import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import base64 import gzip from io import BytesIO, StringIO import es def get(event, context): path = "ham-telm-*/_search" payload = { "size": 0, "aggs": { "2": { "terms": { "field": "payload_callsign.keyword", "order": {"_key": "desc"}, "size": 10000, }, "aggs": { "1": { "top_hits": { "size": 1, "sort": [{"datetime": {"order": "desc"}}], } } }, } }, "query": {"bool": {"filter": [{"match_all": {}}]}}, } # add filters if "queryStringParameters" in event: if "last" in event["queryStringParameters"]: payload["query"]["bool"]["filter"].append( { "range": { "datetime": { "gte": f"now-{abs(int(event['queryStringParameters']['last']))}s", "lte": "now+1m", } } } ) else: payload["query"]["bool"]["filter"].append( {"range": {"datetime": {"gte": "now-1d", "lte": "now+1m"}}} ) if ( "lat" in event["queryStringParameters"] and "lon" in event["queryStringParameters"] and "distance" in event["queryStringParameters"] ): payload["query"]["bool"]["filter"].append( { "geo_distance": { "distance": f"{int(event['queryStringParameters']['distance'])}m", "position": { "lat": float(event["queryStringParameters"]["lat"]), "lon": float(event["queryStringParameters"]["lon"]), }, } } ) else: payload["query"]["bool"]["filter"].append( {"range": {"datetime": {"gte": "now-1d", "lte": "now+1m"}}} ) try: results = es.request(json.dumps(payload), path, "POST") except: print(json.dumps(event)) raise buckets = results["aggregations"]["2"]["buckets"] sondes = { bucket["1"]["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"]["payload_callsign"]: bucket["1"]["hits"][ "hits" ][0]["_source"] for bucket in buckets } return json.dumps(sondes) def get_telem(event, context): durations = { # ideally we shouldn't need to predefine these, but it's a shit load of data and we don't need want to overload ES "366d": (31622400, 14000), "186d": (16070400, 3600), "31d": (2678400, 300), "7d": (604800, 120), "3d": (259200, 15), "1d": (86400, 1), "12h": (43200, 1), "6h": (21600, 1), "3h": (10800, 1), "1h": (3600, 1), "30m": (1800, 1), "1m": (60, 1), "15s": (15, 1), "0": (0, 1) # for getting a single time point } duration_query = "3h" requested_time = if ( "queryStringParameters" in event and "duration" in event["queryStringParameters"] ): if event["queryStringParameters"]["duration"] in durations: duration_query = event["queryStringParameters"]["duration"] else: return f"Duration must be either {', '.join(durations.keys())}" if ( "queryStringParameters" in event and "datetime" in event["queryStringParameters"] ): requested_time = datetime.fromisoformat( event["queryStringParameters"]["datetime"].replace("Z", "+00:00") ) (duration, interval) = durations[duration_query] if "payload_callsign" not in event["queryStringParameters"] and duration > 604800: duration = 604800 interval = 120 if "payload_callsign" in event["queryStringParameters"] and duration < 604800: interval = 1 lt = requested_time + timedelta(0, 1) gte = requested_time - timedelta(0, duration) path = f"ham-telm-*/_search" payload = { "timeout": "30s", "size": 0, "aggs": { "2": { "terms": { "field": "payload_callsign.keyword", "order": {"_key": "desc"}, "size": 10000, }, "aggs": { "3": { "date_histogram": { "field": "datetime", "fixed_interval": f"{str(interval)}s", "min_doc_count": 1, }, "aggs": { "1": { "top_hits": { # "docvalue_fields": [ # {"field": "position"}, # {"field": "alt"}, # {"field": "datetime"}, # ], # "_source": "position", "size": 10, "sort": [ {"datetime": {"order": "desc"}} ], } } }, } }, } }, "query": { "bool": { "minimum_should_match": 1, "must_not": [{"match_phrase": {"software_name": "SondehubV1"}}, {"match_phrase": {"payload_callsign": "xxxxxxxx"}}], "should": [ { "bool": { "must": [ { "exists": { "field": "sats" } }, { "range": { "sats": { "gte": 1, "lt": None } } } ] } }, { "bool": { "must_not": [ { "exists": { "field": "sats" } } ] } } ], "filter": [ {"match_all": {}}, { "range": { "datetime": {"gte": gte.isoformat(), "lt": lt.isoformat()} } } ] } }, } if "queryStringParameters" in event: if "payload_callsign" in event["queryStringParameters"]: payloads = str(event["queryStringParameters"]["payload_callsign"]).split(",") payload["query"]["bool"]["must"] = { "bool": { "should": [ {"match_phrase": {"payload_callsign": x}} for x in payloads ] } } results = es.request(json.dumps(payload), path, "POST") output = { sonde["key"]: { data["key_as_string"]: