean recovered_by: description: callsign or name of the person who recovered the sonde type: string description: description: Description of the recovery effort type: string sonde_query_results_format: type: object properties: serial: type: object properties: datetime: $ref: "#/definitions/telemetry_format" recovery_results_format: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/recovery_object" telemetry_format: description: SondeHub telemetry format type: "object" required: - software_name - software_version - uploader_callsign - time_received - manufacturer - type - serial - frame - datetime - lat - lon - alt properties: software_name: description: > Name of the decoding software e.g. 'radiosonde_auto_rx', 'dxlAPRS', 'RS41Tracker', 'mySondy' type: "string" software_version: description: > Version of the decoding software e.g. '1.4.0', '20210115' type: "string" uploader_callsign: type: "string" description: > Callsign of the uploader Arbitrary string. Uploader position information and other metadata will be handled separately, but will need to match this callsign to enable calculation of listener statistics. time_received: description: > The time the telemetry packet was received. UTC time in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSSSSZ format. type: "string" format: "date-time" manufacturer: type: "string" description: "Radiosonde Manufacturer, as determined from the transmit modulation and high-level packet format." enum: - Vaisala - Graw - Meteomodem - Intermet Systems - Lockheed Martin - Meteo-Radiy type: type: "string" description: "The high-level radiosonde model, as can be determined just from the transmit modulation and high-level packet format." enum: - RS41 - DFM - M10 - M20 - iMet-4 - iMet-54 - LMS6-400 - LMS6-1680 - MRZ serial: type: "string" description: > Radiosonde Serial Number. Where possible this should be in the format which matches the sticker/label on the radiosonde itself iMet-1/iMet-4 sondes do not provide a serial number, and so auto_rx [generates](https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx/wiki/Model-Specific-Notes#intermet-imet-1--imet-4) a serial number based on launch time and transmit frequency. DFM sondes do not regularly transmit their serial number, and so data from these sondes should not be uploaded before the serial number is known. frame: type: "number" format: "integer" description: > Frame Number, ideally unique over the entire flight. Should be taken from the telemetry. For some radiosondes (DFM, M10, M20), the datetime (converted to a unix time) is used instead of the provided frame number. datetime: type: "string" format: "date-time" description: > Date/Time from the sonde's GPS, provided in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSSSSZ format Some sondes (e.g. iMet, LMS6) do not provide the date portion of the timestamp. In this situation, the date portion should be added on by the receiver. An example of how to handle this problem is [available here](https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx/blob/master/auto_rx/autorx/sonde_specific.py#L13). lat: description: Latitude (decimal degrees) type: "number" format: "double" lon: description: Longitude (decimal degrees) type: "number" format: "double" alt: description: Altitude (metres) type: "number" format: "double" subtype: description: Detailed Radiosonde Model Type, as determined through analysis of the telemetry. type: "string" enum: - 'RS41-SG' - 'RS41-SGP' - 'RS41-SGM' - 'DFM06' - 'DFM09' - 'DFM09P' - 'DFM17' - 'M10' - 'M20' - 'MRZ-H1' frequency: type: "number" format: "float" description: Transmit frequency of the radiosonde in MHz. temp: type: "number" format: "float" description: Measured Temperature (deg C) humidity: type: "number" format: "float" description: Measured Relative Humidity (%) vel_h: type: "number" format: "float" description: Horizontal Velocity (m/s) vel_v: type: "number" format: "float" description: Horizontal Velocity (m/s) pressure: description: Measured Pressure (hPa) type: "number" format: "float" heading: type: "number" format: "float" description: Heading (degrees True) batt: type: "number" format: "float" description: Battery Voltage (volts) sats: type: "number" format: "integer" description: Number of SVs used in position solution xdata: type: "string" format: "ascii hex" description: Auxiliary Data (e.g Ozone data) as a hexadecimal string. snr: type: number format: float description: Signal-to-Noise ratio of the received signal, in dB rssi: type: number format: float description: Received-Signal-Strength-Indication of the radiosonde signal, nominally in dBm uploader_position: type: array items: type: number format: double minItems: 3 maxItems: 3 description: Station position, as a list [lat, lon, alt]. uploader_antenna: type: string description: Station antenna/receiver information, free-text string. listener: type: object properties: software_name: description: 'Software Name, # e.g. radiosonde_auto_rx' type: "string" software_version: description: "Software version number, e.g. 1.5.1" type: "string" uploader_callsign: description: "Station callsign, # e.g. CHANGEME_AUTO_RX" type: "string" uploader_position: description: "Station position, as a list [lat, lon, alt] Note: This may be set to null, which will result in the station position not appearing on the map." type: array items: type: number format: double minItems: 3 maxItems: 3 uploader_antenna: description: Uploader's antenna description type: "string" uploader_contact_email: description: "Optional contact e-mail, to assist SondeHub admins in resolving faults. e.g. user_contact_email@host.com" type: "string" mobile: type: boolean description: "Indicates that the station is mobile, and should appear as a chase car on the tracker map. Set to false if this is a fixed station." predictions: type: array items: type: object properties: vehicle: type: string description: callsign / serial of the radiosonde time: type: string format: date-time latitude: type: number longitude: type: number altitude: type: number ascent_rate: type: number descent_rate: type: number burst_altitude: type: number landed: enum: - 1 - 0 data: description: This is the json output from the Tāwhirimātea predictor http://tawhiri.cusf.co.uk type: string externalDocs: description: "Sondehub Infra" url: "http://github.com/projecthorus/sondehub-infra"