dict(data["1"]["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"], uploaders=[ #add additional uploader information {key:value for key,value in uploader['_source'].items() if key in ["snr","rssi","uploader_callsign", "frequency"]} for uploader in data["1"]["hits"]["hits"] ]) for data in sonde["3"]["buckets"] } for sonde in results["aggregations"]["2"]["buckets"] } compressed = BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed, mode='w') as f: json_response = json.dumps(output) f.write(json_response.encode('utf-8')) gzippedResponse = compressed.getvalue() return { "body": base64.b64encode(gzippedResponse).decode(), "isBase64Encoded": True, "statusCode": 200, "headers": { "Content-Encoding": "gzip", "content-type": "application/json" } } def get_telem_full(event, context): if ( "queryStringParameters" in event and "last" in event["queryStringParameters"] ): last = int(event["queryStringParameters"]["last"]) else: last = 21600 # 6 hours if ( "queryStringParameters" in event and "datetime" in event["queryStringParameters"] ): try: requested_time = datetime.fromisoformat( event["queryStringParameters"]["datetime"].replace("Z", "+00:00") ) except: # might be in unix time requested_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(event["queryStringParameters"]["datetime"])) else: requested_time = lt = requested_time + timedelta(0, 1) gte = requested_time - timedelta(0, last) path = f"ham-telm-*/_search" payload = { "timeout": "30s", "size": 10000, "query": { "bool": { "minimum_should_match": 1, "must_not": [{"match_phrase": {"software_name": "SondehubV1"}}, {"match_phrase": {"payload_callsign": "xxxxxxxx"}}], "should": [ { "bool": { "must": [ { "exists": { "field": "sats" } }, { "range": { "sats": { "gte": 1, "lt": None } } } ] } }, { "bool": { "must_not": [ { "exists": { "field": "sats" } } ] } } ], "filter": [ {"match_all": {}}, { "range": { "datetime": {"gte": gte.isoformat(), "lt": lt.isoformat()} } } ] } }, } payload["query"]["bool"]["filter"].append( { "match_phrase": { "payload_callsign": str(event["pathParameters"]["payload_callsign"]) } } ) data = [] response = es.request(json.dumps(payload), path, "POST", params={"scroll": "1m"}) scroll_id = response['_scroll_id'] scroll_ids = [scroll_id] data += [ x["_source"] for x in response['hits']['hits']] while response['hits']['hits']: response = es.request(json.dumps({"scroll": "1m", "scroll_id": scroll_id }), "_search/scroll", "POST") scroll_id = response['_scroll_id'] scroll_ids.append(scroll_id) data += [ x["_source"] for x in response['hits']['hits']] for scroll_id in scroll_ids: # clean up scrolls try: scroll_delete = es.request(json.dumps({"scroll_id": scroll_id }), "_search/scroll", "DELETE") print(scroll_delete) except RuntimeError: pass filename = f'{event["pathParameters"]["payload_callsign"]}.json' content_type = "application/json" # convert to CSV if requested if ( "queryStringParameters" in event and "format" in event["queryStringParameters"] and event["queryStringParameters"]['format'] == "csv" ): import csv content_type = "text/csv" filename = f'{event["pathParameters"]["payload_callsign"]}.csv' # Get the set of all keys in all of the data packets. csv_keys = list(set().union(*(d.keys() for d in data))) # Fields that we don't include in the CSV output (either not useful, or duplicates) remove_keys = ["user-agent", "position"] # Mandatory fields that we put up front in the data mandatory_keys = ["datetime", "payload_callsign", "lat", "lon", "alt"] # Metadata fields that we move to the end. metadata_keys = ["uploader_callsign", "software_name", "software_version", "frequency", "modulation", "baud_rate", "snr", "rssi", "uploader_position", "uploader_antenna", "uploader_radio", "time_received", "raw"] csv_keys = [x for x in csv_keys if x not in remove_keys] csv_keys = [x for x in csv_keys if x not in mandatory_keys] csv_keys = [x for x in csv_keys if x not in metadata_keys] # Sort the remaining keys alphanumerically csv_keys.sort() # Construct our output keys ordering csv_keys = mandatory_keys + csv_keys + metadata_keys csv_output = StringIO(newline='') fc = csv.DictWriter(csv_output, fieldnames=csv_keys, extrasaction='ignore') fc.writeheader() fc.writerows(data) data = csv_output.getvalue() elif ( "queryStringParameters" in event and "format" in event["queryStringParameters"] and event["queryStringParameters"]['format'] == "kml" ): content_type = "application/" filename = f'{event["pathParameters"]["payload_callsign"]}.kml' # Extract some basic flight info for use in KML Metadata callsign = str(event["pathParameters"]["payload_callsign"]) start_datetime = gte.isoformat() # Only get unique date/time data. # This results in a much shorter dictionary. _temp_data = {} for _telem in data: _temp_data[_telem['datetime']] = f"{float(_telem['lon']):.6f},{float(_telem['lat']):.6f},{float(_telem['alt']):.1f}\n" # For a KML output, the data *must* be sorted, else the KML LineString becomes a complete mess. # Get the keys from the dictionary generated above, and sort them. data_keys = list(_temp_data.keys()) data_keys.sort() # Now generate the LineString data (lon,lat,alt) # This could possibly done with a .join, but I suspect that wont be much more efficient. kml_coords = "" for _key in data_keys: kml_coords += _temp_data[_key] # Generate the output KML. # This is probably the simplest way of handling this without bringing in # any other libraries. kml_out = f""" 1 {start_datetime} {callsign} Flight Path 1 {start_datetime} {callsign} 1 aaffffff 2.0 20000000 1 1 1 absolute {kml_coords} """ # Finally replace the data with the kml data data = kml_out else: data = json.dumps(data) compressed = BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed, mode='w') as f: f.write(data.encode('utf-8')) gzippedResponse = compressed.getvalue() body = base64.b64encode(gzippedResponse).decode() if len(body) > (1024 * 1024 * 6) - 1000 : # check if payload is too big content_type = "text/plain" body = "Output is too large, try a smaller time frame" return { "body": body, "isBase64Encoded": True, "statusCode": 200, "headers": { "Content-Encoding": "gzip", "Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="{filename}"', "Content-Type": content_type } } def get_listener_telemetry(event, context): durations = { # ideally we shouldn't need to predefine these, but it's a shit load of data and we don't need want to overload ES "3d": (259200, 1), # 3d, 20m "1d": (86400, 1), # 1d, 10m "12h": (43200, 1), # 1d, 10m "6h": (21600, 1), # 6h, 1m "3h": (10800, 1), # 3h, 10s "1h": (3600, 1), "30m": (1800, 1), "1m": (60, 1), "15s": (15, 1), "0": (0, 1) } duration_query = "3h" requested_time = if ( "queryStringParameters" in event and "duration" in event["queryStringParameters"] ): if event["queryStringParameters"]["duration"] in durations: duration_query = event["queryStringParameters"]["duration"] else: return f"Duration must be either {', '.join(durations.keys())}" if ( "queryStringParameters" in event and "datetime" in event["queryStringParameters"] ): requested_time = datetime.fromisoformat( event["queryStringParameters"]["datetime"].replace("Z", "+00:00") ) (duration, interval) = durations[duration_query] if "queryStringParameters" in event and "uploader_callsign" in event["queryStringParameters"]: interval = 1 lt = requested_time gte = requested_time - timedelta(0, duration) path = "ham-listeners-*/_search" payload = { "size": 0, "timeout": "30s", "aggs": { "2": { "terms": { "field": "uploader_callsign.keyword", "order": {"_key": "desc"}, "size": 10000, }, "aggs": { "3": { "date_histogram": { "field": "ts", "fixed_interval": f"{str(interval)}s", "min_doc_count": 1, }, "aggs": { "1": { "top_hits": { # "docvalue_fields": [ # {"field": "position"}, # {"field": "alt"}, # {"field": "datetime"}, # ], # "_source": "position", "size": 1, "sort": [{"ts": {"order": "desc"}}], } } }, } }, } }, "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ {"match_all": {}}, {"exists": { "field": "uploader_position"}}, { "range": { "ts": {"gte": gte.isoformat(), "lt": lt.isoformat()} } }, ] } }, } if "queryStringParameters" in event: if "uploader_callsign" in event["queryStringParameters"]: payload["query"]["bool"]["filter"].append( { "match_phrase": { "uploader_callsign": str(event["queryStringParameters"]["uploader_callsign"]) } } ) results = es.request(json.dumps(payload), path, "POST") output = { sonde["key"]: { data["key_as_string"]: data["1"]["hits"]["hits"][0]["_source"] for data in sonde["3"]["buckets"] } for sonde in results["aggregations"]["2"]["buckets"] } compressed = BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed, mode='w') as f: json_response = json.dumps(output) f.write(json_response.encode('utf-8')) gzippedResponse = compressed.getvalue() return { "body": base64.b64encode(gzippedResponse).decode(), "isBase64Encoded": True, "statusCode": 200, "headers": { "Content-Encoding": "gzip", "content-type": "application/json" } }